
"Elvis Presley is the greatest cultural force in the 20th century."

(Leonard Bernstein)


"If you're an Elvis fan, no explanation is necessary; If you're not an Elvis fan, no explanation is possible."

(George Klein)


"For a dead man, Elvis Presley is awfully noisy."

(Professor Gilbert B. Rodman)


"History has him as this good old country boy, Elvis is about as country as Bono!"

(Jerry Schilling)


"Absolute id crashed into absolute superego...as the uptightset man in America shook hands with just about the loosest."

(Mark Feeney on the 'Elvis meets Nixon' meeting)


"Elvis is everywhere"

(Mojo Nixon & Skid Roper)


"...especially in the South, they talk about Elvis and Jesus in the same breath"

(Michael Ventura, LA Weekly)


"The image is one thing and the human being is another...it's very hard to live up to an image"


(Elvis Presley, Madison Square Garden press conference, 1972)


"Elvis was a major hero of mine. I was actually stupid enough to believe that having the same birthday as him actually meant something"

(David Bowie)


"No-one, but no-one, is his equal, or ever will be. He was, and is supreme"

(Mick Jagger)


"I wasn't just a fan, I was his brother...there'll never be another like that soul brother"

(Soul legend, James Brown)


"Before Elvis there was nothing!"

(John Lennon)


"There were rock 'n' roll records before Heartbreak Hotel, but this was the one that didn't just open the door…it literally blasted the door off its rusted, rotten, anachronistic hinges…. producing....no propelling, an unstoppable, fundamental and primordial shift in not only musical... but social, political and cultural history"

(JNP, BBC website)


















































































































































































































































































EIN presents exclusive reviews of Elvis related non-fiction, fiction, photobooks, memoirs and more


Year: 2025

Book Review - 'Marion Keisker: The Woman Who First Recorded Elvis Presley': Paul Belard's latest book is a detailed account of Marion Keisker's life and her key role in the Elvis story.
"That woman was the one who had faith she was the one that pushed me... Marion did it for me" - Elvis Presley 1971
.. Marion was Sam Phillips' assistant when he established the Memphis Recording Service, and later Sun Records.
She is best remembered as the first person to record Elvis in July 1953, then encouraging Sam Phillips (numerous times) to record him "commercially", therefore playing a pivotal role in Elvis' ascent towards the pinnacle of his career.
Throughout interviews given, Marion discloses the workings of Sun Records, the sessions, Elvis' moods during those first days of his career. There is a trove of little known or unknown anecdotes many fans will delight in.
This book is a fitting and well-deserved tribute to Marion Keisker.'

Packed full of great stories, rare photos and Marion's personal recollections this is a book that any Elvis fan should enjoy.
EIN's Piers Beagley spent some quality time enjoying this very fine tribute to one of the key inspirations behind the Elvis legacy...

(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review) 'Elvis UK Compact Volume 1 - The Ultimate Guide to Elvis Presley's British CDs 1983-2005' (John Townson & Gordon Minto): In 2021, the Elvis UK dynamic duo released the voluminous 1,400 page 'Elvis UK 3 The Ultimate Guide to Elvis Presley's British CDs 1983-2005 in digital "flipbook" format.
In 2025, we have the first of three "physical" volumes presenting the contents of the "flipbook".

'Elvis UK3' is an outstanding reference e-book, there is however a keen section of Elvis collectors who prefer to own physical books as opposed to digital versions.
While the original 1,400 page book was too large to print as a single volume, the author’s idea of splitting it into three volumes is a very clever idea.
Leafing through these 478 printed pages of 'Compact Volume 1' gave us another reason to dig deep into Elvis’ CD legacy and enjoying the fascination of some stunning Elvis releases.

Go here as EIN's Nigel Patterson explores this information-packed glorious new printed book.

(Book Review, Source: ElvisInformationNetwork)

'Elvis: Day By Day 2024' Book Review:  From author Kees Mouwen the latest in his 'Elvis Day By Day' series of 'The Year In Review'.
Packed into a colourful 480 pages is all the relevant news of what happened in the Elvis world these past twelve months .
'Elvis Day By Day 2024' features all the news, including a complete overview of all new music, available on CD and on vinyl. Additionally, it covers all the worthwhile books and magazines, all the movies and TV specials released on DVD, Blu-ray, and streaming services. Plus “everything else Elvis” that mattered, while skipping the nonsense.

ELVIS is still impacting the world we live in. His legacy is truly stunning. To appreciate Elvis’ lasting impact we actually need an “Annual” summary where we can take it all in - and this is what ‘Elvis Day By Day 2024’ provides.
Over the 480 pages there is so much to discuss, lots to debate and always stunning images. Plus some delicious negative reviews..
EIN's Piers Beagley checks out this new 'Elvis Annual' and finds that there is plenty to read and lots for collectors to discuss
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

Year: 2024

Magazine Review -'Remembering Elvis... The King at 90': LIFE magazine commemorates Elvis' upcoming 90th birthday. It is described as:
“Celebrate the King of Rock 'n' Roll with this keepsake biography of Elvis Presley, lavishly illustrated with dozens of historic photos, including many from the archives of LIFE magazine.
“A detailed timeline traces Elvis's life from when he received his first guitar to his glory days filled with recording, acting, and gyrating for shrieking fans, to his great '68 comeback, and right up to his untimely death in 1977.
“Intimate photojournalism combines with insightful text to reveal Elvis behind the scenes: at Graceland and on the road, with Priscilla and Lisa Marie, in front of the cameras, and on the stage.
Explore the days of "Heartbreak Hotel," "Don't Be Cruel," "Blue Suede Shoes," "Jailhouse Rock," "Love Me Tender," "Blue Christmas" and so many other unforgettable hits.

Does the magazine add anything new to their previous "Remembering Elvis" publications?
EIN's Piers Beagley shelled out hard-earned cash hoping for something new, but sadly he was disappointed - Check out our review to find out why.
(Book Review, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

More praise for 'Elvis Hero of the Comic Books': Written by EIN’s Nigel Patterson (with “over and above” help from Elvis Day By Day’s, Kees Mouwen) the first in-depth record of Elvis in comic books, graphic novels and cartoons, was published earlier this year.

Reviews have been glowing since day one, the latest including a four-page text and image overview in It’s Elvis Time magazine (Netherlands) and a detailed review in the cult rock & roll magazine, Ugly Things (based in California).

Go here to read what both reviewers had to say - as well checking out as some more cool images from the book..


(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

'From Here to the Great Unknown’ Book Review: After all the publicity and hype Lisa Marie's revealing memoir has recently been published. There is no doubt that being part of a famous family certainly does not guarantee a happy life.
As Keough explains, “The early parts of the book are mostly my mother's voice, in the tapes she speaks at length about her Graceland childhood, the death of her father, the dreadful aftermath, her relationship with her mother, her difficult teen years. She’s frank and funny about my father, Danny Keough. She talks openly about her relationship with Michael Jackson. She’s painfully candid about later drug addiction and the perils of fame…
If you have ever wondered how Lisa Marie coped with life post-Elvis or noticed those old tabloid news reports saying that she had once again “gone off the rails” or spotted the tension between her and Priscilla, the answers and much, much, more are in this stunning memoir...
While Elvis died when Lisa Marie was only 9 years old there is still plenty new to discover from this intriguing book..
EIN's Piers Beagley checks out this powerful memoir, wonders why the Australian book has been edited - and discovers the delights of the Audio-Book..   
(Book Reviews: Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Mag Review) 'Vintage Rock Presents - Elvis: The Ultimate Album Guide': The 2024 “Vintage Rock Presents Elvis” is 130 pages examining his album catalogue – from studio, soundtracks and live concerts to compilations, 7” EPs and remixes.

Each album is introduced by a generously sized image of its cover followed by thoughtful analysis of the record's content, and its context in the Elvis Presley story. There is also a coloured rectangular box neatly detailing key release information and track listing.
Fans will no doubt be impressed with the breadth of the thoughtful views expressed by each contributor and there is plenty in the magazine to stimulate debate.

It is unfortunate that well-written periodicals aren't afforded the same level of attention to detail as some other Elvis publications.

EIN’s Nigel Patterson spent a rainy afternoon reliving what Elvis’ eclectic album catalogue offered, the good, the bad, and the mediocre.

Read Nigel’s review

(Review, Source:ElvisInformationNetwork) 

(Book Review) Elvis - The King of Fashion (Lorraine Gibson): This recent book release by award-winning journalist, Lorraine Gibson, is a biography infused with Elvis’ iconic fashion sense.

The book's description includes.. Elvis' extraordinary story, told through a fashion lens, celebrates the shy, lonely boy who awakened an entire generation to forbidden fruits.
The defiant hair, the sultry good looks, the gender-ambivalent outfits - even the famous sideburns of the man who would be King - are all considered in loving detail.
From impoverished scamp and teenage anti-heroin pink, through Hollywood heartthrob and sensual leather-clad rock star, to caped superhero in Vegas jumpsuits, the author describes his clothes with as much joy as she does his journey through the decades.

EIN’s Nigel Patterson, replete with blue suede shoes, paisley shirt and polarised sunglasses, took time out to read Ms Gibson’s entertaining release. 
Read Nigel’s full review  


(Book Review, Source:ElvisInformationNetwork)

Book Review - 'ELVIS UK 78 rpm': Recently published soft-cover 'ELVIS 78 r.p.m. The Ultimate Guide to Elvis Presley's British 78s 1956 - 1960' by John Townson and Gordon Minto is their latest forensic look into Elvis' UK releases, this time 228 pages dedicated to Elvis 78rpms, along with plenty of bonus chapters.
 “78s” were the dominant record type for more than 50 years before disappearing circa 1960. Today, they hold special significance for many who grew up with them. Given 78s were in their last few years of mass production when Elvis arrived on the scene, his 78s are much sought after by collectors and largely forgotten by the general fan.
'Elvis 78 rpms' includes a history of both the HMV and RCA releases but also provides a context for the 1950s pop scene.
It discusses each 78rpm release individually with scans of every release, plus relevant photographs plus magazine articles and adverts.
It also incorporates historically significant events of the period throughout and cross-references with US releases where appropriate.
There are also several picture covers, and interspersed within listing images and information are many “from the time” news clippings which add historical interest. How exciting it must have been to be there as Elvis exploded onto the music scene!
EIN’s Nigel Patterson and Piers Beagley spent several days delving into what the new flexi-cover, high-quality gloss paper release by Townson and Minto, has to offer....
(Book Reviews; Source;ElvisInfomationNetwork)

(Book Review) Elvis, Hero of the Comic Books (Nigel Patterson): Respected Elvis author and reviewer, Gordon Minto, recently put on his reviewer’s cap to take on what he rightly describes as “a strange landscape” of how Elvis is portrayed in comic books (aka sequential art), a subject, which until now, has not been well covered or understood.

The book in question, Elvis, Hero of the Comic Books, was written by EIN’s Nigel Patterson and sublimely designed by Elvis Day By Day’s, Kees Mouwen.  

The book includes stunning artwork from a number of releases and an eclectic variety of Elvis related comic book ephemera.  Elvis, Hero of the Comic Books features more than 600 images!

Read Gordon’s detailed review to discover why he found the book to be “refreshingly different, extremely eye-catching, well-researched and well-written, while offering a new slant on things”.   

(Book Review, Source: Gordon Minto;ElvisInfoNet)

(Book Review): Los Conciertos de Elvis - Volume 1 - Las Vegas 1969 (Carlos Alises Parra): The latest book about Elvis’ triumphant return to live performing in Las Vegas in 1969 features Spanish text but as EIN’s review by Nigel Patterson attests, it features value-added material that will please ALL fans regardless of their Spanish language knowledge (and for those fluent in the Spanish language it appears to also have a strong narrative). 

An unusual inclusion in the book is a QR code which provides access to interesting downloadable content and online viewing

Read Nigel’s review





(Book Review, Source: EIN)

'Elvis UK - Extended' In-Depth Book Review: UK specialists John Townson and Gordon Minto's new book 'ELVIS UK Extended - The Ultimate Guide to the Elvis Presley's EPs 1957 - 2001' follows on from their previous publications in the Elvis UK series.
The 500 page soft-cover book, extensively illustrated, details the history of Elvis' Extended Play releases, their popularity and subsequent fall from favour.
It includes a chronological list of all the EPs their multiple repressings and all are cross-referenced with its US counterpart and key differences discussed.
Based on 40+ years of research, and with contributions by insiders providing previously unknown perspectives and knowledge on the production, marketing, musical and other aspects of Elvis' UK EP releases.
But can there really be anything new of particular interest in a book about Elvis’ vinyl UK EP releases? Many of us believed they started with the ‘Love Me Tender’ EP and wrapped by 1967 with ‘Easy Come Easy Go’.
That’s only 20 or so EP releases and surely some like ‘Elvis Sails’ or ‘Elvis Sings Christmas Songs’ would only get one original print run and then be deleted. We thought that this smaller UK vinyl theme would be done and dusted in under 100 pages – “mah boy, mah boy” were we wrong!
.. and the book will make you want to spin some vinyl!
The incredible trio Nigel Patterson / Piers Beagley and Kees Mouwen (Elvis Day by Day) combine forces to check out the book.
(Book Review, Source:EIN/ElvisDayByDay)

Book Review 'The King and The Jester': Elvis author Paul Belard's new "special interest" book all about Elvis and manager Col Parker is out now.
The cover notes, "As this uncultured philistine said of himself, "I did not know what to make of Elvis, or his music. I did not care, but I saw the reaction of the audience says and it was enough for me". Parker promptly realised that Elvis was his own ticket to wealth."
Belard's new 260 page book's twenty three chapters include, 'The Hank Snow Affair', 'The Snowman', 'The Lost Years', 'The Narcissist',  'World Wide Tour', 'What Could Have Been' and 'Exposing The Con Man'.
The author makes his disdain for Parker known from the outset and he does not hold back about what he sees as one of, if not the biggest, travesties and examples of unscrupulous mismanagement, in show business history!
The book is a very strong read and one that is very much a counterpoint to the recently published "rose colored glasses" account, 'Elvis and the Colonel: An Insider's Look At The Most Legendary Partnership In Show Business', by Parker employee Greg McDonald and Marshall Terrill.
Some fans have suggested that Baz Luhrmann’s 2022 ELVIS drama made Parker out to be too much of a cartoon villain but after reading this book the movie looks even more truthful than fans might have believed. ...
Go here and read EIN's detailed review by glimmer twins Nigel Patterson and Piers Beagley
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review) Shake, Rattle and Blue Moon – The Formative Recordings of Elvis Presley 1953-1960 (Alan Tranter): This new book by Alan Tranter is not a biography, it is more accurately a chronicle of Elvis' growth; his visits to the recording studio, his first movies, his record releases, his influences, his live performances, his TV appearances, all of which paint a picture of the artist who became, and remained, King.

Need to brush up on your knowledge of Elvis’ earliest recordings or are a new fan wanting a solid account of Elvis in the studio circa 1950s?
If so, Alan Tranter’s new book is a fresh and satisfying release, chock full of background on individual songs, recording information and neat analysis of Elvis in the studio.

 Read Nigel Patterson’s full review  


(Book Review, Source:ElvisInformationNetwork)

Year: 2023

'Elvis UK - Beyond RCA' "Physical Edition" Review: To satisfy collectors who need physical versions of books rather than E-Books, UK authors John Townson and Gordon Minto have published the soft-backed PRINT COPY of 'Elvis UK Beyond RCA The Ultimate Guide To Elvis Presley's British Non-RCA LPs 1974-1997'.
It is a second edition, updated and slightly revised. The book is a newly written 377 pages, with fully comprehensive text and follows on from our previous publications in the Elvis UK series, each of them acclaimed by collectors, and provides the ultimate guide to Elvis’s non-RCA LP album releases issued in the UK between 1974-1997.
This new volume complements - and extends considerably - information relating to these particular releases included in our original books Elvis UK, published in 1987, and Elvis UK2, published in 2002
The softback book is being sold exclusively through Now Dig This / Elvis The Man And His Music.
It retails at £45 (includes p&p in the UK) overseas customers will have to pay the higher postage costs.
... EIN's copy has not arrived in Australia yet so our good friend Kees Mouwen has posted this additional review to add to our original digital flip-book detailed examination.
Go here to understand more about this new soft-cover version of this essential book for Elvis collectors
(Book Review, Source:EIN/EDayByDay)

(Book Review) 'Fact vs. Fiction in the 2022 ELVIS Movie' (Trina Young): EIN’s Nigel Patterson recently sat down to read Trina Young’s fourth book about Elvis. Given its core intent, Fact vs. Fiction in the 2022 ELVIS Movie is not a standard narrative, but rather, an illuminating treatise assessing degrees of fact and fiction in what was the most successful non-franchise movie of 2022, Baz Luhrmann’s spectacular assault on your visual and auditory senses, ELVIS.

For the core section of the book, Ms Young rates each scene based on four different criteria (note that for each scene it's time in the film is included). The author then provides narrative details for each of the last three criteria, the Storyline information often running to several pages. Her ratings for historical accuracy (truth) can be truly enthralling.

Read Nigel’s 1,750-word review

(Book Review, Source: ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review) 'Elvis Aaron Presley - The Man, The Truth' (by Baby Bird): EIN's Nigel Patterson prefers a book he can hold in his hands, but for a change decided to spend an icy cold, pre-Winter's afternoon in the Australian capital, Canberra, indoors, delving inside the latest Kindle only Elvis release, Elvis Aaron Presley: The Man, The Truth by Baby Bird.
The book promises to counteract previously published "extraordinary unbelievable claims" and also "to try and dispel some of the myths and lies and show who Elvis really was on the inside"....
What he found was very unusual, interesting, but imperfect.
Read Nigel Patterson's review

(Book Review, Source:EIN)


Book Review: 8mm Elvis - The Story of Elvis on 8mm':  Long before the days of Bluray, DVD and VHS people watched home movies on 8mm film.
'8mm Elvis The Forgotten Format' is a glossy, colour, hardback book cataloguing the history of Elvis on 8mm film.
Author Vince Wright has been collecting all the Elvis 8mm he could find since the 80s.
He explained..  “I was cataloguing all these films hoping someone would write a book about it – I waited, they didn’t, so I did.”

So in 2023, and after many years of searching and researching, the author has released his comprehensive narrative and visual record of Elvis on 8mm.

This book is unique in its narrative and visual content and is an important inclusion in the complex jigsaw puzzle that forms a complete record of the multi-varied story of Elvis Presley.
Go here to read Nigel Patterson's review
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review) Elvis vs Hitler: Elvis Is Alive IV (Robert Mickey Maughon): After a decade long break, novelist Mickey Maughon has resurrected his “still alive” Elvis Presley for another adventure.

While Adolf Hitler is dead, his son, Ivan, is very much alive and seeking vengeance for the death of his mother and father.
He also has access to technology which makes him a threat to the survival and security of the world.
And did I mention, Ivan is also an Elvis tragic!

Read Nigel Patterson’s review of the fourth entry in the author’s 'Elvis Is Alive' series.


(Book Review, Source:ElvisInformationNetwork)

'Elvis UK - Beyond RCA' Book Review: UK specialists John Townson and Gordon Minto's new book 'Elvis UK - Beyond RCA - The Ultimate Guide To Elvis Presley’s British Non RCA LPs 1974-1997' flipbook follows on from their previous publications in the Elvis UK series.
This book..
• Is extensively illustrated in full colour
• Features a host of background information including a chronological list of all the albums included
• Deals with each album individually, in a detailed and forensic way, while the text is amply illustrated with scans of every known cover and label variation, relevant photographs, and scans of contemporaneous newspaper and magazine articles
• Includes background information about each release including historically significant events of the period
• Contains hitherto unpublished information from company files
• Includes a wealth of background information relating to the record industry incorporated throughout the text.

The incredible trio Nigel Patterson / Piers Beagley and Kees Mouwen (Elvis Day by Day) combine forces to check out this very detailed Digi-book.

(Book Review, Source:EIN/EDayByDay)

'The Airplanes & The King' In-depth review: The original spanish book 'Los Aviones Y El Rey' by Carlos Varrenti was republished as an expanded English version 'The Airplanes & The King' towards the end of 2022.
Not only that but it was expanded from its original 197 pages to an amazing 400 pages with a lot of unreleased material and stunning photos from the 'Elvis Files' vaults!
The English version was unfortunately delayed by supply issues due to the worldwide Covid pandemic - but has now been published as a High quality Hardback book.
As an Aeronautical engineer and Elvis fan, Varrenti is well qualified to write a book which details Elvis’ history with his aircraft and his link to aeronautics in general. With photos and stories from 1955 through to 1977 - and beyond - the book is also an interesting historical look at Elvis’ life "on tour" but this time with an delightfully original theme.

EIN's Nigel Patterson takes a very detailed look at this impressive publication and discovers a trove of delights...

(Book Reviews,  Source:ElvisInformationNetwork)

Year: 2022

(Book Review) Elvis For Vinyl Fans Only Vinyl Discography from Eastern Europe Yugoslavia * Romania (Piotr Soczynski): To date, Polish author Piotr Soczynski has published eight (one more to come) Elvis discographies. His first four books were two volumes chronicling Elvis’ demo and acetate records and two volumes detailing his U.S. Army vinyl records.
His most recent books have been discographies of Elvis’ music released in Eastern European countries.
All eight books are high quality “coffee table” hardcovers full of color and information for all fans, but particularly serious collectors.

EIN’s Nigel Patterson recently selected one of Piotr’s books to review.
You can read his detailed review here - with plenty of fascinating Eastern Europe vinyl images.

(Book Review, Source: ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review) Guaranteed To Blow Your Mind – The November 1976 Tour Revisited (Arjan Deelen and Jon Daly): The November 1976 tour was Elvis’ eighth for the year and spanned the 24th to the 30th of the month with seven concerts in Nevada, Oregon, and California. During that last week of November Elvis appeared in Reno, Eugene (twice), Portland, San Francisco (twice), and Anaheim.

With large “coffee table” books tending to dominate the Elvis book market, many price conscious fans are always on the look-out for a more cost-effective option.
Does Arjan Deelen’s latest book chronicling one of Elvis’ best tours of 1976 fit the bill?

Read Nigel Patterson’s review to find out


(Book Review, Source:ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review) Elvis Live At The International 50th Anniversary Edition (Kieran Davis): In 2011, Kieran Davis released the highly praised book, Elvis Live At The International. In 2022, he has published an expanded 50th Anniversary edition…and what an expansion it is!
The latest edition dwarfs the original with 432 pages compared to 172 in the original release.
And the added 250+ pages of additional material is stunning, making the 50th Anniversary release one of the best Elvis books published in 2022.

As its title reflects, the book covers Elvis' appearances at the International Hotel in Las Vegas between 1969 and 1971 (it was renamed the Las Vegas Hilton in July 1971). The narrative element is significantly based around fan, Peggy Elzea’s copious diaries, and a bumper array of archival material. Peggy’s experience seeing Elvis in Las Vegas is one every fan will envy.
There is so much fascinating information and so many striking images in the book that it is hard to know where to start in describing it...

Read Nigel Patterson’s detailed 2,700 words review


(Book Review, Source:ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review) Destined To Fly: The Story of Pilot Ron Strauss – From Iowa to Elvis (Sally A. Hoedel): In 2020, Sally Hoedel published her first Elvis related book, the acclaimed Destined To Die Young. Ms Hoedel’s second book, the fascinating story of the pilot of Elvis’ Lisa Marie jet, Ron Strauss, is nearing publication (September 2022).

The book includes a fabulous Elvis-related story about Ron Strauss visiting his bank manager to obtain a home mortgage and the time Ron fell asleep in Elvis’ bed will bring a smile to the reader’s face. Other interesting accounts include Ron’s reaction to Elvis carrying a loaded gun on board (in a pressurized cabin), and many readers will appreciate reading how Ron felt about Linda Thompson and Ginger Alden.

EIN’s Nigel Patterson recently took flight with an advance copy. What Nigel found, not only added appreciably to his knowledge of a rarely written about aspect of the Elvis Presley story and provided greater insight as to who Elvis was as a person, but also offered a wonderfully rich and entertaining account of the life and times of the underappreciated, Ron Strauss.

Read Nigel’s full review

(Book Review: Source:ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review) Elvis The King of the Rings Volume 2 (Paul Bélard): The second volume of Paul Bélard’s two volume photo-journal record of Elvis’ love of rings has been released.
While on holiday, EIN’s Nigel Patterson spent a leisurely afternoon perusing the rich narrative detail and jaw dropping, visual splendor on offer....

... They say first impressions last! The cover image of Elvis’ famous TCB ring is truly striking and sets the tone for what is an impressive examination of another 100+ rings that Elvis owned during his lifetime.
This is more than a photo-book and while the mostly colour images dominate, the narrative component contains valuable and interesting information...

This is Nigel’s detailed review- including nine stunning images from the book
(Book Review, Source: ElvisInformationNetwork)


Book Review: 'Elvis Presley, Gospel Singer – An Inspirational Life' (Madeleine Wilson): This new book differentiates itself by being a “Christian biography” where Elvis’ life and career is considered within the prism of his faith and love of gospel music.
It is a long overdue release which covers seminal factors that defined Elvis Presley the person, and Elvis Presley the artist.

... Elvis, “The King”, many times said publicly that there is only one King, and that is Jesus Christ. He not only acknowledged the Lord but also worshipped Him and prayed to Him, often.
(Madeleine Wilson)

It has been said that the formula of a great tragedy is that a fatal flaw prevents tremendous potential from being realized, and the ending is one of ruin not of joy.
In many ways, the life story of Elvis Presley can be seen as one of tragedy…

Read Nigel Patterson’s detailed review.

(Book Review, Source:ElvisInformationNetwork)

'Elvis UK Cover Story' Book Review: Elvis experts John Townson and Gordon Minto recently published their new (digital) book 'Elvis UK Cover Story: The Ultimate Guide To Elvis Presley's British EP & LP Sleeves 1956-1977' designed to add to and complement their original 'Elvis UK' book.
It is a 286 page, fully comprehensive book, providing the ultimate guide to Elvis’s EP and LP album sleeves released in the UK between 1956-1977.
Extensively illustrated in full colour and arranged in sections, this book addresses a wide range of topics including back cover photos, printing companies, sleeve notes, etc.
There are extended sections including 'Front Cover – Fact File', and 'For UK Fans Only' an in-depth study of those albums that originated in the UK, or were only ever available in the UK.
It includes a wealth of background info incorporated into the text.
It is a downloadable digital flip-book stored on your own device.
Reading through this fact-filled investigation, the amazing thing EIN discovered was just how many sleeve variations, UK only releases, and cheap RCA / Parker design decisions there were.
For the world’s biggest superstar some of their marketing decisions were truly bewildering. And some of their design choices total madness.

EIN's Piers Beagley spent plenty of time enjoying the craziness of RCA's vinyl marketing though the ages - as well as spinning his old UK vinyl .. see his review...
(Book Reviews: Source;ElvisInfoNet)

(Book Review) 'The Sonic Swagger of Elvis Presley: A Critical History of the Early Recordings' (Gary Parker): ‘For Elvis Presley, stardom was the promise, and he made the trip, but at an extraordinarily high cost’. This is one of the thought provoking themes in Gary Parker’s latest book which critically examines in thoroughly researched detail, Elvis’ seminal recordings in the 1950s (as well as more briefly discussing Elvis’ post Army recordings).
Noting that...  "Elvis' clever manipulation of his numerous interests remains one of the music world's great marvels. Presley, with one foot in delta mud and the other in a country hoedown, teamed with Scotty Moore and Bill Black to fuse two distinctly American musical forms -- country and blues -- to form what would come to be known as 'rockabilly'". This is a book with plenty to discuss.
In their 2,100 words collaboration, EIN’s Nigel Patterson and Piers Beagley, review what they have found to be one of the best, and most important, Elvis book releases of 2022.
Read the full review here
(Book Review, Source: ElvisInformationNetwork)

Book Review - Elvis: The Quest For An Oscar (James Turiello): Many will find it surprising that someone could write more than 500 pages detailing the case why Elvis deserves to receive an Honorary Academy Award, but author James Turiello has achieved this with his latest book.
EIN's Nigel Patterson spent a weekend exploring the author's argument.
Can someone who appeared in Kissin' Cousins, Harum Scarum and Clambake really be Oscar worthy?
In a detailed review, Nigel discusses what the book has to offer and provides his assessment of whether or not the author successfully makes his case that Elvis is deserving of an Honorary Oscar.

Go here to read Nigel's insightful review
(Book Review, Source:ElvisInformationNetwork


(Book Review) 'Disc Jockeys, Preachers, and Elvis': From author /DJ Ron Brandon 'Disc Jockeys, Preachers, and Elvis' is a self-published biography.
Ron Brandon was the person who recorded Elvis' 1956 live performance in Tupelo and our Elvis legacy would be less rich had he not done so and then sent Elvis a personal copy!
The book details "55 years of Behind The Scenes stories of Disc Jockeys, Rock & Roll, and Elvis.. as told by the author that lived them"
It includes 23 chapters, 96 pages, 150 photos many in color, A4 size with large type easy-to-read, excellent quality.
Chapters include sections on radio stations WTUP Tupelo 1956, WMOC Chattanooga 1962, WNOE and Marty Lacker New Orleans 1963, 'Radio Music Report' magazine, Sex Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll, as well as the story of 'Elvis comes home to Tupelo'. Brandon tells the stories of hard work, meeting loads of radio personalities and getting a successful time slot in multiple radio stations. He meets plenty of interesting characters along the way, both good and bad! He also was the person who tracked down Elvis' 'Mystery Kisser'!

Packed full of stories EIN's Piers Beagley spent time enjoying this look into a very interesting life well-lived! go here to find out more
(Book Review, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

Book Review: elvis presley Un fenomeno  mondiale nelle cronache italiane (Volume 1) 1956-1959 (Luca Casteellino and Ernesto Zucconi): Late in 2021 this new book from Italy was released. As the first volume in a five volume (scrapbook type) series, the book catalogues Elvis’ impact in Italy in the first years of Elvis’ international super-stardom.

EIN’s Nigel Patterson spent a weekend consulting Google Translate and exploring what is featured in an absorbing, richly narrative and visual, 155 pages of Elvis Italian style.

Read Nigel’s full review



(Book Review, Source:ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review) 'Don't Be Cruel, Elvis: The Bill Black Story': It is easy to forget that, in the beginning, Elvis was only one part of a trio put together by Sam Phillips, which included Bill Black on bass and Scotty Moore on lead guitar.
The unique sound that emerged from their early sessions was the result of a close collaboration of like-minded musicians and an engineer who wanted to generate something as yet unheard.
Bill Black's contribution to Elvis’ success went beyond the bass playing. His antics on stage — twirling his bass, riding it as if it was a bronco to be tamed, trading corny jokes with Elvis — delighted the audiences. Scotty confirmed that, “If it hadn’t been for Bill, we would have bombed many times in the early days.”
Memphis Mansion’s Henrik Knudsen fortuitously befriended Bill Black's family and was entrusted with the family’s treasured scrapbook.
Using this key source, plus the investigative power of author Paul Belard, key rock'n'roll bassman Bill Black finally gets the biography he deserves with this impressive 260 page book.

Packed full of rare photos, great stories and interviews, EIN's Piers Beagley spent some quality time enjoying this very fine tribute to "Blackie" a great musician and a true character ... go here to find out more..
(Book Review, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

Year: 2021

'Elvis: '72 Summer Festival' Book Review: Published back in 2019 by author Kieran Davis, this impressive hardcover book focuses on Elvis' 1972 stunning summer season in Las Vegas. With every performance examined in detail over 160 pages, it features rare on-stage photographs, plenty of memorabilia, exclusive original tour documents and best of all fan diaries detailing Elvis' every move.

Packed with rare pics, multiple concert reviews, detailed tracklists, articles on meeting Elvis, an examination of his new stage attire and much much more.. it is one of the most comprehensive books ever written about Elvis' 1972 summer season.

It has been described as a labour-of-love by a true Elvis fan who wanted to self-publish a worthy book for true Elvis fans. Originally Sold Out, the book has now been re-printed for 2021

Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley checks out whether the book truly captures Elvis' great 1972 Las Vegas Summer Season.


(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review) Elvis June 1956: June 1956 was another busy month for Elvis Presley and author Paul Bélard captures the frenzy and excitement of Elvis' rocket-to-stardom in this new photo-book, ‘Elvis June 1956’.
Elvis' 1956 juggernaut was picking up strength during the month with a series of dynamic live shows across America, appearing on Wink Martindale’s ‘Dance Party’ TV show, violating segregation laws in Memphis, outraging media critics and many parents with his burlesque show rendition of ‘Hound Dog’ on The Milton Berle Show and rehearsing for his appearance on The Steve Allen Show as the highlights.
The book includes some wonderful archive material such as..
- “Singing Sensation Causes Near Riot Here”
- “Writhing Singer Has Long Beach Soxers Wailing”
- "Elvis Sends 6,400 Here Into Frenzy”
- “Presley Leaves You In A Blue Suede Funk”
· “The Presley Problem”

This graphic biography illustrates how our man worked hard getting his career off the ground. All this packed on 220 pages.
Go here as Nigel Patterson and Kees Mouwen check out this look at one of Elvis' key months of his career
(Book Review, Source:EIN & EDayByDay)

Book Review 'From Elvis in Japan': David Ward's 'From Elvis in Japan: Elvis Presley Japanese LPs 1956-2018' is the a very detailed and visually attractive Elvis “discography”. It covers Elvis LP (vinyl) releases in Japan between 1956 and 2018, the e-book is full of interesting information about each release and stunning images of the LP covers and discs.

The discography contains information on 131 Elvis LPs released in the “land of the rising sun”, a complete song index, and “value add” sections such as How to Read Elvis’ Name in Japanese, Japanese Albums with US Artwork, and English Lyrics (the translations are often outrageously funny!).

Japan also pressed plenty of unique compilations such as 'Elvis Presley Special 24', 'Elvis on Screen', 'Elvis Presley The Complete Singles (11 LP box set)' and 'Elvis Presley By Request of Japanese Fans'.

Go here and discover even more as EIN's Nigel Patterson reviews this fascinating look at Elvis' Japan releases.

(Book Review, Source:ElvisInformationNetwork)

Book Review 'Christmas with Elvis: The Official Guide': Out Now from author Robert Elder, 'Christmas with Elvis: The Official Guide to the Holidays from the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll'
Written in collaboration with EPE, the book helps you Celebrate Christmas with the King of Rock n' Roll!
In this spirit, Christmas with Elvis is designed like a Christmas party Elvis himself would have liked. It’s a behind-the-scenes look at the iconic music and songs Elvis sang and recorded for his bestselling holiday albums, alongside favorite stories, trivia, and Yuletide cocktails and munchies, all wrapped up with a merry Christmas twist fit for the King of Rock ’n’ Roll.

Go here as EIN’s Nigel Patterson investigates more...

(Book Reviews, Source;/ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review) Elvis The Army Years Uncovered (Trina Young): EIN thanks our good friend, Kees Mouwen (administrator of the best Elvis blog on the Internet....Elvis Day By Day), for allowing us to publish his informative review of Trina Young’s latest book.

Despite what some fans may think, Elvis’ Army years were eventful, full of interesting and sometimes sad, incidents.
Those two years in the Army were important in shaping Elvis as a person.
As Kees notes in his enlightening review, in her book, Trina Young “goes behind the superficial public relations story of Presley’s army years”.

Read Kees’ detailed review

(Book Review: Source: Kees Mouwen)


(Book Review) Elvis November 1956: As fans, we do not always realize that what we think we know about Elvis’ life, happened in short periods of time. Paul Belard’s visual biography series illustrates how hectic Elvis’ life and rise to fame was.
The latest release in Paul Belard’s series of photobooks, covering just one month in 1956, highlights just how much happened.
It was a busy time, Elvis spent time with his girlfriend Natalie Wood and buddy, Nick Adams on his new Harley Davidson. He did a small tour in the south with Scotty, DJ and Bill making stops in Toledo, Cleveland, Troy and Louisville, Kentucky. And managed to squeeze in a 10-day holiday with Bitsy Mott, Gene Smith and Richard Dougher to Las Vegas, returning to the New Frontier Hotel.

EIN’s Nigel Patterson and Elvis Day By Day’s Kees Mouwen joined forces to provide a detailed review of the narrative, visual and archival highlights from what was a a very busy month for the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll.

(Book Review, Source:EIN & EDayByDay)

Book Review: 'Elvis The King of the Rings Vol 1': Author-researcher Paul Belard has released the latest installment in his ongoing Elvis day-by-day biography series, visually (and narratively) documenting Elvis Presley's life and times. Unlike previous volumes, this book doesn’t cover a specific period of time, it covers a “shiny” part of our man's life, his love for big and glittery jewelry, specifically rings.
Elvis liked expensive things: cars, motorcycles, clothes, and jewelry. His jewels befitted a king. He wore sumptuous pendants hung on heavy gold chains; huge lavish rings dripping of rubies, sapphires, lapis lazuli, and emeralds; bracelets of gold and precious gems.
The singer Robert Goulet described Elvis’ penchant for generosity: “I remember once we sat together backstage for two hours. And he was a charming, delightful man. And at one point I said, “That’s a beautiful ring you have there.” He said, “You like it?” I said, “It’s beautiful!” He took it off his hand and put it on mine. He gave me his ring.”

Belard's new book features 254 pages dedicated to Elvis’ love of rings.
The photos include close-ups of so much glorious "Bling" along with stories of Elvis wearing them on-stage and even where they ended up.
Go here to read our review by Kees Mouwen and Nigel Patterson
(Book Review, Source:DayByDay/ElvisInformationNetwork)

Book Review - 'ELVIS UK3': Recently published 'ELVIS UK3' The Ultimate Guide to Elvis Presley's British CD Releases 1983-2005' by John Townson and Gordon Minto comprises 1400 pages with over a million words plus 4,000 plus illustrations.
This examination of Elvis’ British releases is an incredibly detailed narrative and visual record of his CD releases in the UK from 1983 to 2005. The first Elvis CD, 'The Legend' (3CD), was released in the UK in December 1983. Reflecting the fledgling nature of the format, UK fans had to wait another 12 months until the release of not one, but three, Elvis albums, in December 1984. By that time, the flood gates for the CD medium were starting to strain.
As with the authors’ earlier two volumes on Elvis UK vinyl releases, the information in Elvis UK3 is exhaustive.
To say that Elvis UK3 was well-researched would be a serious understatement. There is so much information in this book that it is difficult to comprehensively review it all. While many collectors will be most interested in the technical details for each entry, the author’s narrative is excellent.
Released using the flipbook format EIN tested Elvis UK3 on four platforms - a 28” computer monitor, 14” tablet, iPad 8 and a 6.5” android mobile phone.
EIN's Nigel Patterson has spent plenty of time reading through this massive work and here presents his in-depth review ...

(Book Review, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

Book Review 'An A-Z of Elvis': Joe Shooman’s new book 'An A-Z of Elvis... Infrequently Asked Questions' is an offbeat look at various parts of the Elvis story.
As the author notes, "This isn’t your bog-standard rehash of the same old Elvis tropes, instead we decided to look for the weird and wonderful…"

The A-Z entries are a diverse, eclectic collection, from the well-known to the weird and controversial. Each entry is afforded a paragraph or two up to a page of interesting text, with many of the entries complemented by impressive contemporary, hand drawn, artwork.

Our review discovers that at times, there is an almost punk sensibility in the narrative as author Joe Shooman dredges the darkest recesses of the multi-layered Elvis story and occasionally assaults the reader’s conception of Elvis Presley reality....

Go here as EIN's Nigel Patterson checks out this fascinating sounding publication.


(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

'Elvis Day By Day 2020' Book Review: 2020 is a year none of us will forget. But as we all tried to adapt to a "new normal" the wonderful world of Elvis Presley provided a very fine distraction. 2020 brought us several great Elvis releases on CD and vinyl (lots of it!), many new books, movie releases on DVD, Blu-ray and in cinemas around the world. We had to say good-bye to friends from the Elvis world and there was the Covid-19 pandemic, which had a huge impact on the Elvis world too.

Everything Elvis Presley from 2020 is captured in this comprehensive, day-by-day yearbook. Fully illustrated, with new in-depth reviews, articles and interviews on the main - and odd-ball - releases of the year. The good, the bad, the funny and the sad, and even the news and reviews you may have missed. All packed in one comprehensive book to revisit 2020 as it happened.

The book is.. "Impeccably written, in an attractive and easy to read composition, it is peppered with facts accompanied by high quality B&W and color pictures. It demonstrates in detail that Elvis is still present and influential."
Go here to Elvis author Paul Belard's full review..
(Book Reviews, Source;PB/ElvisInfoNet)

Book Review – 'Elvis 1956 July 5 to July 31 (Memphis-Biloxi-New Orleans)': Paul Belard’s latest photobook is another strong release. Focusing on a month in 1956 when Elvis actually got to take vacation.
Starting on July 5, 1956 (the day after Elvis’ triumphant concert at Russwood Park in Memphis - this will be covered in another volume), the hundreds of photos (many candid shots) show a different side to Elvis than normally associated with books about Elvis during the height of Presleymania.

.. July 1956, Elvis days off were spent deep sea fishing and relaxing before Elvis returned to Memphis on the 20th, where photographer, Lloyd Shearer, was on hand to take a slew of photos of Elvis around the city. At the end of the month Elvis returned to Biloxi....

The images are nicely complemented by a diverse and fascinating collection of archival materials.

Go here to read EIN’s detailed review from Nigel Patterson


(Book Review, Source: ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review) The Jewish World of Elvis Presley (Roselle Kline Chartock): The latest Elvis related book by an academic draws attention to an issue many fans will have been unaware of – the strong affinity Elvis had with Jews and how it influenced his life. Jews were disproportionately represented in Elvis’ life and inner circle – for instance, five of the Memphis Mafia were Jews. Was it just coincidence that there were so many Jews in Elvis’ life or was there something more at work?

Roselle Kline Chartock (Professor Emerita of Education) has written an absorbing and accessible account of the importance of Jews in Elvis’ life from his Jewish roots to the many personal friendships and professional relationships he enjoyed with them.
In so doing, the author reveals that what has previously been seen as a series of anecdotes, is actually a coherent and important theme in the Elvis story.
Read Nigel Patterson’s detailed review

(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInfomationNetwork)


(Book Review): Kid of the King (Liz Presley): The world knows Lisa Marie Presley to be the only child of Elvis and Priscilla. In this new book, Liz Presley claims to be the “older sibling” of Lisa Marie - a claim that will be met with derision and disbelief by most fans.
EIN’s Nigel Patterson offers his views on Ms Presley’s claim and the author’s wider story which traverses her struggles with gender identity (Liz was born ‘David’), a troubled upbringing, becoming successful in business, fulfilling her dream to be a singer, and, most importantly, finding “herself” and her “real family”. Regardless of what readers think of the author’s claim, EIN’s Nigel Patterson found that there is an important message reflected in Kid of the King.

Read Nigel’s detailed review

(Book Review, Source: ElvisInformationNetwork)


(Book Review) Elvis@Argentina 1963-1969 (Carlos Ares): The second volume in Carlos Ares’ series of “coffee table” books detailing Elvis’ reception in Argentina is another high quality production. With a great balance between informative text, colorful images and impressive archival artefacts, it is a worthy inclusion in any fan’s Elvis library.

It is available in English and Spanish text editions.

Read EIN Nigel Patterson’s detailed review


(Book Review, Source:ElvisInfoNetwork)

'Walk A Lonely Street' Book Review: Recently published Tony Plews, 'Walk A Lonely Street: Elvis Presley, Country Music & The True Story of Heartbreak Hotel' is a unique volume that tells the tale of Elvis Presley’s rise to fame as viewed through the lens of his era-defining first hit record, “Heartbreak Hotel”. Presented as a series of consecutive short stories, it offers a new perspective on Presley’s musical and cultural achievements, and reveals the true and dramatic saga behind the breakthrough song that changed the world.
In EIN Piers Beagley's detailed review he discovers that.. the true joy of this book is Tony Plews’ delightful and engaging writing style. His detailed research and his mix of facts and imagination blend together to create an emotional narrative that really draws the reader in. At times he also adds a nice British, somewhat droll, sense of humour that can make you laugh out loud. A totally enthralling musical journey, Tony Plews writes with a truly engaging, colourful and passionate style. If your love of Elvis is based upon his amazing musical legacy then this is the book for you....
Go here to EIN's 'Walk A Lonely Street' in-depth review
Coming Wednesday.. EIN interviews author Tony Plews
(Book Review, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

Year: 2020

(Book Review) 'Technicolor to Black & White' (Jean-Marie Pouzenc): The latest ‘coffee table” multi-media” (book, CD and 10” vinyl) set from Jean-Marie Pouzenc continues his history of producing fan pleasing, high quality, releases!
Focusing on Elvis’ film career in France it is a wonderfully expressive record of its subject and offers a neatly balanced package between its narrative, visual, archival and audio elements.

Elvis didn’t incarnate almost supernatural heroes, he was you and he was all of us. He played an everyday guy, an ordinary character with a job....(Jean-Marie Pouzenc)

Read EIN’s detailed review by Nigel Patterson


(Book Review, Source: ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review) Elvis Firearm & Weapon Collector An Illustrated Compendium (Paul Belard): The latest photobook from prolific Elvis author/researcher, Paul Belard, Elvis Firearm & Weapon Collector An Illustrated Compendium, focuses on one of Elvis’ major passions.  Elvis’ love of guns (and other weapons) is well known, but until now there has not been a detailed narrative and visual record of this passion. Belard has managed to compile a visually impressive and narratively comprehensive account, presenting hundreds of Elvis’ guns, knives, holsters, and other associated items, and most of the items are in color.

With interesting background information and a range of rare archival material (including affidavits, auction records, and letters of provenance) this book is an important one which neatly fills a hole in the multi-faceted Elvis story.

Read EIN’s full review

(Book Review, Source: ElvisInfoNetwork)

(Book Review) Destined to Die Young (Sally Hoedel): Could Elvis’ death at the young age of 42 have been avoided? This question is answered in Sally Hoedel’s thought provoking book, Destined to Die Young.

The book is the result of exhaustive research by the author who found a key factor which was to affect Elvis throughout his life – one which meant that regardless of his diet and overuse of prescription medication, he was destined to die young. The narrative is full and colorful, and its depth of detail reflects the extent of research undertaken by the author.

In her introduction, the author establishes an important context for Elvis’ longevity (or lack of longevity) and health issues, this being his family tree....  Hoedel identifies the genetic disorder as Antitrypsin Deficiency, a condition which can result in lung and/or liver disease. In this respect, her discussion of the life and death of Gladys Presley is thought provoking..

Go here to read EIN Nigel Patterson's detailed review

(Book Review. Source: ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review) Beyond the Stars: My Seven Year Journey with Elvis Presley (Grace Pearl): Do our souls survive our mortal being? Can we communicate with those who have crossed over? Some believe, others don’t. EIN’s Nigel Patterson approached this new book by psychic-medium, Grace Pearl, with an open mind.
Regardless of one’s belief, Beyond the Stars is an interesting book. It is well written and offers a perspective that will be foreign to many readers.
It challenges preconceived notions and for those that accept its basic premises, offers insights to our psychic abilities and an intriguing narrative account of communication and experiences with the spirit entity, Elvis Presley.
Go here to read EIN’s full review

(Book Review, Source: EIN)


(Book Review) From Elvis in Memphis (Eric Wolfson): The 150th volume in the popular Bloomsbury Academic 33 1/3 series of music history and criticism books is Eric Wolfson’s From Elvis in Memphis (due out on 12 November).
EIN’s Nigel Patterson recently sat down and submerged himself in what is the first (and long overdue) extensive examination of any Elvis album.
What Nigel found was a deeply considered, strongly written, and thought provoking analysis of what many regard as Elvis’ finest album.

.. "In 1968, Elvis Presley was worse than dead – he was irrelevant. After helping to establish rock and roll as a cultural force and becoming its biggest star in the 1950s, he now found himself eclipsed by the music. New artists like the Beatles and Bob Dylan blew the mid-1960’s rock landscape wide open.. Elvis, once the epitome of the young and exciting rock and roll star, had become old and stale.
From the moment that From Elvis in Memphis begins with a rock and roll Odysseus returning home after “a little while”, the album refuses to settle. Over the course of the record, people drive eight-wheel locomotives, ride in long black limousines, and soar like beautiful birds...."

Read Nigel’s detailed 3,000+ words review of From Elvis in Memphis

(Book Review, Source:ElvisInformationNetwork)

‘TTWII 50th Anniversary Collectors Edition’ FTD Book Review: FTD's most expensive set ever published, David English and Pal Granlund bring the complete background story of 'Elvis: That's The Way It Is'. Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the movie's 1970 release, this ultimate collector's edition includes two hardback books, eight cds with over 450 minutes of music, including newly discovered unreleased performances.
With access to 2,000 original negatives and 35mm slides, restored and repaired, many of which have never been seen before, the book also contains items from the MGM and RCA archives including paperwork, documents, memos and recording information.
Two books, 600 pages, plus all the MGM recorded rehearsals - including 70 tracks officially unreleased.
FTD's most expensive set but with the vast majority of the rehearsals already out on bootleg, can it really be worth the US$270 plus postage. Initially Sold Out and already into its first reprint what makes it so desirable?
EIN's Piers Beagley investigates and discovers plenty .. Go here to our 6000 word review including plenty of extracts and stunning images.
(FTD Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review): Elvis Roots, Image, Comeback, Phenomenon (Mark Duffett): The latest book release from Mark Duffett (author of Counting Down Elvis His 100 Finest Songs) was recently published.
In Elvis Roots, Image, Comeback, Phenomenon, the author returns to his academic roots and offers readers a fresh and stimulating perspective on how the Elvis Presley phenomenon should be considered in 2020.
Challenging other academic positions, Duffett traverses a rich theoretical terrain, including race, culture, consumerism, and sociological and psychological theory, in presenting his position.

EIN’s Nigel Patterson offers his view on this new book. Read Nigel’s detailed review here.

(Book Review, Source: EIN)


'INSIDE ELVIS' - Book Review: With the world in lockdown now is the perfect opportunity to invest time into some quality and thought provoking reading. 'Inside Elvis' by author Arjan Deelen might be just what the doctor ordered, with insightful interviews from key Elvis musicians such as James Burton, Scotty Moore, Jerry Scheff, Glen D. Hardin, Charlie Hodge, Bob Lanning, Jim Murray, Duke Bardwell and many more.
We can learn what was it like working with Elvis. What was it like being on the road day after day as the world’s most famous entertainer and it all helps us understand more about Elvis’ complicated life story.
The 300-page book also contains over 300 photographs from the collections of various high-profile collectors, and most of these are in color and razor-sharp.
The artwork of the book was done by graphic artist Michael van Werven, who has made it a visually stunning work.
Also included is a Bonus CD with 29-tracks containing various rarities.

EIN's Piers Beagley takes a break and enjoys soaking up time with Elvis and his friends. Go here for his review and check out some example pages along the way.
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review) Elvis 1956 – September 9 First Ed Sullivan Show (Paul Belard): The latest Elvis photo-book from prolific author, Paul Belard, has been published. The “limited edition” first pressing focuses on one of the most significant events in the Elvis story, his first appearance on America’s most popular television entertainment program, The Ed Sullivan Show.

Elvis was reviewed at the time as ..  Anything more outrageously offensive to good taste, is hard to imagine – within the limits of the law. The young man seems devoid of talent, unless one recognises such a thing as a talent for vulgarity.
How then, does he happen to appear again and again on a program allegedly governed by the American family’s sovereign demand for things of good taste?

EIN’s Nigel Patterson has taken a look inside the new book and in a 1,000 word review, offers his view on the rich range of narrative, visual and archival material featured in it.

Read Nigel’s review 

(Book Reviews, Source: ElvisInfoNet)

(Book Review) Elvis March 7 to March 31: Paul Belard’s latest photobook focuses on the 25 days following Elvis’ discharge from the Army up to and including his important appearance on the Frank Sinatra Timex “Welcome Home Elvis” TV Special.

Over more than 200 pages, the author has compiled an impressive collection of images and rich archival material.

Read EIN’s detailed review


(Book Review, Source: ElvisInfoNet)  

'Elvis Day By Day 2019' Book Review: 2019 was a year of many celebrations. It marked the 50th anniversary of Elvis Presley's triumphant return to live performing and the release of two of his most iconic recordings, "Suspicious Minds" and “In The Ghetto”.
Sadly 2019 also marked the 42nd anniversary of his untimely death - yet his cultural impact may very well have been more visible and ‘alive’ during the last 42 years than when he was actually alive. And so is the Elvis-world today.
Kees Mouwen's "Elvis Day By Day 2019 - The year in Review" compiles a comprehensive and illustrated chronology of ‘everything Elvis from 2019’ in one physical reference book and with over 500 illustrations.
Joan Gansky first met Elvis on August 18, 1967 and was there at the '68 Special' as well as Elvis' 1969 Las Vegas live return.
She writes, "We are both honored and proud that this book features my husband Paul's photographs and my fond memories of August '69 at the International Las Vegas! When I wrote them back at that time, I never dreamed 50 years later they would be printed in any book, especially one of this high caliber. This ongoing deep interest is due to Elvis Presley and the enduring love for and appreciation of him by his fans worldwide."
Go here as Joan Gansky provides a lovely insider's review..
(Book Reviews, Source;JG/ElvisInfoNet)

MRS 'Elvis:Back In Living Stereo' in-depth Review: The new MRS set contains 6CDs of essential 1960-1962 master recordings, plus rare alternate outtakes - including plenty of officially unreleased material - and all of the personal home recordings Elvis made during the 1960s.
The 100 page book, with text from Gordon Minto, includes rare unpublished documents and photographs, supported by a comprehensive text discussing each of Elvis’ RCA studio (non-film) recording sessions held during 1960-62.
Musically the packed cds - over seven hours - present a stunning look at Elvis recording in the early sixties before the shine wore off. The "Master" sessions nicely contrast with the looser "Outtakes" discs and with Elvis getting even more uninhibited on the Home Recordings. - Very unihibited with a certain Nancy Sharpe!

But with so much thrown into the mix, and some tracks in poor audio quality, have MRS packed "Too Much" into the one release.

Go here as EIN's Nigel Patterson & Piers Beagley check out the positives and negatives in their in-depth review.

(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

Year: 2019

'The Guitar Player Worth A Damn' - The King In Motion Vol. 4 (Venus Productions): Elvis' 1972 'On Tour' performances have been featured in multiple books as well as the official MGM movie / DVD. The latest Venus Productions multimedia set revisits this tour with a composite book, DVD and CD set.

The DVD promises a qualified revamp of "Elvis On Tour" compiled from hours of unreleased footage taken from the best sources available - while the CDs include the never-before-released Hampton Roads Afternoon Show from April 9, 1972 plus an unreleased alternate mix of Elvis' Greensboro April 14, 1972 concert.
The main feature is the 200 page hardcover book with loads of rare pictures of the On Tour performances.

EIN's Piers Beagley and Nigel Patterson recently explored this new release. What did they find? How does the book component compare to other Venus releases? What do the audio-visual elements offer?

Read Piers and Nigel's detailed review featuring plenty of example pages of 1972 Elvis 'On Tour' on-stage action.

(Review, Source: ElvisInformationNetwork)

‘Elvis Through the Ages' Book Review: The publicity for ‘Elvis Through the Ages: Images from the Hollywood Photo Archive’ stated..  "From the beginning of his career to his death as the Hollywood icon Elvis Presley sang and enchanted thousands of people. Publicity photos and behind-the-scenes shots from the Hollywood Photo Archives include scores of long been forgotten or abandoned images in neglected studio archives. This book collects 100 of the rarest of the rare, seldom previously seen images of his career. For the Elvis fans who think that they have seen it all, this book will provide a new lens on a beloved American icon.

EIN's Piers Beagley felt tempted by the offer of "100 of the rarest of the rare hollywood images" but now feels a fool for buying such a terrible collection of generic photos and a book full of so many UNFORGIVEABLE mistakes.. The publishers should be ashamed..
With an Elvis IMITATOR on the cover, as well as in the book, EIN readers should not get themselves "caught in this trap".. Please read this review before purchasing.

(PS - Do you love the Elvis and Ann-Margret photos on the front cover, well guess what, they are not in the book!)

(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review): Elvis September 1958 - Germany Bound (Paul Belard): Paul Belard's latest visual and archival record of the Elvis story focuses on just one month, September 1958. This was the month Elvis prepared for his departure from the USA on deployment to Germany to continue his Army training.



EIN's Nigel Patterson took a tour of duty through Germany Bound. He has taken inventory and you can read what Nigel found here:

Read Nigel's review ......


..(Book Review, Source: EIN)

(Book Review): Elvis January-February 1956 (Paul Belard): Prolific Elvis publisher, Paul Belard, recently released two more titles as part of his mammoth project to document the Elvis story through (well known and obscure) pictures and rare archival material.

EIN's Nigel Patterson offers his perspective on what the first of Belard's new books, Elvis January-February 1956, has to offer.

The titular months were among the more important in the early part of Elvis' career and Paul Belard has unearthed a wide range of interesting and rare material.




Read Nigel's review (Book Review, Source: EIN)

'Elvis: Stories Behind The Songs' Book Review:  BBC Local Radio presenter Matt Shepherd has published his first printed book looking at some of Elvis' biggest hits and lesser known treasures.
'Elvis Presley: Stories Behind The Songs' is the first of a two volume book and starts in January 1969, almost 50 years ago, when Elvis recorded in Memphis for the first time in 14 years.
The 248-page book features nine chapters examining Elvis' stunning musical legacy. Elvis' recordings from 1969 - 1973 feature in the first section of the book while Elvis' fabulous fifties performances make up the second part.
A lot of EIN readers will have read so much about Elvis' amazing legacy already that a new book really needs to have an alternate viewpoint to keep one interested - and we think Sheppard’s 248-page book does just that.
Unlike other books, Sheppard’s examination of each song (usually) explains the composers backstory, the connection to Elvis, who previously recorded the song, alternate reviews, interview extracts and website links to other sites (such as youtube) and performances of the song by other artists.

EIN's Piers Beagley selected the book for some summer holiday reading on the beach and found himself enjoying what he found ..

(Book Reviews, Source:ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review): Thirty Pieces of Silver - The Betrayal of Elvis Presley (Joyce Rochelle Vaughn): In all likelihood few EIN readers will be familiar with this 713 page opus released in 2016. It has largely slipped under the radar in the Elvis world.

With its striking title and controversial subject matter the writing of the book by African American, Joyce Rochelle Vaughn, who was raised to hate Elvis and his' music, was 40 years in the making.

EIN's Nigel Patterson has compiled a detailed 2,500 word review taking us inside this large coffee table release which examines and challenges various claims made about Elvis, from him being racist to the claims in Elvis, What Happened? (aka The Bodyguard Book)and Sonny West's later release, Elvis: Still Taking Care of Business.

A book which will divide readers, it is powerfully written and offers a viewpoint which will challenge many fan's beliefs. Read Nigel's full review to find out more. (Book Review, Source: EIN)

(Book Review): Elvis in Vegas: How the King Reinvented the Las Vegas Show (Richard Zoglin): EIN recently interviewed senior editor of Time magazine, Richard Zoglin, about his new book, Elvis in Vegas.

To complement our interview, EIN's Nigel Patterson provides a detailed review of Zoglin's book, a release that offers a lot more than its title suggests, and a book that is clearly one of the most important Elvis releases of 2019.

Read Nigel's detailed review of Elvis in Vegas: How the King Reinvented the Las Vegas Show

Read EIN's interview with the author, Richard Zoglin

'Elvis - Made In Germany’ In-Depth Review: The new MRS 'Elvis - Made In Germany – The Complete Private Recordings’ 4CD set contains more than 3 hours of the private recordings Elvis made while off duty in Germany when he was serving as a soldier in the US army during the 1958 -1960 period and, includes rare tracks from a recently discovered tape comprising over an hour of unheard personal recordings.
The 152-page hardback book contains rare photographs and documents plus a comprehensive text provided by Gordon Minto, which discusses each of Elvis’ RCA studio (non-film) recording sessions held during 1957-58, before focusing on the private recordings he made in Germany.
The BONUS CD features the essential RCA studio masters from 1957-58.

With such an expansive book, along with hours of Elvis jamming with his friends in Germany, there is plenty to discuss as well as finding out what extra material this set contains over the official releases.

Go here as EIN's Nigel Patterson & Piers Beagley provide an in-depth review of this new MRS release

(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

Best (and Worst) Books of 2018: What were the best Elvis books published in 2018? The worst? The most incredulous?

EIN's Nigel Patterson, with help from Piers Beagley, has compiled an extensive list of the best and worst Elvis books of last year.

The 14 award categories include the best:

  • general biography
  • "subject specific" release
  • composite (book/CD and/or DVD) release
  • "insider" memoir
  • photo-journal
  • fiction release
  • ebook
  • book for younger readers
  • non-english text
  • re-issue
  • fan club/fan publication
  • most incredulous release

Plus EIN names its top two Elvis books of 2018!

To find out what they are (and why) and read about more than 70 other Elvis books published in 2018 click here..(Spotlight, Source: EIN)

Elvis March 1956 (Paul Belard): The latest book in Paul Belard's massive (40+ books) undertaking to archivally record Elvis' life and career in essentially visual (pictures) format has been released (another two books are nearing completion).

Here is EIN's mini-review of Elvis March 1956:

Another day-by-day account of a month in Elvis’ life. This time author-researcher Belard details (essentially in photos) what Elvis did in March 1956, a very busy and important month in his career. The month featured three appearances by Elvis on television, three performances on the Louisiana Hayride, and a mid-month tour of Georgia, North and South Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky and Washington D.C. Late in March 1956 Elvis also flew to Los Angeles for his first screen test and on his return home to Memphis he moved home from 1414 Getwell to 1034 Audoban Drive.

The myriad of photos (a mix of candids and professionally captured) are mostly in b&w with a number of color images including the ‘colorised’ image of Elvis on motorcycle used for the May 1956 issue of The Enthusiast and color images of Elvis during his television appearances.

The book also features a variety of interesting archival material/reproductions and each day is introduced with text setting the scene. Most of the images are of good quality, a few reflect their age and are included due to their historical importance/rarity.

The cover image is a great color shot of Elvis on stage.
More more information and ordering details:  - email Paul Belard
(News, Source: EIN)

(Book Review) A time for LOVE (Micheal Lawerence Isles): While its title is true, Micheal Lawerence Isle's new Elvis themed book is much more than a love story.

Mixing its titular theme with adventure, mystery, Elvis, and the dusty environs of outback Australia, the author has penned an entertaining tale with nicely developed characters and a surprise ending.

Read EIN's full review and Nigel Patterson's mini-interview with the author

(Book Review, Source: EIN)

(Book Review) Elvis Presley Music Movies Myth (Matthew Martin): October 2018 saw the release of a new but little known Elvis book, Elvis Presley Music Movies Myth.

In hardcover format (with dust jacket) and containing more than 400 pages, EIN's Nigel Patterson decided to explore what author Matthew Martin had to offer.

Is Elvis Presley Music Movies Myth simply another run-of-the-mill biography, or does it offer the reader something more substantial?

What Nigel found in a book few have heard of, was a pleasant surprise.

Read Nigel's detailed review


(Book Review, Source: EIN)

Year: 2018

(Critical Review) Letters from Elvis (Gary Lindberg): In his latest book, author/researcher Gary Lindberg claims that Elvis wrote 65 letters to his "spiritual adviser", Carmen Montez.

This controversial book is incensing many fans with claims including that Elvis had close friendships with Marlon Brando and Harry Belafonte and Elvis was abducted and sexually assaulted.
Other claims that have received next to nil coverage are that Vernon Presley was not Elvis' biological father and that Elvis' "lost (true) love" disappeared under mysterious and violent circumstances.

EIN's Nigel Patterson takes an extensive and critical look inside Letters from Elvis in a 7,000+ word critical review.

Nigel's review covers a lot of interesting and relevant issues, both technical and Elvis related. It dissects major claims in the book, examines the role of forensic document examination and graphoanalysis, outlines copyright law around letters, examines third party records in relation to several of the claims, and identifies another celebrity "letters" case - one where the letters were initially authenticated, but later revealed to be an elaborate hoax - this case may be instructive in considering Letters from Elvis.

Contributing to Nigel's review are comments from Elvis' known "spiritual adviser", Larry Geller. (Book Review, Source: EIN)

(Book Review) The Elvis Experience (Dave Hebler): As a member of Elvis' Memphis Mafia, Dave Hebler was part of Elvis' inner sanctum at least until his acromonious sacking, along with Red West and Sonny West, in 1976, and the subsequent publication of the infamous book, Elvis What Happened?.

Over the years, Dave, Red and Sonny West reclaimed respect in the Elvis world, at least with many fans, if not the Presley family and EPE.

Dave Hebler's new book was released during Elvis Week 2018.

The Elvis Experience has a 'fan friendly' feel to it. There are many amusing and fun stories and the author does not shy away from discussing at least some of the not so positive aspects of his experience working for Elvis.

To find out more about "The Elvis Experience" you can read Nigel Patterson's in-depth review here.

(Book Review, Source: EIN)

(Book Review) Psychological Autopsy of Elvis Presley The Elvis Analysis: The Role of Suggestion in the Etiology of Psyhcosomatic Disorders (Willliam J. Ronan): Why did Elvis die? In a technically complex and thought provoking exploration of Elvis' death, William Ronan, Clinical Member of AAMH and American Psychotherapy Association Diplomat, presents his case for considering causative factors - principally how cumulative personal loss and its associated trauma led to Elvis' loneliness, depression and addiction, factors which affected his physical state and ultimately contributed to his death.

Read Nigel Patterson's detailed review .....................(Book Review, Source: EIN)

'Bring Back the King' Book Review: Scientists are seriously debating the possibility of bringing back T-Rex or the Woolly Mammoth via DNA cloning, so what makes it so difficult to "Bring Back the King".
The idea seems a genuine possibility in the future.
Helen Pilcher's 'Bring Back the King - The New Science of De-extinction' was published last year and raises some interesting questions.
Pilcher is uniquely qualified to explain the cutting-edge science that makes the resurrection of extinct animals a very real possibility, while acknowledging the serious and humorous aspects of giving a deceased animal a second chance to live. If you could bring back to life a person who would you choose? Pilcher highlights her own choices from eras gone, including the King of the Dinosaurs, Tyrannosaurus rex, and the King of Rock 'n' Roll, Elvis Presley.
From dinosaurs to dodos and Neanderthals, BRING BACK THE KING reveals how the burgeoning field of DNA science is being used to help resurrect individual animals and assesses the ramifications of how these genetic Lazaruses might fare in their brave new world.
EIN contributor Susan MacDougall once again does the detective work that most Elvis fans tend to ignore and tracks down yet another Elvis phenomenon.
Click here to  Susan MacDougall's review of  BRING BACK THE KING to see whether the book and the idea are worth considering.
You never know who might just be knocking at your front door in the future!
(Book Reviews, Source;SM/ElvisInformationNetwork)

Book Review - 'Elvis The Gospel Singer' (Paul Belard): Paul Belard has a quest to present the Elvis story in chronological visual form. To date he has released seven books with another 40+ at an advanced stage. In Elvis The Gospel Singer Belard moves from his chronological account of the Elvis day-by-day biography and offers a subject specific chronological account of Elvis' favourite music: gospel.

Over an impressive 300+ pages the author offers a full account of the gospel artists and music influencing Elvis and provides the lyrics for, and often background information to, all of Elvis' gospel recordings.

With more narrative than usual Belard delves deep into Elvis and his love of gospel music and includes rare historic material, and some unusual but valid song choices.

Read Nigel Patterson's review of Elvis The Gospel Singer.
(Book Review, Source; ELvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review) The Elvis Map A Travel Guide: It is always good to see releases from countries not as well associated with Elvis book publishing.

The Elvis Map A Travel Guide is one of two book(let)s released by the Official Elvis Presley Fan Club of Finland.

The book(let) is a neat, slimline release which allows the reader to “walk a mile” in Elvis’ shoes in both his birth town Tupelo, and his long-time home city, Memphis.

Read Nigel Patterson's full review

(Book Reviews, Source: ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review): Elvis 1960 Seven Days In March (Paul Belard): Elvis researcher, Paul Belard's latest photo-book visually chronicles Elvis' discharge from the Army to his arrival back home in Memphis.

EIN's Nigel Patterson recently submerged himself in the visual and archival record of what was an important "turning point" in the complex Elvis story.

Sections include..
Nearly 40 pages covering Elvis leaving his home in Bad Nauheim;
Rare images from Elvis' plane ride back home via Scotland;
Elvis' arrival back in America and being met by Nancy Sinatra;
Elvis’ last Army breakfast and Army discharge:
Elvis' triumphant train ride from Washington to Memphis:


Read Nigel's detailed review

(Book Review, Source: EIN)

(Book Review) Elvis Black and White to Technicolor (Paul Belard and Joseph Krein): The latest release from Paul Belard (with Joseph Krein) is one of the more important Elvis books in recent years. The reason why is that addresses the controversial issue that Elvis was racist. The authors tackle the subject of Elvis' relationship with Black America head on through a balanced and impressive mix of text and image.

Belard and Krein's research has uncovered rare archival material on the issue and the book includes hundreds of comments about Elvis by Black Americans.




Read Nigel Patterson's detailed review

(Book Reviews; Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

'They lost their heads! What happened to Washington’s teeth, (Elvis' wart) and other famous body parts' Book Review: Proving that EIN keeps a watch out for ELVIS in nearly every publication we start July 2018 with Susan MacDougall's review of 'They lost their heads! What happened to Washington’s teeth, Einstein’s brain, (Elvis' wart) and other famous body parts' by Carlyn Beccia.
The publicity notes that.. From the kidnapping of Einstein's brain to the horrifying end of Louis XIV's heart, the mysteries surrounding some of history's most famous body parts range from medical to macabre. Carlyn Beccia explores the misadventures of noteworthy body parts through history and springboards to exploring STEM topics such as forensics, DNA testing, brain science, organ donation, and cloning. The engaging tone, wonderfully creepy subject matter, and delightfully detailed art are sure to capture even the most reluctant readers.
So what has this to do with our Hero Elvis?
EIN book reviewer Susan MacDougall explores this weird book aimed at Children to check out whether Elvis will get a fair representation after all these years...
(Book Reviews, Source;Susan MacDougall/ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review) The Comeback - Elvis and the Story of the 68 Special (Simon Goddard): The past two months have been a busy period regarding Elvis' legendary '68 Comeback Special. Marking its 50th anniversary, the Special was shown in cinemas and two new books were published, one by Steve Binder (Director/Producer of the Special) and the other by noted rock music analyst, Simon Goddard.

EIN's Nigel Patterson recently took a few deep breaths and submerged himself in the Simon Goddard release.

Having previously read a number of the author's cerebrally challenging books, he was not surprised to find that Goddard's treatise on Elvis' legendary Comeback Special is one hell of an intellectively challenging and dizzy rollercoaster of a ride....... a journey most rewarding for those brave enough to go the distance.

Read Nigel's detailed review (Book Review, Source: EIN)

'The Complete ‘50s Movie Masters And Session Recordings' In-Depth Review: This MRS 'The Complete ‘50s Movie Masters And Session Recordings' 5CD/Book combo pays tribute to Elvis Presley’s complete music recordings made for his movies during the 1950s.
The 5CDs contain the complete works of the master and session studio recordings made for each of Elvis’ movies during the 1950s, and all tracks have been remastered.
The 200-page book focuses on each of the recording sessions held for the four motion pictures made between August 1956 and March 1958.
The comprehensive text is complemented by rare and previously unseen photographs and documentation.

So what surprises will collectors discover in this new set, what is in this new collection that FTD have missed and how good will the audio sound.

Go here as EIN's Nigel Patterson & Piers Beagley provide an in-depth review of this new MRS release

(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Multimedia set review) - Tearing 'Em Up! 1971 - The King In Motion Vol. 3 (Venus Productions): Elvis' 1971 tour has been well served by a number of very strong book releases. The latest Venus Productions multimedia set revisits the tour with a composite book, DVD and CD set.

The DVD includes 40 minutes of concert footage from the November 1971 Tour. The footage has been professionally synced with the Boston November 10th show.
The main feature is the 209 page hardcover book with loads of rare pictures of the complete tour! 

EIN's Piers Beagley and Nigel Patterson recently explored this new release. What did they find? How does the book component compare to other releases on the tour? What do the audio-visual elements offer?

Read Piers and Nigel's detailed review featuring plenty of example pages of 1971 Elvis on stage action.

(Review, Source: EIN)

'The EPE Catalog' Book Review: Bob Pakes' 'The EPE Catalog' presents an A-Z guide, 390 packed pages, with over 1,450 images on every weird and wonderful product that was part of the immensely successful 1956 Elvis Presley merchandise train.
The book contains an unbelievable number of photographs and documents showing how much product EPE tried to flog to the fans.  Anyone want an Elvis Presley hot-plate or some mittens!?
The book is an incredible compendium of how teenage America went crazy for Elvis Presley and the clever exploitation of their teenage cravings by one Col Parker via Hank Saperstein.
Incredibly around 80 different Elvis licensed products in all different colours and sizes were rushed out over this amazingly short period. Elvis Badges/ Buttons including everything from ‘I Like Elvis’ to ‘I Hate Elvis’ buttons, and featured over 18 pages of the book, is just one of those 80 products! It is an intense and fascinating story.
Teenagers in the 1950s were the first generation to really have any spending money and Tom Parker wanted to grab his share!

Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley checks out this fabulous book - with plenty of example pages..
(Interviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review) Counting Down Elvis His 100 Finest Songs (Mark Duffett): Given Elvis recorded around 700 songs during his lifetime, compiling a list of his 100 finest recordings is no mean feat.

EIN's Nigel Patterson recently submerged himself in Mark Duffett's latest book and found a wonderfully woven narrative full of intriguing analysis and musical surprises as it counted down to #1 and then offered 100 more.

For lovers of Elvis' music this is an essential read.

Read Nigel's detailed review

(Book Review, Source: EIN)

'Elvis: The Movies' Book Review: Respected Elvis author Alan Hanson, along with Erik Lorentzen, has just published 'Elvis - The Movies', 432 pages examining all of Elvis' movies and including some sensational photos.
Elvis Presley's dream was to become a movie star, and the dream started well for him. His acting ability developed steadily throughout his first four movies. But, alas, it was the music which first gave him access to Hollywood, that proved the undoing of his acting career. The inevitable result was a long series of films with weak plots in which only the music mattered.

Author Alan Hanson chronicles Elvis' cinematic career, combined with hundreds of stunning photos from Erik Lorentzen's exclusive collection. But how could this improve on all the previous 'Elvis movie' books.

Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley checks out this new deluxe production and includes some of the book's fabulous Elvis photos
(Interviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

'ELVIS ON TOUR - 45th Anniversary Deluxe Edition' IN-Depth Review: Amiga International's long awaited LIMITED-EDITION boxset featuring 9-CD’s, all remastered, of all known recordings made for the Golden Globe Award-winning concert documentary ELVIS ON TOUR is OUT NOW. It includes the premiere of the complete rehearsal recorded in Buffalo, NY on April 5, 1972, with three previously unreleased performances.
The 13-inch boxset also includes a huge 128-page hardcover book containing detailed essays of the entire April 1972 tour with RARE AND UNPUBLISHED photographs and related memorabilia.

When considering the lack of attention paid to this concert documentary, it seems a shame that so few official releases have emerged. It is for this reason that AMIGA International presents this deluxe package to honor the excellent recordings made for the much neglected "Elvis On Tour" film.

Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley supplies a 5,000 word indepth review - includes stunning photos and discovers that this AMIGA 'On Tour' box-set is the BEST deluxe Elvis release since the 2012 FTD 'Boy From Tupelo' (Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNet)


Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware) - Exposing the Amazon Elvis Book Rip-Off?: From RCA to Sony Elvis' back catalog has long been exploited at the expense of his legacy. The same thing is now happening regarding Elvis book releases!

Through clever marketing, including the use of different (but suspicious) author names and different book titles for releases which are essentially identical; short and long book editions; and coupling the Elvis story with that of other celebrities, a glut of Elvis related book titles (with repetitive text) only available from Amazon are blatantly misleading fans.

Read EIN's findings in our "exclusive" investigative report

(Spotlight, Source:ElvisInformationNetwork)

Elvis Presley Concert At Madison Square Avenue In 1977 (Walter Twin): Caveat emptor! - is this minimalist Elvis photo booklet the worst ever released?

(Yes, it is so bad as to be unbelievable!)

EIN's Nigel Patterson reviews this new release.



“Elvis, Lisa Marie Presley & Human Dignity: Lights Out In Memphis” 

EIN Exclusive - photo of Elvis' little known girlfriend, Debra (Debbie) Watts: “Elvis, Lisa Marie Presley & Human Dignity: Lights Out In Memphis” is the latest soft cover by Darrin Memmer and amongst the ground breaking research featured within the 268-page book, is this EIN EXCLUSIVE Darrin has shared with our readers: a recently uncovered archival photo of Debra Watts!

EIN readers may recall our May 24, 2005 article titled, “Elvis and Debbie - the mystery solved?” by award winning journalist and noted Elvis author, the late Bill Burk:

Elvis and Debbie - the mystery solved?: "The sudden death of Haywood Watts last Wednesday (burial Friday) will have an effect on a future issue of Elvis World magazine... and here's how. I've told you how all alumni of old South Side High School get together for dinner each 3 months... and how many of this group had their moments with Elvis, in one place or another. CLICK HERE for the full story

Love's Unchained Melody (Robert Evans): EIN's Nigel Patterson recently read the latest novel from author Robert Evans. It is an emotional love story which takes place over two time periods - the mid 1950s' and 1977 to 2003.

Click here to read Nigel's review

'The Million Dollar Quartet’ Book Review: 'The Million Dollar Quartet’ is the name given to the impromptu jam session among Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, and Johnny Cash on December 4th 1956.
This book by Stephen Miller - from 2013 - includes interviews with the drummer and the sound engineer.
It features a detailed analysis of the music played – and its relevance to subsequent popular music.
The early lives and careers of the quartet – where they were in 1956.
Relevant social and economic factors which meant that a massive audience of young people were keenly looking for a new kind of music they could call their own.
The “reunions” of surviving members of the quartet.
The emergence of the tapes, first on bootleg and then on legitimate CDs.
The genesis of the stage show and its reception – the enduring appeal of the music.

Go here as EIN book reviewer Susan MacDougall explores this detailed look into a jam session that Elvis fans all know so well... is there really any more to discover?

(Book Reviews, Source;SMacDougall/ElvisInformationNetwork)

Year: 2017

Book Review "Reconsider Baby: Elvis: A Listener's Guide": Elvis Presley made over 700 recordings during his life. This book by author Shane Brown examines all of them. Session by session, song by song, Reconsider Baby takes the reader on a journey from Elvis’s first recordings in 1953 through to his last performances in 1977.
This significantly expanded and revised edition of 2014’s Elvis Presley: A Listener’s Guide provides a commentary on Elvis’s vast and varied body of work, while also examining in detail how Elvis and his recordings and performances were discussed in newspapers, magazines, and trade publications from the 1950s through to the 1970s.
The text draws on over 500 contemporary articles and reviews, telling for the first time the story of how Elvis and his career played out in the printed media, and often forcing us to question our understanding of how Elvis’s work was received at the time of release.

Can another detailed examination into Elvis' musical legacy really be worth buying? (Hint, the answer is a big YES!)
Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley reviews the newly expanded look into Elvis' musical legacy, including some choice book extracts...

(Book Reviews, Source,ElvisInformationNetwork)

'A Boy From Tupelo' 2017 In-depth Review: Back in early 2012 Ernst Jorgensen published his definitive look at Elvis during his sensational and creative Sun Records period as a FTD deluxe book/CD package. It had been a project he had been working on for more than a decade.
Now in 2017, RCA/SONY has republished 'A Boy From Tupelo' in a cut-down format and at a price anyone can afford.
This is the story of Elvis Presley before he becomes world-famous, and how this amazing young man readies himself for stardom, achieving success on a level that no one could have dreamed possible.
It features all of Elvis' Sun recordings on 3 CDs plus Elvis LIVE, on the radio, and in concert in the best possible sound. The new release also includes a previously officially unreleased "I Forgot to Remember to Forget" from a 1955 Louisiana Hayride performance.
Our in-depth 3,000 word review provides a detailed look, with 14 example pages plus additional photos from the book.
Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley checks out this new slimline version released for the 'General Public'..
For fans who have asked, we also compare the 2012 'A Boy From Tupelo' Deluxe FTD to the new "Mainstream"  release.
(Book/CD Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

‘ELVIS: Studio Sessions 1956' In-Depth Review: MRS newest release, a massive 3CD/172 page book compilation "Elvis Studio Sessions ‘56 The Complete Recordings". The 172-page book, with text by Gordon Minto, focuses on each of Elvis’ studio recording sessions during his first year of national stardom - from the first one in January, held in Nashville, then later in New York, before finishing his final session of the year in Hollywood in September. The full and comprehensive text is complemented by rare and previously unseen photographs and pieces of documentation.
The 3CDs contain the complete archival master and session studio recordings of Elvis Presley from 1956, along with bonus interviews. All 90 tracks have been remastered and restored. Also for the first time on CD is the complete ‘The Truth About Me’ from an original US 45rpm flexi-disc. Also included are all the out-takes from this interview.

Once again MRS release a first putting all of Elvis' key 1956 Studio Session masters onto one disc, with the addition of two other fully-packed cds of 1956 material and a stunning 172 page book. But what does this set offer over other previous releases
Go here as EIN's Nigel Patterson and Piers Beagley check out this new volume from MRS to find what is on offer. Includes stunning example photos & a detailed audio investigation.
(Book Review: Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

'Strictly Elvis: 1973-74-75' Book Review: Photographer Keith Alverson's new book with Erik Lorentzen was the perfect new publication for Elvis Week 2017.

Keith Alverson first saw Elvis in concert in the early 70s when he secretly smuggled in his small pocket camera to sneak a few photos of Elvis from there he went from strength to strength. One his first Elvis' concerts where he was able to get quality photos of Elvis in concert was Elvis in Atlanta, July 1973 after which he saw Elvis over 80 times live on stage.
Alverson's outstanding photos of Elvis in his "Phoenix" jumpsuits are known by every Elvis fan. With 1,500 photos this book concentrating on Elvis from 1973-1975 has the possibilty to be a real stunner.

With the book arriving a little late in Australia EIN's Piers Beagley has at last had the chance to discover whether the book really lives up to its publicity -- Hint - It really does!

Go here to our in-depth review of this stunning book - with plenty of example pages. Now updated with reader comments including super-fan Jeanne P who saw Elvis 19 times in concert.

(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

'ELVIS & The Colonel' Book Review: Published in March 2017 from author Darrin Lee Memmer, 'ELVIS & The Colonel' is an A4 format, 200-page project.
The publicity noted, "Rest assured that this is no whitewash or rose-colored approach to biography; nah, just the most contemporaneously-rich, fair-minded & engaging collection of material about Colonel Parker to be assembled in one place."

There is no doubt that "ELVIS & The Colonel" is one of the strangest books EIN has ever read - although that could easily be expected from author Darrin Lee Memmer.
Darrin Lee truly enjoys challenging Elvis myths. His most famous publication so far is in fact 'Desert Storm; The Shattering of a Myth' about Elvis' emotional roller-coaster ride of mid-1974.
So while the book about Elvis and Col Parker promises NOT to be a "whitewash" you can expect that it will be. 

Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley spends some time soaking up the author's controversial thoughts and finds the book a challenge to the reader that will certainly getting one involved and feeling argumentative - which is not necessarilly a bad thing.

(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

'The Seeker King' - Book Review: A woman in the audience once handed Elvis a crown saying, "You're the King." "No, honey," Elvis replied. "There is only one king -- Jesus Christ. I'm just a singer."

In his 2013 book 'The Seeker King: a spiritual biography of Elvis Presley' author Gary Tillery presents a coherent view of Elvis's thoughts through such anecdotes and other recorded facts. Elvis came to believe that the Christ shines in everyone and that God wanted him to use his light to uplift people. And so he did. Elvis's excesses were as legendary as his generosity, yet, despite his lethal reliance on drugs, he remained ever spiritually curious. This intimate, objective portrait inspires new admiration for the flawed but exceptional man who said, "All I want is to know and experience God. I'm a searcher, that's what I'm all about."

EIN book reviewer Susan MacDougall explores this interesting book and questions that since so much has been written about Elvis' including at least a dozen books about his spiritual search, is there anything new to say? Go here to read her detailed review to find out! 
(Book Reviews, Source;SMacDougall/ElvisInformationNetwork) 

Book Review - 'Elvis: One Night In Toronto'; The new book from Paul Sweeney, Jean-Marc Carisse and Erik Lorentzen 'Elvis Presley In Person 'One Night In Toronto' April 2 - 1957' has caused a great deal of interest among Elvis fifties collectors with the discovery of over 300 previously unpublished photos and some delicious promises ...
A historical document - for the 60th Anniversary.
* interviews
* backstage stories
* private moments
* hundreds of never before published photos
* Photos taken from original negatives

... and there is no doubt that this new book of Elvis in 1957 in all his gold-lame glory kicks major goals on several levels over its 352 pages....

Go here to read EIN Piers Beagley's in-depth review to see whether a book about just one day in Elvis' life in 1957 can really be that good.... - (Hint: Yes, It Is!) - along with some stunning close-up images from the book

(Book Reviews; Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

‘ELVIS: The Complete Works 1953 – 1955’ Review: MRS newest release, a 2CD/100page book compilation ‘MRS: The Complete Works 1953 – 1955’. The 100-page book chronicles Elvis’ short recording career there, from its humble beginnings (his personal acetate recordings from 1953) through to the final Sun sessions in 1955. The full and comprehensive text is complemented by rare photographs and unseen pieces of documentation.

The 2CDs contain the complete archival studio recordings from 1953-1955, Elvis’ personal acetates, the Sun masters, along with rare session outtakes. The tracks have been painstakingly remastered and restored. The set includes for the first time ‘That’s All Right’ taken from the ‘Mother’ master of the original Sun 45rpm.

But how does it differ from previous volumes about the same topic and is the audio any better?
Go here as EIN's Nigel Patterson and Piers Beagley check out this new volume from MRS to find what is on offer.

(Book Review: Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review) 'Being Elvis - A Lonely Life': The latest Elvis biography is authored by noted rock writer, Ray Connolly. Media reviews have suggested that... "Perhaps because we all know how it ends, it’s those early years that make for the hardest reading. The decisions Elvis makes all seem to be omens of what’s still to come for the young man."...

EIN's Nigel Patterson offers his observations on a release which searches below the surface to reveal how Elvis' insecurity and loneliness were exacerbated by the unique situation that he experienced as the world's first truly global superstar.

Go here to Nigel's review of this new biography

(Book Review, Source: EIN)

'The World of FTD' In-Depth Review: The new deluxe book 'The World Of FTD' has been received by some lucky fans and Elvis collector Mike Lodge has provided EIN with a very detailed review - of well over 3 thousand words!

The book was authored and designed by Keith Flynn with input from a large number of other Elvis specialists including EIN's Piers Beagley, EM&HM's Trevor Cajiao, Geoffrey McDonnell, Gordon Minto and many others.
It is 1,200 pages, hardbound three book set, chronicling every release by FTD.The book also features 100s of high-quality photos from the collection Erik Lorentzen
KJ Consulting are proud to publish this Box Set which weighs 8 kilos.

Unfortunately the book has not arrived in Australia yet so I have not seen the final product!
Go here to see his very detailed review - plus more new preview pages - EIN thanks Mike Lodge for the review
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Year: 2016

'The Death and Resurrection of Elvis Presley' - Book Review: Elvis Aaron Presley is more popular today than ever, yet he died nearly forty years ago. His music is constantly remixed and re-released to a new generation of fans, and his image thrives in popular art and culture. Elvis is the subject of some truly astonishing rumours and legends, including the one that he never actually died. In the new book, The Death and Resurrection of Elvis Presley, author Ted Harrison asks what lies behind the remarkable resurrection in popular culture of the King of Rock 'n' Roll.  It tells the story of Elvis after Elvis. It shows how his estate, which was pillaged by his manager, was saved through the business acumen and financial vision of his ex-wife Priscilla Presley. It explores a spiritual dimension to the Elvis revival, where fans create a fantasy quasi-religion through which they blend and confuse Elvis and Jesus.
Published in 2016 this is a thoroughly researched book that brings us up-to-date with recent developments.  Harrison draws on existing publications on the same topic, as well as websites and correspondence, conversations and interviews with many Elvis fans and associates conducted over 25 years, to make a well-argued case.  He finally proposes possible future directions for this extraordinary Elvis phenomenon.
Go here as EIN book review Susan MacDougall explores this fascinating book and decides whether Elvis fans need to discover what the myth is all about.
(Book Reviews, Source;SMacDougall/ElvisInformationNetwork) 

Book Review: A Little Thing Called Life: Finally, Linda Thompson's memoir has been published.....and it has been well worth the wait! Linda's life, not only with Elvis, but with two other global icons and her own amazing career is an engrossing and revealing read.

Inside its nearly 400 pages Linda reveals her life as an individual, as a mother and as a partner. We learn of the similarities and differences between the three.

Alternating between the light, dark and shades of life in between, A Little Thing Called Life is an honest and intimate account of the incredible life of an amazing woman, from the three men who shared her life and her family to the highly successful and varied career that she continues to enjoy. (Book Review, Source: EIN)

Read Nigel Patterson's detailed review

Book Review - Elvis: Truth, Myth & Beyond An Intimate Conversation with Lamar Fike: Many of Elvis’ inner sanctum (family, friends and the Memphis Mafia) have released one or more books about their experience with Elvis. In 2011 it was anticipated that the larger than life, Lamar Fike, would finally publish his memoir. Publication plans were delayed as Lamar courted interest from Hollywood about a screen adaptation of his book. Then, very sadly, before the book was finished, Lamar passed away on 21 January 2011.

In 2016 it became known that before he died, Lamar had also spent several days with researchers L.E. McCullough and Harold F. Eggers, Jr. discussing his 23 years association and friendship with Elvis. The result of those discussions (400 questions and answers) have now been released in the book, Elvis: Truth, Myth & Beyond An Intimate Conversation with Lamar Fike Elvis Presley's Closest Friend and Confidant.

In the shadows of late afternoon, EIN's Nigel Patterson recently took off his blue suede shoes and delved deep inside Elvis: Truth, Myth & Beyond, to explore the germane, always interesting and clever mind of the late Lamar Rielly Fike. This is what Nigel found

(Book Review, Source: EIN)

(Book Review) Elvis on Television 1956-60 - new Boxcar deluxe production another winner!: Joseph Pirzada and his Boxcar organisation return with their new deluxe, coffee table examination of Elvis' early television performances. Elvis On Television 1956-60 impacts the reader on several levels – it not only informs, but it entertains and also delights as a potent narrative-visual record of Elvis on 50s-early 60s TV, highlighting its importance in propelling his career beyond being contained only to a regional footprint.

Read Nigel Patterson's detailed review of another winner from Boxcar - including some great Elvis photos !

(Book Review, Source: EIN)

'Elvis Taking Care Of Business - In A Flash FTD Book Review: Focusing on Elvis in late 1970 and early 1971, "Elvis Presley Taking Care Of Business - In A Flash" is the new FTD Book/CD combo by Flaming Star/FTD.
Produced by David English, Pål Granlund and Paul Richardson, this book presents a detailed chronicle of Elvis’ personal life and public career between the autumn of 1970 and the early weeks of 1971.
It is a hardcover, large-format book with 450 pages that offer detailed coverage of Elvis’ life and career over the important four months from October 1970 to January 1971.
The publicity promised hundreds of photographs, many of them candid and previously unpublished and new and exclusive interviews.
It also comes with a bonus CD with unreleased versions of studio-tracks plus Elvis’ concert in Portland, Oregon on Nov 11th 1970.

Can it really be as good as promised? EIN's Piers Beagley investigates and discovers plenty .. Go here to our indepth review featuring plenty of extracts and wonderful photographs.
(FTD Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

Jimmy Ellis In The Shadow of A King (Book Review): The Jimmy "Orion" Ellis story is an intriguing one with many twists and turns. Born Jimmy Bell in Pascagoula, Mississippi in 1945, his unmarried mother, Gladys Bell (apart from their vocal similarity, Elvis and Jimmy had other things in common), was unable to care for baby Jimmy and gave him up for adoption. The birth certificate listed his father simply as Vernon! (no last name! - more about this later). A talented sportsperson at school, Jimmy's adult life would be inextricably connected to Elvis with a rollercoaster ride dominated by a mask and his vocal similarity to the King. It would also be a life of wild fan adulation and growing resentment on Jimmy's part as he struggled with not being accepted as a talented singer in his own right. Ultimately, his life was cut short in a tragic, double fatal shooting.

EINs Nigel Patterson recently delved into a fascinating account of the late singer's life - read Nigel's in-depth review.

(Book Review, Source: EIN)

(Book Review) Elvis' Humor Girls, Guns & Guitars (Bo Keeley): All fans know Elvis liked to laugh and was a keen practical joker. In this new book, author and adventurer, Bo Keeley, has brought together nearly 300 anecdotes which show Elvis' love of having fun.

EIN's Nigel Patterson has wiped back his tears from raucous laughter to bring EIN readers a detailed look inside Elvis Humor and reveal why this release is not just funny but why it is also an important one. Read Nigel's review

(Book Review, Source: EIN)

'ELVIS On Television The Complete Sound Recordings' CD/Book Review: The 60th anniversary of Elvis’ first appearance on national television is celebrated with this 2CD/100-page set.
The new MRS box-set was publicised as containing the complete archival recordings of Elvis Presley’s television appearances from 1956-60. For the first time ever, these tracks been painstakingly remastered and restored.
The recordings contain all song tracks, comedy sketch routines and interviews including the extended Wink Martindale interview.
The 100-page book is a chronological photo journey following Elvis from the very first in 1956, to his appearance on The Frank Sinatra show in 1960. It contains liner notes accompanied by many rare and new unpublished photographs.

In the individual chapters Gordon Minto provides the main details and highlights of each TV performance. Matching the text, each chapter features around 15 pages of significant photographs, a surprising number of the in colour.

Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley checks out this new MRS CD/Book package with an in-depth review along with some scans from the book showcasing some excellent Elvis images.

(Book/CD Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork)

Book Review - Elvis Style: from zoot suits to jumpsuits (Zoey Goto): Fashion and design journalist Zoey Goto's new book, Elvis Style is a celebration of the aesthetic world of Elvis Presley - a release that looks beyond just Elvis' wardrobe to his hairstyles, cars and interior design preferences.

EIN's Nigel Patterson takes an inside look at an important aspect of the Elvis story too often overlooked. What he finds is a fascinating narrative-visual account of the importance of style to Elvis and why he has been a style icon not only during his lifetime but since his death!

From what some might only see as his flashy 1950s Beale Street rags and greasy pompadour, to contemporary street style, Elvis' impact on the world of fashion, style and design is a lasting, colorful and busy one.

Elvis Style from zoot suits to jumpsuits is due for release on 1 July. (Book Review, Source: EIN)

'The Elvis Files Vol. 7 1974-1975'  Book Review: I truly think by now that reviews of these beautiful hard-cover Elvis Files books are almost unnecessary. After six sensational volumes of the Elvis Files over the past 5 years it is hard to believe that fans would waver on whether to purchase this newest volume that focuses on Elvis in 1974 and 1975.
In the two years featured here Elvis performed close to 260 concerts including seven mind-numbingly repetitive seasons at the Las Vegas and Lake Tahoe casinos. By now it is usually accepted that touring had become more of a chore to Elvis although he could still put on some high calibre performances.
While the vast majority of the photos from this period are basically candid photos, the book features well over one hundred pages of stunning full size colour photos.
As always the real pleasure of this book is a chance to reference the reviews and articles from the time along with stunning photos while listening to the particular concerts, no other series of Elvis photo-books comes close.

Click here to EIN Review with lots of example pages, review excerpts and great photos
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork)

'ELVIS LIVE in the 50's The Complete Concert Recordings' CD/ Book Review: The new MRS box-set 'Elvis Live in the 50’s The Complete Concert Recordings' was publicised as the ultimate tribute to Elvis Presley documenting his shows from the 1950’s. The 3 CD’s represent for the first time ever, the release of the complete collection of archival live concert recordings by Elvis Presley in the 1950’s. All of the 82 tracks included have been painstakingly remastered and restored.

The 172 page book is a chronological photo journey following Elvis from the very first to the very last shows performed in the 1950’s. It contains linear notes that includes every show listing (now updated) and is accompanied by hundreds of photographs many of which are rare and unpublished.
The book includes tour details (date, town, venue) and all photos are annotated. The customary range of press clippings is a powerful record of 1950s publicity ads, ticket stubs, receipts and show reviews.


Go here as EIN's Nigel Patterson and Piers Beagley provide an in-depth review of this new MRS release along with some scans from the book showcasing Elvis in action.

(Book/CD Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork)

(Book Review) Elvis, The Numbers: One of the things that never ceases to amaze is the eclectic nature of themes in books about Elvis. Joseph Rene's latest release, Elvis, The Numbers, is a good example of something very different in the world of Elvis literature.

Rene's work of enigmatic "docufiction" (creative non-fiction) identifies the five stages of Elvis' spiritual life. It is part Elvis biography-part Elvis analysis using occult methodologies with a liberal dash of psychology.

Read Nigel Patterson's detailed review of a book which will confound some readers while providing others with another way of considering Elvis and his search for identity - all wrapped up in an intriguing fictional(?) tale. (Book Review, Source: EIN)

'Down At The End Of Lonely Street' - Book Review: This 1997 published fan favourite 'Down at the End of Lonely Street: The Life and Death of Elvis Presley'
promised an "intimate portrait of Elvis Presley, America’s favorite music idol, chronicling his remarkable life from a dirt-poor schoolboy in Memphis through his rise as a Rock n’ Roll superstar to his final days in Las Vegas. Drawing on exclusive interviews with Elvis’s closest friends and new documentary evidence, this biography reveals secrets about his relationships with his addictive mother Gladys, his ruthless manager Colonel Tom Parker, his musical rivals The Beatles, and the truth behind his marriage to Priscilla Beaulieu."

EIN reviewer Susan MacDougall checks out this old classic to see how it stands the test of time, look at some of the interesting issues addressed and investigates how the book sees Elvis as a "person" rather than an image.

(Book Review, Source: EIN, January 2016)

(Book Review) A Guide to the Australian Records of Elvis Presley The Vinyl Years 1956-1990 (Glenn Reimer with Peter R. Hayden): With his new book, Glenn Reimer has taken the examination of Elvis' vinyl output and the King on the big screen in Australia to a very impressive new level!

The author's extensive research, in conjunction with noted Australian author/researcher, Peter R. (Bob) Hayden, has uncovered a wealth of fascinating information and images which will have Elvis collectors salivating.

Quite simply, this release is a wonderful blend of narrative-visual record for all fans. Read Nigel's detailed review




(Book Review, Source: EIN)

(Book Review): Kings of Memphis Elvis and Tutankhamem (Carolyn Edwards): What do the two Kings of Memphis, Elvis and King Tut, have in common and could it be much more than one might think?

EIN's Nigel Patterson recently delved deep into Carolyn Edweards' wonderful tale connecting curse ridden pyramids on sand swept vistas in ancient Egypt with the relaxing, winding roads of Perugia Way in Bel Air, California. At the centre of the plot are two larger than life 'kings' eternally bound through the coalescence of a powerful religious and philosophical concept, mortal tragedy and eternal adoration.

What Nigel experienced challenged him to consider possibilities quite out of the ordinary.  It was a challenge full of high drama, vibrant color and illuminating insight. Read Nigel's review (Book Review, Source: EIN)

Year: 2015

'A Touch Of Gold Lamé' Book Review: The new book from the Elvis Files Erik Lorentzen is an in-depth look at Elvis' fabulous tours of 1957 over 420 pages.
EIN has never seen so many glorious photographs of Elvis on tour in 1957 with so many photographs we have previously not seen in such stunning quality and as glorious full-page images.
The wealth of material in this book is stunning. His single day Ottawa appearance with the first fabulous article “The Pelvis Arrives” and continue over forty-two pages of articles and stunning images. There are 10 articles alone from Ottawa’s various newspapers and two interviews with Elvis. And yet he was there for only one day!
.. "Glittering in an unborn calf skin suit, which was completely covered with 24-karat gold cloth, and 24-karat gold shoes, Elvis seemed to be somewhat groggy as he greeted the record crowd. Assuming his provocative stance, he tilted the microphone, embraced it and began rotating his pelvis....
It is incredible, only twenty-eight Elvis concerts over 400 plus pages and not a jumpsuit in sight!

Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley checks out this sensational new book about the crucial tours of 1957 that would help cement Elvis' incredible legacy as he headed towards his possible career-changing term in the US Army....
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork)

Remember....A Love Story: A new book by Eve A. Thomas has been released. A 'new age' publication, Eve's book tells the story of how after learning to meditate she was able to connect with loved ones and friends on the other side.......

Eve Thomas first heard the song of his soul on June 5, 2006 - and he's been communicating with her ever since. The King of Rock 'n' Roll, that is. Remember... is a different kind of love story. Eve and Elvis have shared many lives together. They're "Twin Flames" - souls who are together in this universe to evolve their souls into wholeness and eventually match the frequency of their Twin Flame. As Eve loves, so Elvis loves; their energy is shared. In this compelling memoir, Eve gains deeper spiritual insight through numerology, meditation, and past life regression. As she moves further along her path, she cultivates her gift of communication with those who have passed over, all the while experiencing extraordinary synchronicities with the King himself. (News, Source: Eve A. Thomas)

EIN reviews Remember: A Love Story

Watch the book trailer

'Nashville Chrome' - Book Review: In the late fifties the Country Music group The Browns - Maxine, Bonnie, and Jim Ed - were enjoying unprecedented international success, rivaled only by their longtime friend Elvis Presley. The book 'Nashville Chrome' by author Rick Bass presents a vivid evocation of an era in American music, while at its heart it is a wrenching meditation on the complexities of fame and of one family who experienced them firsthand.

Just two months ago it was announced that The Browns would be inducted into Country Music Hall of Fame. With immaculate timing, EIN contributor Susan McDougall reviews the 2010 publication 'Nashville Chrome' about this fascinating group.

The connection between The Browns and Elvis is an intersting topic - and as always Susan presents both the positives and negatives about publishing a book about such a well-researched period.

Read Susan's full review

(Book Review, Source: EIN, May 2015)

Lee Gordon Presents Elvis Presley......The Biggest Shows of 1957 (Volume 1) (Book Review): The mid 1950’s represented a halcyon period in the Elvis story.  As a young man in his early 20’s bridled with incredible musical ability and a rampant onstage physical presence, 1954 to 1957 represented the peak of what has been referred to as “Presleymania”.

The latest book (the first in a trilogy) by noted Australian Elvis researcher and author, Peter Robert (“Bob”) Hayden: Lee Gordon Presents Elvis Presley......THE BIGGEST SHOWS OF 1957 (Book 1) tackles Elvis' concert performances in 1957.

EIN's Nigel Patterson recently delved deep inside this new release and found a treasure trove of rare and fascinating information from behind the scenes details to the hysteria caused by Elvis' on stage performances, all nicely complemented by an array of important historical archival material. (Book Review, Source: EIN)

Read Nigel's full review

'Elvis Files Magazine ISSUE 11' Review: After a stressful week lazing under palms trees in the South Pacific EIN's Piers Beagley finally got around to checking out the last Elvis Files Magazine, Issue 11...
The magazine includes articles on...
- "Col Tom Parker - A Ruthless, Gambling Crazy Murderer"
- George Klein – ‘Evening With Elvis' –
looking back at 1957
- Barbara Eden talks about Elvis
- Celeste Yarnell - "Tells All" …
- A controversial show by Elvis -
Burlington, 1956
- Super-fan Elaine Christan
continues her exclusive look at various meetings with Elvis, this time 1972.
But perhaps the best find is the 12-page article on Elvis in Germany "The Day Elvis Was Mocked and Threatened By His Buddies"
This issue is packed with articles focussing on all kinds of different subjects - and in this overview EIN supplies plenty of extracts.
I am sure you will want to read more about our hero - as described back in 1956 as a "mush-mouthed singer", who "shakes and wiggles and jumps and bumps; it's like watching a strip-tease and a malted milk machine at the same time."
Plus plenty more Rare Candids ...
Go HERE as EIN checks out this sensational issue
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork)

(Book Review) Officer Elvis: A Darla Cavanah Mystery: The second volume in Gary Cusick's entertaining Darla Cavanah Mystery series is set 'down south' around the King's castle (Graceland). Driven by a deepening mystery around a mounting death toll of ETA's it is a fun read with plenty of colourful characters, mystery and of course plenty of Elvis. (Book Review, Source: EIN)


Read EIN's full review here



'Elvis Files Magazine ISSUE 9' Mini-Review: Overlooked due to the 'Ultimate Elvis' release, the final Elvis Files Magazine of 2014, Issue 9, really delivered the goods.
The magazine included articles on...
- 1957 “What Elvis thinks of his fans”
- Judy Spreckels and Elvis
- Rolling Stone interview with Chet Atkins..
- Interview with songwriter Paul Evans

- Super-fan Elaine Christan continues her exclusive look at various meetings with Elvis, this time September and late 1970.
But the most interesting article "I've Never Been Strung Out In My Life" is a fascinating article about Elvis' “Desert Storm” closing show in September 1974 and how it reveals a completely different show from what we know..
The comments include "Elvis' lively happy mood was completely contagious. Everyone caught up in his high happy spirit began to clap time and laugh and beat time and just have one wonderful good time, because Elvis was having the best time of all time." - It is a amazing alternate viewpoint
Plus plenty more Rare Candids not featured in previous Elvis Files books.
Go HERE as EIN checks out this sensational issue
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork)

NOW UPDATED - 'Ultimate Elvis' Book Review: 'Ultimate Elvis – The Complete And Definitive Recording Sessions' is a this three-volume, deluxe set that not only comprises all the session information available to date, based on Keith Flynn's incomparable website and includes comprehensive notes on each session, discographies, letters, original sheet music covers plus huge index all included in its 1,800 pages.
The book includes around 3,000 stunning high-quality photographs many of them previously unseen, relating to the time period in question.
The promotional publicity for this three-volume set was very impressive with the original publishing date of August 2014 missed as more photographs were discovered and the content expanded. Finally published in December 2014, Elvis enthusiast Brian Quinn checks out this astounding deluxe package to discover if it is as good as promised.
Go HERE to check out Brian Quinn's review - Now updated with some detailed comments from author Shane Brown and Elvis expert Jordan Ritchie - -
(Book Reviews, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNet)

'King of the Hilton - Memories of Elvis Presley's Las Vegas Years' (by Anne E. Nixon with Richard Harvey): Anne E. Nixon will be a familiar name to many long time fans. In her latest book, King of the Hilton, Anne makes us part of the audience as she relives the excitement and thrill of being in the main showroom at the Las Vegas Hilton as Elvis performs to one sold out audience after another.

Anne saw Elvis in Vegas 40 times! and in a captivating account based on her notes and transcripts from each show she brings them all to life plus details many of her side adventures along the way. Rich in detail and fascinating minutiae King of the Hilton is one of those rare releases.....a book written by a fan for the fans. (Jan 2015)

Read Nigel Patterson's detailed review

Elvis Presley: A Southern Life (Joel Williamson): By the deliberate construct and emotionally powerful force of its narrative, Joel Williamson's latest book, Elvis Presley: A Southern Life, is one determined to stimulate analytical thought by serious students of the Elvis story and ignite ire among those readers expecting a straightforward and non-controversial (read: rose colored glasses) biography.

Williamson compellingly intertwines the agents of change in the 1950s: rising affluence, upward mobility, sexual awakening and a singer whose voice and hips spoke to millions of young girls blossoming into womanhood and determined to break free from the shackles of the conservative society of their parents.

But at the same there are elements in the presentation of his argument that are concerning. (Jan 2015)

Read Nigel Patterson's controversial 3,000 word review

The world knows Elvis Presley....but they don't know me: The name Bruno Tillander will be familiar to many European fans and some in the UK and USA.

He has been involved in the Elvis world for many decades and established the Swedish Elvis fan club magazine Tidskriften Elvis.

To find out what lies behind the intriguing title of Tillander's new book, how it differentiates itself from many other books about Elvis and why it was unfairly criticised for its pre-publication promotion, click here to read Nigel Patterson's comprehensive review



Year: 2014

(Book Review) The Elvis Films: Jon Abbott has written extensively on popular culture topics for more than 30 years. This includes more than 400 articles and features for major publications and two years providing an annual report on the U.S. TV season for the trade journal, Television Weekly. His latest book is The Elvis Films.

EIN's Nigel Patterson recently warmed up the popcorn and uncapped an icy cold Coke as he sat down to take a leisurely, retrospective trip through Elvis' movie catalog.

What he found was a thoughtful analysis with juicy pop culture diversions, albeit one with a discomforting perspective on the final phase of Elvis' film career!

Read Nigel's detailed review

(Book Reviews): If I Can Dream: The Story of "Being Elvis" for 50 Years and Elvirus! Elvi-geddon: Dawn of the Elvi Invasion: Dave Ehlert became an ETA in 1967, a decade before Elvis' death. He continues to perform as "Elvis" in 2014. In addition, Ehlert recently published two Elvis ebooks - the first, his light-hearted and entertaining autobiography, the second a clever Elvis sci-fi/zombie novel.

In a "double review" EIN's Nigel Patterson explores two fun and entertaining reads. Read Nigel's full review

(Book Review): CHANNELING ELVIS How Television Saved the King of Rock 'n' Roll: Allen J. Wiener's latest book is now available and what a release it is! Focusing on arguably the most important factor in the making and maintaining of Elvis as an international superstar, Channeling Elvis is a long overdue critical examination of the seminal and underappreciated role television played in the Elvis story.

Allen Wiener's earlier works have been critically acclaimed for their rigorous research, deep analysis and thought provoking narrative. And Channeling Elvis is no different - the result of years of research, first hand interviews with people involved with each of Elvis' television performances and cogent analysis, the author weaves a wonderfully rich and expressive narrative full of texture, color and absorbing resonance.

Channeling Elvis is a very important release in the Elvis canon and a mandatory inclusion in any serious Elvis library!

Read EIN's detailed review here

(Book Review) Elvis and Ginger: It has been 37 years in the making but finally, Elvis' fiancee and last love, Ginger Alden, has released her account of their relationship.

The picture Ginger paints of Elvis is a predominately positive one.  She had concerns about his reliance of medications and his temper, but she also shows the warmth of Elvis Presley and that he wasn’t always withdrawn or emotionally down.  Elvis laughed, talked, read books, played racquetball and had fun!

That said, release of her memoir has elicited an emotionally charged debate and divided some fans.

Read EIN's full review


Overview: Unheralded softcover that is arguably one of 2014's best Elvis book releases!

Unusual and visually impressive release where the Elvis story is told in the first person. Well done and true to the spirit and incidents in Elvis’ life. As the first volume of a 'trilogy', the book explores Elvis' familial roots and incidents from his early life in significant detail. A strength of the narrative are the stories revealed through interviews with many Presley and Smith family members and others who knew Elvis in his formative years. Elvis historians will welcome this information.

Another highlight of this release are the many interesting and sometimes extremely rare photos and archival material it includes. Some of the hundreds of images include the Tupelo Hospital where, after his birth, Elvis and Gladys spent 2 days, a photo of Elvis aged about 7 at church and stunning color photos of a young, blond Elvis leaving East Tupelo Consolidated School one afternoon.

.Read EIN's full review............................. ....... (Sep 2014)

Memphis Mafia Princess: Shirley Dieu's memoir of her years inside Elvis' inner circle is one of two new books (the other being Ginger Alden's release, Elvis and Ginger).

Fan reaction to Memphis Mafia Princess has been a strongly positive one and, as EIN's Nigel Patterson recently discovered on reading Ms Dieu's memoir, rightly so.

From living the high life and backgammon parties at Huigh Hefner's private club to the rigours of touring and Elvis' tragic death, Shirley Dieu weaves a fascinating mosaic of life in Elvis’ inner circle and colorfully brings to life the nuances of both people and events.  While the release is a positive affirmation of Shirley's experience with Joe Esposito (her partner for almost 5 years) and Elvis, it is balanced with insightful observations about Elvis, others in his life and a number of important incidents, one of which is particularly confronting and raises serious questions about the conduct of several of the Memphis Mafia.

Read our full review (Book Review, Aug 2014, Source: EIN)

'Final Countdown To Midnight' NYE 1976 - in-depth Review: The deluxe 2CD/DVD set released by Backdraft label is the ultimate look at Elvis' 1976 New Year's Eve performance. Previously available via CDs with peak-audio distortion and on DVD/VHS with low quality fan-footage, now Backdraft have published a 106-page book plus remastered high-quality audio and incredible DVD featuring multi-camera angles. It has to be one of the essential Elvis releases of the year.

There is no doubt that Elvis’ final New Year’s Eve concert was certainly his last "Great" performance of his life. The nearly COMPLETE concert video which premieres to the world here will attest to the above statement. This DVD debuts newly discovered films, some of which have been transferred in High Definition and are positively stunning! The rich, vibrant colours provide a truly novel viewing experience.

The 106 page book boasts many rare and unpublished photos, detailed information about the show and an eyewitness text! The double CD set is also complete (unlike the edited FTD 2003 official release).

Go here - EIN's Piers Beagley provides an in-depth review of this amazing deluxe box-set.

(CD Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

(Book Review) 100 Things Elvis Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die: Noted Elvis author Gillian G. Gaar has released her latest Elvis book.

Whether you are an avid Elvis reader or casual fan there is 'something for everybody' jam packed into what is a cleverly written, multi-level release - a compendium of trivia and facts which also act as an Elvis biography.

Read EIN's detailed review

Is this the worst Elvis book release of 2014?

On Tour with Elvis: The Excitement of Being On The Road With “The King” (Book Review): The title starts the hype. The book introduction escalates the reader's anticipation, and Amazon UK's book description promises 'extreme detail'!

Despite its misleading rhetorical promise, On Tour with Elvis fails badly in delivering narrative substance to support its claims.

EIN's Nigel Patterson lets loose on what he regards as not only being one of the worst Elvis book releases of all-time, but (to date) the worst Elvis book release of 2014! (Book Review, Source: EIN)

Read Nigel's full review



Walkin' On The Bridge I Will Follow That Dream (an Elvis based tale): Giovanni Cesare Lambrughi's new screenplay is a vivid and entertaining look at the challenges of life.

It is a story of old and new beginnings, one rich in symbolism, with a strong musical soundtrack and a neat Elvis twist.

Read EIN's review of this new screenplay

For the Love of Elvis (Book Review): A new book by Professor Marla Selvidge will please many readers with its focus on the positive aspects of Elvis and why he was, and continues to be, important to many peopole today!

EIN's Nigel Patterson takes a look inside For the Love of Elvis and learns why Elvis resonates in the world 35 years after his death.

Marla Selvidge, "Elvis did not want to dominate his audience; he loved and cherished them in a way that no other performer has done."

- Go here to Nigel's review at this positive "For the Love of Elvis"

(Book Reviews, Source;Nigel/ElvisInfoNet)

'Elvis-The King Of The Jungle' In-Depth Book Review: Featuring 546 pages the book includes a detailed look at everything that took place at the historic taping and recording sessions of Elvis' "Comeback Special". It also includes eye-witness reports from lucky fans that were present at the legendary NBC performances.
EIN's Piers Beagley checks out this gorgeous new book about one of the most important weeks of Elvis career.....
.... My expectations were high for this wonderful new production - but I am still absolutely stunned by its massive size and the impact. Yes, there are other candids and photos of Elvis in 1968 within the book but it is basically about ONE WEEK in Elvis' life presented over 500 pages - What a week! If you love Elvis in the 'Singer Presents Elvis' TV special then you will spend hours luxuriating in these glorious photos. Did I mention Elvis looked gorgeous in 1968!"...
Go HERE for the full-indepth review and plenty of magnificent photos. Now with added images, comments & purchase details.

(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

(Book Review): Elvis' Favorite Director: The Amazing 52-Year Career of Norman Taurog: Michael Hoey's latest book is a cracker! Hoey has crafted a finely tuned narrative balance between three core elements: Elvis, director Norman Taurog and the glitter of Hollywood.

Glorious chapters of in-depth discussion and fascinating minutiae about Elvis films are interspersed with equally fascinating chapters bringing to life the excitement and glamour of both Hollywood (from its early days of silent movies to the late 1960s) and many of its most famous stars. 

Click HERE to come behind the scenes as EIN's Nigel Patterson explores the treasures on offer in what is a thoroughly fascinating and engrossing read!

(Book Review, Source: ElvisInfoNet)

'Elvis Files Magazine ISSUE 7' Review: The march issue, once again featuring Elvis stories and new unpublished Elvis photos that would be missed from Lorentzen's "Elvis Files" series of books.
One of the treats of this issue is that there are several articles and interviews featuring Elvis himself that capture him in some candid moments and thoughts.
- Elvis At The Shrine - One of the key articles in this issue and an impressive 12 pages are dedicated to Elvis' live appearances in Los Angeles and boy there are some stunning images of Elvis here.
- Elvis Presley "I’ll never do it again"- a fascinating article about Elvis being so disgruntled with being forced to appear in that tuxedo on the Steve Allen show.
- "Why Do Canadian Youngsters Worship Elvis Presley?"
- Recently discovered the dress rehearsal documents from King Creole.
Once again Elaine Christan, daughter of super fan Virginia Coons, supplies some good articles including some candid photographs from 1969 and even a positive view of November 1976.
- 'Elvis talks To Roxy' - a delightful interview from 1960.
Plus plenty more Rare Candids not featured in previous Elvis Files books.
Go HERE as EIN checks the new issue- with plenty of rare photos.
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork)

'Elvis Music FAQ' - Book Review: The publisher’s press release for the book states that Elvis Music FAQ chronicles the trajectory of Elvis’ musical career, with a look at his pioneering original label Sun, insight into his management, a summation of each of the King’s concert tours, and a review of his nearly 800 recordings. Along the way Eder draws attention to the numerous genres of music included in Elvis’ music canon – gospel, country, pop, ballads, rockabilly, blues and of course, rock and roll.
But how can a book on such a key subject as Elvis' music satisfy every reader from the "casual fan" to the hard-core music-trivia authority?

EIN's Nigel Patterson has spent a fair while examining the minutiae of this substantial volume - and provides a detailed summary of his opinions about this entertaining book - both good and bad.
Click here for our In-Depth review.

(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

'Elvis Files Magazine ISSUE 6' Review: The December Issue of the Elvis Files magazine sadly got stuck in the Christmas post but what a treat it is! Once again featuring Elvis stories and new unpublished Elvis photos that would be missed from Lorentzen's "Elvis Files" series of books.
The key article in the magazine is a stunning 20-page feature on Elvis’ last concerts of the fifties in Honolulu, Hawaii. Written by Elvis expert James Roy I found it the most interesting and well-researched story published by the Elvis Files Magazine so far.
In another feature Lorentzen has also discovered seventeen fabulous new photos of Elvis in Jacksonville Florida from February 1956, showing Elvis and the Colonel hanging out and making surreptitious arrangements at the hotel.
There are of course plenty of other articles in the magazine including ....
- Super fan, Virginia Coons Beverly Hills 'Spring 1969'
- Love Me Tender, unseen photos
- It’s A Miracle Elvis Is A Star - by former schoolteacher
- Elvis Cracked Up in Anaheim, November 30, 1976
- Elvis’and Danny Thomas’ complete interview

Plus plenty more Rare Candids not featured in previous Elvis Files books.
Go HERE as EIN investigates the new issue- with plenty of rare Elvis photos.
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork)

Year: 2013

'Elvis Films FAQ' Book Review: Elvis' Hollywood years are full of mystery, and supposedly 'Elvis Films FAQ' covers them all! Elvis Films FAQ by author Paul Simpson explores his best and worst moments as an actor, analyses the bizarre autobiographical detail that runs through so many of his films, and reflects on what it must be like to be idolized by millions around the world yet have to make a living singing about dogs, chambers of commerce, and fatally naive shrimps.
After all if Elvis Presley had not wanted to be a movie star, he would never have single-handedly revolutionized popular culture.
Yet this aspect of his phenomenal career has been much maligned and misunderstood – partly because the King himself once referred to his 33 movies as a rut he had got stuck in just off Hollywood Boulevard.

It is a mightly entertaining book - but go here as EIN's Piers Beagley investigates to see whether this new book by author Paul Simpson really answers all the questions you need to know ....

(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

'The Elvis Files Vol. 6 1971-1973'  Book Review: Following on from Elvis’ sublime and energised return-to-splendour years of 1969 and 1970 this volume takes us through 'On Tour' in 1972 to Elvis’ career mega highpoint of Aloha From Hawaii and onto the beginning of the sad decline.
In these three years Elvis performed close to 470 concerts including eight energy-draining seasons at the Las Vegas and Lake Tahoe casinos.
And what an astounding selection of sartorial elegance and jumpsuits Elvis wore throughout this period. The book features the ‘Adonis’, ‘Snowflake’, ‘Fireworks’, ‘Blue Wheat’, 'Aztec Star’, ‘Arabian’ and ‘Thunderbird’ jumpsuits to name only a few! The book also features plenty of articles including several by keen fans who met Elvis at that time and provide some lovely personal recollections..
'The Elvis Files Vol. 6' contains over 1,500 stunning photos in its 500 pages, with hundreds of newly discovered photos.

No other series of Elvis photo-books comes close.

Click here to EIN Review with lots of example pages and great photos
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork)

'Elvis Files Magazine ISSUE 5' Review: The September Issue of the Elvis Files magazine once again features Elvis stories and new unpublished Elvis photos that would be missed from Lorentzen's "Elvis Files" series of books.
The amazing discovery this time is the twenty-one never-before-published photographs of Elvis in November 1956 with Alis Lesley, the ‘Female Presley’.
Other features this time include Lloyd Shearer "How Elvis Changed His Public Image" and the important 1957 African-American JET magazine article about Elvis and racism.
There are of course plenty of other articles in the magazine including ....
- Shelley Fabares & Elvis
- Interview with William A Graham (director of ‘Change Of Habit’)
- ‘Elvis My Best Man’ Interview with George Klein
- Super fan, Virginia Coons Meeting Elvis

Plus plenty more Rare Candids not featured in previous Elvis Files books.
Go HERE as EIN investigates the new issue- with plenty of rare Elvis photos.
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork)

‘The King Revealed’ Magazine Review: ‘The King Revealed’ is EPE’s new crammed 122 page "Elvis Official Collectors Edition" glossy magazine released in time for Elvis Week 2013.
The publicity states... Elvis Presley has been anointed The King for good reason. Now we go deep into the historical archives, with rare access to thousands of photos, documents, interviews and vintage bits of Elvis memorabilia and share them with the public for the first time. This Special Collector’s Edition will give readers a more in-depth look at Elvis’ life and legacy than has ever before been seen, while instantly becoming a keepsake of The King they’ll never want to part with.
Can EPE really astound us with the promised 350 RARE ARCHIVE PHOTOS?

Go here as EIN checks this new 2013 magazine out to see just how collectable it really is - and discovers some good and bad news.. featuring extracts and plenty of Elvis images...

(Book Reviews:ElvisInfoNet)

'Elvis Files Magazine ISSUE 4' - Review: Published last month, the June Issue of the Elvis Files magazine once again features Elvis stories, as well as new unpublished Elvis photos, that would be missed from Lorentzen's "Elvis Files" series of books. EIN has been overseas recently so we've been running a little late with reviews.
Favourite features this time include 'Elvis attending Nancy Sinatra’s 1970 opening night' and ten years earlier 'Elvis’ April 1960 train journey to L.A.' - plus the ten pages dedicated to Elvis and Debra Paget.
There are of course plenty of other articles in the magazine including ....
- Elvis Live October 1976 at Fort Wayne
- Elvis Live October 1957 in LA and San Francisco.
- Elvis and his famous luxury gold Cadillac.
- Hedda Hopper "He is the Greatest Phenomenon"
Plus plenty more Rare Candids not featured in previous Elvis Files books.

Go HERE as EIN investigates the new June issue- with plenty of rare Elvis photos.
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork)

'Elvis - Aloha Via Satellite: A 40th Anniv Release': Getting rave reviews from Elvis fans - "this book is just nothing short of incredible!", "Beautiful packaging and quality all the way through", "my first thoughts on the book are WOW the photos are incredible so sharp, many I have never seen before", "Really enjoy following the whole story in chronological order, and some of those black and white rehearsal show shots are astounding" - are just some comments on FECC.

The latest release celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Aloha Via Satellite from Joseph Pirzada’s Boxcar label dropped into the EIN mail box.  With considerable pre-publication hype, a stunning 440 pages and more than 1,000 visuals, many of them "alternate" shots or unpublished, can it really be as good as we all hope. Is this the ultimate photo-journal about Aloha? GO HERE AS EIN brings you the first on-line detailed review.

Click here for our detailed review by Nigel Patterson - including plenty of fabulous Aloha Elvis images

(Book Review, Source: ElvisInformationNetwork)

'Elvis - The Man & His Music' Magazine review: EIN has been overseas celebrating its own 100th anniversary recently so we've been running late with reviews. However the 100th issue of 'ETM&HM' is well worth your attention. The magazine first appeared in 1988 and was the first to really focus on The King's musical legacy. Over 25 years the magazine has presented exclusive interviews, unpublished photos and fact-filled articles. 
The 100th issue is a 60-page bumper edition. What EIN enjoys is a magazine that delivers fascinating reading, new revelations, great reviews as well as some humour, and this issue has it in spades.   
Features include... 
- Let's Go Back And Touch The Past - A look back at some of the essential releases of the last 25 years. 
Luther Moore examines all the excitements that have come to light in the last 25 years both official releases and bootleg. In it he notes..  
... Since December '88... it's been a treasure trove of almost unimaginable discoveries... For those of us who'd believed that RCA had junked or erased all of their '50s session tapes, the past quarter century has brought some very pleasant surprises indeed. Inspired detective work and a thorough scouring of the vaults (both officially and 'otherwise') has seen outtake after outtake, rarity after rarity, finally brought to light.

- Carol Montgomery Interview - The former backing singer recalls working with The King.
- Elvis On Super 8 - The golden age of home cinema.
- David English Interview - Behind-the-scenes stories from the author of 'Welcome Home Elvis', 'From Memphis To Hollywood' and 'Summer Of '61'. Plus 8 pages of reviews by Gordon Minto and Trevor Cajiao, letters, rare photos and more...
EIN's favourite Elvis music magazine. - CLICK HERE to Full Review more photos and 'ETM&HM' Information
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

'The Elvis Files Vol. 1 1953-56' In Depth Book Review: The first volume of the Elvis Files story, chronicling Elvis' rise from his pre SUN discovery to becoming the world's biggest new sensation - nearly 600 pages & over 1,400 photos...
All ELVIS EVENTS in this Time Frame Period 1953-1956 are shown..
- Every Working Moment...
- The Early Tours
- Plenty of CANDID Moments.
- Elvis Interviews
- The TV Shows

There is an incredible impact to this book that can shock even the most blasé of Elvis fans who think they have seen it all before. The amazing amount of sensational images, interviews and informative articles gathered together within its 600 pages is stupefying.
Of all the books I have previously purchased about early Elvis none of them demonstrate the excitement and dynamic life of Elvis as well as this superb volume. No other series of Elvis photo-books comes close.

Click here to find out what it includes with lots of example pages, book extracts - plus great ELVIS photos
(Book Reviews, Source;EIN)

'Elvis Files Magazine ISSUE 3' - Review: Released March 2013, this magazine was created by Erik Lorentzen in order to feature Elvis stories that would not fit into his "Elvis Files" series of books - as well as a place to include all the extra new unpublished Elvis photos that he has recently purchased.
The real score here is of course that Erik Lorentzen has managed to get hold of Frank Powolny’s 1956 September photographs - and there are plenty here over twenty good size shots - and in great quality too.
There are of course plenty of other articles in the magazine including ....
- A look at Elvis and Mary Ann Mobley
- Rare photos from 'Follow That Dream'.
- Personal fan stories of meeting Elvis
- Elvis Gospel in his 68 Maroon suit
- Ann-Margret: The Girlfriend Who Isn’t One.

Plus plenty more Rare Candids not featured in previous Elvis Files books.
Go HERE as EIN investigates the new March issue- with plenty of rare Elvis photos.
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork)

(Book Review) Elvis, Lennon & JFK: Have you ever wondered what would happen if three of the 20th century's greatest figures ever got together? Male bonding? Ego bickering? Mayhem? Begrudging respect?

Well David Chisnell's new novel, Elvis, Lennon & JFK offers a humorous, reflective and friction laden insight to what such an historic meeting could have meant. And in so doing it addresses several important questions including who of the three will be best remembered! (March 2013)

Read EIN's review of "Elvis, Lennon & JFK"

Book Review: From the Holy Land to Graceland (Gary Vikan): It is always refreshing to read a book about Elvis which considers his importance beyond just his music and considers him from a wider socio-cultural, political and/or religious perspective. As its title suggests, From the Holy Land to Graceland by respected academic researcher and author, Dr. Gary Vikan, is one such book.

So does the argument that we should view Elvis as a contemporary, secular saint have validity? Nigel Patterson takes us deep inside From the Holy Land to Graceland to discover the answer. .....Read the full review

Elvis and Ireland by Ivor Casey: Book Description: Elvis and Ireland is the “Irish Biography” of Elvis Presley.

It is the detailed story of Elvis Presley’s life and career, combined with a timeline of events in Irish popular culture and the social changes brought on by his unique brand of rock ‘n’ roll.

What you will find here is just about everything to do with Elvis and his links with Ireland including anecdotes, entertaining trivia on Elvis’s connection with Ireland, his Irish chart successes, as well as areas of censorship.


You will also learn about Irish songs he covered and Irish singers who covered his work. Find out what many Irish personalities have to say about Elvis, as well as what was said about the star from the Dáil to the pulpit.

Elvis and Ireland focuses on how Irish artists used Elvis and American popular culture for their own artistic efforts, from Ireland’s earliest showbands and beat-groups to the rock legends Rory Gallagher, Phil Lynott and Bono. It covers several decades of Irish popular music without ever losing track of Elvis’s story. In brief this book is a view of Elvis Presley through Irish eyes. Elvis and Ireland brings together the story of the global superstar from his birth to his untimely death, picking up the Irish connections along the way. To add a further Irish dimension, the book also features artwork of Elvis by three famous Irish artists. Hundreds of Elvis books already exist but rarely does a new Elvis book have something to say from a totally different cultural stand point. All music fans, and not just the Irish ones, will find this an exhilarating journey through the career of the universal music icon.

Irish priests thought Elvis was 'agent of Satan': Elvis looked like an angel, sang like an angel, but was he the devil in disguise? To the Catholic Church in Ireland Elvis Presley once represented more than blue suede shoes. Could he, they wondered, be a front man for Satan?
One of the King's most famous hits was Devil In Disguise after all. And at one time there were many Catholic church leaders in Ireland who took him at his word, according to a new book.
The new biography 'Elvis and Ireland' tells the story of the late American singer's rise from an impoverished rural background to international stardom — but this time from an Irish standpoint.
Author Ivor Casey recalls how the one of a kind singer electrified the youth of Ireland after he burst on the scene in the mid-1950s. In fact his influence, along with later acts like the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, was instrumental in turning Ireland into a more secular society, Casey contends.
But those Satanic swinging hips set off alarm bells among the Catholic Church’s hierarchy, who feared they would lead men and women to ruin. One archbishop actually set up a secret committee of busybodies and snoops to spy on teenagers who dared to listen to rock ‘n’ roll music.
'Many priests howled their condemnations from the pulpit and criticized, in ferocious anger, their disgust with rock ‘n’ roll music,' Casey added.
'They roared that Elvis was slouched at the left hand of Satan with a distinctive plan for the corruption of the young people of Ireland."
- Published by Appello Press (7 Jan 2013), 246 pages, ISBN-10: 0957375204/ISBN-13: 978-0957375208.

EIN Mini Review: Elvis and Ireland is an admirable attempt at telling the Elvis biography with an "Irish" flavor. The author has a good, fluent writing style and his narrative is strongest in the early chapters where sizeable accounts of how Elvis' anti-establishment gyrations/impact were recorded by the Irish media impress. Later chapters struggle somewhat to convey a similar potency (mirroring how Elvis' life had become bland mainstream in many respects). The book would have benefited from lists of Elvis' single and album placings in Ireland as their spotted documentation throughout the text is sometimes confusing.

'Elvis Files Magazine Issue 2' - Review: Not a book, but part of the ELVIS FILES series. Released last month, this magazine was created by Erik Lorentzen in order to feature Elvis stories that would not fit into his "Elvis Files" series of books - as well as a place to include all the extra new unpublished Elvis photos that he has recently purchased.
I have seen little about this December magazine publication elsewhere on the Internet and yet I found it another excellent magazine, and for me even more interesting than the first issue.
The real treat here is Lorentzen’s personal story of meeting Elvis and visiting Graceland, as well as lots of exclusive on-stage photos taken during that 1975 tour by the Norwegian fan club.
There are of course plenty of other articles in the magazine including ....
- Elvis and The Martial Arts – by Master Kang Ree.
- "The World of Elvis Jumpsuits" – Featuring the unusual Black PasSaRyu Karate jacket from August/ September 1974.
- Elvis and The DIG magazine. Four great pages of candids from April 1956
- A rare Elvis Interview from 1964.
Plus plenty more Rare Candids not featured in previous Elvis Files books.
Go HERE as EIN investigates the new publication - with plenty of rare Elvis photos.
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork)

‘Elvis On Tour’ E-book Review: ‘Elvis On Tour’ is EPE’s first official E-book subtitled ‘An exploration of Elvis’ 1972 Spring Tour’. You can download the Kindle App to your home p/c and while there are plenty of other E-books out there about Elvis, this is the first "official one" and so is probably an indication of future releases.
Released in August last year EIN thought it worth waiting to review it in comparison to the other fabulous SONY/EPE release of 2012 ‘Prince From Another Planet’.

Utilising the resources of the Graceland Archives, EPE promised readers would get backstage access to the 15-city, 15-day tour with rare photos of Elvis on stage, press clippings and reviews of the concert tour, and an up-close look at artefacts from both the actual tour and the awarding winning “Elvis on Tour” documentary film.
Also an in-depth look at the tour schedule, song lists from each concert and the jumpsuits Elvis wore on stage.
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork)

Year: 2012

'Elvis: Walk A Mile In My Shoes' - EIN Review: 'Elvis: Walk A Mile In My Shoes' is subtitled “Arjan Deelen talks to the musicians, singers, songwriters and producers who helped create the ‘Presley Sound’”.
Arjan Deelen's interviews were carried out over a 14-year period and he interviewed everyone from Scotty Moore & D.J. Fontana and the TCB Band through to Shaun Nielsen, Jim Murray & Terry Blackwood, The Memphis Boys, Mary & Ginger Holladay and many, many more.
The book is publicised as a feast for the eye, with almost 300 rare and unpublished photos of Elvis, in some cases sourced from the original negatives and dias. These photos cover the whole spectrum of Elvis’ career, from 1954 to 1977.

The book has finally arrived in Australia and EIN's Piers Beagley has an In-Depth look to see whether it lives up to its expectations..
Go HERE for the review, NOW UDATED with EIN Readers Feedback interview excerpts, rare photos and much more.

(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork) 

'A Boy From Tupelo' special In-depth Review: For more than a decade Ernst Jorgensen has been working on his deluxe book/CD package to present the definitive look at Elvis during his sensational and creative Sun Records period.
Over eight years later after first being discussed with fans it is finally released as a massive 530 pages, around 1,000 photos and weighing nearly 5 kilograms, this is the biggest project of its kind.
It also features all of Elvis’ Sun recordings on 3 CDs - including a CD of Elvis LIVE, on the radio, and in concert.
Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley checks out this fabulous production while David Tinson checks out Elvis' sensational early LIVE recordings.
The review features plenty of book extracts and rare photos.

(Book/CD Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

Filming Girl Happy Behind the Scenes With Elvis (Book Review): The enduringly attractive and endearing Chris Noel was one of Elvis’ co-stars on Girl Happy

At one time Chris was considered to be the ‘next’ Marilyn Monroe and she also became a very popular attraction visiting Vietnam eight times with Bob Hope to entertain the troops (which unfortunately at the time affected Chris' career by alienating her from a blinkered, politically influenced Hollywood). 

Chris recently released her photo-journal about the filming of Girl Happy and EIN takes a peek inside.

EIN Off Review Note #1: The popular film and TV site, IMDB describes Chris as ".... one of a myriad of beautiful, statuesque, bikini-clad blondes who pranced and romped about the sand and surf of the California shores in all those nostalgic beach party movies of the "swinging '60s".  

EIN Off Review Note #2: Chris also appeared as a guest star in various TV series including My Three Sons, Perry Mason, Bewitched, The Smothers Brothers Show, Burkes Law and CHiPS.

EIN Off Review Note #3: Girl Happy, released in 1965, was Elvis' film (sandwiched between Roustabout and Tickle Me) and the first to co-star Shelley Fabares, who would go on to become Elvis' #1 leading lady by co-starring in two more Elvis films, Spinout (aka California Holiday) in 1966 and Clambake in 1967.

EIN Off Review Note #4: Elvis currently has 373 lisings (how greedy can you get?) on IMDB

The narrative in Filming Girl Happy Behind the Scenes With Elvis is a good one, pleasantly mixing Chris’ interesting anecdotes of events during filming, the script for deleted scenes (a great value add!) and pages devoted to:

  • Girl Happy pre-production
  • the Girl Happy soundtrack
  • “juicy on-set gossip”
  • “sexy Elvis stories”
  • insider info including about Elvis
  • Elvis’ other co-stars in the film
  • Priscilla visiting the set
  • Elvis meeting Larry Geller
  • Chris in Vietnam (shown opposite)
  • Girl Happy - Fifty Years Later
The inclusion of various press articles from the (Girl Happy) time also makes for very interesting reading. 

Chris tells us what it was like working with Elvis and what his other co-stars in the film were like including Shelley Fabares, Mary Ann Mobley (a former Miss America) and Gary Crosby (son of the legendary Bing). We also find out how Elvis surprised Chris by coming up behind her and sticking his tongue in her ear.  As you will read, she was not impressed and told Elvis…..

The majority of the visuals are in full color and the color shots are at times let down by being fuzzy or out of focus.  Despite this, they are curiously intriguing and certainly very colorful and expressive!

Chris Noel and Shelley Fabares in Girl Happy

Various film posters and picture cover ‘singles’ record releases for Girl Happy from around the world are also featured and there is a fantastic full page publicity shot of Chris and Elvis.

And be prepared, because during the chronological visual-narrative record of filming we are told to “Get with it!  Learn the latest dance craze…..THE CLAM” (are your toes tapping yet?)

All in all Filming Girl Happy Behind the Scenes with Elvis is a nicely told ’insiders’ record of the film.  Scandal free (this is not a tell-all release), it is different from many other Elvis books which, with its light, funny and engaging tone, will be deservedly welcomed by many fans. (27 Aug 2012)

Read A Date with Chris Noel

Another one of those ubiquitous pin up photos that Hollywood hopefuls had to endure. Chris Noel' first film was in 1963 with Steve McQueen in Soldier In The Rain. She was also cast with Annette Funicello in Beach Ball in 1965. Chris' movie career abruptly ended because of her Vietnam service. Hollywood would not hire her because she was too closely identified with that unpopular war.

Comment on this review

Once Upon A Time: Elvis and Anita (Memories of My Mother) - Book Review: The 'fairytale' story of Elvis' relationship with his first very serious girlfriend, the strikingly attractive Anita Wood (Brewer) - a favorite of Gladys Presley's - has been published.

Written by Anita's daughter, Jonnita Brewer Barrett, Once Upon A Time: Elvis and Anita Memories of My Mother, is a wonderful record of a rollercoaster time in music history..... grounded at its heart by a love story......which, had Elvis not been drafted into the Army, quite possibly would have seen Anita become Mrs Elvis Presley!

Read EIN's review of this long overdue release

Bootleg Elvis (Book Review): Illicit Elvis recordings released by underground labels on pristine black or colored vinyl! For many fans the thought and memories of that important part of the Elvis music scene still resonates in 2012.

And now one of the year's greatest book releases has been published, Bootleg Elvis.......a high quality, incredibly well researched narrative and visual history of the 900+ Elvis bootlegs released on vinyl.

EIN recently delved deep inside this formidable book to sample its veritable treasure trove of Elvis delights! Old and new fans take note!!

Read EIN's detailed review

Iconic Voices (Book Review): Many fans will recognise the name, W.A. (Allen) Harbinson. Harbinson is the man behind one of the biggest selling Elvis biographies of the 1970s: Elvis Presley An Illustrated Biography, which reached #1 on the New York Times bestseller list

After a hiatus from things Elvis and occupying himself with a myriad of books on other subjects, Harbinson has returned to the Elvis world in 2012 with a very different type of book release. 

In Iconic Voices, the author, writing in the first person, inhabits the spirit of not only Elvis, but several other notable celebrities: Marlon Brando, Norman Mailer, John Lennon and Andy Warhol (with an interlinking chapter devoted to each icon).

Read EIN's detailed review of what is a darkly fun, fictionalised biography based on fact, which highlights a period of great social change and the cult of celebrity. (29 July 2010)


The Presley Plot by Stephen G. Yanoff (Book Review): The Elvis fiction genre has produced some outstanding work and unearthed several formidable authors.

Joining the upper echelon is Stephen G. Yanoff, whose debut novel, The Presley Plot, is a wonderful diversion from the humdrum of our often tedious lives. (Source: EIN, July 2012)

Read EIN's full review

'The Elvis Files Vol. 5 1969-70'  Book Review: While the 1968 TV Special was an amazing comeback, Elvis’ return to the very top of his profession would never have happened without the Memphis 1969 recording sessions along with the live performances that followed. Let’s face it, Elvis’ amazing legacy was only sealed in gold by these two all-important years.
'The Elvis Files Vol. 5' contains over 1,500 stunning photos in its 580 pages all from the fabulous return-to-splendour years of 1969 -1970.
It includes every public ELVIS event in his life from 1969 to 1970, every Working Moment, with hundreds of newly discovered photos.

There is no doubt that this is a labour of love for Norwegian Erik Lorentzen, author and long time Elvis fan, who has found a ton of images and information never before published. Sometimes a series of Elvis books can disappoint with one magnificent volume being let down by a poor follow-up  but so far The Elvis Files have proved the opposite with every volume actually being better than its brilliant predecessor. No other series of Elvis photo-books comes close.

Click here to find out what it includes with lots of example pages and great ELVIS photos
(Book Reviews, Source;EIN)

'Graceland Through The Years 1957-1977' Book Review: The latest release about Elvis’ Memphis mansion from Joseph Pirzada’s Boxcar label dropped into the EIN mail box last week.  With considerable pre-publication hype, an impressive 450 pages and more than 1,000 visuals, did it impress EIN as an expansive top floor view or as a depressingly damp basement?

Click here for our detailed review by Nigel Patterson - including plenty of Graceland Elvis images and example pages - Now UPDATED with more photos


(Book Review, Source: ElvisInformationNetwork)

ELVIS PRESLEY FTD WORLD: Finally, a book release documenting releases from Sony's Elvis collector's label, Follow That Dream (FTD).

Compiled by Atsushi from Elvis Sound Magazine, this is a great release aimed at Elvis collectors and scholars, which documents the first 111 releases from FTD (plus several added extras) and is published with dual Japanese-English text.

Read EIN's detailed review here

(Source: EIN, 24 June 2012)

(Book Review) ELVIS in concert 1945-1977: This new large-sized release by Italian Fan Club president, Sebastiano Cecere, boasts an incredible 794 pages and as its title suggests, focuses on Elvis' "on stage" performances.

The publisher says: This book is the most detailed account that has ever appeared on the international level, the concerts of Elvis, and takes us day by day in the life of Presley the performer. (translated from Italian)

EIN recently delved deep inside this massive book. So what did we find? Does it live up to the publisher's claims?

Read our detailed review here and find out why even non-Italian reading fans may be interested in having it in their collection! (June 2012)

Conversations with the King Journals of a Young Apprentice (Book Review): Elvis' youngest stepbrother, David Stanley released his latest book this week.

This is a book about Elvis which has an important difference to others......it provides new insight into the wisdom and gifts Elvis never openly discussed in public. The untold stories of each chapter revolve around life lessons encouraging and assisting readers to discover the lessons and answers in their own lives.

Conversations with the King is challenging and it is thought provoking and it is unlike any other Elvis book you have probably read! To find out just how different and how important Conversations with the King is: read EIN's detailed review here (18 May 2012)

Buy an autographed copy of Conversations with the King

Rock Sex - N -Roll (Book Review): Has the prodigous Joe Tunzi-Paul Lichter partnership hit another bullseye with their latest release...... Rock Sex-N-Roll, a photo-book showcasing Elvis' breakout year, 1956?


Nigel Patterson recently re-entered EIN HQ to find out if the release lives up to the high promise of its pre-publication pr. (Added: 13 May 2012)

Read Nigel's review here


Conversations with the King - Journals of a Young Apprentice: David E. Stanley spent seventeen years growing up with his iconic stepbrother Elvis Presley. From 1960 to 1977 he was the young apprentice to an Elvis few knew—Elvis the mystic and healer.

In his new book, Conversations with the King: Journals of a Young Apprentice, David chronicles the spiritual journey he took during his 17 years with Elvis and addresses perhaps today's biggest spiritual challenge: Closing the gap between the higher wisdom that comes through us and our everyday behavior that often contradicts it.

David will commence a world tour talking about Conversations with the King later in 2012. Aussie fans should note Australia is one of his planned destinations! More to come. (News, Source: Katy Stanley, April 2012)

Conversations with the King (website)

More on EIN:

Interview with David Stanley

Protecting the King (DVD review)

Notes: EIN will review Conversations with the King in coming weeks


'Way Down' Jerry Scheff autobiography Review: Jerry Scheff, TCB Band bassist, has played behind some of the great names in popular music and spent several years in the US Navy before making his way to Los Angeles to begin the life of the session bassist, leading to his pivotal role in Elvis’ TCB band.
In his autobiography 'Way Down' Jerry Scheff gives us his view of some of music's biggest names as their audiences never saw them, tired at the end of a session, burned out after a show, inspired by a new song. Particularly interesting are his emotional insider tales of touring with the "Elvis Family".
Telling his story for the first time, he blends memories of childhood and adolescence with evocative anecdotes about studio sessions end encounters with a host of major stars - and while Jerry doesn’t bad-mouth anybody nor does he evade the topic of the pretty heavy-duty drug taking of that particular era.

Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley reviews this delightful book including some interesting extracts.
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

The Presley Connection: The sequel to Monte Nicholson's controversial novel, The Presley Arrangement, will be released in August 2012.

According to the website around the book:

We will be updating this page often so check back for the latest.  We will also be doing some contests with prizes and top secret stuff! 

For more information and to buy the original book (The Presley Arrangement), visit:

The Presley Connection/The Presley Arrangement (website)

Read EIN's review of The Presley Arrangement

EIN Note: Monte Nicholson featured on The Elvis Conspiracy TV special hosted by Bill Bixby

Elvis Presley Memphis (Mini Book Review): Elvis Presley Memphis is a travel guide of sorts.  From Elvis’ various Memphis residences, the Sun Studio, the original Piggly Wiggly and Ellis Auditorium to Graceland, Elvis’ favourite amusement park, Libertyland, and the Mid South Coliseum, the author brings to life the landmarks which were part of Elvis’ day-to-day existence and many of which helped shape his phenomenal career.  Underlying the reader’s travel around Memphis is a minimalist biography of the King. 

Released as part of the publisher’s MusicPlace Series, Mark Bernardo’s text is quite superficial at times but this is to be expected in the context of the many landmarks he covers in the book’s less than 150 pages. Value added extras are relevant street maps of Memphis and chapter notes (source references).  There are also a number of routine b&w photos.

Overall, Bernardo’s travelogue/biography is a minimalist but interesting overview of the interaction between Elvis and Memphis. (Book Review, Source: Nigel Patterson, EIN)

Publisher's PR: Weaving the story of the King’s personal and public life with detailed descriptions of the locations in Memphis that served as the setting for his musical education and evolution, this pop culture guide offers a refreshingly even-handed account of Elvis Presley’s life. Elvis came to Memphis as a 13-year-old boy, and within a few years, he was shocking and seducing the world with a mixture of moves and sounds he had first seen and heard in the city’s streets, churches, and bars.

This comprehensive tour of places on which Elvis left his mark includes the Peabody Hotel, where he had his senior prom; Ellis Auditorium, where he played his first show; the Sun Studio, where he recorded his first singles; Lansky Brothers Clothiers, where he bought his suits; and Graceland, where he lived with his wife Priscilla and died in 1977. Anecdotes about each of the locations and how they shaped Elvis’s personal and musical identity enhance the travel information, while street maps and a handy size make this book an invaluable companion to Memphis visitors and lovers of rock and roll. (Source: EIN, April 2012)

50s Radio in Color - Exceptional and Stunning book release!!: Once in a while a book comes along which stands out from others. Quite simply, 50s Radio in Color is one of those rare releases!

Why?  Because it contains one of the greatest treasure trove compilations of rock ‘n’ roll performers you will ever see and the glorious images are presented in full COLOR. 

As one slowly savors (believe me you will savor each page) the time capsule and evocative imagery that 50s Radio in Color provides, you are transported back to a by-gone era, a time of innocence, bobby-soxers, fun and a world largely oblivious to the incredible and unstoppable socio-cultural change that occurred with the explosion of rock 'n' roll. (Source: Nigel Patterson, EIN)

Read EIN's detailed review here

How 'Bout A Date? Encounters with the Young Elvis (Pocket Book Review): This new 106 page release written by Caroline Cahoon-Hauser and her son, Robert, takes the reader back to the informal days of the Hillbilly Cat prior to superstardom.

Ms Cahoon was lucky enough to attract the attention of Elvis following a concert in Sheffield, Alabama in August 1955 and subsequently went out on a date with the future King of Rock 'n' Roll.

The author writes of a more innocent time filled with soda pop and burnt bacon sandwiches, vehicle street parades and a complex series of events about to dramatically impact on Elvis' life. The result is an engaging account of the time and her real-life date with Elvis!

The book attains its 106 pages by including details of Elvis' broader life and career. It contains various interesting photographs (sadly in b&w) of Elvis, Caroline and her friends. (Book Review, Source: Nigel Patterson, EIN, Jan 2012)

Book Review: Elvis in Vegas:

After more than four years research, Paul Lichter recently released his latest deluxe book.....focusing on Elvis in a steamy, desert city which lights up at night and holds many of the key moments in the Elvis story.

So does Elvis in Vegas, with its hundreds of visuals and a detailed narrative element, live up to its pre-release hype?

EIN recently took a leisurely stroll through the book.......

click here to read our detailed review

'Elvis: Live at the International' Book Review: From author Kieran Davis the full story of Elvis' time at the International Hotel from August 1969 to September 1971. The book contains 170 pages describing in meticulous detail exactly what it was like to see Elvis at the International. Taken from the diaries of super fan Peggy Elzea, the chapters describe meeting Elvis backstage, the shows, the hotel, the staff, the food, even the call-girls.

There are sections of tape transcripts, jumpsuit descriptions, photographs of memorabilia, the hotel's advertising campaign, the list goes on. If you ever wanted to know how Elvis chipped his tooth on stage in 1971 even that is in here. With approximately 100,000 words, there will never be a better chance to read about Elvis' first engagements in Vegas as seen through the eyes of a fan who was there.

Click here as EIN's Piers Beagley checks out whether the book lives up to the description and with plenty of book extracts to read.

(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

Ed Bonja’s "Viva Elvis" – one of the BEST photo-journals ever released!: With Tom Diskin’s nephew and Elvis’ “official photographer”, Ed Bonja, heading “downunder”, we thought it appropriate to examine Ed’s (sadly) little known, but excellent, Japanese release, Viva Elvis

Published by Yahama Music Media Corporation in 2010, Viva Elvis is a deluxe, 192 page hardback (with dust jacket) visual assault on your senses!  Showcasing a mouth watering array of high quality Elvis photos these are damn fine and eye pleasing images!!! Most are in glorious color.

The narrative text, of which there is ample, is in Japanese, limiting appreciation (for many) of this edition to simply enjoying Ed Bonja’s wonderful full-page photographic images of the King live on stage (The Tours 1970-1975).  The majority of the visuals are from Elvis’ jumpsuit era and as proclaimed by the sub-title on the book’s cover: “Featuring previously unseen images from his amazing concert years”.  And for mine, there are many previously unseen visuals! 

And not only are they full-page images, they are almost all close-up shots of Elvis, many showing the King in full throttle action mode!!  There are a few dark or fuzzy images but believe me even these are striking, undoubtedly due to the amazing ability of the photographer to obtain sublimely expressive and engaging images of his subject regardless of lighting conditions.

Be it Elvis lying flat on his back on stage in dynamic karate movement in San Diego; with tongue poking out in San Francisco; or passionately delivering a booming ballad in New York, Viva Elvis is an absolute visual and most visceral delight to savor time and time again.

The images symbolise the charisma and energy of Elvis Aaron Presley, the universally recognised King of Rock 'n' Roll, in performance…….displaying the innate and effortless power and presence of a musical monarch literally mesmerising and uplifting his loyal subjects.  There is indeed, a Pied Piper on stage, a Pied Piper resplendent in a pot pourii of strikingly immaculate jumpsuits of different colors and designs!

To provide a feel for the range of concerts covered in Viva Elvis, just some of the shows photographed by Ed Bonja and presented in the book are:

  • November 1970 – Eight Day Tour (featuring a very hairy chested King of Rock ‘n’ Roll)
  • November 1971 (Black Matador)
  • Aug-Sep 1972 – Hilton Hotel
  • Jan 1973 - Aloha From Hawaii
  • Jan-Feb 1973 – The Vegas Hilton
  • July 1974 – Salt Lake City
  • May-June 1975 – Huntsville, Alabama

The chapters include The Jumpsuit is Born, The Colonel, Select Photos and Backstage with Elvis, while the main body of the book presents a series of chapters covering The Tours 1970-1975.

While the Japanese edition of Viva Elvis includes the statement that the book was first published in the UK by Studio Cactus (also in 2010), if this did occur copies must now be like the Dodo bird…...extinct. The existence of only the Japanese text edition also explains why such a great release has received little recognition throughout the Elvis community.

Verdict: Viva Elvis is one of the best ever photo-books published about Elvis with high quality, “in-your-face” images, guaranteed to please all fans!  And if you can comprehend the Japanese written word, you will indulge your reading fluency as well.  Highly recommended (Book Review, Reviewed by Nigel Patterson, EIN, Jan 2012)

Copies of Viva Elvis are available from Amazon Japan (New Price around US$60 not including shipping – cheaper new and used copies may be available for International shipping from the Amazon Merchant Community) 

'Elvis Presley’s GOLD Cadillac Tour of AUSTRALASIA 1968-69' Book Review: Put your hands up....how many of you knew that Elvis' Gold Cadillac was sent (in lieu of the King) on a tour of Australasia in the late 1960s? I'd wager that not too many fans are aware of this little known, but fascinating, part of the Elvis story.
Bob Hayden's revised edition of Elvis Presley’s GOLD Cadillac Tour of AUSTRALASIA 1968-69, is an exhaustive narrative and visual account of the tour.......an account many fans will find absorbing.

Since publishing the first edition, Hayden, one of Australia's most well known and respected rock 'n' roll collectors and experts, has been able to source out and amass significantly more information and photographs around the tour. The result is a well written and engrossing account highlighting the importance of Elvis "downunder", jam packed with fantastic visuals!!

(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

Spotlight on the new 'Vintage Rock' Magazine: The very first issue of the UK 'Vintage Rock' magazine features Elvis on the cover. Inside the magazine fans can read a great feature article that details Elvis' early years (up to 1955) and also check out some rare childhood photos. The first two lines of the Elvis feature article read, "Elvis Presley was more than a singer. He was - and still is - an icon of pop culture, the first larger than life superstar, a folk hero and legend, yet also something of a myth."

In addition to this another article ‘The Roots Of Rock‘n’Roll’ also features a close-up on Scotty Moore and Elvis.
(Spotlight, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)


Year: 2011

Elvis By Special Request '71 At 40 (Book Review): The latest Joseph Tunzi - Paul Lichter collaboration provides a long overdue visual focus on what some refer to as Elvis' 'lost tour".

EIN recently took time out to explore what '71 At 40 has to offer. What we found was a visually pleasing portfolio of images (many rare or previously unpublished) from the 12 cities visited throughout the tour supported by two informative essays by Paul Lichter and an array of press clippings published during the tour.


Read EIN's full review


(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

'The Elvis Files Vol. 4' Book Review: 'The Elvis Files Vol. 4' 1965 – 1968 contains over 1,300 stunning photos in its 570 pages and all in quality printing. It includes every public ELVIS event in his life from 1965 to 1968, every Working Moment, with hundreds of newly discovered photos. Elvis movies from 'Harum Scarum' to 'Speedway' to 'The Trouble With Girls' are covered in detail, Elvis and Priscilla's wedding, the birth of Lisa Marie and 100 pages dedicated to the Comeback Special.

There is no doubt that this is a labour of love for Norwegian Erik Lorentzen, author and long time Elvis fan, who has found a ton of images and information never before published.

Sometimes a series of Elvis books can disappoint with one magnificent volume being let down by a poor follow-up  but so far The Elvis Files have proved the opposite with every volume actually being better than its brilliant predecessor. No other series of Elvis photo-books comes close.
(Book Reviews, Source;EIN)

Treat Me Nice Elvis, His Music and the Frankenstein Creature (Book Review): The debut Elvis book by Howard Jackson deserves notice! A fascinating blend of metaphorical analysis and appreciative musical dissection, it is a fresh perspective on the King!

In Treat Me Nice, Howard Jackson presents a formidable treatise, a rich tapestry of insight, analysis, comparison and acute commentary.

Jackson's work is effectively two books in one, for as much as he traverses often quite complex psychological and metaphorical territory, he also provides a strong perspective on Elvis’ musical canon, both its strengths and weaknesses.  

Read EIN's full review here

'Young Man with the Big Beat' CD/Book combo In-Depth Review: Released to coincide with the 55th anniversary celebration of Elvis' national break-through year, 'Young Man with the Big Beat' is a 5-disc box set in a retro format containing all of the 1956 RCA Masters including the complete albums 'Elvis Presley' (#1254) and the second 'Elvis' (#1382). It also includes a previously-unreleased live show, outtakes and rare interviews with the Elvis along with an 84-page book with a day-by-day chronology plus assorted photos and memorabilia.
Back in March 1956 an RCA promotional poster billed Elvis Presley as a "Young Man with the Big Beat". There is no doubt that the billboard’s designers would have had no idea what an impact that BIG BEAT would have on future generations, shaking the very ground of the until now easy-listening entertainment world.
Can this new box-set really capture everything that Elvis achieved in this great Rock'n'Roll year
(CD Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

'Elvis On Tour November 1971' Book Review: Published last year by author Kieran Davis this hardcover book focuses on Elvis' famous tour of November 1971, and for some reason almost slipped under the radar. With every November performance examined in detail over 150 pages, it features more than 200 photographs many previously unpublished, plenty of memorabilia plus exclusive original tour documents. Packed with rare pics and full reviews for each show it is one of the most comprehensive books ever written about the somewhat forgotten Elvis year of 1971.

It has been described as a labour-of-love by a true Elvis fan who wanted to self-publish a worthy book for true Elvis fans.

Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley checks out whether the book lives up to the description.

(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

'Elvis Presley And Nancy Sinatra On The Speedway' Book Review: A JAT production, the book features text by Paul Lichter and inside there are hundreds of world premier photos never-seen-before including the director Norman Taurog's inside Elvis' Palm Springs home and behind the scenes with Norman Taurog, Elvis and Nancy. Approximately 300 exclusive and breathtaking photographs!!!

A definitive look at Elvis' movie Speedway, following on from JAT's highly recommended classic look at Viva Las Vegas.

Go here as EIN's Nigel Patterson checks out this new JAT quality hardback look at Elvis' 27th movie filmed in late 1967.

(Book Review, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork)

'Why ELVIS Left The Building' - Book Review: Being republished now is one of the worst-ever books about Elvis - full of lies and totally denigrating our man.
"Elvis had rotten green and yellow teeth" and "Elvis was the Forrest Gump of the Lauderdale Courts" are just some of the ridiculous claims by Jimmy Denson from whom the material for this book is sourced.
The book promotion is misleadingly positive, stating .. "In this phenomenal book written by Heart Lanier Shapré, amazingly, seven lost years of the King’s childhood are revealed. Learn the foundations of what shaped this mega star’s life. Of all the entertainers who have influenced pop culture over the past 50 years, Elvis Presley stands at the top. His influence can be felt in music, film, fashion, and in the emotions of all the lives he has touched around the world." (see publicity news item below).
EIN presents its original 2006 review of this book from Nigel Patterson - who has read some terrible books in his time - but says this is worse than the Albert Goldman fiasco. - Go here to reveal all.
(Book Review, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork)

'Bringing It All Back Home' CD/Book Review: From Venus productions last year, a double CD/Book set of Elvis performing in Memphis. The first CD contains the matinée performance of March 16, 1974, his first live appearance in his hometown since 1961. The second CD features the only performance by Elvis at the Mid-South Coliseum on June 10th 1975. Both concerts are still NOT officially released and Venus have created a high-quality production with a delightful 132 page book full of great photographs and text. The notes say that the source used was the "first generation soundboard tapes" and it sure sounds like it! Both concerts are in great quality and deserve to be released by FTD!

As we head into 2011 EIN looks back to check out a few favourite releases from last year.
Go here for lots of images from this neat publication as EIN's Piers Beagley gives this a thumbs up!

(CD Reviews; Source;ElvisInfoNetwork)

'Losing Graceland' Book Review - plus Micah Nathan Interview: Released earlier this year, 'Losing Graceland' by Micah Nathan is a fictional novel with Elvis as its main protagonist. The press release described it as "An irreverent tale about a recent college grad, a mysterious old man who may be Elvis, and a perilous road trip that could lead to the old man's final comeback."
As a true Elvis fans I always seem to be reading one kind of Elvis biography after the next and so it is a pleasant change to read a fictional Elvis novel that had be engaged and amused all the way through.
The story starts in Buffalo, New York when college graduate Ben Fish replies to a newspaper ad that states "Driver Needed Seven Days. Excellent Pay No Druggies, Drunks, or Felons."
He meets the 'Old Man' who just happens to have a lot of spare cash, an old Cadillac and wants to get to Memphis to find his missing granddaughter.
With this book the delight for Elvis fans is the fact that you can clearly imagine this "Old Man/Elvis" who denies that he truly is Elvis, but also says he was ‘the King’. He also seems to know way too much about Elvis Presley's past not to be Elvis. . . .
EIN’s Piers Beagley reviews this novel and interviews author Micah Nathan.
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Year: 2010

'The Complete Elvis Presley Masters' in-depth Review: "The Complete Elvis Presley Masters" 30 CD box-set collection has to be the ultimate deluxe Elvis collectors’ set, combining a massive 240-page book and every Elvis Master recording presented in one huge presentation case. The fact is that it also Sold Out before being despatched and so hardly needs a review. Plus it is damn expensive and well out of the range of most fans! Costing US$750 in the USA - plus for anyone overseas a hefty delivery charge. However it is good to hear that the popularity of the signed & numbered first run of 1000 copies has inspired SONY to produce a second edition early next year.
Such a gigantic deluxe set is difficult to comprehend until you have spent some time absorbing all its details. It is almost impossible to cover such a mammoth project properly in a small review. After all what do you get for your hard-earned money, and since we have probably bought most of these recordings umpteen times before, is this set that desirable?
Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley provides a detailed in-depth review - with plenty of fabulous images - and discovers the good, and possibly bad, of this all-mighty Elvis release.
(CD Reviews, Source;ElvisInfo Network)

'The Final Curtain' Deluxe Box-Set Review: The Final Curtain comprises of a 400 page jam packed book with 6 CD’S and 6 DVD’s with hours of unreleased footage and new complete soundboards all housed in a large and heavy beautiful box set. The book is packed with more than a thousand pictures plus reviews, full text featuring all the tours and rare facts etc to create a 1977 book finally worthy of release.

The 6 CD collection includes 3 new shows featuring the lost recorded performance of Orlando on February 15th, Saginaw’s May 3rd and Madison’s June 24th. Also included on the CD’s are highlighted show recordings from 1977 and has a new version of Elvis’ last show in Indianapolis, all of the audio materials contained in the box are taken from 1st generation copies of original Soundboard/RCA tapes.

EIN's Piers Beagley spent a few days indulging in this mammoth box-set and writing this in-depth review - After all the wait does it match up to the hype?

(Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork)

'The Elvis Files Vol. 2' Book Review: 'The Elvis Files Vol. 2' 1957 – 1957 contains over 1,300 stunning photos in its 540 pages and all in quality printing. It includes every public ELVIS event in his life from "1957 to 1959", every Working Moment, with over 200 newly discovered photos, multiple interviews, all the Recording Sessions, the Gold Lame tours of 1957, the Movies: Loving You, Jailhouse Rock, King Creole are all covered in great details with lots of unseen photos. Best of all are the stunning full-page photos as well as the intricate look into Elvis' amazingly high-paced life.
There is no doubt that this is a labour of love for Norwegian Erik Lorentzen, author and long time Elvis fan, who has found a ton of images and information never before published.
And while this isn't a cheap book The Elvis Files Volume 2 is even more impressive than the first book.
(Book Reviews, Source;EIN)

'The Complete Elvis Presley Masters' in-depth Review: "The Complete Elvis Presley Masters" 30 CD box-set collection has to be the ultimate deluxe Elvis collectors’ set, combining a massive 240-page book and every Elvis Master recording presented in one huge presentation case. The fact is that it also Sold Out before being despatched and so hardly needs a review. Plus it is damn expensive and well out of the range of most fans! Costing US$750 in the USA - plus for anyone overseas a hefty delivery charge. However it is good to hear that the popularity of the signed & numbered first run of 1000 copies has inspired SONY to produce a second edition early next year.
Such a gigantic deluxe set is difficult to comprehend until you have spent some time absorbing all its details. It is almost impossible to cover such a mammoth project properly in a small review. After all what do you get for your hard-earned money, and since we have probably bought most of these recordings umpteen times before, is this set that desirable?
Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley provides a detailed in-depth review - with plenty of fabulous images - and discovers the good, and possibly bad, of this all-mighty Elvis release.
(CD Reviews, Source;ElvisInfo Network)

Return Of The King Elvis Presley's Great Comeback (Book Review): Once in a while a book comes along which re-opens our eyes and minds to the majesty of Elvis as a person and/or performer. Gillian Gaar's Return Of The King Elvis Presley's Great Comeback is one of those books!

Gaar’s release examines, analyses and interprets Elvis’ life and career from the year before his stunning '68 Comeback Special to his death and after. Exhibiting great research and careful thought, the author offers a vibrant, fly-on-the-wall account of how Elvis resurrected himself and why the decline happened. (July 2010)

Read EIN's full review

'VIVA LAS VEGAS' Book Review: Prolific Elvis publisher, Joe Tunzi, recently collaborated with Elvis super-collector, Paul Lichter. For most fans it's a mouth watering delight......Elvis and Ann-Margret together in one of the King's most successful celluloid offerings, Viva Las Vegas. The sight of two of Hollywood's most attractive stars in the one film could not miss - and its success was amplified by the sizzling on and off screen chemistry between the two leads.
VIVA LAS VEGAS Swingin' - Singin' - Lovin' is the result and in keeping with recent hardcover releases from JAT Productions it is a glorious book.

The result is a stunning tribute to one of Elvis's greatest films, Viva Las Vegas. From glorious full page, full color photos to very rare images of Elvis with fans

Read EIN's full review and see more great visuals

(Source: EIN, July 2010)

"Without the King's Consent".......fact or fantasy??:

From the publisher's press release: WITHOUT THE KING'S CONSENT is the true story of a 1954 mystery recording. The record, entitled TELL ME PRETTY BABY, is perhaps the most controversial recording in U.S. music history. The recording received extensive media coverage throughout the world in 1978 and 1979. The discovery of this recording was like finding an unknown Rembrandt or Van Gogh to the music industry. The purchase of this original tape recording in 1977 was like a dream come true for Andrew Jackson.

However, some dreams can turn into nightmares; especially when those dreams feed the greed and power of the hungry hearts of those who take every avenue possible to steal the dreams of others or to stop the world from sharing the joy of that historical event.

Andrew Jackson and Frederick Allen, the authors of WITHOUT THE KING'S CONSENT, pull no punches in this exposition which reveals the methods and means utilized by a greedy and insatiable corporate giant out to "destroy this one-sided mystery record," as stated by Peter Brown of The Dallas Morning News on January 14, 1979.

Not only is the story WITHOUT THE KING'S CONSENT an expose of the greed of powerful attorneys and their ability to influence the outcome of judicial proceedings, but it is also an examination of the conclusive expert and eyewitness testimony attesting to the fact that it was indeed Elvis Aaron Presley who recorded TELL ME PRETTY BABY.

EIN Comment: While we do not believe the voice on Tell Me Pretty Baby is Elvis, Without The King’s Consent is a well written and absorbing account of the legal battles around the song’s authenticity.  With its heady mix of for and against information, audio analysis, court deposition, jail time and intrigue, the book is certainly interesting reading.

A CD edition of the song will shortly be released.  For more information visit the International Classic Productions website

'The Elvis Files Vol. 3' Book Review: 'The Elvis Files Vol. 3' 1960 – 1964 contains over 1200 stunning photos in its 470 pages and all in quality printing. It includes all ELVIS events in "1960 to 1964", Every Working Moment, over 200 newly discovered photos, multiple interviews, the Hawaii and Memphis 1961 Shows with Rare Pictures and all the movies from G.I. Blues up to 1964 are covered in great detail.

There is no doubt that this is a labour of love for Norwegian Erik Lorentzen, author and long time Elvis fan, who has found a ton of images and information never before published.

But it isn't a cheap book and many fans want to know what it really includes and what format it takes.

(Book Reviews, Source;EIN)

(Capsule Book Review): “JUST PRETENDing” A Guide to be an Elvis Tribute Artist : Kurt Burrows’ “JUST PRETENDing” lives up to its description as a light hearted look into the ETA world and the key elements of being an ETA and presenting a good show.

It is a book that tells you how to look, sound and move like the King!  From the attire, the mirror, the stage, using the microphone and choosing the right songs to ‘cleaning up your own back yard’, having the right attitude, marketing yourself and finding the ‘right’ manager, there are many valuable insights for becoming a successful ETA. 

The book foreword is by one of the all-time best, the legendary Doug Church. Amusing Elvis cartoons dot the chapters.

The initial 101 pages of the book are printed on cheap pulp paper stock with large text.   The remainder of the book is then presented on quality, semi-gloss paper stock – firstly a section offering narrative-visual (“Spotlight”) looks at a number of prominent ETA’s and an article about noted Elvis photographer, Keith Alverson.  This leads in to the highlight of the book – full color photos from the Keith Alverson Photo Archives.  The rare images of Elvis live on stage cover a range of 1970s concerts including Atlanta, Georgia (1973 & 1976), Dayton, Ohio (1974), Indianapolis (1974) and Huntsville, Alabama (1975).

Book Details: Kurt Burrows, Memphis Mansion Marketing, Great Britain, 2010, Softcover, 148 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0956346001 (Reviewed by Nigel Patterson; Copyright EIN 2010)

Capsule Book Review) - Up Close: Elvis Presley (Wilborn Hampton): Wilborn Hampton is a celebrated theater and book critic and noted author of books for younger readers.  His biography of Elvis is well written and given both its target audience and a minimal 192 pages (the final 14 of which are Source Notes, Bibliography and Index), in-depth analysis and commentary are not the objective.  

Based on the Source Notes it appears Hampton has written his book based on a small, albeit solid group of bibliographic texts.  These include the Guralnick tomes, Elaine Dundy’s Elvis and Gladys; Bill E. Burk’s Early Elvis: The Humes Years; Albert Goldman’s mean-spirited release, Professor Vernon Chadwick’s In Search of Elvis, Priscilla Presley’s memoir and an assortment of magazine articles.  Hampton’s reliance on a limited number of sources could be seen as a weakness.

My biggest issue with the book is that as the first 140 pages only take the reader to around 1960, it means the final 17 years of Elvis’ life and career are captured in only 38 pages!  Not surprisingly, cramming the highlights of 17 years into 38 pages means Hampton can only offer a superficial account of the period.  Some may argue this is not such a bad thing when introducing Elvis to a younger market.

Hampton’s narrative is positive and his account of the young Elvis and Elvis the Hillbilly Cat is solid and engrossing.  While it does not resonate with the detail of Guralnick or erudite insight of Dave Marsh, the text nevertheless informs its younger reader with a rich feel of the importance of one of the world's pre-eminent and influential rock and roll forces.                      

  • Reading level: Young Adult
  • Hardcover (d/j)/Softcover: 192 pages
  • Publisher: Viking Juvenile (June 14, 2007)
  • Language: English
  • Illustrated: Yes, a number of stock b&w photos
  • ISBN-10: 0670061662
  • ASIN: B003F76DLA
  • Product Dimensions: 7.1 x 5.2 x 0.9 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 9.6 ounces

WhWhat others say about Up Close: Elvis Presley:

School Library Journal: Grade 7 Up—From the foreword, readers learn that Hampton has an admiration for Elvis that reaches back to his childhood. His enthusiasm and passion for his subject are evident throughout this appealing biography, yet he remains objective about the performer's virtues as well as his tragic flaws. The striking cover photograph complements the lively and accessible text that delves not only into Elvis's life but also his impact on music and American culture. The writing is casual yet authoritative, and includes occasional black-and-white photographs. Readers who can't imagine a world without rock and roll will find this to be an excellent introduction to the man about whom John Lennon once said, "Before there was Elvis, there was nothing."—Marcia Kochel, Olson Middle School, Bloomington, MN Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Booklist: Elvis may have left the building, but interest in his life hasn't waned. This entry in the Up Close biography series records the familiar tracks in Elvis' life, giving slightly more attention to his assent to fame than the tragic descent into narcotics addiction and his extravagant lifestyle in the final years. The strained relationships with wife Priscilla and the controlling Colonel Parker are included, but daughter Lisa Marie is barely mentioned. Hampton provides plentiful examples to back up first girlfriend Dixie's assertion: "Elvis was just a nice boy who desperately wanted to please people." The language dealing with Elvis' exploits with girls is genteel as well--"The relationship became passionate very quickly, but both Elvis and Dixie agreed they would not go all the way until they were married." This didn't hold true for women he met on the road, but subtlety reigns there too, suiting this biography to a younger audience than most Presley picks. Source notes and bibliography are appended. Cindy Dobrez Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

Reviewed by Nigel Patterson, May 2010, Copyright EIN

The King and Dr. Nick What Really Happened to Elvis and Me (Book Review): Dr. Nick's long awaited memoir was recently released. After three decades of being often maligned by the media and an unforgiving public Elvis' personal physician finally has his say.

In conjunction with interviewing Dr. Nick, EIN's Nigel Patterson spent time exploring Dr. Nick's side of the story.

What EIN found:

  • sheds great light on Elvis' medical conditions;
  • provides facts around several contentious issues;
  • is a memoir written with honest caring and compassion; and
  • a memoir which will challenge the views held by many fans!

In order to establish the truth, Dr. Nick deserves to be heard and his memoir is a fitting way for him to clearly state his case. (Source: EIN, Feb 2010)

Read EIN's full review

'Off Duty with Private Presley' Book/CD Review: 'Off Duty with Private Presley' is released by the Memphis Recording Service to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Elvis Presley’s discharge from the army in 1960. The 100-page book includes many rare and stunning photographs, many of which are unreleased and seen here for the first time. The accompanying CD contains recordings made during Elvis’ time off duty whilst in the army, including classics such as 'A Big Hunk O’ Love' and 'A Fool Such As I'. It also features 30 Unreleased tracks privately recorded by Elvis while stationed in the US and Germany. These recordings are released officially for the first time to the public.

EIN's Piers Beagley checks out the recently released MRS package to see whether it is worthy of the publicity and what it contains.

(CD/Book Review, Source;EIN)  

Elvis My Best Man (Book Review): George Klein became a friend of Elvis' while they both attended Humes High. EIN contributor, Susan MacDougall, recently sat down to read George's memoir. What Susan found was an entertaining memoir which has met with some criticism. Susan says:

The stated purpose of the book is to document some of the important things about Elvis that have been missed elsewhere, especially “his deep, natural intelligence and how funny he was”. There are certainly some entertaining anecdotes, such as putting a gift-wrapped box of snakes on a car seat to frighten thieves, and Elvis hiding under a train to escape a horde of sorority sisters.

Read Susan's full review

(Book Review, Source: EIN, Feb 2010)

Elvis Presley's GOLD Cadillac Tour of Australasia 1968-69 (Book Review): Australasian Elvis fans never got to see Elvis on their sunny shores but in 1968-69 they did get to see a piece of Elvis history when his 1960 Series 75 Fleetwood Limousine went on display across Australia and New Zealand.

Well known Australian Elvis historian, Bob Hayden, has released his comprehensive look at the events behind the tour and its trek north, south, east and west around Australia and on to New Zealand.

Filled with well researched information and many rare photos, this is a little known tour in Elvis history well worth taking!

Read the full review

(Book Review, Source: EIN, Jan 2010)


Year: 2009


Visit EIN's comprehensive "Elvis Books in 2009" Page


Elvis Presley: A Life In Books

....Two other great Elvis book sites....



Baby, Let's Play House Elvis Presley and the Women Who Loved Him (Book Review): The latest Alanna Nash book will be released in the US on 5 January 2010.

EIN recently had the pleasure of delving deep inside the 700+ pages of this release to discover a rich and compelling account of a side of Elvis, which until now has been rarely, if at all, documented in detail.

What we found was illuminating, at times emotional, and occasionally confronting. Never dull and always adding to our understanding of the man, Alanna Nash has written a stunning new book!

As its title implies, Baby, Let's Play House presents the long overdue female perspective on Elvis and answers a number of important questions including how differently Elvis communicated with men and women and the inner anguish which eventually led to his tragic demise.

Read why Baby, Let's Play House will be one of the two best Elvis book releases of 2010. (Source: EIN, 1 December 2009)

"Ancestors of Elvis Aaron Presley 50 Generations": In 2009, Lorina Bolig has published a revised and updated edition of her groundbreaking book. The new edition has blown out to a mammoth 806 pages, making it, I believe, the largest single volume book yet released about Elvis. 

EIN's Nigel Patterson recently explored the fascinating world of Elvis's ancestors and in so doing came face to face with Kings and Queens in many countries across the globe and other wonderful folk who may not have a royal pedigree but who nevertheless share a link to the world's greatest celebrity icon. Fascinating and eye opening stuff!! (Source: EIN, 1 Nov 2009)

The "first" Dr. Nick book or "When Elvis Meets the Dali Lama" (Book Review): In December 2009-January 2010, Dr. Nick's long awaited memoir wil be published. Some fans will recall that back in 1990 his story was announced for publication as Who Killed Elvis Presley?

For varous reasons that biography was never published, however in his wildly entertaining book, When Elvis Meets the Dalai Lama, Murray Silver reveals the story behind the failed book attempt as well as many other colorful stories about Silver's brushes with celebrity, both secular and sacred.

Be it the first female to direct an X-rated film to eccentric Memphis Mongo, pro-wrestling, rock groups of the 70s, the Dalai Lama, race relations and the assassination attempt on Dr. Nick's life, When Elvis Meets the Dalai Lama is a wide ranging, provocative and wildly amusing book. (Sep 2009)

Read EIN's detailed review

"Inside The Dream" Book Review: Fans will know Jimmy Velvet as a friend of Elvis’ as well as the creator of the Elvis Presley Museum and owner of one of the world's biggest collectors of rock’n’roll memorabilia. Jimmy Velvet was also a successful recording artist and personally knew almost all the major stars that you can imagine - and was also luckily an enthusiastic photographer who always had his camera with him. He toured with Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard – and ELVIS - just to name a few! Being a contemporary of these mega-stars he managed to capture thousands of candid photographs in a way that a press photographer couldn’t.

The photographic memoirs of Jimmy Velvet’s amazing life ‘Inside The Dream’ was released in 2007.

EIN’s Piers Beagley spent several days examining this hefty photo-biography to give you this detailed review - including rare photos of Elvis and more!

(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)

She Played Elvis - A Pilgrimage to Graceland - new book release by Shady Cosgrove: Price: AUD $26.99 inc. GST/ ISBN 13: 9781741757248.

A quirky, funny and quietly moving memoir that tells of a road-trip that a young American immigrant undertook with her boyfriend on a pilgrimage to Graceland, travelling across America on Greyhound buses, busking Elvis songs along the way.

Description: She Played Elvis is the story of a trip that Shady, a young American immigrant to Australia, undertakes with her Australian boyfriend to rediscover her homeland - which, after several years in Australia, doesn't necessarily feel like 'home' anymore. As part of the journey, the pair decide to make a pilgrimage across America, travelling on Greyhound buses, to get to Graceland for the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of Elvis Presley's death, with Shady busking and singing Elvis songs at cities and towns along the way.

As they travel across America, memories of her past begin to surface and Shady realises that while she is coming to understand the meaning of 'home', she is also untangling the knotted threads of her difficult relationship with her estranged, erratic, unreliable and often violent father.

A moving, witty and original meditation on the idea of pilgrimage, family, home and loss, She Played Elvis is a classic road story and a journey of self-discovery set to an Elvis soundtrack; a story told with a clear-eyed, intelligent, unforgettable grace.

Reader reviews:

"She Played Elvis is an engaging dissection of personal and national identity; and how we extract meaning from experiences... Shady Cosgrove’s writing style is intimate, yet unflinching and clear-headed." - Alisom McCallum

"A story of awareness and self-discovery, written in a very clever and witty way, an enjoyable read." - Cheryl Moulton

About Shady Cosgrove: Shady Cosgrove lives in the Illawarra with her partner, Scott, and teaches creative writing at the University of Wollongong. Her work has appeared in Best Australian Stories 2006, Antipodes, Southerly and Overland. (19 Sep 2009)

Book Review - "Elvis Presley A Biography": There are many well researched books on the market about Elvis.........Kathleen Tracy's biography, released by a noted publisher (Greenwood Press) is NOT one of them. (Sep 2009)

Read what EIN thinks why this book is so bad!

'Elvis: The Biography' by Jerry Hopkins - an alternate Book Review: Controversy reigns at EIN! The first serious Elvis biography was published in 1971. Reaching the top of numerous best seller lists around the world, Jerry Hopkins biography of the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll was irresistible reading for millions of Elvis’ fans and those simply wanting to understand more about the 20th century‘s pre-eminent cultural icon. The 2007 edition of 'Elvis The Biography' combined revised editions of the earlier two volume biography.
Back in 2007 EIN's Nigel Patterson reviewed the book positively stating that, "Finally, a definitive one volume biography about Elvis - a mandatory inclusion in all fan's Elvis libraries."
EIN's Piers Beagley now examines the book, finding it full of major errors and, as an 'updated book', a real failure! He states that, Jerry Hopkins has "put his career on 'automatic pilot' and stopped growing. He weakened his standards. He wasted his talent"!

Read EIN's new review of this classic Elvis biography and Have Your Say. Is it a worthy updated re-release after all?

(Book Reviews, Source;EIN/PiersBeagley)

Book Review:

The Genuine Elvis: Photos and Untold Stories about the King

By Ronnie McDowell, Edie Hand and Joe Meador

Reviewed by Nigel Patterson.  Copyright EIN

Released in July, this new book release is a surprise which lives up to its title.

The stories and recollections come from a diverse group of family, friends and peers.  Apart from the authors, the reader is treated to many great stories by names we immediately recognise such as Pat Boone, Jerry Schilling, Ray Walker (Jordanaires) and Alfred Wertheimer (photographer), to those we are not familiar with including Howard Hite (Tupelo Hardware Company), Judy Spencer Nelon (the Judy Spencer Nelon Group), Jimmy Angel (friend/performer) and Charles Watt (disc jockey).

All have something interesting and informative to convey.  Jerry Schilling reflects on Christmas with Elvis in 1975; Pat Boone talks about he and Elvis were both essentially “good ole boys”; Judy Spencer Nelon reflects on the importance of gospel music to Elvis and Howard Hite recalls the day Gladys and Elvis came into the store with Elvis wanting a rifle but Gladys wanting him to buy a guitar (and we all know the outcome); while Charles Watts recalls the fans, National Guard, state troopers and local police when Elvis returned to Tupelo for his legendary concert in 1956.  These and many more stories keep the reader enthralled.

The text is nicely balanced by a mix of photos, archival material and artworks.  There are numerous visuals you probably haven’t seen before including Elvis in Sheffield, Alabama during a train stop in the 1950s, Elvis and cousin Gene Smith, Elvis surrounded by black and white fans as he leaves the Hudson Theater in 1956 and a still from the set of Loving You with Elvis, family and cast at lunch.

The real highlight (for me) was Ronnie McDowell’s sublime Elvis artworks.  These need to be seen to be appreciated but it is clear Ronnie would have a very successful other career should he ever decide to give up his day job.  They resonate with rich, vibrant color and each scene depicts an important part of the Elvis story.  You will marvel at (Elvis outside the) Roxy Theater; Lonely Street (Elvis and James Dean); A Tale of Two Kings (Elvis and Clark Gable in Hollywood); Reflection of a King, Elvis and Friends and to name just a few.  My favourite is The World’s Greatest Rock and Roll Band: The Rising Sun Edition which is a joy to behold.  McDowell’s prowess with the paint brush is prodigious and will be a revelation to many.

The Genuine Elvis: Photos and Untold Stories about the King is a smallish book with a correspondingly small price.  The book and page design is strong.  Overall, it represents very good value for money!

Verdict: A welcome addition to the bourgeoning Elvis library.  Great stories are complemented by some very rare photos and absolutely stunning artworks by the multi-talented McDowell.

Product Description: Untold stories, candid photographs, and personal memories fill the pages of this ultimate tribute to the king of rock-'n'-roll. From anecdotes about Elvis's high-school years from friend Jimmy Angel to the personal memories of Elvis's best friend, Jerry Schilling, about the Christmas of 1975 and Elvis's cousin Edie Hand's childhood memories of their summertime family reunions, this book is a must-have for fans and collectors of Elvis memorabilia.

This collection features contributions from Elvis's friends and family members, country music star Ronnie McDowell's original paintings, and dozens of remarkable pictures by Al Wertheimer. Highlights include the entries from Pat Boone; Louise Smith, widow of Elvis's cousin Gene; and the never-before-told story of the exclusive 1956 interview disc jockey Charles Watts recorded with Elvis and his mother, Gladys, and father, Vernon.

Product Details

  • Hardcover: 112 pages (with dust jacket)
  • Publisher: Pelican Publishing (July 1, 2009)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1589806956
  • ISBN-13: 978-1589806955
  • Product Dimensions: 6.2 x 6.1 x 0.6 inches

Other Reviews
"The coupling of Ronnie McDowell's great paintings with an insider's delightful stories about Elvis makes The Genuine Elvis a magic combination." --Dick Clark, American Bandstand

About the authors: Ronnie McDowell is well known to Elvis fans thanks to his tribute song, The King Is gone, and numerous hit songs and successful tours since 1977.  Edie McDowell is a relative of Elvis’ while Joe Meador is a successful songwriter, music manager, producer and performer.


Genuine Elvis, The: Photos and Untold Stories about the King

Comment on this review

Black Angels in Vegas (Book & CD review): The new book + 2CD release from Venus Productions recently caught our eye and ear.

What we found was a first rate release which will delight all fans.

With rare photos, an excellent narrative accont of Elvis in 1974 and great sound resonating from the audio component, there is much to be enjoyed and wondered about with this release. Elvis's use of the "F" word during the show has sparked debate and while some other shows in his 1974 Summer season were ordinary, at midnight on 30 August he was in particularly fine form.

Click here to read our detailed review

(Review, Source: EIN, 18 Aug 2009)

'ELVIS: Vegas '69' - Book Review: Written by Ken Sharp author of the critically acclaimed ' Writing For The King' the book tells the remarkable story of Elvis' return to the concert stage told through first-hand accounts by those lucky enough to be on hand to witness Elvis' miraculous artistic and creative rebirth. But does 'Elvis:Vegas '69' live up to its promises?

EIN's Piers Beagley provides a detailed review of this absorbing and stunning book - and includes some excerpts and images.

Don't miss this review - and make sure you order the book before it sells out!


(Book Reviews: Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Advanced Elvis Course (Book Review): Just when you thought it was safe to venture into the book store, along comes an irreverent, offbeat and at times very funny pilgrimage around Memphis.

Author and essentially Elvis philosopher, CA Conrad, has written a book which is verey different to most other books published around Elvis. What makes Conrad's tour so special?

Click here to find out

(Book Review, Source: EIN, Aug 2009)

Elvis 2000 (Book Review): Jay Gould is apparently a well known US psychic. 

In his minimalist book, Elvis 2000, Gould provides an at times interesting (if unbelievable) account of his psychic consultations with Elvis…….both spirit communications from beyond the grave and personal consultations during the last year of Elvis’ life!

Read EIN's review (March 2009)

Book Review - Teenagers' Hero: Steve Rino's mammoth book from Italy has met with a mix of praise and criticism.

What is the real story about this release? Is the criticism justified?

Amber Smith (with Nigel Patterson) has explored the more than 400 pages and even more images in Teenagers' Hero, and brings you her detailed review of the release and a few choice words for those who have been critical! (Source: EIN, March 2009)

Read Amber's review

Elvis: That's The Way It Is - The Complete Works - book review: With this highly anticipated set now available, Rex Martin has received his copy and presents his initial thoughts on the book component. Does it live up to expectations? Rex provides the early answer! (2 March 2009)

Visit Rex Martin's Page on EIN

EIN Comment: EIN has now seen The Complete Works set and what a beauty it is! The packaging is superb. All 9 discs are colorful picture discs and the book, while slimline, is full of quality visuals from and information from the film (one of the visual highlights is a series of terrific shots of Elvis in his famous red shirt and belt). The strong box holds both the "Behind the Scenes" book and "The Shows"........a quad-foldout digipack disc compartment with great color visuals and backing imagery.

EIN is yet to listen to the audio discs or view the DVDs, but by all accounts, we will not be disappointed.


Year: 2008

The Elvis Encyclopedia (Book Review): Is Adam Victor's long awaited Elvis book one of the stand-out releases of the year or a half-baked turkey?

EIN recently spent a leisurely afternoon with Elvis music playing softly in the background and a nice red at the ready. (Book Review, Source: EIN)

Read what we discovered!


'68 At 40 Retrospective' book review: Joe Tunzi has teamed up with Elvis' 1968 TV Comeback producer Steve Binder to create a quality hard-backed book of 120 colour pages. The book, which features 8 chapters that examine all the different aspects of bringing this life-changing programme to air, is very stylish and beautifully laid-out. There is a real excitement in being able to study every stunning classic Elvis moment in detail and best of all are Steve Binder's recollections giving us yet more insights on this special event and all the tricky production decisions that he had to make a stand for. EIN's Piers Beagley checks outs JAT Productions best book so far.

Click here for our detailed review and images.

(Book reviews, Source;EIN)

ELVIS, Dave Marsh (Times Book/Straight Arrow Publishers Inc., USA, 1982, Hardback, 245 pages, Illustrated, ISBN: 08129094X. (Re-issued numerous times, principally in softcover format, since 1982)

On its release, either aggressively lauded as a masterful tour de force or a pretentious, overblown biography on Elvis. Marsh’s intellectual prose is certainly not to everyone’s liking but his ‘Elvis’ has stood the test of time exceptionally well.

Littered with great shots of Elvis in concert - several of the 1950’s visuals are dramatically symbolic of the enormity of Elvismania at its peak.

Marsh weaves an almost surrealist tale of a simple country boy thrust into an initially magical world of women and riches far beyond his wildest dreams.


There are so many moments of rare insight and illumination in Marsh’s book that it is difficult to determine which, if any, are more important than others. The following text reflects both the power of the rags to riches success Elvis experienced and the countervailing forces opposing the liberation of a free, independent spirit in the land that pretentiously prides itself on the rights of the individual to free expression:

Superficially, Elvis’ goals had been realized. He was a star of stage, screen, radio, television and recordings, easily the biggest name in American entertainment, an international figure so persuasively attractive that in other lands, young people had begun to dream of the U.S. as the land where anyone might grow up to become not president but Presley, ruler of his own destiny. But Elvis’ act of self-invention was unwelcome at home. In addition to the media and social forces allied against the outbreak of hillbilly barbarism, there stood the United States government’s Selective Service System (conscription).

The author is both critic and sympathizer about the King of Rock and Roll and one suspects stands as most of us do, in awe of the incredible primal talent and impact that one man possessed and unleashed upon the world. Includes a solid bibliography. Some of Marsh’s analysis has been questioned in recent times (see in particular: Elvis After Elvis by Gilbert B. Rodman). Recommended. (Source: Elvis In Print: The Definitive Bibliography & Price Guide) (Oct 2008)

Availability: Hard to find, but copies often available through Amazon & Barnes & Noble

Comment on this review

Book Review - The Man Who Made Elvis Laugh: Sammy Shore's second memoir is filled with wonderful stories about his time with Elvis and the countless other celebrities who he either opened for, or were his good friends.

From Red Skelton, Bob Hope and Glen Campbell to Barbra Steisand, Sid Caesar and Ann-Margret, Sammy's memoir lives up to its by line of "A Life in American Comedy".

There are many delicious one liners and more involved jokes to keep the reader smiling as you engage in Sammy's trip down memory lane to a sadly by-gone era - the Golden Era of Comedy. (Source: EIN, Sep 2008)

Read EIN's full review

"Elvis If We'd Only Known" (Book Review): There are several categories of books about Elvis Presley. Some authors try to discover Elvis’s elusive character by documenting and analysing his every word and move. Some explore Elvis’s effect on other people’s lives. Other authors write about how Elvis affected their own lives. Yet other books are deliberate frauds, the authors claiming to have known Elvis in order to gain fame by association and to sell books. Authors’ motives vary considerably.

In this context, Susan MacDougall explores this little known book by Sandra Richards. Ms Richards falls into the third category mentioned above....but does it have merit and deserve our attention? Read Susan's review to find out. (Source: EIN, July 2008)

'Elvis '57: The Final Fifties Tours' Book Review: In 1957 Elvis performed in eighteen cities, including a short tour of Canada. 'Elvis ’57: the Final Fifties Tours' by Alan Hanson is a detailed look at these tours which started in Chicago and ended with the headline grabbing sensation of the LA Pan Pacific concerts and the final Hawaii trip in November. These would be Elvis' last live appearances before he left for his army stint and would help cement his place in Pop culture forever. This book is a sensational investigation into the phenomenon of Elvis in the fifties presented from a brand new perspective. The reviews from the time are exhilarating . . 
"He clutches the mike and begins to sing, twitching all over. . . Up and down the stage he goes, dragging the mike like a captive, undulating, shouting feverishly.... Then his face sets, his lips curl back and seizing the mike by the scruff of the neck he prowls like a panther up and down the platform, snarling and driving his worshippers crazy."
EIN suggests that all discerning Elvis fans should invest in this thrill-ride. Go here for full review and photos.

(Book Reviews: Source;EIN) 

Who Is The Greatest: Elvis or The Beatles? (Book Review): Lasting fame and greatness depend on the test of time. In this context, Susan MacDougall examines the latest university student text which seeks to answer the question of who is the greatest, Elvis or The Beatles.

Is there a definitive answer? Read Susan's detailed review to find out.

(Source: EIN, June 2008)

Eric Zolov. Refried Elvis: The Rise of the Mexican Counterculture: Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999. vii + 349 pp. B/W illustrations, 2 tables, 2 graphs, notes, bibliography and index. $45.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-520-21514-6; $18.00 (paper), ISBN 978-0-520-20866-7.
Reviewed by: Mark D. Van Ells, CUNY-Queensborough/ Published by: H-PCAACA (May, 2000)

Although the social and cultural unrest of youth in the 1960s and 1970s was a worldwide phenomenon, scholars have written little about the interrelationship between youth movements in different countries or movements in developing nations.

In Refried Elvis: The Rise of the Mexican Counterculture, historian Eric Zolov of Franklin and Marshall College examines the impact of Rock and Roll music on politics and culture in Mexico. He shows how Rock music stood at the confluence of several potent forces: modernization, trans-national business, imperialism, and nationalism. He then elaborates on the effects of these forces in America's neighbor to the south.

Rock music first hit Mexico in the 1950s and grew popular among middle class youth, for whom it represented modernity and participation in an international culture. However, Rock music also had its critics; some complained that it represented a threat to traditional Mexican social and cultural values, while others saw it as an instrument of American cultural imperialism.

By the 1960s, Rock music had become a "vehicle for free expression" (102), and asserted the concerns of young Mexicans from all classes: the desire to interpret for themselves the meaning of Mexico's revolutionary history, the balance between nationalism and internationalism, and the meaning of democracy. A Mexican counterculture known as La Onda ("the Wave") emerged by the mid-1960s, which challenged traditional values and the ossified official memory of Mexico's revolutionary past. Fearing that La Onda posed a threat to its power, the authoritarian Mexican government suppressed the counterculture movement, including the infamous Tlatelolco Massacre of 1968. By 1980, Zolov contends, the Mexican counterculture had been effectively crushed and nearly forgotten.

Zolov describes the political and cultural milieu against which Mexican youth rebelled in exacting and convincing detail, but some phenomena usually associated with the counterculture in developed nations are discussed only briefly, such as drug use among young Mexicans. In fact, one wonders how accurate a portrait of the Mexican counterculture the Rock music genre can provide.

Would a history of Rock in the United States tell the whole story of the American counterculture and political protest movements? Zolov describes Rock as a "mirror" (10) that reflected the concerns of Mexican youth in a rapidly modernization nation. Whether that mirror reflected issues accurately or in a distorted fashion is unclear. Nevertheless, Refried Elvis is an important work.

It provides a wealth of detail on the youth movement in Mexico and highlights the myriad ways in which the world's peoples have been growing closer together, how a global popular culture has been emerging, and yet how domestic issues can still shape the nature of social and cultural protest movements. The book is an important step in the creation of an international history of "the Sixties" and the worldwide youth rebellion of the Cold War Era.

EIN note: Refried Elvis is an excellent examination of socio-cultural movement in Mexico in the context of rock music....with a number of healthy doses of Elvis, including those nasty rumors!

See "Why Mexico Hated Elvis"

Elvis: Frame By Frame (Book Review): The latest book about Elvis' film career offers readers something different. Focusing on 9 of Elvis' narrative films, Bill Bram takes us behind the scenes in a revealing and insightful account of Elvis and the making of his films.

Not only are we treated to first hand accounts by hundreds of Elvis' co-stars and production personnel, but the author has accessed actual archival film material. (Source: EIN, June 2008)

Read EIN's detailed review of "Elvis: Frame By Frame"

Visit the "Elvis: Frame By Frame" website

Book Review - The Name Code: The God of Elvis Volumes 1 & 2: Complementing our interview with author Chris Matthews, EIN also publishes its review of his highly controversial and challenging books.

The Name Code trilogy, is in a sense, the Elvis world's own DaVinci Code. The books require serious intellectual rigour as they take one on a stunning journey traversing hidden name messages, the Hebrew language and the Bible.

For those willing to approach the controversial issues in The Name Code trilogy with an open mind there is a rich outcome.

(Source: EIN, May 2008)

Presley - Movie Icons (Book Review): Another Elvis photobook has been released.

Is it simply more of the same or does it offer value to the viewer?

EIN recently took a look inside to find out. (Source: EIN, May 2008)

Book Review: "Elvis' Secret Legacy": Elvis' Secret Legacy is a gripping fictional book full of action, adventure, excitement, humour, kidnapping, unseasonable weather effects and the paranormal. Step into a world of meditation, spirit guides, white light and auras...

Adding to the intrigue around this book is the author's real claim claim to having been Elvis' date at the Humes High Prom in 1952 and the book includes a photograph of the pair in support. But is all as it sems? Read Susan MacDougall's detailed review and make up your own mind. ! (Source: EIN, March 2008)

"Growing Up With the Memphis Flash" (Book Review): EIN reviewer, Susan MacDougall, recently delved deep inside Kay Wheeler's memoir of the heady rock 'n' roll 50's and her time with Elvis. Reflecting on Ms Wheeler's book in the context of a similar release by June Juanico, Susan offers insight into Kay's observations on important issues including how Hollywood changed Elvis and Colonel Tom Parker. Susan then gives her appraisal of whether or not Growing Up With the Memphis Flash warrants a place in our Elvis libraries.

Read Susan's full review

....Kay Wheeler’s book contains matters in common with June Juanico’s. Each different perception of Elvis is part of a mammoth jigsaw puzzle. Whether we’ll ever see the whole picture is another matter..... (Source: EIN, Feb 2008)

Elvis' intriguing family tree laid bare: Elvis' ancestry is an area rarely covered. Over the years it has assumed fascination for some as different stories have emerged as to the King's historical origins.

German ancestry has been widely suggested, and in recent years Scottish ancestry and familial relationships to people as diverse as Oprah Winfrey and US presidents suggested.

So what is the truth?

To answer that, one needs to read Ancestors of "Elvis Aaron Presley" 50 Generations by professional genealogist, Lorina Bolig. Published after more than 13 years of laborious research many of Ms Bolig's fascinating findings will surprise most fans. That Elvis has direct relationships to royalty....

'Live In L.A' FTD Book/CD review: 'Live In L.A.' is FTD’s audiovisual documentary of Elvis in Los Angeles. Although it covers 1956-1976, the main focus of the book and bonus CD is the evening show at the Inglewood Forum, May 11th 1974. The book contains 138 pages with nearly every photo in colour. Supergroup Led Zeppelin were in the audience and Elvis needed to put on a good show - and the book gives fans a chance to relieve the feel of the concert through some excellent images of Elvis in action. Since it is a much slimmer volume than FTD's 'Rockin' Across Texas' and also containing some audio problems with the soundboard CD, fan reviews have been varied. Click here to read EIN contributor Armond Joseph's deeper investigation to see whether it is really worth the price. (Source: EIN, Jan 2008)

"In Search of Elvis" (Book Review): Regular EIN book reviewer, Susan MacDougall, recently sat down to take in the delights of Charlie Connelly's interesting book, In Search of Elvis. What Susan found was a well researched and entertaining book:

This is not a book about Elvis as such. Charlie Connelly set out on a physical journey to discover why Elvis remains an iconic figure to so many people of so many different backgrounds and where his spirit might be found.

Despite being written in a light-hearted, facetious and entertaining style, In Search of Elvis is well researched. For each location visited, Connelly provides description, historical context and his own comments. In fact, if it had an index, this book could almost be used as a guidebook to the various places. (Source: EIN, Jan 2008)

Read Susan's full review


Year: 2007

"Elvis The Biography (Book Review): The first serious Elvis biography (Elvis A Biography) was published in 1971. Reaching the top of numerous best seller lists around the world, Jerry Hopkins biography of the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll was irresistible reading for millions of Elvis’ fans and those simply wanting to understand more about the 20th century‘s pre-eminent cultural icon.

It was followed in 1980 by a sequel (Elvis The Final Years), completing the remaining years of Elvis’ extraordinary but flawed life.

The 2007 edition of Elvis The Biography combines revised editions of the earlier two volume biography and adds new material advancing the Elvis story to the sale of EPE in 2005 to entrepreneur, Robert Sillerman.

Read EIN's review of arguably the definitive one volume Elvis biography

"Elvis, Sherlock & Me" (Book Review): Michael Hoey's account of growing up, working in, and meeting the stars of Hollywood is a wonderfully rich memoir and history of the film business covering the decades from the 40’s to the present.

Hoey deftly weaves among illuminating anecdotes about the industry and at times revealing profiles of some of its biggest stars including Elvis (Hoey wrote the screenplay for six of Elvis' films). There are two chapters about Elvis including some great anecdotes and interesting insights!

Throughout his memoir, Hoey maintains a colorful picture of a vibrant, multi-layered “Tinseltown” from its golden years to the, in its own way, equally fascinating culture of contemporary filmmaking.

Hoey's prose evokes dazzling images of the dramas, highs and lows, and stars of a magical industry which occupies the minds, bookshelves and DVD collections of most people.

Elvis, Sherlock & Me will appeal to both Elvis fans and lovers of film. (Source: EIN, DEc 2007)

Read EIN's full review

The other Elvis lives!: Back in 1998, actor Steve Carlson, a veteran of series such as The Virginian and General Hospital as well as over 500 TV commercials, published the how-to tome Hitting Your Mark: Making a Life and Living as a Film Actor. But his latest work, the fictional novel Almost Graceland, is set to cause a whole lot of shaking with Elvis fans rather than Elvis impersonators.

It supposes that Presley’s identical twin brother did not die at birth, but rather lived to lead a separate life and eventually reunite with his world famous singing brother. The novel is set in 1977, with 42-year-old trailer park protagonist Ray Johnston deciding to sell his story to the tabloids. For Carlson, who could very easily rest in contented retirement in Oregon, it’s but the first of several efforts. Another novel, the romance crime intrigue Tracks, is set for release in 2008, while he is currently at work on a third book.

Chances are the fiction game will be far less lucrative for Carlson than the world of TV commercials. He tells the Wyoming Eagle-Tribune that writing the score and starring in the “Aren’t You Glad You Used Dial [Soap]?” commercial took care of ten years’ worth of house payments.

On the other hand, writing fiction is probably a piece of cake for Carlson compared to his days on soaps such as GH and The Bold and the Beautiful. “It's the hardest work there is,” insists the 64-year-old, who was born in Missouri but grew up in Wyoming. “One day, you could have 30 to 40 pages of dialogue, and the next day could be another 40 pages. You get good at memorization." (Source: FilmStew.com, 23 Nov 2007)

"Elvis Presley The Family Album" by George Klein (Book Review): EIN's Nigel Patterson recently delved inside George Klein's latest book offering. Anchored by great design, interesting text and impressive visuals, what Nigel found will please most fans! (Book Review, Source: EIN, Nov 2007)

Read EIN's detailed review


MRS release another winner!: The MRS organisation has done it again. Its Elvis Presley New York RCA Studio 1 The Complete Sessions DVD/CD/book (digipack) package is chock full of sublime audio, visual and narrative treats.

"And if they'd only known what was about to happen, most of the big brass RCA would likely have keeled over from heart attacks." (from the 'Elvis Presley New York RCA Studio 1' book)

The CD offers remastered and restored by Real Bouwman from high quality 24 bit/94k resolution!!! The album features 11 Master tracks, Elvis interviewed by Don Davis, and 24 intriguing session takes. The music is glorious, at times resonating with the searing power and energy of rock 'n' roll's King and at other times beautifully tender.

Buy "New York RCA Studio 1: The Complete Sessions" from HMV UK - out now!!

The recordings range from Blue Suede Shoes and Anyway You Want Me to Tutti Frutti, Don't Be Cruel and So Glad You're Mine. Also in the mix is Hound Dog, My Baby Left Me, One Sided Love Affair and I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Cry Over You; and when supplemented by 12 takes each of Lawdy Miss Clawdy and Shake Rattle and Roll listening is an absolute aural delight.

The CD also includes three bonus tracks: My Baby Left Me and So Glad You're Mine performed by Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup; and Hound Dog from Freddie Bell and the Bell Boys.

The DVD-Audio in 5.1 Dolby Digital features the same tracks (bar the three bonus tracks) as the CD, remastered in high quality 24 bit 96 kHz sound accompanied by rare photographs. For those who have experienced the earlier DVD-Audio releases from MRS you know the very high quality on offer. For those who haven't experienced DVD-Audio this is your opportunity to listen to Elvis as you've never listened to him before!!!

The 68 page book features strong design and high quality paper stock. There are many rare photographs from the famous Alfred Wertheimer Elvis Archives as well as some from the Joseph A. Tunzi Archives; archival session material; and a blow by blow account of Elvis' recording process in the studio.

The visuals are a stunning mix of b&w and color including a knock-out color shot - watch the female fans swoon (page 13) and a hauntingly expressive double page b&w image (pages 56-7).

EIN will publish a full review of Elvis Presley New York RCA Studio 1 The Complete Sessions shortly. (Source: EIN, 13 Nov 2007)

"Elvis: A King In The Making" (Book Review): The Alfred Wertheimer photo archives is arguably the most famous Elvis visual collection in the world. And while the master photographer was only with Elvis for a relatively short time, the visuals he captured offer a timeless exposition of the young King of Rock 'n' Roll Elvis at his peak.

And finally, Wertheimer's magnificent photographs have been released in a way which does them proper justice.

Elvis: A King In The Making was recently released in Australia and New Zealand. What EIN found was the best photo-journal release of 2007 and one of the strongest Elvis book releases in many years! Read our full review

"Faux Elvis" (Book Review): The world of Elvis fiction is a particularly rewarding one in which the recent release Faux Elvis is an intelligently constructed and valuable addition. Its themes and believable characters have a broad appeal - from the casual fan to conspiracy theorists who want to debate the events of August 16, 1977.

Faux Elvis is also unusual in that it is a work of historical fiction, where fact and fiction are blended together. The result is a most satisfying one.

Delightfully written, Faux Elvis is an entertaining and absorbing read. ( Source: EIN, Oct 2007)

Read EIN's full review of Faux Elvis


"Judgment & Grace in Dixie": In this reissue of his study first released in 1995, eminent Southern studies scholar Charles Reagan Wilson takes us on a tour of popular faiths and iconography in the South.

The book is wide-ranging, insightful, and well-written, and it will satisfy the curiosity of any reader interested in such common phenomena as roadside crosses, football as Southern secular religion, and Elvis relics. Wilson takes as his objects of study a range of popular texts that are both well-known and of interest in their own right, including literary figures such as William Faulkner, painters and visual artists such as Howard Finster, and country music legends like Hank Williams.

One real strength of Wilson’s book is that he combines careful accounts of Southern religious history with his analysis of these iconic cultural texts. He notes that Southern popular religiosity involves a merger of civil and religious imagery in a range of cultural expression. Tracing the influences of evangelical Protestantism, Calvinism, and popular folk religion (and supernaturalism) historically in Southern regional culture, Wilson establishes the complex ways in which popular religion informs Southern expression. 

From the Southern Gospel Music Hall of Fame and Museum at Dollywood to the Bear Bryant sports myth, Southern religious-inflected practices and artifacts are a crucible for such region-shaping ideas as nostalgia for a Jeffersonian agrarian ideal. Wilson establishes how his popular and literary texts reflect racial tensions and negotiations as well as unifying mythologies that are constantly being questioned. He also shows how the influence of religion in Southern rituals illuminates ways of dealing with everything from mortality in the practices involving communal observances of deaths to the ideals of beauty circulated in beauty pageants.

One particularly fine chapter on themes of death in country music scrutinizes familiar recurring tropes and concerns in this mass media form seen as, as Wilson notes, “one of the clearest expressions of southern working-class culture.” Wilson notes numerous songs about accepting death as a fact of life (given historically high mortality rates in the South) or as a daily part of a working class existence. He draws out the association between the “live hard, die young” tragic lives of country stars such as Hank Williams and Jimmie Rodgers to their cult of personality and songs about celebrity deaths, but also frames them as iconic examples of a regional culture that expects death. 

As Wilson catalogues, other country songs address tragedies of unrequited love and death ("He Stopped Loving Her Today"), the impact of death on family units, the need to square one’s accounts before going to meet your maker, or even the on-going influence of folk religion supernaturalism ("The Devil Went Down to Georgia"). He underscores a recurring trope stemming from some of the biggest early country music standards (coming out of early Gospel), in which lyrics focus on the hope of the promised land ("I’ll Fly Away").

Throughout his study, Wilson offers smart arguments about the links between Southern worldviews and Southern popular religious history. He engagingly details a mass expression of spirituality in key popular culture artifacts and practices. He cites Flannery O’Connor, who noted that “the South was Christ-haunted”, and he succeeds in his goal of explaining how this observation holds true and plays out in Southern cultural expression. (Source: Leigh H. Edwards, PopMatters.com, Oct 2007)

"Leaves of Elvis' garden (Book Review): On her return from Elvis Week 2007, Susan MacDougall sat down to delve inside the latest book from Larry Geller, one which looks at Elvis' spiritual search. What Susan found was both interesting and challenging, as these excerpts from her insightful review attest:

Behind the distorted image of a hard-living rock and roll sex symbol and super star is revealed a vulnerable man with a thirst for understanding and enlightenment.

Elvis believed that there is one God who is within us all..........At the same time, Elvis never rejected his religion, only its rigid adherents and their intolerance of any deviation from the accepted word, remaining a Christian his whole life, but not a Christian to the exclusion of anything else.

In closing her review Susan observes: "Leaves of Elvis' garden" provides a whole different side to the public image of a celebrity. Geller was never the Memphis Mafia's favourite person, but they can't deny his existence and his access to Elvis. I wonder what certain members of the MM will make of this book? I challenge them to read it. Read full review (Source: EIN, Sep 2007)

"Contract with the King" (Book Review): Contract with the King is the debut novel for Paul Pullen. It is a superb piece of storytelling with finely drawn characters and a strong moral center.

As you read Contract with the King you find emotional challenges and emotional highs and lows which have personal resonance. At times humorous, at times symbolic, from the opening few pages you know you are in for an entertaining ride.

The key narrative premise, the kidnapping of Elvis Presley, is so well realised that the reader....Read full review (Source: EIN, Sep 2007)

"The Gospel Side of Elvis" (Book Review): EIN's Nigel Patterson recently explored this new book (due for release in the US on 13 August).

What Nigel found was a very entertaining, insightful and somewhat different look at Elvis, and the role gospel music played in both his life and musical development. (Source: EIN, 11 August 2007)

Read EIN's review

"Elvis: in the twilight of memory" (Book Review): June Juanico holds the distinction of having been one of Elvis' girlfriends in the mid 1950s as he became famous.

Susan MacDougall offers her views on Ms Juanico's impressive memoir. With subjects as diverse as food, sex and how Colonel Parker tried to sabotage their relationship, Elvis: in the twilight of memory is a thoughtful, well-written book giving us a window onto events in a pivotal year of Elvis's life when he was on the brink of fame and fortune. (Source: EIN, July 2007)

'Tupelo's Own Elvis Presley' Book/DVD In-depth Review: The DVD contains recently discovered unreleased film of Elvis performing 6 songs, including ‘Heartbreak Hotel’ and ‘Don’t Be Cruel’, live in Tupelo Mississippi 1956. It is fascinating to see Elvis performing to hometown crowd of 10,000 instead of a TV studio audience and we get to see the only filmed performance of  'Long Tall Sally’ live in the fifties. 

The limited edition book written by Tupelo historian Roy Turner contains over 200 photographs of Elvis in Tupelo many previously unknown. EIN's Piers Beagley investigates this historically important record of "Elvismania" near its peak. (Source: EIN, 11 June 2007)

"Elvis, Linda and Me" (Book Review): While millions of Elvis fans fantasized what it would be like to know "The King", Jeanne LeMay Dumas lived that dream. As Miss Rhode Island, Dumas met Miss Tennessee - Linda Thompson - at the end of the 1972 Miss USA Pageant. The two formed an instant and lasting friendship...one which saw Jeanne become a regular part of Elvis' inner sanctum as she experienced an unforgettable four and a half year odyssey!

Step inside Ms Dumas's book as Mandy Squair discovers a visual and narrative treat which will delight many fans. (Source: EIN, 8 June 2007)

"Tupelo's Own Elvis Presley" (Book/DVD Review): EIN has received the latest release by Joseph Pirzada. Does it live up to expectations?

The answer is a resounding YES!

The set is an historically important record of "Elvismania"near its peak. And the incredible "live" concert with both sound and vision will blow most fans away.

Read EIN's capsule review (Review, Source: EIN, 5 June 2007)

"The Elvis Conspiracy?": Did Elvis have to die? Following Elvis' death in August 1977, his Chief of Security, Dick Grob, commenced a detailed investigation of the circumstances surrounding the King's passing.

Join EIN as we delve inside one of the biggest books ever published about Elvis. With nearly 700 pages, Grob's investigation of the circumstances surrounding Elvis' death reads like a mystery story, full of intriguing twists and turns as it proceeds towards its conclusion. ( Source: EIN, May 2007)

Long out of print, copies of this sought after release are now available from The Elvis Conspiracy? website

Elvis and his Police buddies: Nearly 30 years after the death of Elvis Presley, you'd think every possible book had been written about the late King of Rock-and-Roll.

And you'd be wrong. Retired Memphis Police Department Captain Robert Ferguson has compiled Elvis: In the Beat of the Night, an interesting book that focuses on Elvis' friendship — some might even call it an obsession — with police officers. The entertainer liked to hang out with policemen, collected police badges wherever he traveled, and enjoyed being made an honorary policeman in any city where he performed.

Ferguson explains that shortly after Elvis’ death in 1977, he began taping video interviews of many of the local officers who knew Elvis, from officers who met him at the beginning of his career to those who helped at his funeral. Those tapes might have remained hidden forever, but when biographer Peter Guralnick interviewed Ferguson for Last Train to Memphis he persuaded the former policeman to compile the interviews into the self-published book.

Visit the book's website

In his introduction, Ferguson says, "Everybody who lives in Memphis has an Elvis story. So I decided to document mine." Ferguson met Elvis at one of the King's first concerts in 1954, and became a police officer in 1958. He began hearing stories about how Elvis enjoyed hanging around cops; Elvis, it seems, actually thought of himself as a police officer. Several times, says Ferguson, the singer even rode along with police officers as they made their rounds.

The book includes photographs, maps, and interviews with dozens of officers who met and worked with Elvis from the late 1950s until his death in 1977. "The interviews are mainly from the rank-and-file officers," says Ferguson, "since they are the ones with whom Elvis had the most rapport. Elvis didn’t want to be a chief or a sheriff; he wanted to be a policeman, and this identified himself with the patrolmen on the force."

Elvis: In the Beat of the Night presents a side of Elvis that hasn’t really been told. "Elvis was a down-to-earth person in our presence — a man who just happened to be famous," says Ferguson. "He actually appeared to be in awe of us, rather than the other way around. It was a special time that none of us will ever forget, and I'd like to share it with you."

The book is available for $14.95 from Davis-Kidd Booksellers and Borders, or it can be ordered directly from Robert Ferguson, 901-380-8411. (Source: Michael Finger, Memphis Flyer, 2 May 2007)

"The Elvis Interview A Second Chance" (Book Review): M.J. Allan's entry to the rich world of Elvis literature is an interesting one. Allan's novel offers the Elvis is alive conspiracy theme, but with a twist. (Source: EIN)

Bill E. Burk's Elvis World #83: EIN recently took a peek inside the latest issue of Bill Burk's long running quarterly magazine. From an informative article on the American Studio Sound Sessions to the deluge of Elvis products planned for the 30th anniversary and a photo article showing Elvis really is everywhere, we found "something for everybody". Take a tour of what is in the latest issue with EIN. (Magazine Review, Source: EIN)

"Elvis and Kathy" (Book Review): One of the most sought after Elvis books ever written is Kathy Westmoreland's "Elvis and Kathy". With copies selling on eBay for up to US$500.00, and book dealers listing it at prices as high as $999.00, this is one book many fans want.

Susan MacDougall recently delved inside the Westmoreland memoir. She discovered that Kathy loved Elvis deeply and went through emotional traumas adjusting to being only one of the many women in his life. She was determined not to be just another victim and came out the stronger for it.

Read Susan's detailed review of a touching and informative book.

(Source: EIN, March 2007)

"Aloha Elvis" (Book Review): The sequel to Jerry Hopkins' "Elvis in Hawai'i" was recently published and EIN spent time exploring what it has to offer.

What we found was surprising.....but not necessarily for the right reasons.

Read EIN's review

(Source: EIN, March 2007)

Elvis at 21: New York to Memphis (Book Review): Finally, a book which does proper justice to the exquisite photographic images of the young King of Rock 'n' Roll captured by Alfred Wertheimer in 1956.

Quite simply this release is an outstanding example of how to present a photo-journal!

Elvis at 21 New York to Memphis was the stand-out book of its type in 2006 and one of the best Elvis book releases in many years!

Join EIN's Nigel Patterson as he explores the absolutely stunning visual feasts this book has to offer. ( Source: EIN, March 2007)

A Tale of Two Cooks: Susan MacDougall recently indulged in a little Elvis culinary delight as she savoured the treats offered in two disparate books by two of Elvis' cooks at Graceland: Elvis Beyond Graceland Gates by Mary Jenkins, and Inside Graceland Elvis' Maid Remembers by Nancy Rooks.

Together, these two books provide a fascinating glimpse into the private life of Elvis Presley at Graceland . Mary Jenkins and Nancy Rooks were daytime employees at Graceland, both starting out as maids and later taking on the role of cook. Mary started in 1963 and Nancy in 1967. They worked together for several years and recount unique individual experiences as well as overlapping anecdotes. Read Susan's full review (Source: EIN, March 2007)

"Memphis Recording Service Vol. 2" - 2006's #1 release (Review): If you thought MRS1 was a superb release...be prepared...Memphis Recording Service Volume 2 (MRS2) has lifted the bar to another level!

A sublime mix of book, audio and video DVD, and 7" single, Joseph Pirzada has thrown down the gauntlet to Ernst and his upcoming Sun project.

Chock full of great photos, historical content and 40 enhanced audio tracks MRS2 is an absolute delight! And the amazing earliest known video footage (in full color) of Elvis as an up and coming new star in May 1955, will blow many fans away.

Read EIN's full review of "Memphis Recording Service Vol. 2" (Source: EIN)

Elvis Decoded - A Fan's Guide To Deciphering The Myths And Misinformation (Book Review): Finally a researcher has spent years of investigative research getting to the bottom of the myriad of myths and misinformation which have affected the Elvis world since The King's death in August 1977.

Patrick Lacy is to be congratulated on Elvis Decoded, a powerful, if at times imperfect, decimation of many of the unfounded theories and claims that have been the fodder of an eager tabloid media and an even more eager Elvis underground movement. Read EIN's detailed review (Source: EIN, 1 Feb 2007)

"We Remember, Elvis" (Book Review): Susan MacDougall explores the pages of the revised edition of Wanda June Hill's book, We Remember, Elvis.

What Susan finds include some explosive allegations which are sure to split fans and raise the ire of the Memphis Mafia!

Some of the issues uncovered by Susan are: Was Elvis a drug addict? Was he drugged against his will? Were members of the Memphis Mafia controlling? Was he sexually profligate? Elvis' generosity and compassion. Is Wanda June Hill's book genuine?

Read Susan's in-depth review to find out more (Book Review, Source: EIN)

Book Review - "The Elvis Reader": Susan MacDougall delves inside The Elvis Reader, a selection of writings by a variety of authors. It ranges over all facets of the Elvis myth - the Musical, the Mythical, the Southern, the Physical, the Mortal, and the Metaphysical Elvis. With an introduction by Mojo Nixon, articles from the New Republic and Harpers sit alongside essays and book extracts.

The writers are journalists, authors and academics, including: James and Annette Baxter, Stanley Booth, Van K. Brock, Jay Cox, the infamous Albert Goldman, John Lardner, Richard Middleton, Maureen Orth, Clark Porteous, Priscilla Presley, Janet Winn, and Charles Wolfe.

What merit does The Elvis Reader hold? - do we can develop our own discernment and critical thinking, or we could become swamped by the bewildering number of different view points and find it hard to decide where the truth lies? Read Susan's detailed review to find out more (Source: EIN, Jan 2007)


Library Journal reviews Jerry Schilling memoir: "In 1954, Schilling had a chance meeting with Elvis Presley at a Memphis pickup football game. It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship, which eventually led to Schilling's entry into the strange and exciting Presley entourage in 1964. Here, the author vividly describes meeting the Beatles, Eric Clapton, Richard Nixon, and basketball great Wilt Chamberlain; tripping on LSD with the King; and sitting in shock with Elvis as they watched the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. on television.

Throughout, Schilling treats Elvis evenhandedly, focusing on their friendship but not ignoring the drug problems, isolation, and creative vacuum that killed Presley. The King comes alive once again as a romantic, sensitive, caring, and sometimes childish and moody man in a bubble. Refreshingly, the author reveals as much about himself as Elvis, showing how the tinsel lifestyle transformed him from a well-meaning, wide-eyed, obedient kid to a divorced adult wanting freedom and a career. Schilling has captured the aura and grim realities of life with one of the most important American icons of the 20th century. One can only hope that he will follow with a book about his post-1977 life as a manager of the Beach Boys, Jerry Lee Lewis, Rick Nelson, and Billy Joel. Highly recommended for all types of readers.-David P. Szatmary, Univ. of Washington, Seattle Copyright 2006 Reed Business Information". (Source: Library Journal, USA, Jan 2007)

Read EIN's review of Me and A Guy Named Elvis


Year: 2006

E.P. in Concert (Book Review): EIN was fortunate to recently obtain a copy of this legendary book by Paul Lichter. Does it live up to its hype as one of the best, if not the best, book about Elvis' concert years from 1969 to 1977? Read EIN's detailed review to find out the answer. (Source: EIN, Dec 2006)

"Elvis The Louisiana Hayride Years 1954-56": EIN recently had the pleasure of exploring this book. What we found was an historic treasure trove of impressive narrative and stunning visuals - an enlightening journey which evokes the fun, tension and passion of life experienced by Elvis on the Hayride. (Source: EIN, Dec 2006)

The "Love Me Tender" Years Diary - (Book Review): How important is Trude Forsher's diary memoir in the Elvis Presley story?

EIN delves inside a book which differentiates itself from the pack, offering a first-hand account of Elvis and the Colonel at the height of "Elvismania" ... a book which is supported by historic documents straight from the offices of Elvis Presley Enterprises.

This is a... (Source: EIN, November 2006)

"Elvis at 21: New York to Memphis" - a book review (Source: BlogCritics.org, Nov 2006)

'Inside G.I. Blues' - Book Review: An Elvis Unlimited production written by Megan Murphy & Henryk Matraszek, with a stylish design by Kenneth Dokkeberg along with some research from Ger Rijff. EIN reviews this deluxe box-set, which also a bonus DVD & even a promo 45rpm, and presents some example images from this very appealing book. Is this book one of the best of 2006? (Source: EIN, November 2006)

EIN has only 2 copies left of this great set. Best price in Australia/NZ

The Elvis Interviews (Book Review): What do a mysterious southern sheriff, a car thief disguised as an Elvis impersonator, the Japanese Yakuza, the mafia, a locked metal briefcase, a couple of beefy goons, and a washed-up investigative journalist on the brink of a major breakthrough...all have in common?......A Pink Cadillac...THE Pink Cadillac Elvis bought for his mother in the 1950s. So forms the underlying premise for the latest intriguing Elvis novel.

EIN's Nigel Patterson recently submerged himself in Glen Bonham's fast paced adventure story which interlaces its Elvis theme with an assortment of interesting characters and a plot line which twists and turns from page to page. Read EIN's review (Source: EIN, 26 Oct 2006)

"Elvis Religion: Exploring the Cult of the King" (Book Review): In thought provoking fashion, Susan MacDougall assesses the latest academic examination of the notion that "Elvis" is a growing religion. Is it social fact or wishful thinking? Read Susan's review to find out. (Book Review, Source: EIN)

"Me and a Guy Named Elvis" (Book Review): EIN's Nigel Patterson recently lost himself inside the pages of Jerry Schilling's long awaited memoir. In our detailed review of the book we discover a celebration of life and one special friendship. Schilling's memoir is generously laced with the familiar, the not so familiar, several amazing revelations, and wonderful doses of humor. (Source: EIN)

Elvis was King of Rock and Roll: William O"Brien gives his take on the richly textured new Elvis biography by Charles Ponce de Leon. From Vernon's incarceration and the role of Colonel Tom Parker to Elvis' decline into a world of paranoia and drug addiction... (Source: Altus Times)

Fortunate Son (Book Review): Charles Ponce de Leon's biography on Elvis could well be the Elvis book release of 2006. Susan MacDougall offers an insightful review of what is a considered and thought provoking release which, unlike many other biographies, places its subject within the social, economic and historic parameters of his time and examines the triggers for his behaviour and actions. In so doing, the reviewer explains why de Leon's book has merit beyond the generally accepted definitive two volume Elvis biography by Peter Guralnick. (Source: EIN, September 2006)

'Elvis Presley: The Man, The Life, The Legend' - book review: Written by Pamela Keogh, this is the first EPE authorised Elvis biography. Printed on high-quality paper and with a good selection of beautiful photos, the writing has a suitable urgency that reflects Elvis' own life. But do we really need yet another biography? Piers Beagley investigates. (Source: EIN, September 2006)

'THE KING' by Jim Piazza - book review: If you are looking for something extraordinary amongst a zillion Elvis books then this is it. Way over-the-top and so large that it will never fit on your bookshelf, this 160 page glossy high quality, high-style book is immense. Even though the fabulous photos are the key to the book, author Jim Piazza does include some pertinent text and observations. August (and now early September) is EIN's book month so don't miss out on the opportunity to check out some images from this unique book. (Source: EIN, August 2006)

Book Review - "Elvis and Popular Cinema": The Elvis film is an area few reviewers have taken seriously. An exception is, "Elvis Cinema and Popular Culture".

As EIN discovers, author Douglas Brode has stepped outside the square to "reframe" our focus on what the Elvis film was, and is, all about. In so doing he has written a fascinating book traversing a wide and eclectic range of themes in the context of radical transformation in America and an icon of mythic proportions around which much of that socio-political transformation was played out on the big screen.

Well argued with cogent examples, the result is a potent and challenging mix of innocence and primal change. It is an illuminating journey examining where the "reel" ends and the "real" begins. Read our full review

The Blue Moon Boys: The Story of Elvis Presley's Band: EIN's Nigel Patterson delves inside this release and discovers a side to the Elvis story which is often overlooked. It is an important story rich in detail and one which adds to our understanding of both Elvis and the development of rock 'n' roll. (22 August 2006)

Book Review: "LIPS" by Byron Edwards: EIN's Nigel Patterson took a road trip across the USA and into Mexico as he travelled with Elvis and a cousin trying to stay one step ahead of the law.

Read what Nigel discovered in Byron Edwards' highly readable Elvis novel, a quirky mix of evocative imagery, adventure, and innovative narrative. (11 Aug 2006)

"Banner Days": what do one of pro wrestling's original divas and Elvis have in common? Quite a lot as EIN found out when it delved inside Penny Banner's highly entertaining biography. The pair dated in the 1950s and Ms Banner shares details of their relationship with us, as well as taking us behind the scenes of what is now called sports entertainment. Read EIN's review

"Fairytale": The idea that Elvis did not die in August 1977 has spawned a mini-library of richly diverse and controversial, fiction and non-fiction titles since the late 1970s. The most well known books are of course by Gail Brewer-Giorgio, who left the Elvis world several years ago to pursue other interests.

In the fiction area, one book highly sought after by collectors is the anonymously written, Fairytale. In a thorough and insightful review of the book, Susan MacDougall (Presleys in the Press) dissects its meaning and explores its themes and merits.

"Elvis American Idol": Elvis was undoubtedly the original American Idol. But does this latest book offering from Susan Doll differentiate itself from the rest of the Elvis book pack and is it worth its asking price? EIN delves inside this "book brick" release and delivers you the answer. (Source: EIN, July 2006)

"Fortunate Son - The Life of Elvis Presley" book review: Here is a short review by Publisher's Weekly about this new book which is for releasse in the US on 25 July: Elvis was "influenced by the products of a national mass culture" until he became one of that culture's greatest icons while creating a sound that wove together various strains of music from Southern whites and blacks. …the personal details are packed tightly into a psychological reading that sees Presley's downward spiral as an attempt to escape the pressures of fame in "an alternate universe governed by his own whims and predilections." Ponce de Leon's portrait is sympathetic, confidently defending Elvis from those who would brand him a racist, but this is all just reinforcement, not reappraisal.” (Source: Publishers Weekly, 18 July 2006)

"Elvis Presley as The One Called Charro!" (Book Review): Joseph Tunzi's recent photobook showcases one of Elvis' lesser known films, "Charro!" EIN spent a leisurely Sunday afternoon taking in the visual highs and lows of this release and its intriguing narrative by Bill Bram. From the visuals of, and revelations about the two deleted nude scenes, to its candid and color sections, we offer our view on the merit of "Elvis Presley as The One Called Charro!" (Source: EIN)

"The Ultimate ELVIS IN MUNICH Book" (Book Review): EIN recently had the privilege of stepping inside one of the greatest 'coffee table' books ever released about Elvis. Stunning and very rare visuals complement great investigative research, as author Andreas Roth uncovers the truth about Elvis' visits to the German city. With high production and design qualities, text in both English and German, and a mine of valuable information, this superb book should be essential reading and viewing for all fans. Read our full review (June 2006)

Rivaling Goldman: "Elvis Through My Eyes" - Book Review: Earlier this year there was a tirade of online messages and opinion decrying this new book by Heart Lanier Shapre as told to her by Jimmy Denson. As a result of all the negative publicity, online sales of the book spiked as fans wanted to find out what all the fuss was about. At the time of the outcry, EIN had a copy of the book coming by 'slow boat from China'.

Having now arrived, EIN's Nigel Patterson spent a sunny Sunday sipping boat drinks and being alternately riveted to the page and repulsed by a book which rivals the despised Albert Goldman biography in its senstationally revisionist account of the Elvis story. Venture inside a dark fairytale with EIN as our review explores the world of the Lauderdale Courts 'Forrest Gump', a genetically babyfied male requiring daily protection from the oppression of life around him...and, if you believe the story, luckily the Denson brothers were there to provide it. (Source: EIN)

THE KING.  By Jim Piazza (Mini Book Review): Elvis World's Bill Burk has this to say about "The King" by Jim Piazza:

" This is a humongous book in outer size -- 15x17.5 inches (38x44 cm)! Never seen an Elvis book, or ANY book, with this large an outer size. When it came to us in the US Mail, the box looked like the Queen Mary had docked on our front porch ! It's 160 pages and was introduced at $70 last Christmas.  EW was approached on the idea of selling it at a much lower price.  We bought a copy to review it ... and have decided against selling this book. Reasons.  (1) It is much larger than any shipping envelope we even are aware of. Packing would be special (and costly) for each book.  And (2), even a quick scan thru the pages shows sloppy editing (Ginger Alden being ID'd as Linda Thompson, for instance). The book is filled with photos, but most have been seen in about every general release Elvis book since 1848 !!  The number of rare photos is so small it is not worth the price of the book for this few.  It was a great idea -- this oversize -- but it just ain't flying. COMMENTS welcomed from anyone who has a copy?" (Source: Bill E. Burk)

"Memphis Recording Service" - simply stunning book and audio release!: Joseph Pirzada's Memphis Recording Service delivers fans an exquisite and well balanced offering of visual, aural and narrative elements in a superbly designed fold-out package. EIN takes a detailed aural and visual trip inside one of 2005's finest Elvis releases. (Book/Audio CD Review, Source: EIN)

Elvis and the Memphis Mafia: The re-issue of Alanna Nash's superb oral biography is long overdue. Justifiably acclaimed as one of the best ever books published about Elvis, the 792 page tome presents the recollections, views and emotions of three prominent members of the Memphis Mafia: Billy Smith, Marty Lacker and Lamar Fike.

Regardless of the tension sometimes inherent in the differing views presented in Elvis and the Memphis Mafia, it is always engrossing and continually offers us gold nuggets of information which add immeasurably to our understanding of the man who was Elvis Aaron Presley.

There is also great poignancy and sincerity in Elvis and the Memphis Mafia, and the reader's emotions will often flow from joy to laughter to anger and sadness. Such is the wonderful and illuminating way in which Alanna Nash has captured and presented her potent narrative. Click to read EIN's full review (Source: EIN) ....3 reader comments


Year: 2005

The King's Ransom (Book Review): From the archives of Russ Howe, Tom Salva and Bud Glass, comes this well designed and gloriously illustrated catalog of personal treasures once owned by Elvis. EIN has a peek inside. (Book Review; Source: EIN)

Graphic novel "takes care of business": Rich Koslowski's masterful graphic novel, The King is a thematically adult mystery and adventure story with well drawn characters who wring out an emotional response in the reader. "The King" is a powerful, off-beat story full of humour, challenge and revelation. (Book Review, Source: EIN)

For "All Things Elvis" you want The King by Jim Piazza: This is the ultimate tribute book, a gorgeously designed rhinestone-studded keepsake filled with little-known biographical and anecdotal information and crammed with hundreds of photos and illustrations, including movie stills and posters. "Romps through the decades, highlighting Elvis events with a chronological time line floating at the top of each page, while amusing anecdotes punctuate a striking selection of magazine covers, paintings, photos, posters and other entertaining ephemera, from cinema curiosities to Elvis imitators. Paging through, readers encounter an explosion of sidebars with revelations such as that a suicide note ('I walk the lonely street') inspired 'Heartbreak Hotel.'" (Book Review, Source: Publishers Weekly, 27 Oct 2005)

Book Review - "The Year the Music Changed": The Year the Music Changed is rich in emotional depth and the insecurities of life. Diane Thomas has infused her debut novel with a powerful realism which lingers in your mind long after you have put the novel down. (Book review, Source: EIN)

Playboy: the Byron Raphael claims - Bill E. Burk responds: Dry humping "Nipper" on stage, the size of Elvis' genitals, and The King's "relationship" with 'gay' actor, Nick Adams, are several of the issues Elvis World's Bill Burk tackles in his review of the controversial article in Playboy, In Bed With Elvis. (See earlier reports 13, 14 & 15 October) (Magazine Review, Source: Bill E. Burk, 20 October 2005)

Book Review - "Elvis Aaron Presley: A Candle In The Wind": Bill Burk's latest Elvis photobook rates as one of the "must buy" releases of 2005. EIN takes a look inside at its stimulating mix of very rare visuals and enlightening narrative. (Book Review, Source: EIN)
Desert Storm: The Shattering Of A Myth (Book Review): This is the most controversial book about Elvis in years. The strength of Desert Storm is its willingness to openly confront and seriously question widely accepted positions in the Elvis world. The reader doesn't have to accept all of the author's arguments but if read with an open mind, the book is a rich and rewarding experience. (Book Review, Source: EIN)
Elvis On Stamps: The world of Elvis stamps is a visually colorful and expressive one. EIN takes a look inside Ronald King's glorious hardcover release devoted to the subject. (Book Review, Source: EIN)

"A Tribute To The King" (Book Review): Dennis Uithol's 20 page visual tribute to Dutch tribute artist, Frank Anthony, is an unusual but visually entertaining entry in the world of Elvis related photobooks. There are only a handful of releases which focus on the Elvis tribute artist and even fewer which offer a striking visual record of an artist in action, live on stage. Uithol's booklet occupies both realms. (Source: EIN)

Elvis-UFO Connection-Non-fiction Account of Alien Intervention (Book Review): In the world of Elvis literature there are a number of very obscure titles. Elvis-UFO Connection is one of them. Author Richard Daniel examines the theory that Elvis was consciously aware of repeated and continual abduction by alien beings. EIN gives its view on the merits of this highly unusual book. (Source: EIN)

Behind The Image Vol.2 - Welcome To His World (Book Review): The front cover promises "never before seen photos" and 90% of this book is just that. A beautifully presented, hard cover book, featuring 144 pages of high quality glossy colour and black & white photographs plus some fascinating stories, this is an absolute must for Elvis fans. (Source: EIN)
Elvis on Screen (Book Review): EIN takes a peek inside the latest photo book from Japan. How does it measure up against some of its famous predecessors from the 'Land of the Rising Sun'? (Source: EIN)
Warman's Elvis Field Guide (Book Review): The first half of the book essentially looks at The King's life and career through an eye pleasing series of color and b&w photos and the second half details his American record (vinyl) releases, with catalogue details and a price guide. But how good is it? (Source: EIN)
Dewey and Elvis - a phenomenal story: Louis Cantor's recent book about the eccentric Memphis deejay, Dewey Phillips, and his relationships with Elvis and the other Phillips, Sam, is a story full of humor, pain and spirit. It adds real value to our understanding of the Elvis legacy and is arguably the best Elvis book of 2005 and one of the best of all-time. (Source: EIN)
New books examine impact, role of Southern music, performers: While many books have been written examining various aspects of Southern music and the accomplishments of noted performers, new volumes from James L. Dickerson and Paul Simpson take divergent but equally informative and compelling approaches to spotlighting both the region's, and Elvis', importance. (Book review, Source: Nashville City Paper)

'Rockin' Across Texas' (FTD/Book review): Over 270 pages featuring plenty of unpublished photos along with fascinating tales of Elvis' early years, 'Rockin' Across Texas' is the biggest project by FTD so far. However since it is an upgrade of the 2002 book 'Elvis In Texas', this time combined with two concert CDs from 1974 & 1976, EIN checks to see if it is really worth the money. (Source: EIN)

Elvis by the Presleys (Book Review): With such heavy world-wide publicity can the new book really live up to expectations? Do Lisa Marie or Priscilla reveal any new secrets about the King? Is the book full of unseen photographs? EIN Elvis expert Sanja Meegin reviews the new Presley memoirs. (Source: EIN)
Book review - Elvis Presley The Complete Guide to His Music: EIN takes a peek inside the updated re-issue of John Robertson's Elvis music compendium. (Book review, Source: EIN, April 2005)
Book review - "Elvis Presley's 78's around the world": Andre Helling has done a masterful job of putting together information on more than 900 releases from countries as diverse as Columbia, Mexico, Britain, Japan, Uruguay, Pakistan, the Philippines, the US and New Zealand. (News, Source: EIN, March 2005)
Elvis The Man and his Music: If you are interested in investigating the more serious side of Elvis, then this quarterly magazine, 'The Man & His Music' is one of the very best. EIN looks inside the latest issue. (Review, Source: EIN)
Book review - "The Elvis Handbook": EIN takes a peak inside the latest Elvis photobook targeted at the general market. With very high production values, insightful text and some great photos, The Elvis Handbook is a reading and visual pleasure. (Book Review, Source: EIN)
The Presley Arrangement (A Novel): Monte Nicholson's famed novel has finally been reissued. EIN takes a look inside what is a strong mystery thriller with a potent conspiracy laden underbelly.
The Rough Guide to Elvis: Piers Beagley tells us why the updated edition of Paul Simpson's book should be an essential part of every Elvis fan's library. (Book Review, Source: EIN)
The Elvis Album: Re-release of this book by Millie Ridge should please many fans. EIN takes a look inside what is an impressive and competively priced photobook. (Book Review, Source: EIN)


Year: 2004

The Memphis Lullaby 'A Play Script': Linda Ann McConnell's play has been described as a powerful, intimate account of the Elvis life story that will please many fans. EIN offers its views on an unusual entry in the world of Elvis literature. (Book Review, Source: EIN)
The Elvis Archives: Is Todd Slaughter's latest book a case of hype over substance? David Neale has definitive views! His review will get you thinking. (Book review, Source: David Neale)
The Tupelo-Memphis Murders: A Psychological Study of Self-Destruction and Murder!: ElvisBookResearch says "A very different Elvis book that is challenging, cryptic and confusing. You simply won't have read anything like it before. Be prepared to get totally hooked and to never look at the Elvis story in the same way again!" Check out their full review of one of the most controversial Elvis books ever released. (Review, Source: ElvisBookResearch)

Elvis Sessions III: EIN's Piers Beagley probes inside a "fascinating but ultimately flawed" release from Joseph Tunzi. Does the book live up to its US$75.00 price tag? Piers offers more than a few thoughts. (Book review, Source: EIN)


Sex, Drugs & Rock 'n' Roll - The Lisa Marie Presley Story: Earlier this year the second biography published about Lisa Marie Presley was released in the USA. EIN gives its candid opinion of this flawed mass market paperback. (Book Review, Source: EIN)
Such Vicious Minds: EIN dives inside the fourth instalment in Daniel Klein's entertaining series involving Elvis Presley, super sleuth. (Book Review, Source: EIN)

Elvis My Dad: How does a 14 year-old book about The King's daughter rate today? Is it worth buying? EIN takes a look inside the first biography of Lisa Marie Presley. (Book review, Source: EIN)



Elvis No. 1 The Complete Chart History of Elvis Presley: Joseph Tunzi's detailed compendium of Elvis' immense impact on the USA music charts will be welcomed by all Elvisphiles. Despite one weakness this is an important release chock full of historic chart information. (Book review, Source: EIN)
Elvis Presley The Man. The Life. The Legend.: read Bill E. Burk's review of this new book released with the co-operation of EPE. Hype or... (Book review, Source: Bill E. Burk)

Raised on Elvis! Elvis! Elvis!: EIN takes a look inside one of the best ever memoirs from someone who became a friend of Elvis. With rare photos and many great stories written in an easy going, engaging style, Raised On Elvis! Elvis! Elvis! is a book all fans should enjoy.

Jailhouse Rock The Bootleg Records of Elvis Presley 1970-1983: Many fans may not be aware but Lee Cotten and Howard DeWitt's excellent compendium about Elvis bootleg vinyl is still available in 2004. EIN takes a look at this rich in detail account of a fascinating and divisive subject. (Review, Source: EIN)
Secrets of Elvis' record collection: the June 2004 issue of Britain's excellent Record Collector magazine featured a very interesting article about what is in Elvis' personal record collection. It provides a great insight into Elvis' eclectic musical interests with many titles sure to surprise fans. (Review, Source: EIN, 3 August 2004)
Spectacular Look at "Elvis Fashion": Julie Mundy has produced a visually stunning record of an aspect of Elvis' life rarely discussed in any detail. With insightful text and "in-your-face" full page photos, fans will love this book.
Child Bride: The Untold Story of Priscilla Beaulieu Presley: Who is Priscilla Presley? EIN reviews Suzanne Finstad's colorful and never boring biography of a woman who splits the Elvis world. Fans either love or hate Elvis' former wife. There appears to be no middle ground, and what Child Bride offers will have you challenging your views about not only Priscilla but also Elvis!


Elvis Rock 'n' Nassau: a playful smile, a poignant look, Elvis with arms flailing, knees bent, body cocked! This is a great photobook.

Elvis The life and loves of the country boy who became King of Rock 'n' Roll: EIN offers its view on the merits of this Dell Purse book published shortly after Elvis' death. Today, copies regularly appear for sale on eBay.com



John's Pocket-Movie Elvis Presley:

This small-sized "flip book" suddenly appeared on auction sites last year. Before this no-one seems to have known about the book.

It is marked "Copyright 1957 Elvis Presley Enterprises All Rights Reserved".

The flip-book is a 'frame-by-frame' of Elvis poolside in Jailhouse Rock singing You simply flip it from the back to front using your thumb and the result is a moving image of Elvis from the film.

So is this a genuine 1957 release or a clever new millennium hoax? While the design of the book (old style font, old style stapling, faded paper, absence of publisher details) makes it look old, the tell-tale sign is that it is not listed in any Elvis memorabilia or collectables listing!

And the fact that suddenly "numerous" copies have turned up on ebay.com strongly suggests it is a much more recent production than a 1957 publication. Unfortunately some fans are bidding (and winning) the item thinking it is a genuine 1957 collectable and in the process paying much more than it is really worth. Click to comment on this review

Viva Las Elvis (Peggy Thompson): EIN looks at a small-sized, overpriced compendium of Elvis facts and quotes.

Elvis His Most Intimate Secrets: Does this book live up to its title? EIN takes a look inside.


Year: 2003

Inside Loving You: Ger Rijff has done it again! His latest photo-journal is a high quality product with superb design and chock full of rare, interesting photos and historical items.
Eating the Elvis Presley Way: Despite its unflavoursome cover, this is a healthy look at Elvis' eating habits with dollops of down south charm and rich humor.
The World According To Elvis: Clare Flowers has written a surprisingly good biography of The King. Not perfect, but offering some fine insights, quotes and plenty to think about.

Tears of a Shadow: Stella Patchouli's memoir is a fascinating story. From the night clubs of Paris to the beds of international film and music stars, and finally Graceland, this book will captivate your attention.

Elvis' Religious Side Examined in New Book 'Prayers of Elvis':
Religion was a very important part of Elvis' life and Madeleine Wilson has written a fitting record of this aspect of The King's life.

"Three Way Dance" - Battle of the Elvis Photobooks: EIN compares three new Elvis photobooks.

"The Mysterious John Crow Recordings": Is it really Elvis? EIN examines a little known, baffling mystery in the Elvis world.

Elvis & You: A Comprehensive Look at the Elvis World:This "fan pleasing" release is a case of "something for everybody", as it crams a vast amount of eclectic information between its covers.

Elvis: The Hollywood Years (David Bret):

Publisher's Synopsis - This comprehensive guide to Elvis Presley's career on film and TV analyses the King's every celluloid appearance, including his 33 films, documentaries, TV appearances, tributes, biopics and retrospectives. Accompanying this exhaustive study is a biography of the legend and a complete filmography.

Elvis: The Hollywood Years uncovers a wealth of previously unpublished material and presents photographs from the author's personal collection. In his research, the author delves into the archives to reveal what really happened behind the scenes or when the cameras stopped rolling; the cat fights with directors and co-stars.

The truth regarding the relationship between Colonel Tom Parker and Elvis is exposed and the controversial allegations that Presley slept with his own mother, raped his wife, held wild sex and drugs parties and left a fan brain-damaged are explored. This is the essential study of the man who virtually invented rock'n'roll and certainly inspired thousands of imp! er! sonators and obsessive fans. Invaluable to anyone with an interest in popular culture.

EIN's comment: "Elvis: The Hollywood Years" is a book that lives up to the publisher's claims. It is undoubtedly one of the best books ever written about Elvis' film career and the other territory it explores is fascinating.

Pieces Of My Life: EU's new Elvis photobook suffers from inconsistent image quality but offers good value for money given its excellent book design and relatively low price.

Playin' Around The Lives and Careers of Famous Session Musicians: Jennifer Ember Pierce's excellent examination of the often faceless men who back our musical superstars is a fascinating read. And there's plenty of Elvis too!

Pre 2003

Caught In A Trap: Why is this photobook worth buying? Piers Beagley gives you the reasons!

The Elvis Treasures: this deluxe edition with removable items is a glorious, coffee table release designed to delight fans.

Elvis A. Eagle: A Magical Adventure: ostensibly a book for children, Carl Sinclair's tale is rich in characters and meaning and will appeal to readers of all ages.

Heartbreak Hotel (A Tribute to the King in Verse): EIN reviews a book of contemporary poems about Elvis written by one of Britain's leading poets.

Elvis Presley: the new Elvis biography by Bobbie Ann Mason is a rare entry in the world of Elvis literature - as an intelligent examination of Elvis and his impact on the world it goes beyond the superficial and prosaic offerings of many other books.

Elvis Day By Day The Definitive Record of His Life and Music: Peter Guralnick and Ernst Jorgensen have collaborated to write a monumental record of the life and career of Elvis Aaron Presley.

Elvis in Hawai'i: the latest book by noted Elvis author, Jerry Hopkins, may not be as narratively detailed as his earlier books about The King, but nevertheless offers fans a visually pleasing look at its subject matter and a solid record of Elvis' love for and career in the island state.

Elvis A Radio History from 1945 to 1955: Aaron Webster's detailed look at the importance of radio in Elvis' early years is full of rare facts and archival material. This is a very welcome release.

Elvis In Canada: Bill Burk provides a visual and narrative record of Elvis' only live concerts outside the USA, and as usual, "007", dispels the odd myth or two.

Elvis' Karate Legacy: EIN reviews a book devoted solely to one of Elvis' great passions in life, karate.

From the City of Brotherly Love to the Big Apple: the latest "quality" hardcover photobook from Paul Lichter book is a real gem.

"Schmelvis": In Search of Elvis Presley's Jewish Roots: part adventure story-part humor, this unusual release (based on the documentary film of the same name) is well worth a look.

Elvis The #1 Hits: Patrick Johnson has written a great companion to the smash hit CD, 'Elvis 30 #1 Hits'.

Elvis (Theresa Celsi): Ariel Books/Andrews and McMeel, 1993, Hardcover, 80 pages, ISBN: 0836230450

This is a small-sized hardcover offering a "thumbnail" biography and "thumbnail" photos from Elvis' career.

While the text is minimalist Ms Celsi does at times manage to capture essential themes in the Elvis story such as the impact on Elvis of the death of his beloved mother, Gladys. However, overall her text is too brief to do the Elvis story justice.

For instance, the author gives very little coverage to Elvis in the 1970s:

"The last five years of Elvis' life were much the same as they had been since he became a superstar. He was fabulously wealthy..." On his live performances in the 70's: "One of his concerts was beamed from Hawaii all over the world. Another was attended by all four Beatles who were thrilled to finally see onstage the man who inspired them"

The book also includes a short chapter listing films and theater productions based on or inspired by Elvis. The photos (b&w) are very good, clear and shiny on the gloss stock used in the printing process.

Verdict: Commensurate with its size this release is value for money if you find it with a small retail price. Click to comment on this review








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"Elvis Presley is the supreme socio-cultural icon in the history of pop culture"

(Dr. Gary Enders)


" Elvis is the 'glue' which holds our society together....which subconciously gives our world meaning"



"Eventually everybody has to die, except Elvis"

(humorist Dave Barry)


"He is the "Big Bang", and the universe he detonated is still expanding, the pieces are still flying"

(Greil Marcus, "Dead Elvis")


"I think Elvis Presley will never be solved"

(Nick Tosches)


"He was the most popular man that ever walked on this planet since Christ himself was here"

(Carl Perkins)


"When I first heard Elvis' voice I just knew I wasn't going to work for anybody...hearing him for the first time was like busting out of jail"

(Bob Dylan)


"When we were kids growing up in Liverpool, all we ever wanted was to be Elvis Presley"

(Sir Paul McCartney)