Elvis Week 2014
EIN - The Exclusive Sanja Reports
- Spotlight by Sanja Meegin
EIN Vice-President and special Roving Reporter Sanja Meegin is back in the Promised Land to bring you all her inside stories from Memphis and Elvis week 2014.....
EIN EXCLUSIVE - Elvis Week - Final Day - Sunday August 17 way past Midnight in Rockin' Memphis.
Last report from The Promised Land ..
Maybe it's too late, sometimes I even hate myself for loving you
Trying to be strong then nighttime comes along and I start wanting you, wanting you.
Where is all my self-control I'm burning way down in my soul, and needing you.
Wishing I could be the man, I try to,
Hating me for wanting you to be with you,
Knowing you don't love me like you used to
But it's Midnight,
Ohh and I miss you....
Well dear friends once again all good things sadly come to an end and I have to say Goodbye to all my lovely friends here in Memphis and post my final report from The Promised Land. |
After After the Orpheum TTWII presentation last night there was plenty of ELVIS
celebrating to be had down Beale Street.
The music was pumping and the cocktails were delicious.
A marvellous night was had by all - and a BIG Thank You to all my lovely Memphis friends for another wonderful year.
We did all discuss the HIGH PRICES that were being pushed by EPE to become a "founder" of the new Graceland Guest House. Our flyer suggested $30,000 as a time-share and it stated that you can only spend ten days a year at the hotel for that! What is going on? Elvis would NOT approve. (See EIN news story below)
This was the reason for the late start to my final day - a chance to soak up all those lovely Graceland vibes and thankfully without all the crowds of the previous few days.
I noticed that the Graceland grounds glowed with a new, refreshed light, and even Vernon seemed to be laughing at us with that wonderful sign on his office door.
There is so much enjoyment and pleasure to be found in standing with your own inner peace, alone in a room that you know Elvis has spent so much time in.
So many memories drip unconsciously from the walls and you can understand why Elvis so loved living here in the home he so adored.
A chance to see Elvis gorgeous costumes up-close, the Comeback Leather Suit, the 'On Tour' OWL belt.
After spending so much time with the Spirit of Elvis there was only a little time left to once again visit his planes - just in case they aren't here next time!
It all seemed so peaceful compared to the previous few days, a quietness that Elvis so deserves after he gave us his all..
A final walk up to the gates to say "Goodbye Elvis" and then my own aeroplane beckoned for another exotic trip... ever onwards....
A special Thank You my Elvis friends and readers for all your communications and nice words you have written about my adventures.
You can see close to 100 more photos from my last day at Graceland at the EIN Facebook Page HERE.
But the biggest thank you of all to ELVIS - who brought all of us together for another magical week of celebrations - its been great.
It's getting late and I know that's when I am weak
Funny how things have a way of looking so much brighter in the day light
I ought to go to bed to try and straighten out my head and just forget you
Oh but it's Midnight, and I miss you
It's Midnight and I miss you...
Adios until next time and please be carefull driving home.... |
EIN EXCLUSIVE - Elvis Week - Saturday August 16th, way way past Midnight in Memphis.
Hi Fans,
As you will have noted, yesterday was a very long emotional night with us staying up until dawn, paying Elvis' memory the respect it so deserves.
So today we rose late, went downtown to have dinner at the Blues City Cafe (best catfish anywhere) - in Memphis you need catfish!
Well, he plays something evil
Then he plays something sweet
No matter what he plays, You got to get up on your feet
When he gets the rockin' fever, baby, heaven sakes
He don't stop playin'
'Till his guitar breaks
Then it was time to go to the Orpheum for the digitally remastered TTWII.
Tom Brown from Turner Classic Movies said a few words - the theatre was pretty much full.
After a mishap when the film first started, it was re-started and we were on our way.
There was a real impact to see the footage of Elvis looking so crystal clear and up-close. Elvis was back!
The audience was fired up, at last it felt that the true spirit of Elvis had arrives at Elvis Week.
There were lots of cheering and clapping with the Elvis-loving audience creating a great atmosphere.
The Imperials sang at interval - a couple of gospel songs and then 'He Touched Me' - mentioning that they first recorded it in 1969 and how much Elvis loved hearing them sing it that he wanted to record it himself.
Sam Thompson and Joe Guercio were in the audience. |
After the second half of the film screened, Tom Brown advised that there would be some unseen footage that was about to be shown - this he announced is available on the Blueray but won't be shown in the theatres that are screening the (remastered) TTWII in the coming weeks.
Then Elvis singing 'Farther Along' in rehearsals at the hotel and a few different takes of concert songs filmed over the 6 shows / 6 nights.
More than I had or anyone in the crowd had expected!
For the Farther Along Video and more Elvis RARE photos please go HERE to EIN's Facebook group
This certainly provided the wonderful edge of excitement to the evening and the feel that we were all getting something special for the price of our tickets and being here at Elvis Week.
While of course it could never have the buzz of Elvis' actual TCB Band (and I missed not seeing my TCB friends here this year) it was a marvellous celebration for the finale of this week's celebration of Elvis' life.
As everyone headed home, and the majority back to the hotels to pack-up and leave, there was a positive vibe in the air knowing that ELVIS had brought all of us together for this loving, fun and bonding experience.
Heading to Graceland tomorrow and a chance to see it without the crowds :-)
There is ONLY ONE ELVIS - and Elvis was back in the building tonight!
I say, well meet me in a hurry behind the barn,
Don't you be afraid, darling, I'll do you no harm
I want you to bring along my rockin' shoes,
'Cause tonight I'm gonna rock away all my blues.
I heard the news,
There's Good Rockin' Tonight.
Until tomorrow, your intrepid EIN Roving Reporter
- Sanja.
EIN EXCLUSIVE - Elvis Week - Friday August 15th, way way past Midnight in Memphis and dawn is breaking....
Hi Fans,
Anyone could fall in love with you
Anyone who knows you as I do
Anyone could fall in love with you
And I love you my darling
You're the star I reached for, You're a dream so rare
You're my greatest treasure, Nothing can compare
Anyone could fall in love with you
And I love you my darling
Apologies to one and all, but this morning I was all too way-laid from last night’s wonderful Beale Street partying to make the start of the 'Conversations on Elvis'.
Friends who went reported a very disappointing session with Priscilla, who
surely was the reason the event had sold out.
Priscilla appeared to be there just to flog her 'Shades Of Elvis' book, perhaps it isn't selling as well as they hoped. She also talked about going to London and appearing in the pantomime. What these really have to do with "inside conversations" on Elvis no one knew. Perhaps she was otherwise distracted. Sometimes Elvis Week appears to be just a marketing exercise.
She has also discussed the issue with the potential removal of Elvis' planes and the Lisa Marie but nothing was revealed apart from that EPE they were working for a fix which we already knew.
A little disappointing for those with high expectations wanting to hear wonderful stories about our man Elvis.
EIN's insider Julie S who was also there on the day comments..
Tom Brown had previously told us to bring your questions the next day because Priscilla would take questions from the audience.
So a lot of fans thought about the questions they wanted to ask and got them ready. Like most of the audience I was very excited about that, only to be let down. The next day, with no explanation as to the change in plans, Priscilla only talked about herself, her upcoming play and her book on sunglasses with other stars that she approved.
No one minds that she shares what she is doing in her life, but the emphasis at this event, should still be Elvis.
Priscilla was the only one at Conversations on Elvis who didn't have a Conversation on Elvis.
It was so disappointing and afterwards, she definitely got a cool send-off with only a polite smattering of applause. If she had only said a couple of things about Elvis, she could have won the fans over. And she needed to do that with all the controversy going on. Sad to say, it left a bad taste for Elvis fans. After all, we are the reason she has so many opportunities.
- Julie S.
Got to the Graceland Crossing tent at about 5pm and it was packed to the brim - you couldn't swing a blue suede shoe sideways.
So we decided to go and eat at Colletta's restaurant where Elvis used to eat. We saw Elvis' table and some cool memorabilia on the walls. This place doesn't look like it's had any kind of makeover since E was there - which makes it all the more appealing - and the pizza is still amazing!
As we were right by Forest Hill Cemetary, we thought we would quickly drop by and see the Mausoleum where Elvis was buried. The Mausoleum looked so stark and bare, hard to imagine compared to the photos of it from 1977 overflowing with fan's love and all those amazing flowers. We arrived at sunset and had a quick walk inside - it's so very small and we were trying to imagine how hot and stuffy it would have been that day 37 years ago. Moving Elvis to the Meditation Garden he so loved was the right thing to do.
After dinner we headed back to Graceland for the beginning of the candlelight vigil ceremony. We were amazed how many cars there were and had to park miles from the gates. Where had these fans been all week?! Our estimate for how many at the vigil is around 10,000.
The ceremony was nice - this year's theme song was "Anyone, Could Fall In Love With You" - and the helicopters were once again overhead to film the sea of candlelight.
The weather couldn't have been more perfect - not humid at all, just right.
There were many little shrines set up up and down EP BLVD and we noticed Angie Marchese in the crowd as well as my old friend Jack Soden - who was still working the crowd at 2am. |
The fans began the walk up to file past Elvis' grave around 8.30pm and we joined the end of the queue around 2.15am- got to the grave around 3.15am. There were only about another 50 people behind us so the gates would have closed around 4.30am.
Walking up that path with the glowing candle saying so much.. the lightness of the breeze as Elvis' deep and soulful songs played in the darkness.. so many emotional moments ...
It is always an unforgettable experience that words cannot properly explain, but something that every true Elvis fan should share at least once.
- Elvis, thank you for enriching all our lives. Tonight we are off to the Orpheum for the major celebration of TTWII - the buzz around town for this is huge and it's the "closer" for Elvis Week.
So Stay Tuned!
Deep in my heart there's a trembling question
Still I am sure that the answer gonna come somehow
Out there in the dark, there's a beckoning candle
And while I can think, while I can talk
While I can stand, while I can walk
While I can dream, please let my dream
Come true, right now
Until tomorrow, your intrepid EIN Roving Reporter
- Sanja.
EIN EXCLUSIVE - Elvis Week - Thursday August 14th, Way Past Midnight in Memphis.
Hi Elvis Friends,
A little less conversation, a little more action please
Baby close your eyes and listen to the music
Drifting through a summer breeze
It's a groovy night and I can show you how to use it
Come along with me and put your mind at ease....
Another very busy day as we head towards the emotional Vigil tomorrow night.
Kicking off with something different, today we went on a little tour of alternate Elvis spots around Memphis.
Started off with lunch at The Arcade down on Main St downtown - the oldest diner in Memphis.
Elvis used to frequent there and they have also filmed lots of movies in there - The Client, The Firm etc.
Then we headed to the Chisca Hotel. As you are probably aware the Chisca Hotel is the original venue of inspirational DJ Dewey Philips and his "Red Hot & Blue" radio show which would go down in history as being the first time an Elvis record was broadcast on air and Elvis would give his first ever interview there on July 8th 1954.
There has been a hope that the historic Chisca Hotel may be saved or at least the impression of what Dewey Philips radio studio would be like (above right). It is such an historical place. It's next on the list for a memorial marker however there is talk it's going to be pulled down.
Having paid our respects, with our packed itinerary we rushed onwards to visit the house that Elvis bought Linda Thompson on Old Hickory Rd - which of course is street that runs next to Graceland. There are some Elvis home recordings made there that Sam Thompson released. Linda was so nice to meet and spend time with when she was in Australia. Please check out my interview with here here - Linda and Sam Thompson in Australia:
Next was a reminisce to Elvis' Audubon Drive house and we also checked out Priscilla's high school - Immaculate Conception.
We even bumped into Charles Stone (who worked for Col Parker on tours and with Dick Grob in security etc) coming out of Walgreens! It is a small world!
But the rest of the afternoon was spent checking out the cool blues vibes and drinking Margueritas on Beale St.
In the evening we checked out the Graceland Live Auction (see news item and links on EIN main page which explains it all). While we were there we heard Elvis' Cadillac selling for $81,000, the scarf from '76 Pittsburgh NYE concert with ticket stub went for $4,500. The black and white penguin jacket was passed in at $55,000. Apparently some of the bids were ridiculous but obviously people have money to spend!
There was some buzz going around about the EPE team "Breaking-Ground" for the new 'Guest House at Graceland', the new hotel / resort they are opening in late 2015. We noted Priscilla there plus Jack Soden and others. Priscilla was working that shovel.
She said "Elvis always wanted this property, and acquiring it was a dream come true. The plan is to design it with Elvis’ taste in mind."
I'm not sure how much it truly has to do with Elvis' legacy, didn't Elvis want a "family home" for Gladys and not a Hotel chain? Perhaps it will be all designed in red velvet as Graceland was in Elvis' final years.
We will see.... |
The all -important Candlelit Vigil tomorrow night - and I will be back to report all..
A little more bite and a little less bark
A little less fight and a little more spark
Close your mouth and open up your heart and baby satisfy me
Satisfy me baby....
Until tomorrow, your intrepid EIN Roving Reporter
- Sanja.
EIN EXCLUSIVE - Elvis Week - Wednesday August 13th, Midnight in Memphis.
It's getting late and I know
That's when I am weak
Funny how things have a way
Of looking so much brighter in the daylight
I hope to go to bed, And try to straighten out my head
And just forget you, Oh,
But It's Midnight ...
Hi dear Elvis Friends, "It's Midnight" in the Promised Land and the jet-lag, dancing and margueritas are fast catching up on this Elvis party-gal....
What a busy day.
First I went to check out the auction items and there were only three on general display! The caddy, a sofa and a piano.
The rest was in the new archives building at Graceland and your had to buy a tour ticket to get in and was told there was over a hour delay to get in.
This girl doesn't have that kinda' time to waste so I was 'Movin' On'
I chatted to the fans and at last I felt a fair bit of excitement in the air about the auction.
After that I went and got my special exclusive shirt from the Fan Club Presidents event, but after a quick look around and fond "Hellos" I decided that better times were calling from down-town...
Back down to Beale Street to check out the new Hard Rock layout and for lunch.
Relocated to the old EP's site next to Lansky's, surprisingly it is still finding its feet- not a lot of Elvis memorabilia on display but a few good pieces.
As always the Collector Fairs at the Peabody (see link below) and Clarion needed to be checked. Is it a sign of the times - or possibly on-line sales - but sadly both are now downsized to one small room and the crowds simply are not here this year.
This left me just enough time to dash to the site of the old American Sound Studios for the special commemoration ceremony. The Studio closed its doors in 1972 but as you know Elvis recorded his all-important 1969 Memphis Sessions in the building - now long torn-down and replaced by a Family Dollar Store.
Neil Diamond also recorded 'Sweet Caroline' in the very building and there were 100 other chart smashes.
It was good to see several hundred fans there to see this overdue recognition of the classic studio.
The "Memphis Boys" band were all there, Reggie Young, Gene Chrisman, Bobby Wood and Bobby Emmons along with the family of bassist Tommy Cogbill who died back in 1982.
Chips Moman, now 77 seemed a little frail BUT was obviously so happy to see the Marker unveiled and his contribution to Memphis music properly celebrated.
It was nice to catch up with EIN's good friend Marty Lacker, as well as 'Suspicious Minds' composer Mark James.
I also spotted George Klein and Memphis Horns' Wayne Jackson in the crowd. |
The Mayor of Shelby County officiated with DJ Eddie Hankins from WEVL.
Hankins rightly noted, "Memphis music in the 20th century was a lot of things. There was blues and jazz on Beale Street, in the fifties rock 'n' roll at SUN and in the sixties soul and R&B at Stax and at Hi but at American Sound Studio you had all of the above.
These Memphis Boys could play anything and they had massive hits on every type of music. R&B, Soul, Blues, Country, Pop, Rock'n' Roll. They could play it all."
You should have seen smile on Chips Moman's face - what a fabulous recognition for him and the band.
Sadly just as the marker was unveiled by Chips Moman, Tommy Cogbill's son suffered a fit and collapsed, suddenly there were fire engines, ambulance, police everywhere. It was very disturbing and it pretty much ended the ceremony.
Moman and the Memphis Boys will continue to bask in the attention, as the band is set to play an Elvis Week concert at Graceland tonight at 8 pm.
From there I checked out the shops at Graceland Crossing - noting some fine Tunzi and Erik Lorentzen books!
Now I have to dash I have a PINK CADILLAC ready to drive, I am off to Marlowes for our special annual gathering and then back to the crossing which HAS to be better than last night!
If you see me around please say "Hi"..
Your intrepid EIN Roving Reporter
- Sanja.
EIN EXCLUSIVE - Elvis Week - Tuesday August 12th, Midnight in Memphis.
Some people like to Rock,
Some people like to Roll,
But movin' and a-groovin'
Gonna satisfy my soul!
Hi everyone,
from a surprisingly cool Memphis evening.
For once it is incredibly mild!! About 30c during the day - perfectly sunny and with the nights about 20c - soooooo different but just perfect....
Due to some strange circumstances, and moving to my new penthouse apartment, last year I sadly had to miss out on Elvis Week, so I am truly happy to be "home" again and in the town that I so adore.
But where is everybody?
EPE have strettttttttttttched Elvis Week to nine days this year, but there has been little of real interest so far and there is hardly anyone around.
While the Graceland tent has a core group of Elvis fans watching the performers, almost everywhere else is pretty empty.
I sat at the crossing for a while tonight and while the atmosphere was better, the normal level of excitement I can usually feel from the growing crowds just isn't here this year - YET!
Perhaps this is not surprising as the real action and events kick off tomorrow, August 13th.
I ran into my friend artist Joe Petruccio who does such great Elvis designs (see below) and he thinks it is early days yet and the real action should kick in soon.
I also bumped into my (ex) friend Cody Slaughter who I took such great photos of when he visited me in Australia last year.
I don't know what's got into him, but he sure ain't anything like the humble person the REAL ELVIS could be. In fact he was downright rude. What a shame, how the mighty fall..
But there's plenty of excitements for me tomorrow, The Fan Club Presidents’ Event and meeting up with my friend Marty Lacker for the "American Studio Historic Marker Unveiling" and that's just the morning..
I feel a few Margueritas await me in Beale Street... a girl needs to find action in this town...
"Los Angeles give me Norfolk Virginia
Tidewater four ten o nine
Tell the folks back home this is The Promised Land calling
And the poor girl is on the line"
Great to be back in Memphis, and I'll be back with lots more news tomorrow...
Your intrepid EIN Roving Reporter
- Sanja.
Spotlight by Sanja Meegin.
EIN Website content © Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
-Copyright EIN August 2014 - Do NOT copy images or text without permission.
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Very High Prices for "Graceland Guest House" Founders: EPE have announced seemingly ridiculous prices to become a founding member of their new hotel complex - up to $30,000 - something the average Elvis fan could never afford. The publicity promises, "Graceland is proud to announce The Founders, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the ultimate Elvis fan. Only 1,500 Founders will be in on the ground floor to gain exclusive lifetime access to rock ‘n’ roll’s greatest landmark and its groundbreaking new resort - The Guest House at Graceland.
As a Founder you will be our special guest and enjoy
unprecedented access to Graceland, special events, exclusive opportunities, and Southern hospitality as only Elvis could offer. This lifetime 40-year membership, with first option to renew, can be handed down to the next generations. You’ve always belonged here, you’ve always felt the connection, and now it’s time to come home to Graceland."
They are asking for a $500 deposit but the total price (as handed out during Elvis Week) is quite unbelievable.
The "DIAMOND LEVEL" entry promises the following...
- Stay up to 10 nights a year at The Guest House with no blackout dates, and pay only the hotel maintenance fee (currently $71.50 per night)
- Early access to reservations, up to 13 months in advance
- Guaranteed Elvis Week accommodations when reserved more
than 12 months in advance
- Guaranteed suite upgrade for non-premiere weeks, if reserved more than 6 months in advance
- Invitation to the family cocktail gala
- Your Time Capsule and personal Grand Plaque on The Founders Wall at The Guest House
- Annual archival Diamond Level gift on Elvis’ birthday
The cost of this is $30,000!
No wonder, as Forbes noted (see EIN's August 15 'Why Did Graceland Have the Elvis Week Auction?' story below) the Graceland Auction was a good idea for EPE to learn who the Elvis high-rollers might be.
EIN reads the above description to mean that for $30,000 you can ONLY stay TEN nights at the new complex per year - and you still have to pay $71.50 per night!
What sort of Elvis fan can afford that? This seems a very expensive time-share deal!
As the new owners ABG announced back in 2013 "We envision moving the Elvis brand into other realms beyond music, including the luxury items market." ABG's Joel Weinshanker was at Elvis Week and appears to be the driving force.
The lesser "GOLD LEVEL" Founder (for only 750 members)
Let's you stay only FIVE nights at the new complex per year, you still have to pay $71.50 per night and costs the lesser price of $10,000! And you don't get the "Invitation to the family cocktail gala"
Go here to Graceland for more Founders details. Note that in Graceland's publicity photo (above) of the hotel there is NOT ONE image of ELVIS!!!
Go HERE to EIN's look at "The Sale of the Graceland estate" and on-going stories
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
2014 Elvis Week Starting Today...: The first day of Elvis Week in Memphis and EIN's Sanja Meegin will soon be reporting back on all the stories. Tickets are now available for you to join EIN at Elvis Week 2014 in Memphis August 9-17.
Below are the highlights..
Wednesday August 13
- Elvis Presley Fan Club Presidents’ Event - 9am
The event will also feature two guest speakers, Jimmy Snow (son of Hank Snow) and Linda Deutsch from AP who launched one of the early Elvis Presley Fan Clubs. Plus exclusive screening of the new short film "Nobody".
- American Studio Historic Marker Unveiling - 2pm
831 Thomas Street, Memphis, the former site of American Studios. An historic marker will be unveiled at the former site of American Studios. With special American Studios guests. Free to the public.
- The Memphis Boys Salute- 8pm.
An incredible concert event featuring The Memphis Boys plus Terry Mike Jeffrey. The Memphis Boys were the legendary house band at the American Sound Studio between 1967 until it’s closing in 1972. The Memphis Boys include Bobby Wood, Bobby Emmons, Gene Chrisman, Mike Leech, Reggie Young, and Tommy Cogbill. Elvis Week Main Stage.
Thursday August 14
- The Official Elvis Insiders Event - 9am>12pm
With special guest authors Pål Granlund and David English along with The Memphis Boys’ members Bobby Wood, Gene Chrisman and Reggie Young plus Jerry Schilling. Also representatives from Sony and Warner Bros. talking about “Elvis: That’s The Way It Is, artist Joe Petruccio & Elvis’ jeweler Lowell Hays.
- Elvis A Cappella: A Tribute to the King Show One 3pm > 4pm.
The 60-minute Elvis show will feature some of US top a cappella groups.
- The Auction at Graceland -7pm
The first-ever auction of Graceland-authenticated Elvis artefacts.
- Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest Final Round - 7pm.
Surprisingly popular with the fans, at the Orpheum Theatre, downtown Memphis. The top 10 Elvis tribute artists compete for the title. The show also features a performance by 2013 UETA winner Dean Z.
Friday August 15
- Elvis A Cappella: A Tribute to the King – Show 2, 10am >11am
- Conversations on Elvis - 1pm
One of the most popular Elvis Week events, returns this year to the Elvis Week Main Stage. With Priscilla Presley, Joe Guercio, Cynthia Pepper, Elvis' Imperials Terry Blackwood and Joe Moscheo. Sold Out, see EIN news item.
- Elvis A Cappella: A Tribute to the King Show One 5pm > 6pm.
Repeat performance of the earlier show.
- The Candlelight Vigil, the cornerstone event, will begin with the traditional opening ceremony on at 8:30 pm at Graceland’s front gates.
Saturday August 16
- George Klein's Elvis Memorial Service 12 Noon.
Main Theatre Building, University of Memphis. Free admission. Annual event hosted by George Klein, longtime friend of Elvis. Speakers will include friends and family of Elvis and celebrity guests.
- Elvis A Cappella: A Tribute to the King – Show 2, 1pm >2pm
Repeat performance of the earlier second show.
- "Elvis: That’s The Way It Is" – Special Edition, 8pm
Exclusive screening world premiere of Warner Bros’ newly-remastered version at the Orpheum Theatre.
Fans will be treated to a special performance by Elvis’ Imperials members Joe Moscheo and Terry Blackwood, along with Darrell Toney and Lynn Royce Taylor. This will be a special farewell performance by Joe Moscheo who recently retired from the group.
Sunday August 17
- Elvis Gospel Celebration - 9am.
The special close out to Elvis Week Sunday morning Elvis Gospel Celebration. The event will feature an acoustic gospel set by Terry Mike Jeffrey plus performances by Terry Blackwood and The Imperials.
For all the details plus ticket options go HERE to EPE's Schedule of Events.
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
New Elvis Archives Studio at Graceland: The brand new state-of-the-art Elvis Archives Studio is now open to the public for fans to get an up-close look at the life of Elvis.
Housed in the new Graceland Archives Studio, Graceland visitors will now get a rare peek inside the vault, allowing them to explore various aspects of the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll’s life and career. Daily presentations will highlight unique artifacts not seen on the traditional tour. Utilizing wardrobe, photographs, documents, film clips and other rare artifacts, guests will experience a special presentation from a Graceland host.
Fans there for Elvis Week will also be able to view several items featured in the first-ever Auction at Graceland.
The Graceland Archives Experience is a part of the Graceland Platinum Tour or the VIP tour.
Go HERE to EPE for more details
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet)
The 22th Annual Collecting the King® Memorabilia Show 2014: Elvis Week fans and collectors don't forget to vist the Annual Collecting the King® Memorabilia Show at the Peabody Hotel.
With the best Dealers selling the best of the King’s collectibles!
Records & CDs ● Movie Posters ● RCA Promo Items ● Books *1956 E.P.E. Memorabilia ● Las Vegas Souvenirs ● Magazines, DVDs ● Jewelery ● T-Shirts ● Tour Items ● Posters ● Photos
The Bert Parker Room (Mezzanine level) Peabody Hotel, Memphis
August 12 – 15
Tuesday - Friday: 10 am - 6 pm
Sneak Peek: Monday, August 11
Click here to their website for more info
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
'Nobody' Short Film Screening at Elvis Week: The world premiere of the short film 'Nobody' about Elvis and the spring talent show that sparked the big bang of rock 'n' roll makes its debut August 13 at Elvis Week. Fans can also see the world-premiere screening that evening at Studio on the Square in Memphis.
The biographical production was filmed entirely in Memphis, recreating true events at Sun Studio and the Humes High School auditorium where Elvis performed on April 9, 1953. The world premiere screening will feature the 15-minute short film, followed by a Q & A session with the film’s writer, director and producer William Bryan, in addition to lead cast members.
"Nobody" will be included in a special sneak-peek screening during the Fan Club President's Event taking place at 9am inside the Elvis Week Main Stage on August 13. The world-premiere will take place at 5:00 p.m. on August 13, at Studio On the Square in Memphis.
Tickets for the world-premiere are now sold out but other screenings are available by visiting here >> NobodyShortFilm.com.
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet)
Ultimate Elvis Tribute Competition, Memphis Last Chance: This weekend you can kick off Elvis Week in Memphis at the Hard Rock Cafe on Beale Street, at the annual Ultimate Last Chance Elvis Tribute Artist Contest with live ETA performances August 8th, 9th and 10th. The winner will represent Memphis in the Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest Semi-Finals during Elvis Week 2014.
Ten contestants will perform with the top four from each night to battle it out for the top spot on August 10.
Semi-Finals Day One- August 8th 9pm Show
Semi-Finals Day Two - August 9th 9pm Show
Hard Rock Final Round - August 10th 9pm Show
Go HERE to EPE for more Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest info and tickets.
While EIN always notes that "There is ONLY ONE Elvis" the ETA contests are without doubt a popular event at Elvis Week for many fans and EIN subscribers.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
Graceland Auction offers treasure trove of Elvis rarities: Following on from our news story below the US NBC Today show featured Priscilla talking about the up-coming auction. Priscilla was featured last Tuesday on the TODAY show discussing the treasure trove of once-owned Elvis items from the vast collection of Greg Page, creator of "The Wiggles."
Here's a look at some of what'll be up for grabs Aug 14 ...
- 1958 Military Leave Pass, while serving in the Army in Germany, Presley's grandmother and father joined him for a stay, and he needed a 24-hour pass to help them settle in.
- Custom gold jewelry, from a 13K gold ring with a star sapphire made from a golden nugget (worn on stage) to an elaborate lion's head pendant (worn to meet President Nixon) Priscilla noted, "He gave away a lot of jewelry, too."
- 1969 handwritten set list, "People don't realize he took so much a part of his shows, he was so involved with his music."
- Elvis' 1956 "Love Me Tender" screenplay, for his first movie
Elvis got down to business and, said Priscilla, studied everyone's lines — not just his own. "So this is really endearing," she added.
- Key to Las Vegas from 1970, after his second performance in Sin City, Elvis was presented with a plaque and the symbolic key to the town. Priscilla explained that he was "very proud" of it.
In addition, Priscilla showed off a new virtual Graceland tour, accessible on an iPad. "For a historical private home, this is revolutionary technology," she said, showing how remote visitors can get 360-degree views of the estate, watch videos of Elvis in concert, and even see pictures of the family at Christmastime.
"We have to stay on top of it, to make sure that people get the best out of what they come to see (at Graceland)," she said. "Which is Elvis Presley."
Go HERE to NBC to watch the video
(News, Source;NBC/ElvisInfoNet) |
Jerry Schilling at Official Insiders & Priscilla event Sold Out: EPE is excited to announce that Elvis' lifelong friend Jerry Schilling will be speaking at the Official Insiders Event taking place August 14, at the Elvis Week Main Stage. Jerry Schilling is a veteran music industry professional and childhood friend to Elvis Presley. He was with Elvis the day he met President Richard Nixon and he also worked with Elvis throughout his career. As his lifelong friend, he travelled around the country on Elvis' tours. Schilling co-edited the now famous "Elvis On Tour" with Martin Scorsese. He has spent forty years in the entertainment industry working as an actor, film editor, producer, and manager for acts such as the Beach Boys and Jerry Lee Lewis. He still currently resides in the West Hollywood Hills home that Elvis gave him.
Go HERE for EIN's 2008 interview with Jerry Schilling
Other guests at the Official Insiders Event include The Memphis Boys’ members Bobby Wood, Gene Chrisman and Reggie Young; representatives from Sony and Warner Bros. talking about "Elvis: That’s The Way It Is; Elvis artist and fellow Insider Joe Petruccio; Elvis’ jeweller Lowell Hays; and authors of the new FTD book "Elvis Presley: Memphis To Nashville '61" Pål Granlund and David English.
- In other Elvis Week news, Priscilla Presley at Conversations on Elvis has Sold Out:
With both EPE regulars Jerry Schilling and Priscilla being added to the 2014 Elvis Week line-up, along with Elvis' Imperials, it seems that EPE's list of possible new and interesting guests is drying up.
EIN suggests why not Billy Smith, Marty Lacker and Ginger Alden all on stage together for next year!?!
Other announced guest for 2014 'Conversations on Elvis' include Elvis' Imperials Terry Blackwood and Joe Moscheo plus 'Kissin' Cousins' co-star Cynthia Pepper.
Regarding Priscilla This event is now sold out, there may be a very limited amount of tickets that become available the day of the event at the door.
Go HERE to EPE's Schedule of Events. EIN's Sanja Meegin will be there to report all the stories
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
Chips Moman, American Studios band to be recognised with Marker: During Elvis Week 2014, Chips Moman and the American Studios band will finally get some long-overdue recognition with the unveiling of a Shelby County Historical Marker near 827 Thomas Street on Wednesday, August 13. The address, at Thomas and Chelsea Avenue, is the site of the former American Recording Studio, the place where Moman and the band cut Elvis’ crucial 1969 “memphis” sessions, and recorded dozens and dozens (roughly 120, depending on the source) of chart hits between 1962 and 1972.
Chips Moman, who’d also been a catalyst in helping develop Stax Records, wooed members of the staff bands at Hi Records and Phillips to form the classic American Studios group: guitarist Reggie Young, drummer Gene Chrisman, pianist Bobby Wood, organist Bobby Emmons and bassists Mike Leech and Tommy Cogbill. Mostly with Moman at the helm, that unit, known variously as the 827 Thomas Street Band, the American Group, and, later, the Memphis Boys, would help sire a succession of hits for artists such as Dusty Springfield (“Son of a Preacher Man”), Neil Diamond (“Sweet Caroline), Merrilee Rush (“Angel of |
the Morning”), B.J. Thomas (“Hooked on a Feeling”), Joe Tex (“I Gotcha”), and, most famously Elvis' Memphis Sessions including 'Suspicious Minds'.
WEVL radio host Eddie Hankins notes, "At the time when there were so many great Memphis studios, American drew artists, not just from the South or solely from the R&B world, but from everywhere and every genre. Dusty Springfield, ‘Sweet Caroline’, ‘Good Time Charlie’s Got the Blues’, all these hits were cut at that studio. The fact that those musicians were so versatile … they could cut soul songs, pop songs, rock songs, R&B, little bit of country, they even had a No. 1 jazz album, those musicians could play anything. They were musical chameleons under Chips’ guidance; he steered them to the right sound for so many artists and created this incredible body of work.”
The original American Studios building was razed in the late ’80s with little fanfare. The August 13 unveiling event will take place at 2 p.m. Memphis television personality Dave Brown will serve as emcee, and various guests are scheduled to attend. Among those tentatively slated to appear are Moman and American band members Young, Wood, Emmons and Chrisman. Relatives of the late Tommy Cogbill will also be there. Don Crews, longtime studio manager Marty Lacker, American writers/artists Johnny Christopher and Mark James.
Rare Elvis Artefacts up for Auction - Elvis' last Cadillac: EPE have announced some highlights of rare Elvis artifacts to be included in the first-ever "Auction at Graceland" during Elvis Week 2014.
Many of the unique artifacts are from the collection of Greg Page, (ex "yellow Wiggle") who is one of the world's biggest Elvis Presley collectors but has been recently selling off parts of his collection. Page's items include Elvis' 1977 Cadillac Seville, a Martin D-28 and Elvis' copy of the original script for his first film, "Love Me Tender."
Other items are
- Elvis Presley Signature on Library Card - from the school Elvis attended in Tupelo and this is one of the earliest known signatures from the would-be King of Rock 'n' Roll.
- 1969 Las Vegas Show Agreement - A blue folder entitled "Agreement Between Elvis Presley and Las Vegas International" contains a 13-page typed agreement. This contract is for the first of Elvis' 15 Las Vegas engagements.
- Gemstone, Diamond and Gold Lion Mask Pendant - This 18kt gold custom-made pendant is set with 24 diamonds, two emeralds and one ruby. The piece was worn by Elvis on many occasions, including when he met President Nixon in the Oval Office at The White House.
All of the items in the auction will be offered from third-party collectors and none of the items included in the auction will come from the treasured Graceland Archives. The mansion and all artifacts in the Graceland Archives continue to be owned by Lisa Marie Presley and are not for sale.
The auction will be held on site at Graceland and powered by LiveAuctioneers for online bidding.
You can register for online bidding on August 1, 2014, when the full list of auction items and images will be released online.
The auction will be held on Thursday, August 14, 2014 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern / 7:00 p.m. Central.
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis: That's The Way It Is' in US Cinemas: Elvis fans in the USA will have the chance to experience the world premiere of the newly re-mastered "Elvis: That's The Way It Is" on the big screen at Elvis Week 2014. The screening will be held on the evening of August 16 at the Orpheum Theatre in Memphis.
For fans unable to attend the Elvis Week world premiere, they will still have a chance to see Elvis on the big screen when the newly-remastered "Elvis: That’s The Way It Is" hits almost 300 theaters in the U.S. following Elvis Week for a limited engagement.
Go here to EPE for a complete list of US theaters who will feature screenings of the newly re-mastered "Elvis: That's The Way It Is."
The 2002 'Special Edition' of 'Elvis: That's The Way It Is' played in Australian cinemas when it was rereleased (from a lovely film print!) and ran for six weeks in Sydney.
For more information on the new US screening times and ticket prices, visit the specific theater's website.
Go here for EIN's spotlight on "TTWII - The ReCut vs The Original film" by Harley Payette (RIP).
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis Week Through The Years - Sanja Meegin looks back: EIN's Sanja Meegin has been to Memphis and attended Elvis Week 13 times in the past 15 years. During that time she has witnessed great concerts as well as met up with many of Elvis’ family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances.
For the past decade Sanja has done her best to get to every concert, book signing, ceremony, convention, appearance and memorial that she could manage and report back to EIN for those who couldn’t be there to experience it for themselves. Of course that hasn’t been easy when combined with the excruciatingly hot Southern summer temperatures, the lure of cocktails on Beale Street and keeping the hours Elvis kept whilst there – party all night, sleep all day - but she has done her best! - Part of our EIN 100th newsletter celebration!
Go here as Sanja looks back at her fifteen years of visiting the Promised Land and Elvis Week.
(Spotlight; Source;ElvisInfoNetwork) |
(Left:Graceland Wall)
(Right:Elvis' Speedway jacket in the shop window) |
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Elvis Presley, Elvis and Graceland are trademarks of Elvis Presley Enterprises.
The Elvis Information Network has been running since 1986 and is an EPE officially recognised Elvis fan club.