'The Nation's Favourite Elvis Song'
Review by Brian Quinn
An EIN Spotlight
UK's 'The Nation’s Favourite Elvis Song', the UK 90-minute special tells the story behind the 20 greatest songs ever recorded by Elvis Presley and reveals The Nation’s Favourite Elvis Song.
Mixing rich archive footage and home videos with new interviews, the documentary paints a picture of the man behind the music, telling the story of how these timeless songs came about and what impact they had on the world.
The show features different generations of international pop stars and musicians influenced by Elvis as well as Priscilla Presley who also gives a rare interview about the King and his music.
“When Elvis sang a song that he loved, he’d get lost. He’d forget people were around. You’re witnessing a moment, you almost feel like you’re invading his privacy.”
EIN contributor Brian Quinn checks out this new Elvis special for 2013...
Help Elvis Make It To Number One: With the battle yet again between Elvis and The Beatles in the UK charts why not help Elvis by purchasing a copy of the new UK compilation?
You can get the 'The Nation's Favourite Elvis Songs [Deluxe Edition]' the double album for only £12.99 (US$22 ) - free postage in the UK.
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"The TV special was like a sprinkling of magical dust in the eyes and ears of a nation".
..... As an Elvis fan I thought the TV programme was excellent and better than expected. It seemed to fly by especially with the invasive interruption of advertisements. The sound was excellent and most important there were no impersonators involved. It was rapid moving and to the point. |
Put over in a documentary style it featured all the main points one would want featuring including his UK record of No.1 Hits and his one billion worldwide record sales making him the best-selling solo artist of all-time.
Of course one can always argue about the one billion figure as they could about the figure of 20 million given for the worldwide sales of ‘Its Now Or Never’.
The countdown went from 20 to 1 with the ultimate winner being ‘Always On My Mind’ just narrowly beating out ‘Suspicious Minds’. I do feel that Priscilla may have had the final casting vote for this track, however. |
The twenty tracks featured in countdown order were:
20 King Creole
19 If I Can Dream
18 Don’t Be Cruel
17 Viva Las Vegas
16 Heartbreak Hotel
15 American Trilogy
14 It’s Now Or Never
13 All Shook Up
12 Blue Suede Shoes
11 The Wonder Of You
10 Are You Lonesome Tonight? (including laughing version)
9 Return To Sender
8 Love Me tender
7 Hound Dog
6 Jailhouse Rock |
5 A Little Less Conversation (film and remix versions)
4 In The Ghetto
3 Can’t help Falling In Love (film and ‘live’ versions
2 Suspicious Minds (Live Version featured)
1 Always On My Mind. |
There were clips and comments from, among others, Engelbert Humperdinck, Michael Buble, Cliff Richard, Ronnie Tutt, Glen Hardin, DJ Fontana, Estelle Brown, Bill Baize, Joe Moscheo, George Kline, Sharlene Spiteri, JXL, Gareth Gates, UB 40, Mac Davis, Celeste Yarnall, Suzi Quattro, Fine Young Cannibals, Michael Ball, Kevin Kearn, Jerry Schillling, Darlene Love, Cerys Matthews (Welsh singer) highly rated by Tom Jones (who surprisingly was not featured in this programme).
The Sony advert for the album was featured during the programme (which is normally not allowed) and at the end an announcement was made that the album was on sale at all good record outlets.
‘A Little Less Conversation’, and the video of same, was featured which would no doubt have appealed to the younger generation, although now far removed from material featured by such artists as Rihanna and Eminem. Also Celeste Yarnall, one of Elvis’ co-stars from ‘Live A Little, Love A Little’ apparently loved ALLC and told Elvis that it was going to be one of his biggest No.1 hits ever. It wasn’t at the time but she laughs explaining that if she could talk to him now she would remind him she was right all along.
There were few negative aspects but I could have done without the comments of Mike Stoller, who preferred the original version of ‘Hound Dog’ by Big Mama Thornton and thought Elvis’ version silly. He also stated that he did not think ‘King Creole’ was one of their better efforts. They also featured a couple of minutes footage on the sinking of the liner ‘Andrea Doria’ from which Stoller was saved – time wasted in my opinion.
Further, I noticed that ‘Jailhouse Rock’ was shown as being made in 1958 - However the single in the UK was released in January of 1958 later than in the USA.
Priscilla commented throughout the programme supported by the usual private film footage including that from Hawaiian vacations and the wedding etc. I did not notice any new film footage. She came across well in my opinion and stated that she felt shy about revealing some of her private moments with Elvis. |
However, during the playing of ‘Always On My Mind’ she stated that Elvis gave her a copy of the song after he recorded it. Apparently she had never revealed this before. Further, during the playing of ‘The Wonder Of You’ she stated that Elvis was referring to God when singing it and not any person. Apparently he believed that God gave him his voice.
There was no mention made of prescription abuse and the footage of Elvis used was mainly from the 1968 Special; TTWII, ‘Aloha’ and early TV appearances.
Needless to say and true to form, Lisa Marie never appeared in the documentary to talk about Elvis but there was a plug for her two top ten albums with video footage.
The ending was rather strange I thought with Priscilla reflecting about the difficulties surrounding their break-up commenting “I would have done anything for that man”. |
In conclusion an excellent programme on UK prime-time television giving Elvis much needed, and long overdue, national exposure. I feel it will help improve his image with the general public and hopefully lead to the current album achieving a Top 10 position. Of course, demographics, death and musical styles now detract from immediate Top 10 Hits but I can think of no other artist who is so revered so long after their death.
Review by Brian Quinn.
-Copyright EIN November 2013 - DO NOT COPY -
EIN Website content © Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
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"The TV special was like a sprinkling of magical dust in the eyes and ears of a nation".
EIN's friend in the UK "Suds" offered up some more interesting thoughts about the recent Elvis TV special....
I think it would be fair to say that this show has surprised both Elvis fans and the public themselves.
Explanations of the origins of songs, and Elvis’ ability to transform the simple or the complex into a mesmerising performance was emphasised at various times in this programme. This was intelligent on the part of EPE and ITV, for Elvis was shown as a hard-working, sincere and exceptional singer, and with the suggestion that he really was the best. The music did indeed come first, but this time, it landed with a persuasive force that the public might not have experienced before when hearing or seeing Elvis.
When I sat down excitedly after 'Coronation Street' had ended, I felt the Elvis programme was going to be good, but, I did not expect such a wonderful effort from EPE and others. I tried to view the programme in the shoes of someone who was not an Elvis fan, and I did gain a lot from that approach. I felt like I was discovering Elvis, and thinking that he looks and sounds tremendous. I can imagine somebody else saying something like that; someone who discovers something that they had never thought was ever possible. They found they could like Elvis, and suddenly had a respect for him. I actually felt young again and I found it hard to fall asleep later!
EPE and ITV and other contributors knew what they wanted to say and who to say it to . And they organised it fabulously well.
I recall "American Trilogy" was elegantly explained and visualised, and I imagine that the song must be getting an injection of new life in the UK.
"In the Ghetto", too, with its footage of real adults and children living in social deprivation, added clear meaning to the song for many people unfamiliar with its context.
“Can’t Help Falling in Love” was enhanced by reference to its simplicity and the thoughtfulness with which Elvis would sing it – tenderly on record and to his fans. The impression left was that of a good man who cared for people. Lovely.
If this poll (which incidentally must have been carried out in private, as everyone I know had not heard of it taking place) had been held in say, 1978, the line-up would have been different. In that year, 'Old Shep', 'Girl of My Best Friend' and 'Wooden Heart' were particularly popular in the UK. There was no 'Always on My Mind' and 'A Little Less Conversation'. The Pet Shop Boys and JXL were not recording at the time. Tastes change, but thankfully, unusual choices, such as 'King Creole', appeared in this top 20.
And I am pleased that we had a new No.1 – 'Always on My Mind'. A 70s song took the accolade. Incidentally, that track is now rising up the iTunes tracks chart. It’s good that the 70s sound of Elvis’ appeals to people, even if it’s currently just one or two songs.
And when was the last time we heard Elvis referred to on national TV as a “master”. That’s what the continuity announcer said: “Well, we’ve just heard from the master, but tomorrow night, it’s time for those just starting out – the X Factor hopefuls.” I reckon the TV programme affected that man too.
I especially liked some of the comments:
“Magnificent piece of showmanship” (Michael Ball)
“If that was only at No.15, what was even higher?” (The narrator of the programme, Zoe Ball referring to "An American Trilogy”).
“It proves he had the power of an opera singer” (Michael Buble)
“Naked genius” (Bill Kenwright on “Are You Lonesome Tonight”)
“It’s like laughing in church. You’re not supposed to do it, but the more you do it, the funnier it gets” (Ronnie Tutt on Elvis’ laughing fit in Vegas during "Are You Lonesome Tonight")
“By covering Elvis, it educates people to how great Elvis was” (Gareth Gates)
“You can’t put boundaries on the man. He could do whatever he wanted” (Suzy Quatro).
“One of the most perfect love songs, and it’s so sincere” (Michael Ball on “Always on My Mind”)
Elvis needs momentum to follow this programme. But, for now, thanks to all involved for making a happy Friday night.
EIN thanks Suds for his insightful input
-Copyright EIN November 2013 - DO NOT COPY -
EIN Website content © Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
"The Nation’s Favourite Elvis Song has made me see the light".
The UK Daily Star's journalist Mike Ward was also impressed with the show.
I'll be honest with you, it’s quite rare for me to experience a blinding epiphany while watching an ITV entertainment show. But that’s pretty much the effect The Nation’s Favourite Elvis Song has had on me. I’m not kidding.
Elvis Presley, it’s finally struck me, in a moment of startling realisation, really was extraordinarily special. His squillions of adoring fans have been right all along. Why has it taken me all this time to twig? What kind of cloth-eared ninny am I?
Watching this Elvis special really has had a powerful effect on me.
It’s not because we’re talking about a particularly ground-breaking piece of television here (as you’ll see, on face value it’s just another of those countdown shows – old clips, assorted talking heads, a Top 20 that nobody had particularly asked for, based on who knows what criteria exactly…), but simply because it’s bombarded me, for 90-odd minutes, with remarkable, mesmerising footage of a performer I grew up thinking was a bit naff.
Now, to anyone who’s a proper hardcore fan of Elvis Presley, let me instantly apologise for thinking / saying that. I do appreciate it’s bordering on sacrilege. And like I say, I’ve seen the light now. Hallelujah.
But you have to understand that’s just the way it used to be. To me, and to my mates, Elvis Presley wasn’t the radical, smouldering, snake-hipped young rock’n’roll icon that a previous generation would remember him as.
Mention the name Elvis and the UK tabloids only like to think of a deceased, overweight cabaret artist who used to stomp around the stage in a daft white jumpsuit. Cheesy, wheezy, embarrassing and deeply uncool.
Like I say, if you’re a proper Elvis fan, I’m really sorry for such idiocy. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. But look, I’m just recalling the ignorance of youth here. Youth and the sort of narrow-minded music snobbery that often goes hand in hand with it.
The trouble is, it’s sometimes hard to shake off that kind of blinkered attitude. So, over the years, my views on Elvis haven’t really changed, mostly because I’ve had no particular reason to reconsider them.
We all do this a lot, don’t we? Yes, we do, don’t lie. We’re forever pigeon-holing the people and things we come across in our lives – making a knee-jerk decision as to what we feel about them, then stubbornly refusing to budge. It’s because it’s easier that way.
Let’s face it, there aren’t enough hours in the day to keep reassessing stuff. And besides, we like to tell ourselves that sticking rigidly to an opinion, come what may, is a sign of strength. Even though it usually just means you’re a narrow-minded jerk.
So, yes, suddenly being bombarded now with so many clips of Elvis – performing songs such as If I Can Dream, Jailhouse Rock, Heartbreak Hotel, Suspicious Minds, Always On My Mind, The Wonder Of You etc. – has been a chance for me to finally challenge my lazy, petty prejudices. |
And I’m so glad I did, because if you really love music (and anyone who doesn’t is deeply dubious, if you ask me), you should be opening up your mind to every kind of music imaginable. Sod what’s cool. Bugger fashion.
The simple fact is, those were, and are, superb pop songs. And when Elvis Presley performed them, he injected them with a kind of magic.
Watching the old concert clips, Viva Las Vegas in the sixties, even the later ones, when the guy clearly wasn’t at the peak of health, I now see a man with a unique gift for keeping his audience spellbound.
Even at a stage in his career when he could have got away with just going through the motions, he looked as though he was giving it absolutely everything, feeding off the crowd’s adoration. It was as if he wasn’t so much singing the songs as living them, even if it physically hurt.
There’s one particular clip of him performing Suspicious Minds that almost reminds me of one of those wild religious US preachers, whipping his audience into a near-frenzy. In the wrong hands, that could be scary. In Elvis’s, it just looks like the greatest gig you could ever wish to attend.
I’m not suggesting I’ve become the world’s greatest Elvis Presley obsessive overnight. I shan’t be making a pilgrimage to Graceland anytime soon.
It’s just that, thanks to immersing myself in so much superb old footage, I really do think I get it now.
And I can’t help thinking we should all take time to do this, now and again. Stop to reassess something or someone you’ve had a pig-headed, tabloid influenced opinion on for too many years. Open your mind and just see what floods in.
Go here for original Mike Ward Daily Star Review
-Copyright EIN November 2013 - DO NOT COPY -
EIN Website content © Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
'The Nations Favourite Elvis Songs' UK New CD: To coincide with the ITV Programme (date not yet set) SONY UK will release single and double CD versions of the album entitled 'The Nations Favourite Elvis Songs' on 4th November, 2013 as follows. The single disc will retail at £10.94 and the double CD will retail at £11.74.
The Nation’s Favourite Elvis Song will be a 90 minute special to air later this year on ITV telling the stories behind the 20 greatest songs ever recorded by the King of Rock’n'Roll from Heartbreak Hotel to In The Ghetto, It’s Now or Never to An American Trilogy.
As well as hearing from Priscilla Presley and different generations of pop stars and musicians influenced by Elvis, the show will also feature those who worked with Elvis from the 50s through to the 70s – from songwriters to backing singers, producers to session musicians.
- As EIN contributor Brian Quinn notes, there are some fantastic tracks chosen though nothing out of the ordinary, and I am sure it will chart well. However Sony have yet again lost the opportunity of introducing the general public to some ‘relatively’ unheard of gems.
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNet)
Here's the track listing for the single disc edition
1. Suspicious Minds
2. Always on My Mind
3. Love Me Tender
4. In the Ghetto
5. Viva Las Vegas
6. Jailhouse Rock
7. Hound Dog
8. Blue Suede Shoes
9. All Shook Up
10. Are You Lonesome Tonight?
11. The Wonder of You
12. It's Now or Never
13. Don't Be Cruel
14. Heartbreak Hotel
15. If I Can Dream
16. An American Trilogy
17. King Creole
18. Return to Sender
19. A Little Less Conversation - Elvis vs JXL
20. Can't Help Falling in Love
The two CD set also features the next twenty favourites
1. (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear
2. (Now and Then There's) A Fool Such as I
3. Hard Headed Woman
4. Burning Love
5. She's Not You
6. (You're The) Devil in Disguise
7. Good Luck Charm
8. (Marie's the Name of) His Latest Flame
9. Wooden Heart
10. Way Down
11. Surrender
12. Stuck on You
13. A Big Hunk O' Love
14. One Night
15. Crying in the Chapel
16. Don't
17. I Just Can't Help Believin'
18. Too Much
19. Promised Land
20. Guitar Man
21. Rubberneckin'
22. Suspicious Minds (Live)
23. Are You Lonesome Tonight? (Presume laughing version). |
'The Nations Favourite Elvis Song' Big Marketing Push: EPE earned $55 million last year - see news above - but to earn all of this a lot of marketing is needed. To make UK's 'The Nations Favourite Elvis Song' a big seller Sony are planning the following marketing.
- TV advertising from Fri 8th - £100k+ from 8th – 15th November
- Posters (Rail 6 sheets and ASDA 6 sheets) from the 4th
- Press ads (The Sun and Express on Sat 9th)
- Press reviews and features - all being confirmed at the moment.
- Making album available in all supermarkets - BHS plus HMV etc.
- Digital marketing (bingo and gambling plus facebook)
- Featuring 60” radio ads on Absolute Radio 60s, Magic 105.4 and Total Smooth Radio from 8th
- Karaoke roadshow - to be announced next week- but touring to Blackpool, Birmingham, London and Cardiff.
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNet) |
UK's 'The Nation’s Favourite Elvis Song' Programme Details: This UK 90-minute special tells the story behind the 20 greatest songs ever recorded by Elvis Presley and reveals The Nation’s Favourite Elvis Song. Being shown on UK's ITV channel - Friday 8 Nov 2013, 9.00pm - 10.30pm
Elvis Presley changed the music world forever and was one of the most significant cultural icons of the 20th century. He holds the record for Most Hit Singles on the US Chart and Most Hit Albums on the UK Chart, and his legacy continues to influence generations.
Mixing rich archive footage and home videos with new interviews, the documentary paints a picture of the man behind the music, telling the story of how these timeless songs came about and what impact they had on the world.
The show features different generations of international pop stars and musicians influenced by Elvis including Michael Bublé, Sir Cliff Richard, Suzi Quatro, Michael Ball, Englebert Humperdink and Cerys Matthews. |
Priscilla Presley, Elvis’ ex-wife is also featured exclusively in the documentary, giving a rare interview about the King and his music.
Priscilla says: “When Elvis sang a song that he loved, he’d get lost. He’d forget people were around. You’re witnessing a moment, you almost feel like you’re invading his privacy.”
Sir Cliff Richard admits: “It wasn’t just that I wanted to be like Elvis, I wanted to wake up and find I was Elvis.” Global superstar Michael Bublé said: “God kissed his throat, truly.” Musical theatre star Michael Ball said: “No one makes a party rock like Elvis.”
The programme also hears from those who worked with Elvis, from songwriters to backing singers and session musicians.
The documentary ventures into Elvis’ former home in Memphis, Graceland, following in the footsteps of nearly 20 million visitors, to see how popular the King remains to this day.
The 20 classic Elvis tracks featured in the show have been selected in consultation with EPE based on record sales, cultural impact and significance in Elvis’s career. The order was voted for by a large, representative panel of ITV viewers from across the country.
All the songs from the programme are to feature on a brand new compilation album, ‘The Nation’s Favourite Elvis Songs’, released on 4 November 2013 from Sony Music. |
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