Book Review:
Ancestors of "Elvis Aaron Presley" 50 Generations |
Ancestors of "Elvis Aaron Presley" 50 Generations, Lorina Bolig, CreateSpace, USA, 2007, 481 pages, ISBN-13: 978-1434811363/ISBN-10: 1434811360
Elvis' ancestry is an area rarely covered. Over the years it has assumed fascination for some as different stories have emerged as to the King's historical origins. German ancestry has been widely suggested, and in recent years Scottish ancestry and familial relationships to people as diverse as Oprah Winfrey and US presidents suggested.
So what is the truth?
To answer that, one needs to read Ancestors of "Elvis Aaron Presley" 50 Generations by professional genealogist, Lorina Bolig. Published after more than 13 years of laborious research many of Ms Bolig's fascinating findings will surprise most fans.
In producing her work the author has, incredibly, scoured archival and reference material dating back to the 6th century AD. The result is a comprehensive historical reference to Elvis' direct ancestry....right back to his 47th Great Grandparents! |
Why is Ms Bolig's book important? Because Elvis fans delight in probing every crevice of the complex Elvis story. While his music takes center stage, the non recording aspects of his life, be they love affairs, hi-jinks with the Memphis Mafia or his incredible acts of generosity absorb many fans. The Elvis legacy will always be a complex, colorful and reflective mosaic. Lorina Bolig's findings on his heritage add a valuable texture to that legacy.
While the subject of someone's ancestral tree may seem quite dry, in Elvis' case we are treated to a number of spectacular findings. In particular, that Elvis has a direct ancestral relationship to several royal families will surprise most, if not all, fans.
For example, we find at the 43rd Generation a link to the King and Queen of Paris in the 7th Century AD.
Elvis' Scottish heritage is placed in some doubt after reading Ms Bolig's book. While a Scottish connection is not necessarily ruled out by her research, Ms Bolig has established that Andrew Presley was in fact a Palatine German.
It is surprising that until now there has not been such an exhaustive and authoritative examination of Elvis' family tree. It is long overdue given just about everey other facet of the Elvis story has been researched, printed, debated, dissected and challenged.
In the context of the author being a professional genealogist, Lorina Bolig's meticulous research confronts and destroys other less intensive explorations of the Elvis family tree. While some have already uncritically dismissed the Bolig findings, the unrefutable reality is hers is the only properly researched and presented Elvis genealogy!
Now be forwarned, Ancestors of Elvis Aaron Presley is not a narrative book. It is a family tree, generation by generation. Nevertheless, due to the author's exhaustive research what is presented is a fascinating exploration of Elvis' roots supported by an impressive level of detail.
Verdict: "Elvis Aaron Presley" 50 Generations is authoritative, exhaustive and intriguing. Its layers of prosaic and colorful characters make it a long overdue inclusion in the vast, multi-layered Elvis library. The names, locations and times project vibrant images reflecting an eclectic spectrum from poor sharecroppers to fabulously wealthy and privileged royalty.
For further information on Elvis' ancestry we recommend our recent interview with Ms Bolig. It goes beyond the "direct" ancestry to comment on Elvis' claimed familial ties to Oprah Winfrey and US Presidents.
Buy Ancestors of "Elvis Aaron Presley" 50 Generations
Lorina Bolig is the author of two other books:
Ancestors of Willard Mitt Romney
Ancestors of Barack Hussein Obama
More Lorina Bolig:
Read EIN's review of Ancestors of Elvis Aaron Presley 50 Generations
(revised and updated 2009 edition)
Visit Lorina Bolig's website
Read EIN"s interview with Lorina Bolig
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