Elvis Week 2011
EIN - All the News about Elvis Week
All the news and exclusives from EIN about Elvis Week 2011
Elvis Week 2011 Highlights Video: Watch highlights from the 2011 Elvis Week celebration in Memphis. Featuring all the highlights of Elvis Week 2011 with a great taster of the new Elvis Live Concert, TCB's John Wilkinson at 'Conversations On Elvis', The Imperials, the Gracelend Plaza performers, the beautifil Candelit vigil and more.
Click here to see the video.
(News, Source;EPE/EIN)
A short look back at Elvis Week 2011 by EIN contributor Steve Millingham.
To be honest the crowd numbers at this year's Elvis Week were fairly low compared to some years. Mostly I am sure due to the excitement building up towards next year's 35th Anniversary.
Sadly 2012 may possibly be the last big Elvis Week celebration where a fair number of Elvis' contemporaries can still participate.
This year the weather was amazing being under 30C each day with some days actually nice and cool for the time of year. Several fans said it was the first time that they'd ever walked down Beale Street without breaking into a sweat!
EPE laid on a few special Events this year which I can report on for EIN.
The "Rollin on the River" Elvis Insiders Event on Saturday - a Mississippi Elvis River Cruise - was SOLD OUT and had lots of fans very excited. The EPE pre-publicity sounded brilliant. However this was a case where EPE let everyone down. The boat was over-packed and in order to even listen to some ELVIS you had to stay on the second deck of the boat where there were no seats left! Plus, they ran out of food! A total rip-off.
Elvis Magic LIVE in Memphis! The big event this year was of course the "new" Elvis Concert. This was AWESOME! It promised a new exciting multi-media music event and fans lucky enough to be there have said this really is the new way forward for Elvis In Concert.
Unlike the old video back-projection where Elvis always looked down at the band below him, the new state-of-art transparent led video-screen hangs across the whole stage enabling Elvis to be PART of the band. The photo right may give you an idea.
This time they used a see-through screen across the whole stage so that Elvis can be projected onto it, as almost part of the real group. I have seen other bands use this in recent years but usually for lighting FX and clever images only. The Elvis show became much more a 3D show than before when there was only the back projection of Elvis.
It was a shame that the TCB Band did not play BUT the new band were fantastic and played with great energy and feeling.
The only problem was that not enough editing had been done with the "Elvis" vision and at times the TCB band was shown as well as the band on stage. ELVIS also changed in size and actual stage position too much which kind of spoiled the illusion at times - but this could be fixed with major editing. If this is the direction how event producer Stigg Edgren is heading then it will be GREAT once they can sort out the editing and overall visuals properly. If this was the first "taster" of a future properly edited production then I am more than satisfied. ELVIS IN CONCERT Lives AGAIN!
'Conversations On Elvis' this year featured TCB guitarist John Wilkinson, Photographer Alfred Wertheimer plus Joe Guercio. Alfred Wertheimer's main topic of conversation was of course the discovery of the Elvis Kiss woman. It was great to see John Wilkinson at an EPE event but he does not look well in recent years. He told the stories that a little disappointingly most of us have heard before.
RCA/FTD producers Ernst Jørgensen and Roger Semon were both present to discuss and launch the new five-disc 1956 deluxe set, as well as talk about their exciting new FTD '48 Hours To Memphis' release - and more. They also held a later conference with a Q & A session about their work and future Elvis releases. (See below for full report).
The ‘Sam Phillips: The Man Who Invented Rock ‘n’ Roll’ special documentary screening was another excellent event. The documentary is fascinating - watch out for it on DVD or on TV - and listening to Knox Phillips and Peter Guralnick talk about the great innovator was enthralling. Afterwards fans rushed the stage to meet Knox and get autographs.
The Candlelit Vigil of course is the main reason and emotional gathering for all at EW.
For a change the weather was excellent for the evening and I think this was the shortest time I have ever had to spend in line.
The crowds weren't huge, around 15,0000, but there were still enough dedicated fans there to show that Elvis is still the King of Rock and Roll.
This year's theme was "Twelfth Of Never" and as always silent mourners with heads bowed and yellow-orange candlelight led the way up the curing Graceland path to pay their respects. We all shed a tear – and thanked Elvis for all the happiness he brought us with his wonderful life and love.
While we always hope Lisa Marie would attend herself, this this year a touching message from her was played to us. (See below).
In the end, the fun and emotion and meeting up with old friends - the glory and Love for Elvis - and it is all over way too soon,
Until Next Year.
Elvis Week 2011 SONY/RCA Future CD Release Details: During Elvis Week this year SONY/RCA/FTD producers Ernst Jørgensen and Roger Semon were both present to discuss and launch the new five-disc 1956 "Young Man With the Big Beat" set - as well as talk about other upcoming releases at 'Conversations on Elvis' - as well as their own presentation. They were willing to answer questions from those present, as well as talk about future plans to individuals who were interested.
Committed Elvis music collector & EIN contributor ElvisSessions was there to take notes.
Go here to this fascinating article where he reveals more of the story about the new "Young Man With the Big Beat", FTD '48 Hours To Memphis', questions Ernst over 'Stage Rehearsal' as well as finding out details of other future releases.
(Spotlight, Source;ElvisSessions/ElvisInfoNetwork)
New 'Heartbreak Hotel' For 2012?: An Elvis fan from Memphis reports that two city council members have confirmed that EPE is making preparations to build a new lavish Heartbreak Hotel near to the mansion. It won't be directly next door, but about 400 yards or so northward, at the site of the old Meadows apartment complex that is now demolished and boarded off by a huge iron fence.
He reports that groundbreaking probably won't happen this year but will most likely begin in 2012. It's going to be an Elvis-themed luxury hotel with conference and meeting space. Much nicer and bigger than the current one. Hopefully the swimming pool will be bigger than the current one!
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNet) |
EPE To re-Enact Elvis Meeting Nixon For 35th Anniversary?: EIN contributor Brian Quinn reports that a couple of nights back on Elvis Radio, George Klein was talking to Jerry Schilling on the phone. Jerry mentioned that they are going to do a re-enactment of Elvis meeting President Nixon for the 35th Anniversary Elvis Week.
The topic came up as Jerry and GK were reminiscing about the 30th Anniversary and the Google Earth opening of 'Elvis In Concert' when Elvis Joe and the guys landed at Graceland in the helicopter. It was in this context that Jerry said they were thinking about doing the re-enactment of Elvis meeting Nixon.
... The mind boggles as to how and where this would take place.
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNet)
Work has begun on new Elvis Center in Tupelo: One of the reasons why fans from all parts of the world are so fond of the Birthplace in Tupelo, is the rather 'uncommercial' approach. A small chapel, a small museum, a small house and a small gift shop: that's about it. However, times they are a-changing and construction work on a new 3.5 million $US Convention and Elvis/Visitors Center has begun. This picture taken a few hours ago, shows the North side of the Birth Place. If all goes according to schedule, phase 1 of the development plan should be ready by Elvis Week 2012.
(News, Source;BillWaters) |
Tuesday 16 AUGUST 2011 .... Elvis Week 2011 |
A Message from Lisa Marie Presley at Candlelight Vigil: The following message below from Lisa Marie Presley was read tonight to fans who gathered at the gates of Graceland for the annual Candlelight Vigil:
Dear Friends:
Thank you so much for being here and continuing to honor the legacy of my father. Your ongoing love and support mean very much to me and my family. My father always said he had the best fans in the world, and he was right. The fact that you are here to celebrate his life 34 years after his passing is a testament to that.
I hope you've enjoyed our new exhibits at Graceland and I look forward to being involved personally with a very special exhibit called "Elvis Through His Daughter's Eyes" opening in the Spring of next year.
Before we know it, it will be Elvis Week 2012, which as you all know as the 35th anniversary will be special time. I look forward to being there with you, my mother and entire family.
Thank you all and I'll see you next August.
AUGUST 14-15, 1958; At approximately 3:15am, with her husband by her side, Gladys Love Presley dies at the Methodist Hospital. She was only 46. Cause of death is a heart attack brought on by acute hepatitis.
"I knew what it was before I answered," Elvis says of his father's phone call some fifteen minutes later.
The funeral is held the next afternoon.
At the cemetery Elvis leans over the grave, crying out inconsolably, "Goodbye, darling, goodbye. I love you so much. You know how much I lived my whole life for you."
AUGUST 16, 1977: At about 2:15am, Elvis calls Dr. Nick to request some painkillers after returning from his evening visit to his dentist. A couple of hours later Elvis play racquetball and then sits down at the piano and sings "Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain":
"In the twilight I see her, Blue eyes crying in the rain,
When we kissed goodbye and parted, I knew we'd never meet again...
Love is like a dyin' ember .. and only memories remain...
And through the ages I'll remember, Blue eyes crying in the rain.
Someday when we meet up yonder, We'll stroll hand in hand again.
In the land that knows no parting, Blue eyes crying in the rain."
Ginger Alden would discover Elvis later than afternoon lying face down on his bathroom carpet. An ambulance rushes Elvis to Baptist Hospital where his death is recorded at 3:30 PM. Elvis was only 42.
Fans flock to Graceland to remember Elvis Presley: Silent mourners with heads bowed and yellow-orange candlelight leading the way paid their respects to Elvis Presley at his grave at Graceland, to remember the 34th anniversary of his sudden death.
An estimated 15,000 to 20,000 devotees from all over the world gathered at Presley's home overnight, slowly walking through the Graceland family cemetery and leaving flowers and other mementos at the singer's gravesite. Thousands of Elvis devotees with candles in hand, walked in the humid night, many of them some wiping away tears as they filed past. Flower arrangements and heart-shaped wreaths decorated the burial site as "If I Can Dream" and other songs played softly in the background.
The vigil was to extend past midnight and into Tuesday morning, marking the anniversary of the King's death on Aug. 16, 1977.
Fans like 60-year-old Joe Makowski — who claims he saw Elvis in concert 81 times — and his girlfriend, Pamela Hembree, were among the first in line and
waited for hours along Graceland's outer brick wall. A New Jersey native who owns four of Elvis' concert-worn scarves and has attended several vigils, he said it was time to introduce her to the Elvis Week experience honoring the life and career of the rock `n' roll star.
"I get to meet new fans and meet new people, so that's why I line up here early in the day," said Makowski, who went to Las Vegas twice a year between 1971 and 1976 to see Elvis perform. "The biggest thing I get out of it is seeing the young fans that weren't even born until years after he passed away."
Makowski said he admires Elvis because of his singing, generosity and performing prowess, of course, but also for what he called the singer's overall coolness.
Temperatures were in the high 80s much of the day, sharply down from the suffocating 100-degree heat that greeted Elvis fans last August. While around 18,000 people attended, it is nothing near the 75,000-strong crowd that's expected to flock to Graceland in 2012 for the 35th anniversary of the singer's death.
(News, Source;Various) |
Monday 15 AUGUST 2011 .... Elvis Week 2011 |
Graceland Cam and Candlelight Vigil LiveCam: To check what is going on at Graceland right now you can Click HERE to see regular updated images from Graceland grounds.
Tonight to experience the Candlelight Vigil tribute to Elvis there is also LiveCam.
After an opening ceremony at the gates of the Graceland Mansion property on the evening of August 15, fans are invited to walk up the driveway to Elvis’ gravesite and back down carrying a candle in quiet remembrance.
To watch the EPE live broadcast of the Elvis Presley Candlelight Vigil Click HERE on Monday, August 15 only from 8:30 pmCST. = 11.30AM Sydney Australia, = 2.30AM London, UK = 1.30AM GMT all August -16th.
(News, Source;EPE/Bette/ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis Magic LIVE in Memphis!: The concert "Elvis Presley Live" was the main event for this Elvis Week 2011. It promised a new exciting multi-media music event and fans lucky enough to be there have said this really is the new way forward for Elvis In Concert.
Unlike the old video back-projection where Elvis always looked down at the band below him, the new state-of-art transparent led video-screen hangs across the whole stage enabling Elvis to be PART of the band.
EIN contributor Steve Millingham sent us this email from Memphis after the show and sounded mightily impressed...
"The 2011 Elvis In Concert show was AMAZING. This time they used a see-through screen across the whole stage so that Elvis can be projected onto it, as almost part of the real group. I have seen other bands use this in recent years but usually for lighting FX and clever images only. The Elvis show became much more a 3D show than before with only the back projection of Elvis.
It was a shame that the TCB Band did not play but the new band were fantastic and played with great energy and feeling.
The only problem was that not enough editing had been done with the "Elvis" vision and at times the TCB band were shown as well as the band on stage. ELVIS also changed in size and actual stage position too much which kind spoiled the illusion at times - but this could be fixed with major editing.
If this the direction how event producer Stigg Edgren is heading then it will be GREAT once they can sort out the editing and overall visuals properly. If this was the first "taster" of a future properly edited production then I am more than satisfied. ELVIS IN CONCERT Lives AGAIN! - Steven in Memphis."
Peter Verbruggen from ElvisMatters reported similarly being impressed. But he also noted...
"Here's another problem that producer Stig Edgren needs to find a solution to: Elvis is constantly shrimping and growing from 3 to 15 feet and back, while the live band on stage obviously remains at place. It is a huge challenge, but IF Elvis - with help of the latest modern technology - would be projected between his new live band, 'life size', now THAT would really take the Elvis experience to the next level.
What we saw, was a very promising concept that still needs a lot of work and creativity before it is ready to go overseas to smaller theaters (1500 - 5000 seaters). Master of Ceremony Joe Guercio hinted at the possibility to take this show on the road and that would be great IF the concept is improved. Let's just say that it would be a serious risk to do this very same show to Europe or other parts of the world. It's great for die hard fans, but for a more general, somewhat spoiled audience there's just not enough magic to it. It was a wonderful evening, but let's be honest: how could it not be - this was The Man Himself during Elvis Week in a Memphis Theatre with Elvis fans from all over the world. - Peter Verbruggen reporting for ElvisMatters.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork/ElvisMatters) |
Elvis fan dies leading tour of 'King' sites in Elvis week: An Elvis fan who was "consumed" with "The King" died Friday doing what he loved -leading a tour of an out-of-the-way Elvis landmark. Jim Browder, (right) owner and operator of J B Tours, died en route to a hospital from the Kang Rhee Institute on North Germantown Parkway about 3:30 p.m.
Mr. Browder, whose company specialized in Elvis-themed excursions, was giving a tour of the Cordova karate studio where Elvis once trained.
His friend, Jamie Coyne, said Mr. Browder "died doing what he loved. He was consumed with Elvis ... and he met people and made friends from all over the world through his tour," he said.
An Arkansas native who later lived in Olive Branch and Memphis, Mr. Browder, 47, started his tours in 2001 by taking friends to lesser-known Elvis landmarks across the city, including the singer's favorite eateries, hangouts and motor shops.
Mr. Browder, who authored three books on Elvis and his life in Memphis, shared his passion with others not only through tours, but with memorabilia. He was known to gift tourists with Elvis-themed books, CDs and DVDs that he had collected. "He gave most of it away," Coyne said.
Mr. Browder, who served in the Navy in the early '80s, had a heart attack at an Elvis event in Tampa, last year.
(News, Source;CommercialAppeal) |
Elvis is Everywhere ... in Memphis! Elvis Matters report that almost every daily and weekly news paper in Memphis has Elvis on the cover this week. And we have read some interesting facts and statistics.
Less then 1% of the visitors are from the city of Memphis, over 99% is from elsewhere. And among the international fans, Canada holds the number 1 spot with 27.91%. The UK fans have a share of 21.79%, while Dutch fans (The Netherlands) come in 7th place with 3.4%.
(News, Source;ElvisMatters)
The 2011 Elvis Week Event Guide: EPE has now released the 2011 Elvis Week Event Guide as a free download.
.... Taking place August 10-16, this year marks the 55th anniversary of many Elvis firsts, including his first RCA single and national hit, 'Heartbreak Hotel', his first movie, 'Love Me Tender' and his first television appearances. Events for this year feature old fan favorites as well as numerous new ones, including Elvis Presley LIVE - The King in Concert, to be held on Saturday, August 13, at 8:00 p.m. at the Orpheum. This exciting, new multi-media music event puts a hot studio-session band and back-up vocalists on stage for a theatrical experience in Memphis as the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll is projected, larger than life, on state-of-the-art screens. This is a virtual Elvis Presley concert, with Elvis singing lead vocals, presented exactly like one of his classic live performances at the Las Vegas Hilton showroom. The contemporary staging and overall production help create the illusion that Elvis is on stage.
Tickets are still available through Ticketmaster or at the Orpheum for this concert event. A few of our spotlight events include the 2011 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest, the “Sam Phillips: The Man that Invented Rock ‘n’ Roll” Documentary Screening, the annual Elvis Presley 5K Run, and Conversations on Elvis. In addition, there are many other events throughout the week for fans to enjoy including live concerts at Graceland, the Official Elvis Insiders Event, the Candlelight Vigil, Club Elvis, Elvis BINGO, and more! - Thanks for joining us in Memphis. We look forward to a great week of celebrating with you!
Click here to download the 2011 Elvis Week event guide!
Saturday 13 AUGUST 2011 .... Elvis Week 2011 |
Elvis Week Stars at Vernon's Home Meet & Greet: This is the schedule of events for the Elvis Memorabilia Group Fan Club International annual charity fund raising event. This year we are in support of The National Cancer Research Foundation. Unlike other events during Elvis Week, there is NO Admission Charge. We will be selling raffle tickets and having a auction, with all proceeds going to charity. No Purchase is necessary to enjoy the company of fellow Elvis fans.
A Huge "Thank You" to Miss Patricia Koogle for opening her home.
Saturday Aug 13th from 10AM - 5PM
Mrs. Nancy Rooks will be available from 11AM - 2PM
Miss Donna Lewis will be available from 1PM -4 PM
Sunday, Aug 14TH from 10AM - 6PM
Miss Donna Lewis Will be available from 1PM - 4PM
Monday, Aug 15TH from 12PM - 5:30PM ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE & Raffle
CANDLELIGHT VIGIL (the REAL Purpose of EW) Group assembling at 7:00PM at the gates of Graceland |
List of Celebrities, Authors and Friends of the King attending:
Miss Marlyn Mason - Co-Star "The Trouble With Girls"
Miss Chris Noel - - - - Co-Star "Girl Happy"
Mr. Gary Lockwood - Co-Star "Wild In The Country" and "It Happened At The World's Fair"
Mrs. Nancy Rooks - Housekeeper and Cook at Graceland, Author
Donna Lewis - Friend of the King and Author of "Hurry Home Elvis - The Donna Lewis Diaries" Vol. 1, 2 & 3"
Sara Erwin - Author "Across The Fence" and former Graceland Neighbor
Wanda Heagy - Author "East Tupelo and Elvis: That's The Way It Was"
Mike Freeman - Author, Film Producer "Elvis' Memphis" and "Beyond Elvis' Memphis", and Elvis Historian
Tammy Baiter - Fan hit by drunk driver at the gates of Graceland on August 18th, 1977. Get her story!
Roger and Larry Loyd - the King's Cousins and Authors
The Former home of Vernon Presley, 1266 Dolan Drive.
This schedule and the attendee list is subject to change without notice.
(News, Source;ElvisMemorabiliaGroup) |
Cody Slaughter Wins 2011 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest: EPE sends congratulations to Cody Slaughter of Harrison, Arkansas who won the 2011 Ultimate ETA Contest title at the Orpheum Theatre in Memphis! Cody was the winner of the Tupelo Elvis Festival preliminary round.
He had the crowd, the look, the moves, the smile and so much showmanship that Cody Slaughter (shown right) made the 2011 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist contest no contest.
Slaughter came out as rock-and-roll Elvis in a pink suit jacket, followed by a crimson jacket and, for the finale, a white jacket. He defeated nine other finalists at The Orpheum Friday night, eight of them wearing typical white jumpsuits.
Slaughter looked like a dead ringer for the Elvis image on the billboards for Graceland. He looked more like Elvis than the other contestants and easily had the best dance moves. He won $20,000 in the contest, which started with 350 tribute artists.
Ben Klein of Spokane, Washington, winner of the Ultimate ETA Contest at Chinook Winds Casino Resort, came in second.
Pete Storm of London, England, winner of the Collingwood Elvis Festival preliminary, took home third place.
Ted Torres and Australian Mark Anthony rounded out the top five.
(News, Source;Memphis/EPE) |
Elvis Exhibit Now Open at Musical Instrument Museum: Arizonans who have seen Elvis Presley in movies, TV shows and photographs can get an up-close look at items the King used in concert, wore onstage and kept at his Graceland mansion in a new exhibit at the Musical Instrument Museum.
'ELVIS PRESLEY: THREE DECADES OF THE KING' is open every day of the week at the Musical Instrument Museum, 4725 E. Mayo Blvd., Phoenix, Arizona. Admission is free with regular museum admission, $10-$15.
Items on display as part of "Three Decades of the King" include:
Martin D-28 guitar - The tan six-string that was restored by Peters is one of several acoustic guitars used by Presley. It came to MIM with a crack in the body. Elvis used it in his last concert, in Indianapolis on June 26, 1977.
Jumpsuit - The so-called Red Ladder Suit was worn by Presley in Las Vegas during his summer 1970 engagement.
Army jacket: Worn by Presley during his years of service in the Army from 1958 to 1960.
Bongos - A pair of bongos that were a Christmas gift to Presley from his future wife, Priscilla, shortly after the two had met in Europe.
Double-necked Gibson guitar - This burgundy electric guitar is similar to the model used by Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin in the '70s. The two-neck configuration allows the player to switch between six- and 12-string setups. The Gibson was used in the 1966 movie "Spinout."
Go here for more details
(News, Source;MIM/EIN) |
Top Ten Ultimate ETA Contest Finalists Announced: EIN realizes that there is ONLY ONE ELVIS – however the Memphis Ultimate ETA Contests are very popular with a large number of fans, especially during Elvis Week.
Today, 26 of the best Elvis tribute artists in the world took the stage at the historic Orpheum Theatre in downtown Memphis to compete for the ultimate title. The following Elvis tribute artists were selected as the top ten. They will go on to compete in the final round tomorrow, August 12.
Top ten finalists are (in alphabetical order): David Allen, Mark Anthony, Johnny Fortuno, Gordon Hendricks, Ben Klein, Kevin Mills, Ben Portsmouth, Cody Slaughter, Pete Storm, Ted Torres.
Tomorrow night EPE annouce the Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist of 2011.
EPE has its own page for Ultimate ETA Contests – Go here if you need to know more.
(News, Source;EPE/EIN)
Wednesday 10 AUGUST 2011 .... Elvis Week 2011 - Starts TODAY! |
Less Than 250 Tickets Remain for Elvis Presley Live: The King In Concert: Less than 250 tickets remain for "Elvis Presley Live: The King in Concert" on Saturday, August 13! The event will put a hot studio session band and back up vocalists on stage at The Orpheum in downtown Memphis as the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll is projected, larger than life, on state-of-the-art screens.
The 2011 Elvis Week celebration will feature an exciting new multi-media music event with the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll is projected, larger than life, on state-of-the-art screens.
Don't miss your chance to see this multi-media music event!
Go here for tickets
(News, Source;EPE)
Elvis Week 2011 Graceland Concert Events: During the 2011 Elvis Week celebration the Graceland entertainment pavilion will feature some exciting live concerts - located north of Elvis' airplanes.
Featured acts include....
August 14, 9:00am: - Southern Gospel Singin' with Elvis Imperials (right), Soul City (from the First Assembly of God in Memphis) and Keri Ring.
August 14, 7:00pm: - On Stage with Terry Mike Jeffrey. Also featuring Jamie Aaron Kelley and Brad Birkedahl
August 15, 9:00am: - On Stage with Andy Childs. Also featuring Gavin Kelly, Lori Anderson and Victor Trevino Jr (Elvis rockabilly '50s and '60s specialist)
Go here for all the performance details
(News, Source;EPE) |
Graceland Trivia Tour & VIP Ticket Holders to Receive CD Samplers: An Elvis Week bonus! Those attending the Graceland Trivia Tour on Friday, August 12 and all VIP package holders will receive a "Young Man With The Big Beat" CD sampler. This exclusive sampler features 3 songs from the new deluxe set.
“Young Man With The Big Beat” celebrates Elvis Presley's explosive 1956 RCA debut that changed the world of music forever. It features 5 CDs with complete RCA master recordings, live performances, outtakes and rare interviews. The set is now available for pre-order. As a bonus, pre-order customers will receive an exclusive replica 7” vinyl of Elvis’ very first EP.
“Young Man With The Big Beat” will be available everywhere on September 27 - Click here for all the release details.
(News, Source;ElvisWeek) |
Elvis Week Highlights on SiriusXM Radio: Elvis Week wouldn't be complete without a packed Sirius Elvis Radio schedule bringing you some special "Best Ofs" in the process.
Some highlights this week are;
Wed 8/10 9:00 am ET - The Best of : With Guest DJ John Oates of "Hall & Oates"
Wed 8/10 6:00 pm ET - The Best of: Terry Mike Jeffrey’s Top 10 Countdown
Thurs 8/11 9:00 am ET - The Best of: Compare/Contrast with the Beatles. Doc Walker compares John, Paul, George and Ringo's recorded work with Elvis' Beatles covers played back to back.
Thurs 8/11 6:00 pm ET - The Best of: The ‘68 Comeback with Jerry Schilling & Joe Esposito.
Doc Walker presents a nostalgic look back with the King’s closest advisors, Jerry and Joe at Elvis’ return to concerts!
Sat 8/13 12:00 pm ET - Saturday Special: Elvis Week Is Here. If you can't get to Graceland for Elvis Week, Elvis Radio brings Graceland to you! Elvis fans and insiders share their love for Elvis with dedications and testimonials to help you share in the 34th Annual Elvis Week experience.
Mon 8/15 9:00 am ET - The Best of: The GK Super Session with Jerry Schilling & Joe Esposito
George Klein hosted this historic 30th Anniversary three-hour special from 2007. It’s the definitive spoken word Elvis Jam Session with the three guys who knew Elvis the best. Mon 8/15 9:00 pm ET - Candlelight Vigil 2011. For the eighth consecutive year Elvis Radio provides complete coverage of the 34th Annual Candlelight Vigil live from Graceland. (3 hrs)
Tues 8/16 12:00 am ET- Elvis Radio Celebrates The Life, Times & Music of Elvis Aaron Presley
We salute Elvis Fans around the world with a special day of programming featuring the historic Elvis Radio Candlelight Vigil broadcasts from 2008, 2009, 2010, and Bill Rock's Elvis Radio 7th Anniversary Show. On this day every year, the whole world focuses on The King Of Rock & Roll!
For the complete list of Sirius Radio specials click here.
(News, Source;Sirius/ElvisInfoNet) |
Win a Trip to Memphis and Tour the Graceland Archives: Memphis Travel is offering a fabulous once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for one lucky Elvis fan and a guest. The lucky winner and their guest will go behind the ropes to receive a private tour of the Graceland Archives. A Graceland Archivist will take you into the files and through the drawers to show you photos, artifacts and more that have never been displayed for the public. This is a rare opportunity to see some of Elvis’ favorite things up close and personal. In addition, the winner and their guest will receive round-trip airfare to Memphis with accommodations at The Peabody Memphis for two nights, two tickets to the city’s historic Sun Studio, Memphis Rock ‘n’ Soul Museum, Stax Museum of American Soul Music PLUS a private, nighttime tour of Graceland Mansion. One winner will be chosen from all entries received by August 15, 2011.
For US residents. Click here to enter and win!
(News, Source;MemphisTravel/EIN) |
2011 Elvis Week Ultimate ETA Contest: EIN realizes that there is ONLY ONE ELVIS – however the Memphis Ultimate ETA Contests are very popular with a large number of fans, especially during Elvis Week.
EPE reports that there is still time to make your plans to be in Memphis for Elvis Week 2011 when 26 of the best Elvis tribute artists in the world take the stage to compete for the title of Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist of 2011. Held at the historic Orpheum Theatre in downtown Memphis, this will be one event ETA fans will not want to miss.
Tickets are still available for both the semifinal and final rounds on August 11 and 12.
To purchase tickets, click here.
EPE has its own page for Ultimate ETA Contests – Go here if you need to know more.
(News, Source;EIN)
Special Guests for "Elvis Presley Live: The King in Concert": Plenty of Elvis fans heading to Elvis Week will be surprised that the TCB Band will NOT be taking part in the heavily advertised event 'Elvis Presley Live: The King in Concert', the main 2011 concert at The Orpheum.
Elvis Presley LIVE - The King in Concert will be hosted by Joe Guercio, Elvis' musical conductor and close friend for many years and also feature Elvis' Imperials.
The band will however be, according to EPE, a "hot studio session band" Is this the future of 'Elvis In Concert'?
The 2011 Elvis Week celebration will feature an exciting new multi-media music event on Saturday, August 13! "Elvis Presley Live: The King in Concert" will put a hot studio session band and back up vocalists on stage at The Orpheum in downtown Memphis as the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll is projected, larger than life, on state-of-the-art screens.
Click here to meet all the performers at this special event.
(News, Source;EPE/EIN)
Elvis Week 2011 Events: Elvis Week 2011 is only HERE! EPE have finalised all the events for this year's schedule, including the autograph signing with photographer Alfred Wertheimer.
- The Elvis Presley Fan Club Presidents’ Event in honour of the 55th anniversary of 1956, will now feature the special guest D.J. Fontana.
EIN says make sure not to miss...
- 'Sam Phillips: The Man Who Invented Rock ‘n’ Roll' Documentary Screening Hosted by Peter Guralnick and Knox Phillips - 10:00am AUGUST 13
- Conversations on Elvis. 1:00 p.m. The Orpheum, AUGUST 14 with John Wilkinson, Alfred Wertheimer, Joe Guercio.
- Elvis Presley LIVE - The King in Concert - the main 2011 concert at The Orpheum. Hosted by Joe Guercio, Elvis' musical conductor and close friend for many years, this is a rare opportunity to experience something completely new and different in Memphis, the city known around the world as the Birthplace of Rock ‘n’ Roll.
The $89.00 VIP tickets have now sold out. Get your regular tickets ASAP.
Tickets for all Elvis Week events are on sale now!
EPE points out that ..
- The Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest VIP Package has SOLD OUT
- Elvis Presley LIVE – The King in Concert VIP Package has SOLD OUT
- Official Elvis Insiders Event - Rollin’ on the River has SOLD OUT
Make sure you get your Ultimate ETA and Elvis Presley LIVE – The King in Concert regular tickets before they sell out as well.
Click here for Elvis Week 2011 Schedule & tickets
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet)
Collecting The King Memorabilia Show Elvis Week 2011: The 19th annual Collecting The King Memorabilia Show 2011 at the PEABODY HOTEL in downtown Memphis, TN is coming up quickly! The show this year will be in the Hernando Desoto Room located on the Mezzanine level of the hotel on Friday, August 12 through Sunday August 14. Show times are 10 am to 6 pm daily. There is FREE ADMISSION all three days!
For those collectors who want "first crack" at the dealers' new Elvis collectibles, there will be an Sneak Preview the night before (Thursday, August 11) from 7pm to 10pm. Admission will be $10.00 this night only! There will be a lot of NEW mega-rare collector items this year!
Dealers (so far) include Robert & Carol Alaniz (Soundz Good Records), Ray Jackson (RJ's Collectibles), The Al Dvorin Collection, Gary Brown (Private Elvis Collection), John Barancyk (Private Elvis Collection), Jean-Marc Gargiulo (Treat Me Nice Fan Club), Heritage Auctions (The Ultimate Elvis Auction), and Rocky Kreugel (Stardust Records). We are also pleased to have Fran and Ed Denney with us this year selling their unique and original jewelery.
Jerry Osborne, author of "Elvis: Like Any Other Soldier" and "Presleyana - The Elvis Presley Record and Memorabilia Price Guide" will be our special guest as always. Representatives from Heritage Auctions from Dallas, TX will also be on hand to talk to people interested in consigning their rare collectible Elvis Presley items in their next upcoming Elvis auction.
Click here For more info on their website.
(News, Source;CollectingTheKing)
Elvis Week Art Exhibition in Memphis: Peter Mars, leader of the Avant Pop Art movement for the last 20 years, and Stephen Fishwick, founder of Paint in Motion, a live performance art form, will have their collections of "Elvis" artwork on display at Thomas Kinkade Inspiration Art Gallery during the month of August. Thomas Kinkade Inspiration Art Gallery, located in the Wolfchase Galleria, is excited to be hosting the works of these nationally acclaimed artists. Both are officially licensed by Elvis Presley Enterprises. This showing runs the entire month of August with a special expanded exhibit August 12 & 13 in the common area inside Entrance #5 of the Wolfchase Galleria. See some great examples of their work below.
Go here for more Gallery info |
Levitt Shell Elvis Week 2011 Kickoff Event: In a rather strange marketing concept EPE has announced that Elvis Week this year kicks off with a BEATLES-music concert at the Levitt Shell at Overton Park!
EPE announced today ... Levitt Shell at Overton Park will be the venue for an exciting anniversary event that commemorates the performance by Elvis Presley that many historians now consider to be the first live rock ‘n’ roll concert. Also included will be a celebration of Memphis’ relationship with Liverpool, led by British musician and original Beatles drummer Pete Best. The event will be hosted by Elvis' close friend and SiriusXM Elvis Radio DJ George Klein.
After recording “That’s All Right” on July 5th, 1954 at Sun Studio in Memphis, Elvis made his professional live performance debut as the opening act for Slim Whitman at The Overton Park Shell on July 30, 1954. When Elvis took the stage, he stole the show and changed the world of live music forever. The impact of that night would even be felt in Liverpool, England by a group of young boys who would become known as The Beatles.
The Event features "Pete Best, original drummer for The Beatles, takes us back on a journey to the 1960's with the classic and early songs of The Beatles!
Special Music Guests: Pete Best & The Pete Best Band, Rock N' Sunabillys w/ J.M. Van Eaton & Travis Wammack, Sonny Burgess and more!"
The Levitt Shell event, on Tuesday, August 9, will help kickoff the Elvis Week
2011 celebration in Memphis. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. The show starts at 8:00 p.m. Purchase tickets online in advance for $15. Admission at the door will be $20.
Click here for more Beatles Event info.
Spotlight by Sanja Meegin.
EIN Website content © Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
-Copyright EIN August 2011- Do NOT copy images or text without permission.
(Left:Graceland Wall)
(Right:Elvis' Speedway jacket in the shop window) |
EIN Website content © Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
Elvis Presley, Elvis and Graceland are trademarks of Elvis Presley Enterprises.
The Elvis Information Network has been running since 1986 and is an EPE officially recognised Elvis fan club.