Released March 2013, issue 3 of The Elvis Files Magazine.
As most fans know by now this magazine was created by Erik Lorentzen in order to feature Elvis stories that would not fit into his "Elvis Files" series of books - as well as a place to include all the extra new unpublished Elvis photos that he has recently purchased.

... and this series just seems to get better and better - and what a sensational cover photo!
The real score here is of course that Erik Lorentzen has managed to get hold of Frank Powolny’s 1956 September photographs - and there are plenty here over twenty good size shots - you would never have seen and in great quality too.
Some very posed - but some also capturing Elvis in some funny off-guarded moments.
Some truly fabulous "velvet shirt" photos.
In sharp contrast, afterwards follows some fabulous colour shots - the one above is a massive full-page shot - and a section on Mary Ann Mobley including an interesting article and interview with her by Alanna Nash.
The colour photos are in stunning quality and I love the Harum Scarum one – you can see every hair on Elvis’ chest and the pores on his skin. Poor Elvis!
And what is Elvis doing with her against the tree in Girl Happy candids!? (See below)
Interestingly coinciding with the soon to be released FTD book ‘Summer of 61’ there are ten pages dedicated to Elvis and rare photos from Follow That Dream.
There are over 20 rare candid photographs from the movie set and nicely combined with an article by Alan Hanson explaining why this is his favourite Elvis movie.
Not forgetting the Aloha From Hawaii 40th Anniversary there is a 6 page special feature including an interview with director Marty Pasetta where he explains his arguments with Col Parker as well as how he told Elvis that he had to lose weight!
Part of the delight of these magazines is the personal fan stories of meeting Elvis which don’t fit into the format of the Elvis Files books. In this issue several pages are dedicated to stories by Elaine Christian daughter of super-fan Virginia Coons and which are written exclusively for these magazines.
There is a lovely story of waiting outside his Beverly Hills house to meet Elvis and we get the candid photographs to go with them. Includes…
…"If only Elvis would stop!And sure enough he did. He wasn’t driving: one of his buddies was behind the wheel. Elvis grinned and said hello to us. He was wearing a blue suit with a red scarf, and tan sunglasses and the diamond studded clip in the centre, and he had just put a long thin cigar in his mouth
Winn showed him her tickets to the International Elvis Appreciation Society convention in England. Elvis was interested in the event and Winn told him all about it. He carefully read the tickets.
I took their photographs with Elvis and we teased Tony all the way home. When he went over to Elvis’ and shook Elvis’ hand he wanted a photo so they posed together - but after that Tony kept talking to Elvis all the while still holding his hand. Tony was so excited to be meeting Elvis in person he completely forgot to let go! Elvis was really cool. He just let Tony go on all the while holding his hand. Elvis could have pulled his hand back, but he was always so polite to the fans. |
Plus there is her story of being at the recording of the ‘68 Special’ and sensational candids of hers from later in 1968.
Elvis in his splendid '68 Marooon Suit --- and Elvis gets smoochy with Mary Ann Mobley!
Mike Eder also provides a nice article about Elvis Gospel in his 68 maroon suit and best of all it features some great photographs of Elvis looking absolutely stunning. Magnificent.
... Gospel music formed the base of every major star from Sun Records' mid to late fifties rockabilly period. Because of this gospel was as equal a part of the genesis of rock and roll as blues or country. Perhaps the major difference in the American rock artists of the fifties and the "British Invasion" bands of the sixties is the fact that gospel wasn't a part of the latter's formative influences.
Elvis had a sincere love of gospel. Elvis never received a Grammy for any of his secular work, but won three for his gospel records. If one thing ties Elvis' entire career together, it's the continued influence gospel music had on him.
Other articles include
- Behind the Scenes: Candid photographs from Loving You.
- Ann-Margret: The Girlfriend Who Isn’t One. Six pages of candids (see example below) plus an interview with her from 1964. Includes, "Ann-Margret is furious that Elvis’ manager, Colonel Tom Parker, has left her best scenes from Viva Las Vegas on the cutting-room floor".
- ‘The World Of Elvis Jumpsuits’ the Two-Toned Street Suit (Penguin Suit) with seven quality candids for jumpsuit fans.
Please note that all photos in this article are very low-res scans and do not represent the image quality of the magazine.
If you are an Elvis fan interested in newly uncovered stories about our man as well as unpublished photos then this magaizne is well worth checking out – CLICK HERE for more info and subscription.
Click here to ORDER 'Elvis Files Magazine' at The Elvis Files website>
While I am noted as being a contributor to this magazine, in this issue I only provided the Aloha article to go with the photos - I am also looking for content for future issues.
Click here for more information about ALL the Elvis Files books
- Erik Lorentzen
The Seven-Volume series and proposed publishing dates are:
The Elvis Files Vol. 1,1953-1956, (April 2013)
The Elvis Files Vol. 2,1957-1959, (November 2010)
The Elvis Files Vol. 3,1960-1964, (April 2010)
The Elvis Files Vol. 4,1965-1968, (December 2011)
The Elvis Files Vol. 5,1969-1970, (August 2012)
The Elvis Files Vol. 6,1971-1973, (August 2013)
The Elvis Files Vol. 7,1974-1977, (December 2013)
Article by Piers Beagley.
-Copyright EIN April 2013 - DO NOT COPY -
EIN Website content © Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
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