Elvis Week 2015
EIN - The Exclusive Sanja Reports
- Spotlight by Sanja Meegin
EIN Vice-President and special Roving Reporter Sanja Meegin is back in the Promised Land to bring you all her inside stories from Memphis and Elvis week 2015 ....

EIN EXCLUSIVE - Elvis Week - Sunday August 16th, way past Midnight in Memphis.
Last report from The Promised Land ..
Maybe it's too late, sometimes I even hate myself for loving you
Trying to be strong then nighttime comes along and I start wanting you, wanting you.
Where is all my self-control I'm burning way down in my soul, and needing you.
Wishing I could be the man, I try to,
Hating me for wanting you to be with you,
Knowing you don't love me like you used to
But it's Midnight,
Ohh and I miss you.... |
With the Candlelit Vigil as the focus today we decided to check out some alternate sites before the long and emotional night began.
Having partied hard the night before - where-else would be more suitable than dropping to see Ol' Jerry Lee Lewis!

Sadly we couldn't go in but Jerry Lee's house in Nesbit MS looked very inviting.
Jerry Lee's house has gates with pianos on them (of course!) but they looked pretty cool.
The house is very small - ranch style and single- storey but surrounded by lots of land!
(See our 'Elvis V Jerry Lee Lewis' spotlight here!)
We then went to the newest attraction in Memphis that has everyone talking - the Bass Pro Shop at the Pyramid.
This was where previous "Elvis / TCB Band" concerts have been held but it is now no longer a concert / event venue.
The store (camping/fishing/hunting) takes up the entire pyramid - its like a theme park.
You can take an elevator to the very top and go outside on the roof for a spectacular view of the Mississippi River, the bridges and all of Memphis. You can also stay there - but rooms are very expensive.
It opened in May and they already have had over one million people through the doors. |
For once when we arrived at the Vigil the weather was perfect! Cool, not a breath of wind.

We estimated the crowd to be about 10,000 strong. It was no way as big as the 30,000 EPE was saying.
The Crossing and Graceland parking was full to the brim - police had EP Blvd closed off from about 7pm. The crowds had quadrupled as the week went on.
Kevin Kern (the guy who replaced Todd Morgan) opened the ceremony and then a couple of songs played as Priscilla came down the driveway on a golf cart
- and Lisa Marie walked down from the grave with her twin daughters Harper and Finley (all dressed in white with floral halos) all the way down the driveway to the gates.
The Elvis Country Fan Club as always started proceedings and informed us that this year's theme was 'Echoes of Love'.
It was a surprise for all that Lisa Marie was joined by her twins Finley and Harper, and she thanked all the fans for remembering Elvis and how much it meant to them. |

Lisa Marie gave a short speech including saying, “Thank you. I love you. You all have my heart, you always will,” and then Lisa and her hubby Michael Lockwood stood at the gates holding the torch for fans to light their candles from.

It was nice and the crowd was loving it but there were lots of whispers that it should have happened a lot of years before now.
There were lots of media and reporters there.
We think a lot of fans left after the ceremony because it didn't take that long for the long line of fans to die down - it was over much faster than usually.

After signing the wall we lined up at 1.20am and was past the grave and back out the gate by 2.30am. Super quick!
The grave looked beautiful - lots of flowers & tributes.
So after a week of music, fun, dancing, catching up with Elvis' friends, my old friends and meeting new ones - its time to sign off for another year.
And the biggest thank you of all to ELVIS - who brought all of us together for another magical week of celebrations - its been a blast.
It's getting late and I know that's when I am weak
Funny how things have a way of looking so much brighter in the day light
I ought to go to bed to try and straighten out my head and just forget you
Oh but it's Midnight, and I miss you
It's Midnight and I miss you...
Adios until next time and please be carefull driving home.... |
your intrepid EIN Roving Reporter
- Sanja.
EIN EXCLUSIVE - Elvis Week - Thursday August 13th, Midnight in Memphis.
Hi dear Elvis Friends,
Another beautiful day in the Promised Land although this little party animal is not getting enough beauty sleep!
But knowing that I had duty to do I was up early and heading to Tupelo.
Cruising down the highway in our way cool Chevy convertible ELVIS blasting all the way
.... "It's A Wonderful Life, this life I'm livin'" |
Got there in time for the stamp dedication - Mayor of Mississippi and US Postal service reps - lots of media / TV stations.
The Birthplace has had SO many improvements since I last visited it was extremely impressive.
The grounds are beautifully manicured with a huge walkway paved up to the top of the hill behind the Museum where the two new statues are.
And they are AWESOME.
Great likenesses- and larger than real life size.
They look amazing.
Of course Elvis' Birthplace always deserves plenty of time just so any fan can understand where Elvis came from and how astounding his life's journey was.
We walked around bumped into several old friends - and there were lots of people there.
It was only 82F so just perfect weather.

Sitting on Elvis' little porch swing always takes me beck to thinking of Elvis as a little critter unaware of the future that would lay ahead of him. You can almost hear Gladys' voice calling for him to be careful.

And of course visiting the little chapel is a very moving experience.

Afterwards we drove past the old Tupelo Hardware store and stopped at the old fairgrounds to see statue.
Fans should realise that you can own a brick laid at the bottom and have it inscribed.
It's a Cool idea- I want one.
It's an annual treat to stop at Johnnie's Diner for lunch and it was the perfect day to get to be in Elvis' actual booth!
We ran into Guy Harris - who went to elementary school with Elvis - and had a chat to him. He told us stories about how he and Elvis were neighbours until Elvis and the family moved up to Memphis - and it is believed that his mother was nearby during Elvis' birth!
He also told us that he was so proud to have been a guest at the official stamp unveiling.
By now time was running out as we sped home....
"We had motor trouble that turn into a struggle
Halfway across Alabam'"

On the way back we droped by the house that Elvis bought Linda Thompson & her parents. It's at
Old Hickory Road, right around the corner from Graceland. Would have been great if she still lived there - I could have dropped in and said 'Hello' and asked how she remembered her recent trip to Australia! (EIN note - See Sanja's meet up with Linda Thompson here)
It was straight to Marlowes for our annual ELVIS dinner with our friends.
Then to Graceland crossing - which was jumping.
Great music and I noted Billy Stanley was down there.
By the way EPE is featuring a "sample room" of the new Guesthouse - they have it set up at the Crossing. You aren't allowed to take photos but.....
The bathrooms are marble, double shower- amazing. Grand opening is October 2016
People better get their $$$$ ready. Its 5-star all the way.
But talking of cozy beds for two .. now it is time for me to....
..Relax, let's get cozy baby
Come on, let your concrete crack
Cut loose, life is worth the livin'
When you're givin', come on relax
Your intrepid EIN Roving Reporter
- Sanja.
EIN EXCLUSIVE - Elvis Week - Wednesday August 12th, Midnight in Memphis.
It's getting late and I know
That's when I am weak
Funny how things have a way
Of looking so much brighter in the daylight
I hope to go to bed, And try to straighten out my head
And just forget you, Oh,
But It's Midnight ...
Hi dear Elvis Friends, "It's Midnight" in the Promised Land and the partying and "good-times" are fast catching up on this Elvis party-gal....
What a busy gal I have been these past two days..
While the crowds were down we would thought we would take advantage of the barely-there queues and tour Graceland. The weather was perfect - sunny but not too hot.

Thought I would try the VIP Entourage Tour ticket this year, as I hadn’t done a VIP tour for about 5 years. This granted us access to the mansion as well as access to the new That’s The Way It Is Exhibit and the new Archives Building. And of course, you don’t need to line up for anything, you are on the bus, up the drive, and in the house in the space of 5 minutes.
Visitors now can choose to use the interactive ipad audio tour through the mansion, but we decided not to. We spent just under 2 hours in the house and grounds - there is a lot to study! This year we noticed a lot of laser sensors have been installed - on walls, behind curtains etc. Security seems to have been upped quite a bit!
Each time I go to Graceland the first thing that gets me is how small it is. It feels smaller each time - particularly the TV room and pool room. A couple of the jumpsuits have been switched up in the racquet ball court, but other than that, everything is the same as prior years.

And it’s always moving to file by the grave and look at the beautiful tributes fans have left for Elvis.

It was quite rare as this year, I had the entire Meditation Garden to myself for about 20 minutes, before the next person on the tour wandered over.
The TTWII display was good, a few suits and some original contracts. Next stop was the new Archive Building - with interactive displays. Those huge drawers that EPE Archive Director Angie Marchese pulls out on the Oprah special that we have all seen - well, you can pull out a few of those in this area and they all house rare Elvis artefacts. It was really quite interesting.
You then watch a short film of Angie going through the "secret" archive building where she shows a lot of artefacts that I have never seen before and have never been on display. Items such as and orange and green loungesuite that used to sit in the TV room before it had the blue and yellow TCB remodel. Table and chairs and coloring books that used to belong to Lisa, Elvis' glasses and boots, Elvis' army helmet, bedside tables from Audubon Drive.
The warehouse - wherever it may be - is HUGE and filed to the brim with items of furniture, clothing, receipts, contracts and original photographs - some that were found in an old dresser of Gladys's in the attic. It was truly amazing to see how much stuff was in there - and also puzzling as to why none of it has ever been on display - what on earth are they waiting for??

From Graceland we travelled across town to visit Elvis' house on Audubon Drive.
Such a vast contrast to the stately mansion we just left. It’s always nice visiting the Audubon house - the tree lined street is beautiful and the house and grounds always looked manicured.

Whilst we were down in that area, we thought we might as well go back even further in time to where it all began - Sun Studios. By the time we got there we had just closed 15 minutes earlier, but we still took some photos of the outside and will go back another day.
From Union over to Beale for a couple of beers in Jerry Lee Lewis' club and to kick back and watch a great country band - nice way to finish the day.
Up early today for our private tour of Vernon Presley's house on Dolan Street. The house is not open to the public, only for special events. Luckily it was a case of a friend here in Memphis knowing the current tenants - who were gracious enough to let us in for a look around.

The house is quite big for regular suburban home. Downstairs the kitchen has been remodelled some and the front door changed. A chandelier that hung in the kitchen now hangs in the living room. But other than that (and a change in decor) the house is the same.
The current tenants to not own the property and it’s actually a little run down. The owner has said he would take $10,000,00 for it. We think it would take about that much to fix it up!! It’s a ludicrous amount of money to ask - but then again someone might be crazy enough to pay that - as its backyard is literally bordering Graceland.

The gate Vernon used to go through back and forth to visit Elvis has been closed in now, but you can still see the barn to the right and you can see the meditation gardens to the left. Unfortunately the swimming pool is a total wreck. The upstairs of the house is where Billy, David and Ricky Stanley had their bedrooms and also where Priscilla stayed when she lived with Vernon and Dee for a short time.
There is a spa built into the floor in the master bedroom - very modern for the time - and apparently lots of parties were had in there! (use your imagination, but not too much!!)
After our tour there we took in lunch at the Rock n Roll Diner at the Graceland Crossing. The BBQ ribs and pulled pork there is to die for and Southern hospitality at its absolute best. The owner Darryl is truly one of the nicest people I have ever met - and with some killer Elvis stories that would melt your brain - for example, his cleaning company used to have the contract to clean Graceland - UPSTAIRS too.....but that’s a whole other story - I’m still processing everything he had to tell us - truly amazing!!

From here we decided to head back toward downtown and check out the Overton Park Shell, where Elvis performed some 60 years ago. It’s now called Lovell Shell and it doesn’t have the rainbow painted or the wooden bleachers like it did last time I saw it a few years back, but it’s still cool to see and you can imagine Elvis standing down there knockin' 'em dead.
Zipped by the Lorraine Hotel where Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated April 4, 1968 - the facade of the hotel is just as it was when he was shot - with cars parked out front. There is now a Civil Rights Museum attached which is incredibly interesting, and you can understand the importance of 'If I Can Dream' that Elvis sang with so much passion just 2 months later in the 'Comeback Special' - but unfortunately there wasn’t time to tour it on this busy day.
Quick dinner at Marlowe’s and to support the auction raising money to help Sandi Pichon - bumped into Elvis' cousin Billy Smith and his lovely wife Jo. He stopped at our table, shook our hands and stayed for a quick chat. What a lovely lovely man.
Click here to EIN's exclusive 2006 interview with Billy Smith
Sanja with Joe Petruccio
Billy and Jo Smith at Marlowe's |
Back to the Crossing at Graceland and my how the crowds have rolled in today - thank goodness!
Spotted Dick Grob in the crowd - it was packed and we spent quite some time looking for a seat. THIS is how I like my Elvis Week - the buzz was back, and it was awesome.
Dropped in to see my good friend Joe Petruccio and his incredibly talented Elvis Artwork - this year’s new portraits are AMAZING - a lot of it has already been bought by EPE.
Joe is set up there for the next four days, displaying and selling his artwork - I would highly recommend you check it out.
Well that has to be it for today - this girl needs a relaxing Marguerita or two and it's - Off to Tupelo tomorrow!
Over and out until next time!
If you see me around please say "Hi"..
Your intrepid EIN Roving Reporter
- Sanja.
EIN EXCLUSIVE - Elvis Week - Monday August 10th, Midnight in Memphis.
Swing low Sweet chariot, come down easy
Taxi to the terminal zone
Cut your engines and cool your wings
And let me make it to the telephone...
Hi everyone,
from a delightfully warm Memphis summer evening - and, jumpin’ out that hot super-jet from Australia onto the Memphis airport tarmac, it is wonderful to be back.
Here I am again in the 'Promised Land' for my 15th Elvis Week! Glad to be "home" and back amongst all things Elvis.
The weather is hot, the sky is blue - and luckily not as humid as past years. The forecast for Elvis Week looks very fine indeed...
But where is everybody?
We arrived a little earlier this year to a desolate looking Memphis! Not a soul on Beale Street.... Perhaps the crowds are rolling in a little late this year....
First stop this trip was a visit to Horn Lake to find Elvis' Circle G Ranch. I was surprised to see the house is right on the interstate - as in literally the highway is on the front yard.

Clearly things have been built up over the years since Elvis owned the property. The acreage is large and the lake, bridge and huge cross are all visible from the highway. Only thing couldn’t see were the stables, which were tucked back behind bushes behind the locked gate. The whole property is actually private property and we were indeed trespassing - but I’m sure we weren’t the first ones.
The house was very decrepit and literally falling down. The door, although closed, was not locked and we quickly went inside to take a few photos. The smell was terrible! And it was a filthy mess.
The word around town is that the new owners have a massive renovation planned to reconstruct the house brick by brick over near the lake and restore as much of it as they can to eventually open it to the public. Although Elvis only owned the ranch for 2 years in the late 60's - it’s still a part of his history and is visited by lots of fans from all around the world.
Elvis at Circle G - and the auction less than 2 years later
Later that night we did a late night drive by past Graceland at about midnight, and stopped at the gates for a quick chat to our new friend 'Stephen' the night guard. Despite an offer of a cool hundred dollars, he still wouldn’t let us in. LOL.

We walked over to the Crossing, however it was all but finished with only a few people lulling around. Fans will also be sad to know that the "Bud stand" is no longer there. In fact, there is no alcohol allowed at all at the Graceland Crossing. We later found out from a Graceland staff member that Lisa Marie has enforced this new rule and perhaps it’s a way of slowly phasing out the Crossing altogether to coincide with the opening the new Guesthouse hotel.
The development has begun, and although the construction hasn’t started yet, the ground has been excavated and things are in full swing.
Today we decided to check out Beale Street - it was super empty! Where on earth are all the fans this year?
Stopped by the New Daisy Theatre and popped my head in for a quick listen to ETAs Ben Portsmouth and last year’s Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist winner Jay Dupris - rehearsing for their show tonight.
I have to say, it sounded awesome with an orchestra and I’m sure it would have been a super show. Coming up later this week (Aug 12 7pm) at the same venue is "Elvis Meets the Beatles" with Cody Slaughter as Elvis.
The New Daisy is only a small venue, so if you plan on getting tickets, I would wait too much longer or you may miss out. |
We continued onto the Hard Rock Cafe where I was told that the special edition Elvis pins were not issued this year. Huh? I’ve been collecting them every year for as long as I can remember. Nobody could tell me why, but it was decided that none would be issued this year.
As I tucked into a yummy meal and had a chat to my old friend Tom Brown (Turner Classic Movies/EPE) we both discussed the short film "Nobody" that was just screened for the 100 or so fans that had turned up. The film was written and directed by William Bryan (who was there to introduce it). Although a little corny and really nothing new, it was pleasant enough to watch. Only 20 minutes long, it detailed Elvis's life at 18 years old - when he was nobody - before everything would change and he would become the most famous "somebody" in the world.
Tom Brown commented how he liked the fact that films like this (that had absolutely nothing to do with EPE) were being screened at independent movie festivals around the world, and the non-hard-core fans could see how Elvis story started.

From there we headed back to the Graceland Crossing, but once again it was quiet and not many people there. Hopefully it will be a bit busier over the next few nights. Tomorrow we visit Mecca (Graceland) and hope to see the new Tupelo exhibit.
"Send out to the store, And let us buy some more, And let's have a party tonight"... this girl needs to find little more action in this town...
"Los Angeles give me Norfolk Virginia
Tidewater four ten o nine
Tell the folks back home this is The Promised Land calling,
And the poor girl is on the line"
Great to be back in Memphis, and I'll be back with more news soon...
Your intrepid EIN Roving Reporter
- Sanja.
Spotlight by Sanja Meegin.
EIN Website content © Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
-Copyright EIN August 2015 - Do NOT copy images or text without permission.
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- - - ELVIS WEEK 2015 NEWS - - - |
Elvis Week 2015 starts: On August 16, 1977 Elvis Presley died at Graceland, his sanctuary and estate in Memphis, Tennessee. He was just 42 years old. The news sent a wave of shock and sadness as the world mourned the man who transformed how we listen to music and so much more. "Elvis Presley's death deprives our country of a part of itself. He was unique and irreplaceable... His music and his personality, fusing the styles of white country and black rhythm and blues, permanently changed the face of American popular culture," wrote President Jimmy Carter at the time.
All this was quite the achievement for a boy who grew up poor, had failed one of his high school music classes, and was the first member in his immediate family to graduate from high school. But Elvis' unique sound and cool soulfulness inspired legions of great artists from John Lennon to Elton John. As Keith Richards later shared, "Before Elvis, everything was in black and white. Then came Elvis. Zoom, glorious Technicolor." Bruce Springsteen said, |
"It was like he came along and whispered some dream in everybody's ear and somehow we all dreamed it." Even Leonard Bernstein respected Elvis, remarking, "Elvis is the greatest cultural force in the 20th century."
38 years after the King's passing, Graceland continues to get more than 600,000 visitors each year. Graceland is one of the most popular home tours in the United States. In fact, each August, to commemorate his death, thousands of Elvis fans descend upon Graceland to celebrate the superstar's life, music, movies and legacy. At the end of "Elvis Week" the remembrances and tributes conclude with a solemn candlelight vigil on the anniversary of his August 16th passing.
EIN's Sanja Meegin has just arrived back in Memphis to report on all things ELVIS for EIN readers!
EIN was the first website with a daily blog from Elvis Week - and once again Sanja will report on the inside gossip without the all-too-common marketing BS. |
2015 Elvis Week Starting Today...: The first day of Elvis Week in Memphis and EIN's Sanja Meegin will soon be reporting back on all the stories. Elvis Week 2015 this year runs from Saturday, August 8 - Sunday, August 16.
EPE has announced special guests including Spinout co-star Diane McBain, singer Brenda Lee, former Shelby County Sheriff Bill Morris, Sandy Martindale (who dated Elvis), songwriter Mac Davis, super-drummer Hal Blaine, Roger Semon and John Jackson, vice president of Sony Legacy plus Priscilla.
Elvis' back-up singers, Susan Pilkington, Mary Holladay, and Ginger Holladay are late special guest additions.
For the first time, Elvis Week will include a tutorial on Elvis Presley and his impact on popular culture for younger fans called “Elvis 101”.
Below are the
Elvis Week 2015 Highlights.
Sunday, August 9
- George Klein’s Elvis Mafia Reunion in Alfred’s, 197 Beale Street.
Tuesday, August 11
- Conversations and a Movie featuring "Spinout" followed by a special Conversations event featuring Elvis co-star Diane McBain.
Elvis is known to have given Diane McBain an underlined copy of ‘The Impersonal Life’ and spoke to her of his spiritual interests. It will be interesting to see what she reveals.
Wednesday, August 12
- USPS Elvis Stamp Dedication Ceremony. North lawn, Graceland at 8am. Elvis will be commemorated on a USPS Forever Stamp with Priscilla Presley attending.
Thursday, August 13-
- Elvis 101 - will feature scholars, authors and those who have spent hundreds of hours studying Elvis Presley talking in-depth about different aspects of the King of Rock 'n' Roll's life and career. Confirmed guest speakers include Michael Bertrand, author of "Race, Rock and Elvis" and Roger Semon, Elvis historian and others.
The Auction at Graceland – 7pm at Graceland Archives Studio.
Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest Final Round at The Orpheum Theatre includes the top 10 Elvis tribute artists from the Semifinal Round plus 2014 winner Jay Dupuis.
Friday, August 14
. Official Graceland Insiders Conference with special guests including Mac Davis and Sandy Martindale, plus Roger Semon and SONY's John Jackson.
.Elvis in Vegas Tribute Concert featuring the Terry Mike Jeffrey Band. 8pm Main Stage, Graceland. Join us for an evening of music at the Elvis Week Main Stage as we celebrate Elvis in Vegas with a special concert event featuring Terry Mike Jeffrey and his band.
EIN notes that somewhat surprisingly there is no special “Elvis Concert” this year - and that this “Elvis In Vegas Tribute” is the nearest thing to the usual special event.
Saturday, August 15
10am - Conversations on Elvis – special guests include Wrecking Crew super session drummer Hal Blaine, singer Brenda Lee and former Shelby County Sheriff Bill Morris (right) who was a good friend of Elvis’.
Hal Blaine has played on 50 number one hits including Elvis, Nancy Sinatra, The Beach Boys, Simon & Garfunkel, John Denver, The Ronettes and many more. It will be interesting to hear his stories about working with Elvis.
3pm - In the Studio with Norbert Putnam and David Briggs – Andy Childs sits down with some of the musicians who shared the studio with Elvis for an afternoon of music and story-telling. Pianist David Briggs and bassist Norbert Putnam (both shown in photo, right) will share their stories of working and recording with Elvis.
8.30pm - Candlelight Vigil – Gates of Graceland. After an opening ceremony at the gates of Graceland, fans are invited to walk up the driveway to Elvis’ gravesite and back down carrying a candle in quiet remembrance
Sunday, August 16
* Elvis Sunday Morning Gospel Celebration - 10am Elvis Week Main Stage, Graceland. Join us for a special close out to Elvis Week with a Sunday morning Elvis Gospel Celebration. The event will feature an acoustic gospel set by Terry Mike Jeffrey plus performances by former members of J.D. Sumner and The Stamps Quartet featuring Donnie Sumner, Bill Baize, Ed Hill and Larry Strickland.
Plus earlier in the week, the usual selection of 'Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contests' and semi-finals that for some reason regularly sell out.
For all the details plus ticket options go HERE to EPE's Schedule of Events.
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
Download the Elvis Week 2015 App: EPE have announced that the Elvis Week 2015 app is here!
Keep up with all of the latest news, get the official schedule, see all of the special guests and get exclusive offers with the free Elvis Week app.
The app also features maps, exclusive videos, a photo booth and a candle, in case you need one for the Candlelight Vigil. Allow push notifications to get the news the second it happens during Elvis Week, which is August 8-16. The app even tells you the Memphis weather.
Download the Elvis Week app for free from Google Play for Android phones or iTunes for iPhones. If you have last year's version of the app, all you'll need to do is update the app.
Go HERE to EPE to download the app.
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet)
Elvis' "Starburst" Jumpsuit Withdrawn from Graceland Auction: The item that was getting the most publicity and driving the media postings, Elvis' "Starburst" Jumpsuit, estimated at $100,000-150,000, has been suddenly withdrawn from this week's Graceland Authenticated auction. No official explanation has so far been published.
As EIN noted only a few days ago...
Among the 174 items to be included in the August 13 auction, notable items include:
Elvis Presley Light Blue “Starburst” Jumpsuit worn in 1973 at the Las Vegas Hilton and other concerts
(Estimated $100,000-150,000)
EIN notes there is an oddity about this jumpsuit and where are all the photos of Elvis wearing it? The auction catalogue says, “Sometimes tragedy becomes serendipity, as is the case with this Elvis Presley stage-worn jumpsuit from his 1973 Las Vegas Hilton shows and concert tours. With its parts damaged, disassembled and then reunited after decades, it has emerged as a complete and original stage worn artifact from the peak of Elvis' 1970's performing career.“
EIN wonders if Graceland has discovered some fakes among the supposedly "Authenticated" auction lots?
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis Stamp on sale Thursday in Tupelo: Tupelo and Memphis are both gearing up for Elvis Presley Week and now the U.S. Postal Service is getting involved.
"The Music Icons: Elvis Presley Commemorative Forever Stamp" goes on sale next week. The stamp features a black-and-white image of the young "King of Rock 'n' Roll."
On Wednesday, there will be a dedication ceremony at Graceland in Memphis.
On Thursday, the stamp goes on sale in Tupelo with a dedication ceremony at the Elvis Presley Birthplace in Tupelo.
Some souvenir envelopes from the 1993 commemorative issue of the Elvis Presley Stamp will also be on sale.
Presley was born in Tupelo on Jan. 8, 1935, and moved to Memphis with his parents at age 13. He was 42 when he died Aug. 16, 1977, in Memphis.
Go here to the Tupelo Birthplace Website.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
"Listening Party" for New Elvis Album at Elvis Week 2015: As suspected by EIN there will be a special PREVIEW of Elvis' new album "If I Can Dream: Elvis Presley with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra" featuring classic Elvis vocal performances with brand-new orchestral accompaniment, at Elvis Week in Memphis.
The album will be released worldwide on October 30, 2015 but fans attending Elvis Week 2015 at Graceland in Memphis can hear the new album exclusively at a listening party on Wednesday, August 12 at the Elvis Presley Automobile Museum at Graceland.
An exciting revisit of Elvis’ work, "If I Can Dream" focuses on the iconic artist’s unmistakable voice, emphasizing the pure power of The King of Rock and Roll. Recorded at Abbey Road Studios in London with acclaimed producers Don Reedman and Nick Patrick, the 14-track album features Elvis’ most dramatic original performances augmented with lush new arrangements by The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
Go HERE to EPE's Elvis Week schedule
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet)
Graceland Auction Online bidding now open: The third auction of rare and authentic Elvis artifacts and memorabilia will be held during Elvis Week 2015, featuring an impressive 174 lots, making it the largest and most comprehensive auction yet held on the grounds of Graceland. The live Auction will take place in the Graceland Archives Studio on Thursday, August 13, 2015, at 8:00 pm
You can start bidding now at GracelandAuctions.com.
Fans, music collectors and pop culture enthusiasts from around the world are expected to participate on site and online in this unprecedented auction, with all 174 lots expertly authenticated by the staff of Graceland Authenticated. All of the items in the auction will be offered from third-party collectors and none of the items included in the auction will come from the treasured Graceland Archives. NOTE - the mansion and all artifacts in the Graceland Archives continue to be owned by Lisa Marie Presley and are not for sale.
Among the 174 items to be included in the August 13 auction, notable items include:
Elvis Presley Light Blue “Starburst” Jumpsuit worn in 1973 at the Las Vegas Hilton and other concerts
(Estimated $100,000-150,000)
EIN notes there is an oddity about this jumpsuit and where are all the photos of Elvis wearing it? The auction catalogue says, “Sometimes tragedy becomes serendipity, as is the case with this Elvis Presley stage-worn jumpsuit from his 1973 Las Vegas Hilton shows and concert tours. With its parts damaged, disassembled and then reunited after decades, it has emerged as a complete and original stage worn artifact from the peak of Elvis' 1970's performing career.“
Elvis Presley Jacket from the “Viva Las Vegas” dance scene with Ann-Margret. Worn in the movie during the Nevada gymnasium stage "C'mon Everybody" scene.
The offered jacket is one of two created by Sy Devore, noted Hollywood wardrobe designer.
(Estimated $30,000-50,000)
Elvis Presley-Owned Gold Owl-Shaped Ring gifted to a fan from the stage
(Estimated $15,000-20,000)
Elvis Presley's Personal Walther Model PPK/S 9mm Kurz Handgun - Ornately Engraved "Elvis" and “TCB"
(Estimated $100,000–125,000)
Elvis Presley and Colonel Parker Signed Hollow Body Electric Guitar - This six-string Conrad hollow body double-cutaway |
electric guitar, model 40185, has been signed by both Elvis and Colonel Parker on the body. Elvis has inscribed a big, bold signature — "Respectfully yours Elvis Presley" — and Colonel Parker has simply signed "Col. Tom Parker." The guitar was taken backstage concert on December 31, 1976, in Pittsburgh, PA where it was handed to Elvis in his dressing room. He he signed 'Respectfully Yours Elvis Presley.' It is likely that he may have strummed the guitar before he handed it back. Col Parker autographed this guitar in Las Vegas at a later date.
(Estimate: $25,000 - $35,000)
1957 EPE Elvis Presley Doll in rare original box
(Estimated $7,000-10,000)
You can start bidding now at GracelandAuctions.com. Click Here
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
New Guests At Elvis week: EPE are excited to announce some great new guests for Elvis Week 2015! Elvis' back-up singers, Susan Pilkington, Mary Holladay, and Ginger Holladay - who backed Elvis on some of his greatest hits - have been added to the Graceland Insiders Conference on August 14 to share their stories of working with Elvis. Susan Pilkington, Mary Holladay Pederson, and Ginger Holladay, along with Jeanne Green and Donna Thatcher, sang back up for many of the top artist in the late '60's and 70's. These five vocalists (in various combinations) sang on the Memphis recordings for B.J. Thomas's "Hooked on a Feeling," Neil Diamond's "Holly Holy," The Box Top's "Cry like a Baby" and such artists as Percy Sledge, Joe Tex, Joe Simon, Sonny and Cher, Merrilee Rush and Joan Baez. However, it was Elvis Presley's 1969 American Sound Studio's recordings of "Suspicious Minds" and "In the Ghetto" |
that was the zenith of their careers. “Long Black Limousine,” “Kentucky Rain,” and "Any Day Now” are among the numerous songs they did with Elvis at American Sound. They also recorded backup vocals in Memphis for Elvis on both of the 1973 Stax Studio sessions. Mary and Ginger later toured with Ronnie Milsap, Linda Ronstadt and others.
Priscilla Presley will also make an appearance at the Official Graceland Insiders Conference on August 14 as part of the Sony Panel on Friday afternoon. (EIN notes - Hopefully she will reveal more than last year)
Elvis' friend and TV game show host Wink Martindale will share his memories of the King of Rock 'n' Roll at Conversations on Elvis on Saturday, August 15.
(News, Source; EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
USPS Announces New Elvis Stamp & Exclusive CD: The US Postal Service has confirmed the new Elvis Presley Commemorative Forever stamp today and joined with Sony Music’s RCA/Legacy Recordings in announcing the upcoming debut of an exclusive 'Greatest Hits' CD titled "ELVIS FOREVER". The CD includes 'If I Can Dream' "as you’ve never heard it before" taken from the new September 2015 CD Sony release with Elvis remixed along with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and other special guests.
The CD will be available online and in select US Post Offices from August 12 — on the same day as the Elvis Presley stamp dedication ceremony.
Priscilla Presley will join Postmaster General Megan Brennan in dedicating the stamp on the morning of Aug. 12 at Graceland in Memphis as part of this year’s Elvis Week celebration.
The exclusive CD features 17 of Elvis' greatest hits along with the newly remixed "If I Can Dream".
Launched in 2013, the Music Icons series consists of beloved musicians whose blend of sound and way of life broke musical boundaries. The first inductees were Lydia Mendoza, Johnny Cash, Ray Charles, Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin.
The Postal Service previously honoured Presley on a stamp in 1993. The Smithsonian’s National Postal Museum calls that stamp the most popular U.S. commemorative stamp of all time.
This stamp features a 1955 black-and-white photograph of Presley taken by William Speer. In the bottom left corner, between the words "Forever" and "USA," is a small gold crown, a nod to Presley’s nickname, The King of Rock ‘n’ Roll. Presley’s signature, in gold ink, also is featured along the right side of the stamp.
The square stamp pane resembles a vintage 45 rpm record sleeve. One side of the pane includes 16 stamps while the image of a sliver of a record seems to peek out of the top of the sleeve.
An image of Presley performing was shot by photographer Alfred Wertheimer and the logo for the Music Icons series appear on the reverse side of the stamp pane.
Click here to US POST to preorder on-line.
The stamp is available in various forms including a first day issue letter.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
Alabama Collector Finds Rare Elvis recording: After years of collecting and selling vintage clothing Lori Watts at an estate sale in Tuscaloosa late last year she found a Unique Elvis Acetate. On the front was written "Elvis Presley — to Shelia Smith, Sept. 26, 1956, Tupelo, Miss."
"When he first handed me the record, I got chills. I knew immediately it was something special."
It turns out that the record is Take 28 of "Don't Be Cruel," recorded by Elvis Presley in New York City on July 2, 1956.
(EIN Notes - This is unfortunately the single MASTER take of "Don't Be Cruel")
Elvis, 21 at the time, had made his first national television appearances that year after releasing "Heartbreak Hotel." At the July recording session at RCA in New York Elvis recorded "Don't Be Cruel" with "Hound Dog" on the B side. Watts took the record to Graceland in Memphis, where it was authenticated and will be featured in the August Auction. |
"The presented original acetate recording of Elvis' 1956 hit 'Don't Be Cruel' is certainly as significant as artifacts of this nature come," the auction catalog reads. "It represents a key moment in Elvis' development as an artist in control of his art form."
Watts first listened to the record, which begins with Elvis saying "Shelia, I'm going to play this record for you." She then researched the date, and learned that it fell after the New York recording session and the day of the Mississippi-Alabama Fair and Dairy Show.
"That's the date of a very important show, a turning point in his career," she said. "He had left Tupelo as a kid, and was coming back as the king of rock 'n' roll."
While the record's origin was fairly easy to trace, the identity of Sheila was not. The record's estimated value is between $3,000 and $5,000. The auction will take place in the Graceland Archives Studio on Aug. 13.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis Week Through The Years - Sanja Meegin looks back: EIN's Sanja Meegin has been to Memphis and attended Elvis Week 13 times in the past 15 years. During that time she has witnessed great concerts as well as met up with many of Elvis’ family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances.
For the past decade Sanja has done her best to get to every concert, book signing, ceremony, convention, appearance and memorial that she could manage and report back to EIN for those who couldn’t be there to experience it for themselves. Of course that hasn’t been easy when combined with the excruciatingly hot Southern summer temperatures, the lure of cocktails on Beale Street and keeping the hours Elvis kept whilst there – party all night, sleep all day - but she has done her best! - Part of our EIN 100th newsletter celebration!
Go here as Sanja looks back at her fifteen years of visiting the Promised Land and Elvis Week.
(Spotlight; Source;ElvisInfoNetwork) |
(Left:Graceland Wall)
(Right:Elvis' Speedway jacket in the shop window) |
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