One of the most exciting experiences for any Elvis fan, is meeting someone from his inner circle – someone who was there right by his side for the highs and lows and the joys and pain that was part of Elvis’ incredible life.
It is amazing to hear recollections of memories from those who were on the "inside" and last night in Melbourne Australia, EIN V-P Sanja Meegin had the privilege of meeting Linda Thompson – Elvis’ live-in girlfriend of 5 years and Sam Thompson – Elvis’ friend and Chief of Security for a time.
EIN's Sanja Meegin tells all ...
Oct 13th 2013 – Frankston Arts Centre, Melbourne, Australia.
Elvis "Then and Now" staring Mark Andrew. Guest speakers Linda Thompson and Sam Thompson
Sam Thompson, EIN's Sanja Meegin, Linda Thompson
One of the most exciting experiences for any Elvis fan, is meeting someone from his inner circle – someone who was there right by his side for the highs and lows and the joys and pain that was part of Elvis’ incredible life.
It is amazing to hear recollections of memories from those who were on the "inside" and last night in Melbourne Australia, I had the privilege of meeting Linda Thompson – Elvis’ live-in girlfriend of 5 years and Sam Thompson – Elvis’ friend and Chief of Security for a time.
Both Linda and Sam were just as I had expected them to be – gracious, polite, endearing, affable, lovely, lovely people. Sam was a real ‘Southern gentleman’ and Linda a very down-to-earth, kind lady. They were in Australia as guest speakers at the "Elvis Then and Now Tour" starring well known ETA Mark Andrew. A cocktail party for VIP ticket holders gave 50 lucky people a chance to chat with Linda and Sam, have items signed and take photographs before a 2 hour concert that featured them reminiscing of their time with Elvis, in between Mark Andrew performing live with his 12 piece band.
Before the cocktail reception began I was lucky enough to have a quick chat with both Linda and Sam. Firstly I was pleasantly surprised to hear that Sam is a fan of EIN and reads our website quite often. He is in fairly regular contact with our occasional contributor Marty Lacker. Oh and if you are reading this Marty – Linda said to tell you "Hi Moon"!
My question for Linda was about all the jewellery Elvis gave her, does she still wear it and would she ever part with any of it? She mentioned that her TLC diamond encrusted necklace is locked away in a safety deposit box and that was one thing she would always keep. She said that Elvis gave her a LOT of jewellery and because its not something that she wears today, its all just sitting there – along with all the jewellery that she has accumulated over the years from both her marriages to Bruce Jenner and David Foster.
I mentioned that perhaps she might hand it down to granddaughters- if ever she were to have any. She liked that idea – but said that eventually there will be a few pieces that she will sell down the track.
I had a quick chat to Sam (an incredibly tall 6ft 4" !) about his job as Elvis Chief of Security. He said there were a few times where there were a couple of "nuts" in the audience that would lunge at the stage with knives – and he and the other bodyguards would react in a split second and take them down before Elvis even knew what was going on! |
Linda and Sam were more than happy to meet each and every person at the meet and greet and spend a few minutes with each, before it was time for the concert to begin.
Mark Andrew has been entertaining Elvis fans all over Australia for many years now and has acquired quite a loyal following.
There weren’t many spare seats at this particular performance and the show was enjoyable.
Mark Andrewstarted with a few early 50’s songs, moved through to the army, the movies, the 68 Comeback Special and finished with Elvis in the 70’s. With the support of an excellent band, the 400-strong audience were delighted.
Intermittently, Linda and Sam would appear on stage to share some of their stories and memories of life with Elvis.
This was Linda’s second visit to Australia – her first being 33 years ago when she visited with her then husband Bruce Jenner. |
Linda regaled us with many stories on the night – she told of how she was an Elvis fan way before she ever got to meet him on that hot July night back in 1972. It was a night she still laughs about now. David Stanley was the first to talk to her and her friend Jeanne Lumay at the theatre that night in Memphis. Everyone was pretty much seated and waiting for Elvis to arrive and then all of a sudden there he was – in a heavy black suit (middle of summer!) with a long black cape with bright red lining. He reminded her of Dracula!
Elvis was walking around the cinema with his flashlight, shining it in each person’s face to see who was there – when he saw Linda’s face – he stopped and right away sat next to her. After Elvis tried the old yawn and stretch to put his hand around her, Linda whispered to Jeanne "we have to get out of here, he is trying to kiss me" – she was worried that Elvis was still married and she didn’t want any part of it. Finally Elvis said "Honey you know I'm not married anymore, I've been separated since last December". With that Linda said her demeanour changed and SHE was all over HIM! He invited her to come to Graceland the very next day and of course she did, and their relationship developed from there.
She remembered how she used to write a lot of poems for Elvis and he had always wanted her to put them to music and publish them as he though they were that good. She was too shy at the time and said they were personal and just for him. Now she regrets it a little! Being a very accomplished song writer & lyricist – she has written songs for Kenny Rogers, Michael Buble, Kelly Clarkson and even won an Emmy for Best Song from the movie The Bodyguard, when she wrote "I Have Nothing" for Whitey Houston – and she is still writing now.
She also shared a story about how Elvis loved to show her off when they first started dating. He took her shopping at the outrageous Suzy Creamcheese (a women’s clothing store in Vegas in the 70’s) where she bought a long white crocheted dress – that left very little to the imagination (see below)– to wear to a Tom Jones concert they were going to the following night. Elvis wanted to show off his new girlfriend. Of course the dress worked wonders, Elvis got the compliments he was fishing for from Tom Jones.
Three years down the track and again it came time for Linda & Elvis to go and see Tom Jones in concert – again in Vegas. Linda said she slipped into the sexiest outfit she could find and came out to show Elvis who said "you ‘ain't wearing that Honey" and she said "but I thought you wanted me to look sexy like last time" and Elvis replied with "that was then, you are my woman now!"
Elvis & Linda 1972 on the way to Tom Jones’ concert
Linda mentioned how spiritual Elvis was and how he wished he could have gone to Church on a regular basis. She said he had the best sense of humor and they were constantly laughing all the time.
Linda signed off by saying that Elvis was the most "wonderful, generous, kind, passionate and sensitive man" she has ever met in her life, and she thanked the audience for their continued support in keeping his memory alive.
Sam Thompson worked for the Sheriff’s Department and left his job there to go and work for Elvis full time in 1976 – he was his head Chief of Security from that time right up until when Elvis passed away. However, he also became very good friends with Elvis from about 1972 onwards, when his sister Linda began dating Elvis. He and Elvis were very close during those years – Elvis even bought him a house in 1973 right around the corner from Graceland.
Sam told a few amusing stories about his time with Elvis – one in particular about Elvis’ obsession with law enforcement badges. Elvis had a black case full of badges – police, federal agent and DEA badges – and he carried it around with him on tour. Every time Elvis came face to face with someone in law enforcement, he would say "you know, that’s a real nice badge" and of course, the officer would take it off and give it to him right away!
One time in June 1977 in Wisconsin, Sam was travelling on tour in the limo with Elvis, Joe Esposito and Billy Smith. Elvis still had his jumpsuit on and a DEA Jacket over the top. Unbeknownst to the other guys in the car, Elvis had seen a brawl at a gas station and yelled out "stop the car!". He slid out of the limo, ran over to the guys and threw a karate move in the hope of breaking up the fight. Once the guys realised it was Elvis Presley, they stopped fighting, took photographs and got Elvis’ autograph. As the limo drove off – everyone in the car looked back to see the guys smiling and laughing and looking at their autographs!
Sam said he was one of the few people that Elvis trusted to look after Lisa – and he was the designated bodyguard that would fly with Lisa back and forth from Priscilla’s house in Beverly Hills to Graceland. He said he would board the plane, flash his badge and say "I’m with the Sheriff’s Department and this is Elvis Presley’s daughter" – and that got them the best seats on the plane every time!
Dec 1973, Elvis’ Suite at the Las Vegas Hilton
Sam also talked a little about the TCB necklace – he had his on this particular night. Sam said that when Elvis gave you a TCB necklace or in the ladies’ case, a TLC necklace – you were "in tight" with him. He didn’t hand them out to just anyone, only the inner circle. Sam’s wife has one also. He said that when Elvis gave them out, Elvis himself would put it around your neck, and recite a little TCB oath he had written. Sam said he wears his often and would never part with it.
Finally the audience was asked if any of us had ever seen Elvis live in concert? A hush fell over the auditorium, for none of us there had ever had the pleasure. Sam said there was nothing quite like the experience of the band starting the first strains of 2001 – A Space Odyssey. He said once the kettle drums started, and the house lights dimmed, the hair would stand up on the back of his neck. Then came the trumpets (which apparently were added in one day by Joe Guercio because Elvis was running late!) and finally, Sam would hold back the big curtain for Elvis to make his entrance. And on this night, he held the curtain back for Mark Andrew – which was a nice touch....
During the tour Mark Andrew performed many segments from Elvis Presley's famous ‘68 Comeback Special and Las Vegas shows. Linda Thompson shared her lifetime experiences spent with the King, and talked about the early years of being brought up in Memphis with the rise of Rock N Roll and the Hillbilly Cat. Sam Thompson spent 4 years with Elvis as his Chief of Security and also shared his personal stories, being there so close to the Rock N Roll Star.
The final Australian show for 'Elvis Then and Now' was October 16, 2013. You should have been there. |
Article by Sanja Meegin.
-Copyright EIN October 2013
EIN Website content © Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
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Linda Thompson - Interview Special: Linda Thompson was romantically involved with Elvis in the 1970s and, except for Priscilla, was probably the most import partner that Elvis ever had. She lived with Elvis at Graceland for four and a half years, from 1972 to 1976. When Elvis was admitted to Baptist Memorial Hospital for eighteen days in November 1973, Thompson stayed with him in the same room. The hospital bent its rules and supplied her with a cot.
Elvis' close friends have always stated that without Linda Thompson by his side an earlier death was a clear possibility.
As part of Elvis Week 2010, EIN presents an interview special with Linda Thompson - combining Alanna Nash's 2007 interview along with the longest interview Linda Thompson has ever done for CNN in 2002.
(Interview, Source/ElvisInfoNet/AlannaNash) |
Sam Thompson, Elvis' bodyguard, 2011 Interview: Sam Thompson first met Elvis in November 1972. At the time Elvis was dating Sam's sister Linda Thompson. As an officer with the Shelby County Sheriff's Department, Elvis and Sam became fast friends. In July 1973, Elvis purchased a home for Sam less than a mile from the gates of Graceland. Sam travelled with Elvis on the road tours from 1972 until 1976 as Elvis' friend and companion. In July 1976, Sam went to work full time for Elvis, as his personal bodyguard and tour advance man, providing security for Elvis at Graceland, his other homes in California and on all the road tours, including hotel and airport security.
Do not miss this fascinating interview where Doug Elfman discovers the true character of Sam Thompson and his deep-friendship with Elvis.
(News, Source;LasVegasJournal) |