Elvis Week 2012
EIN - The Exclusive Sanja Reports
- Spotlight by Sanja Meegin
Read all the EIN exclusives from our EIN Vice-President and special Roving Reporter Sanja Meegin
MEMPHIS August 2012 - The EXCITEMENT in the air is HOT to touch and full of electricity. This is going to be one MASSIVE Elvis Week. -
I truly feel like a 'Hunka' Burning Love' with all the excitement although I'm sure it's all going to catch up with me later....
The weather for once is only about 34c and perfect nights - even with a breeze.
What more could an Elvis Girl want than a maguerita in her hand, breeze in her hair, warm summer nights and ELVIS to cuddle up with!
Let's hope it stays that way.
"Lord almighty, Feel my temperature Rising"
Great to be back in Memphis...
- Sanja Meegin - August 10, 2012.
Read all the EIN exclusives below. |
EIN EXCLUSIVE - Elvis Week DAY 8 & 9 - Friday/Saturday August 17/18th, way past Midnight in Rockin' Memphis.
Last report from The Promised Land ..
Maybe it's too late, sometimes I even hate myself for loving you
Trying to be strong then nighttime comes along and I start wanting you, wanting you.
Where is all my self-control I'm burning way down in my soul, and needing you.
Wishing I could be the man, I try to,
Hating me for wanting you to be with you,
Knowing you don't love me like you used to
But it's Midnight,
Ohh and I miss you.... |
Well dear friends all good things come sadly to an end so here is my final report from The Promised Land.
It's 2.30am here and I tell you what - I'm going to sleep for a whole day when I get to Hawaii!!
Yesterday I finally toured the mansion properly to soak up the end-of-the-week loving Elvis vibes.
I caught up again with Jerry Schilling and George Klien who were doing a radio special and also bumped into Gary Hovey.
The addition of the 'Elvis on Tour' exhibit is also an addition to the ticket price which is only viewable as part of the VIP package. |
The only thing that I noticed really different in the mansion this year was the early 50's Elvis memorabilia has been changed round a bit.
However it is still nice walking through Elvis' house with that feeling of familiarity, even if not much has changed.
The horses were also out in the paddocks, which I hadn't seen before.
And of course I signed the wall.
I heard from EIN member Susan McDougall about a strange incident at the Friday night ETA contest.
During Round 2 of the Ultimate ETA Contest at the Cannon Center the fire alarm went off and couldn't be silenced until the fire brigade arrived!
The compere Joey Sulipeck sang "If I Can Dream" to entertain the audience as the fire alarm continued.
He joked that, "It’s a false alarm - Just some Burnin’ Love up here!"
Perhaps it was actually too much hot air from the Contest?!
The Shawn Klush/Cody Slaughter concert (with the late 11pm start at the Canon Centre) was surprisingly BRILLIANT and worth every penny of the $80 ticket price.
Both are past ETA Contest winners and it was easy to see why.
I had seen Shawn Klush recently in Melbourne (above left) and he was fabulous - but seeing him perform on Elvis' home turf was a real treat.
Undoubtedly one of the best ETAs I've seen (and I've sure seen a few too many!).
Cody Slaughter as 50's Elvis was something to be seen to be believed.
He has an uncanny resemblance (above right) not to mention the moves and magnificent voice.
The crowd's reaction spoke volumes with several standing ovations.
The concert featured many familiar faces from the Elvis world which helped make it feel all the more real. There was Ray Walker and Gordon Stoker from the Jordanaires, The Sweet Inspirations, Millie Kirkham and the Blackwood Quartet.
In the audience were Joe Esposito, Cynthia Pepper and Marion Cocke.
As a nice touch everybody was available for autographs and photographs after the concert.
I thought by today - the 18th - that most people would have gone home but judging by the numbers in the tent a lot had stayed on to take in the finals of the ETA contest tonight and the Jamie Aron Kelley/Terry Mike Jeffrey farewell to Elvis Week 2012 concert that started at 10.30pm. |
Featured in the tent today, amongst others was, Sean Spiteri (right) from Australia who although didn't make it past the first round of the ETA concert, was very popular during his performance at Graceland Crossing. |
While there is ONLY ONE ELVIS - luckily I was supplied a ticket for the ETA finals contest.
Yet again here was an Elvis related concert filled with real excitement and with the Canon Centre being completely sold out.
The 10 finalists all gave solid performances and some were outstanding.
The winner was Ben Portsmouth from England (right).
In second place Victor Trevino Jnr and third to Peter Storm.
Any one of these guys deserved to win - and a special mention to Ted Torres who placed in the top 5 and was clearly a crowd favourite to win - maybe next year! |
So after a week of music, fun, dancing, catching up with Elvis' friends, my old friends and meeting new ones - its time to sign off for another year.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to come up to me to let me know how much they enjoy our website.
And the biggest thank you of all to ELVIS - who brought all of us together for another magical week of celebrations - its been a blast.
It's getting late and I know that's when I am weak
Funny how things have a way of looking so much brighter in the day light
I ought to go to bed to try and straighten out my head and just forget you
Oh but it's Midnight, and I miss you
It's Midnight and I miss you...
Adios until next time and please be carefull driving home.... |
your intrepid EIN Roving Reporter
- Sanja.
Please click here tell EIN what you thought of Sanja's exclusive reports
Lisa Marie & Elvis 'I Love You Because' Duet: One of the highlights of the Elvis Week FedEx 35th anniversary concert was Priscilla's rare home movies of Lisa and Elvis, accompanied by their duet on 'I Love You Because' one of Elvis' early SUN songs.
Halfway through the video (as you can see HERE) Lisa Marie joined Elvis harmonising and also then showed some home-movies of Elvis' grandchildren.
After the song finished a spotlight hit the stage and Lisa Marie walked out to talk with Elvis' fans.
Lisa Marie asked "Did you like that?" and honestly told the huge crowd, “Once again there’s nowhere else that I’d rather be. And no one else I’d rather be with on this day and on this special night. We appreciate you and we love you.”
Go HERE for the Lisa Marie/Elvis 2012 duet on YouTube along with "That's All Right".
(News, Source;YouTube/ElvisInfoNet) |
EIN EXCLUSIVE - Elvis Week DAY 7 - Thursday August 16th, long past Midnight in Rockin' Memphis.
Hi Fans,
The Elvis 35th Anniversary Concert was phenomenal - best EVER.
Well, I heard the news
there's good rockin' tonight.
Well, I heard the news
There's good rockin' tonight.
I'm gonna hold my baby as tight as I can. |
The orchestra was amazing - Elvis' voice was very clear and super loud.
For the first time ever we actually felt like we were actually at a concert.
It was super emotional.

The show started with a little clip of the Tupelo house flying through the air and then there was a replica of the house on stage and someone dressed as young Elvis and a Gladys and Vernon.
It was hard to spot an empty seat except in the very farthest nose-bleed sections.
Then it all blended into the start of the concert - 50's, movies, gospel, 68 comeback, TTWII and Aloha.
Priscilla came on a couple of times to Introduce segments and Lisa Marie came on after intermission.
This year the special duet was "I Love You Because" featuring Lisa Marie and Elvis - in the same way that they had performed 'Don't Cry Daddy' together at the 25th anniversary.
They played a video clip she put together of home movies of her and Elvis and her children - she said she wanted to show everyone his grandchildren. Lisa Marie thanked everyone "for all we do" said there was "nowhere in the world she would rather be and that all her family was there and she was completely happy". |
The Stamps, The Imperials, The Sweets, Norman Putman on bass, Paul Leim drums for Ronnie (who is touring elsewhere) and then James Burton and Glen Hardin.
The Memphis quartet "fusion" stood in for the Jordanaires.
They did that clever "hologram thing" and the floating feather again and a little clip of Shawn Klush with Jerry Schilling and Joe Esposito walking backstage at the Hawaii concert as a re-enactment.
The whole thing looked great.
It truly was just an amazing show and there was a fabulous electricity in the air.

Priscilla came on the stage during the last song - 'If I Can Dream' and shook hands with all the musicians and singers and was swaying and singing with everyone.
It was an ASTOUNDING event.
Afterwards I happened to bump into Alfred Wertheimer as we were walking out.
I had a brief chat with his and he said he was bringing his photographic collection down under sometime soon as a special exhibition.
See EIN Wertheimer spotlight here.
What a day, I'm touring Graceland tomorrow and then there is the semi-final of the ETA contest as a special whim of a good friend. |
There is ONLY ONE ELVIS - and Elvis was back in the building tonight!
I say, well meet me in a hurry behind the barn,
Don't you be afraid, darling, I'll do you no harm
I want you to bring along my rockin' shoes,
'Cause tonight I'm gonna rock away all my blues.
I heard the news,
There's Good Rockin' Tonight.
Until tomorrow, your intrepid EIN Roving Reporter
- Sanja.
EIN EXCLUSIVE - Elvis Week DAY 6 - Wednesday August 15th, way past Midnight in Memphis.
Hi Fans,
There must be lights burning brighter somewhere
Got to be birds flying higher in a sky more blue
If I can dream of a better land,
Where all my brothers walk hand in hand
Tell me why, oh why, oh why can't my dream come true....
Apologies to one and all, but this morning I was all too hung-over from last night’s Beale Street partying to make the start of the 'Conversations on Elvis Movies' session.
But I did hear that Robert Dye ( EPE Photography Manager) revealed some good stories before Priscilla took the stage. |
Priscilla told stories about how fans aren’t allowed upstairs in Graceland and inside Elvis’ bedroom, yet when she and Lisa Marie visit Elvis’ rooms "Elvis’ spirit is still there!"
The real emotional highpoint of Elvis Week is of course The Candelit Vigil.

There is little I can really impart to those that have already witnessed this outpouring of emotion.
But this year Lisa Marie and Priscilla were there- their first ever together.
Lisa Marie said that, "The reason I avoid these things is because they are so emotional".
When "If I Can Dream" started playing over the loudspeaker the crowd couldn’t help but feel overcome with emotion and the song and the theme was all empowering. It is what Elvis and his life was about. If I Can Dream for a better land…
Before the crowd filed through the Elvis Country Fan Club ended their presentation with the crowd singing along to ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love’ with everyone feeling overcome with emotion at this special time in all our lives.
Most estimates put crowd at 75,000 but to me looked less than for the 30th anniversary.
The lines started early but the turn-around time from lining up to reaching the grave seemed to be 4 hrs.
We lined up at 3am and were at the grave at 4.30am so it paid to wait.
The weather for once was PERFECT.
Every fan was happy to relax out the front of Graceland and just chat.
I saw my friend Billy Stanley in the crowd and it was the first vigil he had been to.
However neither of his brothers were in Memphis this year.
He mentioned that Dee just turned 87 and was living in Nashville.
Jerry Schilling was over at the SIRIUS ELVIS RADIO stand talking to the fans.
And Priscilla was here earlier in the day.
The magnificent ground art pic was done by Scott Dixon - who had been to every vigil since it started. |
The best of all 14 vigils I have been to. Just gorgeous.
- Walking up that path with the glowing candle saying so much.. the lightness of the breeze as Elvis' deep and soulful songs played in the darkness.. so many emotional moments ...
It is always an unforgettable experience that words cannot properly explain, but something that every true Elvis fan should share at least once.
- Elvis, thank you for enriching all our lives.
To be honest, as I am sure most fans realise, it felt a bit weird to have the vigil so early in Elvis week.
It is usually at the end of the week, but there are still so many events to come.
So Stay Tuned!
Deep in my heart there's a trembling question
Still I am sure that the answer gonna come somehow
Out there in the dark, there's a beckoning candle
And while I can think, while I can talk
While I can stand, while I can walk
While I can dream, please let my dream
Come true, right now
Until tomorrow, your intrepid EIN Roving Reporter
- Sanja.
EIN EXCLUSIVE - Elvis Week DAY 5 - Tuesday August 14th, Midnight in Memphis.
Hi Elvis Friends,
A little less conversation, a little more action please
Baby close your eyes and listen to the music
Drifting through a summer breeze
It's a groovy night and I can show you how to use it
Come along with me and put your mind at ease....
First thing this morning I was up early and headed to the Fan Club Presidents event.
To be honest sometimes you have to wonder whether EPE is all about honoring Elvis amazing legacy, or just making themselves money.
Jack Soden started things with a welcome speech and since it is the 30th anniversary of when he helped open Graceland the crowd showed their support.
But after that it was several hours of (boring) marketing and licensing speeches.
They mentioned new Elvis luggage being released. Tommy Hilfiger releasing a limited edition T-Shirt as are Triumph. The biggest excitement was Hello Kitty - doing an Elvis release.
Then there were fan club presidents handing over cheques to The Humane Society and Presley Place.
Brad Wallis (President of Pacific Historic Parks) was there to talk about Arizona Memorial and discussed new donations and fan club involvement.
There was a brief talk by Angie Marchese (Director Graceland Archives) about them shipping containers of artefacts over to Brazil for a massive Elvis display. She informed us that the containers left this week.
She also talked about a new exhibit at Graceland to open in May 2013 - "Elvis Live From Las Vegas"
A celebration of Elvis in the media showed us that "Elvis is still everywhere" with all the commercials on TV this past year that included either Elvis or his music and also shows such as American Idol and Glee.
A GREAT positive of Elvis Week 2012 is the new massive tent that the events are held in. Fully air-conditioned and it is a really good venue, don't know why they didn't do it years ago.
Scott Williams, EPE Marketing man also plugged the hell out of Hawaii Jan 2013 for the 40th anniversary of Aloha. (EIN will be there!)
Then after 2 hrs of that marketing company blurb some genuine Elvis greats came on stage!
The TCB band's James Burton, Joe Guercio and Glen Hardin came out to tell their Elvis stories.
They were in good humor, mucking around with Tom Brown the EmCee. The astonishing fact that they are STILL on stage playing with "Elvis" is not lost on them.
They all talked about the love and respect they had, and still have for Elvis and his amazing fans. |
Afterwards I talked with them and had a lovely hug from my friend Glen Hardin.
I chatted to James Burton who said that he might be coming down under to Australia next year for something he is doing with Mick Gerace. |
Walking amongst the fans it is a real pleasure to hear how much they enjoy the EIN website and strangers have been coming up to me to tell me how much they love it.
Thanks everyone for your support.
After that went to Sun Studios for a malted. Didn't do tour this year, there were too many people in the queue and I have seen it several times recently.
Dropped into the Peabody to take a peek at the auction - lots of jewellery starting at $5,000 and up - mostly Elvis' rings - and people were bidding at those prices!
Went to Lanskys – and apparently just missed Bernard who I thought was too ill nowadays. I will go back another day.
Beale Street was calling and a few more "Blue Hawaiians" to share with good friends. I felt so good I needed to Rhumba in a sports car - or at least do the Bossa Nova!
Graceland Crossing still beckoned and so I dropped in on Joe Petruccio, who remembered me from last time we met.
He is a lovely man and his talent blows me away - he has some great works for the 35th anniversary for sale. |
Bumped into Billy Stanley and had a chat about life and old times.
We laughed about our previous Night Rider fun together on the Harley Davison from two years ago!
He also told me about his day at the Dolan Street where he had spent most of the day with Linda Thompson, and a few others. |
The tent was full to the brim tonight, most I've seen so far.
It’s an exciting Elvis week, one of the very best.
A little more bite and a little less bark
A little less fight and a little more spark
Close your mouth and open up your heart and baby satisfy me
Satisfy me baby....
Until tomorrow, your intrepid EIN Roving Reporter
- Sanja.
EIN EXCLUSIVE - Elvis Week DAY 4 - Monday August 13th, Midnight in Memphis.
Hi Elvis Friends,
The rush of ELVIS week and the love of meeting up with long-lost friends is taking its toll, but this girl needs to party!
Some people like to rock
Some people like to roll
But movin' and a groovin'
Gonna satisfy my soul
So let's have a party tonight
The first Elvis Insiders Conference took up a fair part of my day. This year EPE seems to have got everybody that has ever had anything to do with our man involved. The guest list is stunning.
Today we saw the amazing D.J. Fontana, Elvis buddies Jerry Schilling and Larry Geller. Old girlfriends Dixie Locke and the lovely June Juanico, plus Mary Ann Mobley and the irrepressible Wanda Jackson.
It is always great to hear these true friends of Elvis tell their stories once again, and many came from the heart - Elvis so affected every one of them in so many ways.
Of course a lot of serious fans will have heard most of these stories before - but for many fans they were new and eye opening.
It was lovely to hear June Juanico relate stories of Elvis in Biloxi back in the early, golden days. The fishing trips giving Elvis a break from the mayhem as his life started to get out of control.
(Right; DJ Fontana - now an incredible 81 years old!) |
Jerry Schilling - (right shaking my friend Tony Z's hand) was there to talk about Elvis and Nixon with plenty of stories that you will have read in his excellent book (See EIN's Jerry Shilling interview here).
Similarly Larry Geller showed his care of Elvis in the later years. Perhaps if Elvis had truly followed a healthier lifestyle who knows what might have happened. (See EIN's Larry Geller interview here).
The incredible Wanda Jackson who is now close to 75 is still performing (she put out a new album last year!) It's amazing to learn that she not only toured with Elvis but also Johnny Cash, Buddy Holly and Jerry Lee Lewis before they were really superstars. She somewhat surprisingly talks about Elvis being a quiet and shy type of guy - even when he was rock and rollin' on stage. |
Afterwards there was an autograph session but the lines as usual were very long.
PS - Thanks to my friend Tony Ziino for the snaps.
After another visit to say hi to Keith Alverson and check out my good friend Derek's photo collection at The Clarion (see info from yesterday) - I then did the evening walk up at Graceland. The house looked beautiful under the glowing night's sky.

There are lots of nice floral tributes already.
In the warmth of the evening and with that special Elvis aura all around, I always feel that I am back to the soul and spirit of Elvis Week.

Later we went to Marlowes for dinner and met up with the excellent Jamie Aron Kelley. (see EIN JAK interview here)
This year he is only doing 3 shows this week for EPE and has decided just to enjoy being an Elvis fan for a change and soak up the special Elvis Week vibe.
Tomorrow is the Fan Club Presidents get together and even this party girl needs some rest - BUT with a Blue Hawaiian cocktail in my hand who can I hear knocking at my door......
Now Honky Tonky Joe
Is knockin' at the door
Bring him in and fill him up
And set him on the floor....... |
Until tomorrow, your intrepid EIN Roving Reporter
- Sanja.
EIN EXCLUSIVE - Elvis Week DAY 3 - Sunday August 12th, Midnight in Memphis.
Hi Elvis Friends,
After the rush and excitement of yesterday's Tupelo trip, this motorcycle girl was well worn out.
Relax, kick your shoes off baby
Relax, here we are alone
Relax, if the phone rings, let it
Just forget it, we're not at home
But it was time to get out and soak up the ELVIS vibe around Graceland.
We spent the morning browsing through the souvenir shops at Graceland crossing and catching up with friends. The crossing area seems to have a less tacky feel and less tacky stuff this year.
I even bought a T-Shirt and I NEVER do!
I met up with Elvis photographer and good friend Keith Alverson.
This year Keith has a fabulous collector's Elvis photograph presentation - along with Harold Newton and George Hill's pictures.
Lots of brilliant photos, some rare treats I have never seen before.
This year there are some great Elvis enlargements on canvas that look superb.
It's at the Clarion Hotel, so don't miss it.
The Elvis Presley memorabilia show is also there, so plenty to see.
The lines for the mansion tour are starting to get quite long now. |
It's heating up today but still bearable and with those perfect nights.
After soaking up the vibe we all headed to Coletta's for dinner.
As most fans should know this is the restaurant where Elvis used to eat all the time in the early 70's.
It hasn't changed much at all or been renovated and has the BEST pizzas in the world.
It was our annual Elvis echat dinner and this year there was 26 of us including Keith Alverson.
I returned to the Graceland Crossing after dinner which was packed and had some good singers in the tent.
All the shops are doing booming business.
(Right;Cute fans at the Graceland Crossing) |
I have a great ELVIS story I need to tell you all.
I met a lovely lady from Canada, Barb Dobie, who met Elvis several times and just happened to have her album full of polaroids she took. I sat down with her as she told me her "Elvis Stories".
Barb (right) had been an Elvis fan since she saw him in Jailhouse Rock when she was just 8 years old. She met him in 1967 the first time when she was 19- at his house on Rocca Place. Her and her friends were peeking over the fence when Elvis' collie started barking and Red West ran out to see what was happening and carrying his shotgun!!
However Red West was actually very nice and was only worried about crazy stalkers. When Red saw they meant no harm told them to come back the next day and Elvis would meet them at the gates.
Sure enough Elvis was there as promised, took pictures and signed autographs. Barb remembers him singing "God didn't make little green apples" as he was signing them.
The following year she saw Elvis again at his Monovale Drive home and made a point of telling her he remembered her from last year. I asked her what stuck in her mind the most and she said his eyes were so blue, he was very slim and he had perfect skin.
Barb went to several of his concerts over the next 8 years including Vegas, Seattle, Lake Tahoe and Portland Oregon where she had front row in November of 1970. She mentioned that Elvis only threw one scarf during those concerts and it was made of thick silk. From then on the Colonel had the cheaper satin ones made up. Of course that night she caught it and still has it to this day. She also filmed every concert she saw and a lot of her super 8 footage can be seen on the DVD Return To Splendour. |
Always nice to listen to a fan recollect their memories of seeing Elvis - something I can only ever dream about.
By then it was time to unwind with a cooling cocktail and relax.
Cut loose, let your hair down honey
Unwind, turn the lights down low
Relax, let's uncork the stopper
Come to papa, come on let's go
Until tomorrow, your intrepid EIN Roving Reporter
- Sanja.
EIN EXCLUSIVE - Elvis Week DAY 2 - Saturday August 11th, Midnight in Memphis.
Night rider, night rider
You may think that it's the breeze
Whispering through the lonely trees
But it's only him a'flying round the bend
As the day comes to an end
Hi dear Elvis Friends, "It's Midnight" in the Promised Land and I'm about to collapse after a non-stop day soaking up those gorgeous Elvis vibes with nearly my whole day spent in Tupelo.
The Memphis sunshine was out and it was a nice hot day - but pleasantly hot. I straddled my Harley-Davidson and made the trip to Tupelo and ended up spending the whole day there.
First stop, of course, was to tour the house Elvis was born in.
Sitting on the porch on the old swing gives you time for great reflection on how far Elvis had to strive to get from this two-room shotgun shack to being the greatest entertainer we have ever known. |
The wonderful house, and kissing a young Elvis (in my dreams!). |
Also went through the wonderful museum there - always worth another visit, including a couple of Elvis' shirts, Gladys & Vernon's original marriage certificate and lots of rare old photographs of Elvis from his years in Tupelo.
I then toured the chapel & the church Elvis attended Sunday school in. Both full of wonderful early Elvis atmosphere you can almost touch, again this gave me more time for peaceful reflection. A nice edition was the Fountain Of Life, (below, left) which is a new edition to the property.
Also new is a small cinema inside the museum - that screened a short film on Elvis and Jesse's birth, Elvis' performances at the State Fair and his early school years in Tupelo.
The new development has been done very well.
From there we went to eat at Johnnie's Diner - where Elvis was a regular customer during his school days and also visited during his later years.
This year we were FINALLY able to sit in Elvis' booth to eat our lunch.
Next stop was Priceville Memorial Gardens where Jesse Garon is buried in a unmarked grave.
Of course nobody knows where that is but rumour has it he is buried at the foot of a tree alongside the other Presley graves we were able to find.
From there we travelled to what is left of the Mississippi State Fair grounds.
Recently totally redeveloped and a new statue of Elvis erected (we ALL agreed that the likeness was very poor and sadly we were somewhat disappointed in the statue).
The remainder of the fairgrounds that is yet to be redeveloped is marked for new condominiums.
Last stop was a visit to the huge Tupelo Flea Market - where we found a few EP memorabilia items.
By the time retuned to Memphis the gates at Graceland were just closing after the evening walk up - so a quick visit to the shops for some souvenirs and then onto Beale St to grab our Special Edition Elvis Week 2012 pins from the Hard Rock cafe. Luckily we decided to stop in as they were very close to being sold out.
Beale Street is now PACKED - shoulder to shoulder. As was the tent at Graceland!
Dear friends it's all happening now!!!
You should all be here!
Cautioned my baby to stay at home
Not to leave mama's side
She laughed when I told her take care, take care
Or you'll share in his midnight ride
Night rider, night rider.......
Your intrepid EIN Roving Reporter
- Sanja.
EIN EXCLUSIVE - Elvis Week DAY 1 - Friday August 10th, Midnight in Memphis.
Some people like to Rock,
Some people like to Roll,
But movin' and a-groovin'
Gonna satisfy my soul!
Hi everyone from a rather delightfully warm Memphis night as the breeze wafts through my hair. Due to unforseen circumstances I missed out last year so I am truly happy to be "home" again and in the town that I so love. As the newspaper says "Welcome to Elvis Week."

Rocking into town on Thursday night after touching down on the Promised Land, where else was there to go but check out the Hard Rock cafe. Always nice to check out the great selection of memorabilia - I know I'm in MEMPHIS - but the exclusive Elvis Week pins are not released yet.
They are being released this Saturday at 10am and they are expecting thousands in the Line-Up. The three "last chance" Heats are as usual being held there over the next 3 nights for ETA contest.
Strolled my way down Beale Street which was a bit quiet last night but there is ELVIS tension in the air with lots more local US fans arriving this evening. Man, oh Man, there is a real buzz about just how big this Elvis Week is going to be.
The first official event for the week was the Memphis Redbirds baseball game tonight.
The first 500 through the gates got a special Elvis bobble head - 2012 special edition.
Terry Blackwood sang Star Spangled Banner and they played Elvis songs on the big screen right through the night. Everyone stood for Elvis singing 'America the Beautiful' - very patriotic.
About 3000 fans there to see the Redbirds win 3-1.
After the game Ted Torres - ETA finalist performed a mini outdoor concert at the stadium gates - which despite not being the real thing (There is ONLY ONE ELVIS!) was a great warm up to what promises to be a sensational week.
The weather for once is only about 34c and perfect nights even with a breeze.
What more could a Elvis girl want more that a maguerita in her hand, breeze in her hair, warm summer night and ELVIS to cuddle up with!
Lets hope it stays that way.
I wandered over to check out Graceland but to late the gates were closed. Still, nothing really compares with that feeling of standing at the entrance to the King's world. Tomorrow, it's first to TUPELO and then through the gates, and up to the house for a tour.....
"Los Angeles give me Norfolk Virginia
Tidewater four ten o nine
Tell the folks back home this is The Promised Land calling
And the poor girl is on the line"
Great to be back in Memphis, and I'll be back with lots more news tomorrow...
Your intrepid EIN Roving Reporter
- Sanja.
Spotlight by Sanja Meegin.
EIN Website content © Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
-Copyright EIN August 2012 - Do NOT copy images or text without permission.
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Elvis Week concert promises to be 'best of the anniversary shows': Producer Stig Edgren never loses his sense of wonder at the power of Elvis.
The impresario has staged massive events for popes and presidents, from Yankee Stadium to L.A.'s Dorothy Chandler Pavilion to the Royal Albert Hall. But he still gets a huge charge out of producing and watching fan reaction to the Elvis multimedia concerts that have, since 1997, come as close as possible to getting the fabled entertainer back on stage.
On Aug. 16, the Elvis 35th Anniversary Concert will be held at FedExForum, the latest in the series of extravaganzas Edgren has produced for EPE. "We're looking to knock it out again," he says.
The star of the event is Elvis projected on video screens, but only those images and his voice are recorded. Everything else is live, and that includes a cast of singers and instrumentalists, many of whom worked with the entertainer over the years. Those include drummer D.J. Fontana, music director Joe Guercio, TCB Band members James Burton and Glen Hardin, bassist/producer Norbert Putnam, The Sweet Inspirations, and former members of J.D. Sumner and the Stamps, The Imperials and The Dempseys.
Priscilla Presley will narrate and Lisa Marie Presley will be on hand to deliver a surprise to the audience. In the 1997 show, the highlight was a duet with Lisa Marie and her late father on the video montage "Daddy, Please Don't Cry." Ten years later she did a similar duet on "In the Ghetto."
For Edgren, the challenge is, after 15 years of these shows, to keep it fresh. And while it's true there's no new material, he manages to keep finding a way to mix it up. "It's constantly evolving," he says. "I'm always finding footage or a new intro or a song we haven't used or a way to bring one segment to another — so there are always new things."
This year's show will have 50 songs grouped in segments that are roughly chronological.
"We have a new opening with a big surprise that's cool," Edgren says, "but different from what we've done before and the fans will get a kick out of it. It's emotional, too."
Other segments will include a tribute to Elvis' early years with 1950s footage playing with Fontana.
There's also a segment featuring Elvis' film career, and a new segment from the 1968 Comeback Special. The Gospel portion will feature those groups that worked with Elvis, like the Imperials, the Stamps and Sweet Inspirations.
Of course there's a Vegas segment, as well, with footage from the early 1970s, and another called Aloha from Hawaii.
"This is probably the best of the anniversary shows," Edgren says. "We've taken a condensed version of the show to Europe about six times, and we've been to Japan, Singapore and Australia. This fall we're taking it to Brazil for the first time."
Go HERE for more info and tickets
(News, Source;Memphis CommAppeal/ElvisInfoNet) |
Download the Elvis Week 2012 Event Guide HERE : Whether you can make it to Memphis for Elvis Week or not, you can still check out the 2012 Elvis Week Event Guide featuring upcoming Elvis events, products, news and more!
"ELVIS: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" - In 1955, Elvis was alive, alive as a young man, a singer from the south singing his way out of poverty, full of ambition and the momentum to take on the world. His story is well-known, well-documented and wellweaved into the fabric of American folklore. Thirty-five years after his passing, there is still only one - and people still seek out this man.
Elvis Aaron Presley keeps you coming back; for a performance that has gone beyond his lifetime and bears a repeated encore for more. On the 35th anniversary of his death, Elvis is still here with us now more than ever. His influence still continues to be felt along with the legacy he left behind through his music, movies, photographs and larger-than-life legend.
The Elvis of today is many, many things beamed out into the virtual landscape; accessible to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Just as teenagers once dropped a needle on their new Elvis LPs, new fans discover his music everyday. They hear that one-of-a-kind sound coming out of their digital music players, view his image up on their modern-day silver screens and see him swivel, shake, bop and croon up on digital stages. There is no need for a comeback - he’s been here all along. Elvis is alive... alive as his voice booms out of a satellite radio station, alive when someone new hears his songs and sings along, alive every time a young singer emulates him and thinks "I want what Elvis had." Elvis is alive when his songs are part of a personal music mix created for someone special, alive every time someone sees him move for the first time and dances their way across their bedroom. Elvis is alive when a person makes their first pilgrimage to Graceland....
Download the Elvis Week brochure for the full article.. CLICK HERE.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork) |

(Left:Graceland Wall)
(Right:Elvis' Speedway jacket in the shop window) |
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