Joyce Bova lived worked in Washington DC and had a fascinating relationship with Elvis that lasted between 1969 and 1972. The story of which she wrote about in her 1994 book, 'Don't Ask Forever: My Love Affair With Elvis' has recently been re-published as an updated E-Book.
Bova was a Capitol Hill staffer on the House Armed Services Committee when she first met Elvis in 1969 in Las Vegas during her vacation.
'Don't Ask Forever' is the intimate true story of two star-crossed lovers-and a revealing portrait of an Elvis Presley that also looked at the crazy day-to-day world rarely featured in other Elvis books.
As the book publicity stated, "It started out like a fairy tale. She was a beautiful, hardworking Congressional aide. He was America's most explosive entertainer. They met one night in Las Vegas in 1969 - a night that changed Joyce's life forever".
EIN's Piers Beagley recently caught up with Joyce Bova to talk about her incredible times with Elvis ...
Joyce Bova lived near Washington DC and had a fascinating relationship with Elvis that lasted between 1969 and 1972. The story of which she wrote about in her 1994 book, 'Don't Ask Forever: My Love Affair With Elvis' which has recently been re-published as an update E-Book.
"Bova was a Capitol Hill staffer on the House Armed Services Committee when she first met Elvis in 1969 in Las Vegas during her vacation. The fraught and erratic love affair that followed lasted till 1972 and in the biography Bova drew an intimate and alternate portrait of this larger-than-life star.
Joyce is an identical twin. Elvis was born an identical twin. Joyce shares her innermost thoughts, and Elvis', about his conflicts in coping with the absence of his twin and how severely it impacted his life.
Joyce reveals all about her love affair with Elvis Presley. From the glittering public stages of Las Vegas to Elvis's Graceland home. glamorous celebrity parties to steamy hotel room trysts. and to her agonizing decision to finally walk out on the "King."
'Don't Ask Forever' is the intimate true story of two star-crossed lovers-and a revealing portrait of an Elvis Presley you've never seen before.and will never see again. |
As the book publicity stated, "It started out like a fairy tale. She was a beautiful, hardworking Congressional aide. He was America's most explosive entertainer. They met one night in Las Vegas in 1969 - a night that changed Joyce's life forever".
EIN has always been fascinated by Joyce Bova's personal take on her life with Elvis - and we were lucky enough to spend a long time recently chatting with Joyce about her story and the release of her new Ebook.
EIN: It is great to get a chance to talk with you. We have a mutual friend in Jimmy Velvet and I believe it was Jimmy who inspired you to write your book in the first place, is that true?
Joyce Bova: Yes, Jimmy Velvet was my impetus to write my book. We met when I visited his Elvis museum when it was in my neighborhood. We talked a long time and he told me that I should write a book about Elvis and me. I didn’t write my original book to make money, I wrote it because I had to - because of all that other stuff that was being written about Elvis that wasn’t factual. I just wanted to add my part and fill in some gaps.
Jimmy and his family were delightful. I hope he is well.
EIN: What made you think of publishing it as an e-book?
JB: Actually, Alanna Nash mentioned it back in September 2013. I told my husband and he encouraged me go for it. So I asked my expert, Pat Lacy, and he got the ball rolling and kept it rolling to fruition. |
EIN: Have you updated the book for 2015 - are there any more stories or thoughts about Elvis?
JB: Yes, it is an extended version of my 1994 book, revised and updated, with lots more info/stories
EIN: Of course the original book could not do justice to your original photographs. Are they better presented in the new book and are there any more rare photos in the new version?
JB: Dozens of digitally enhanced color photos, some new, some from the old book, there's a couple of the unique demo disc that Elvis gave me and signed to me and much more.
EIN: Do you still remember what it was like meeting Elvis for the very first time. Was that magnetic aura as strong as people suggest?
JB: I’ve met many celebrities but Elvis was magnetic to the max. I can still feel his piercing blue eyes when we first met. He is the most handsome man there ever was or ever will be. And the fact that he seemed embarrassed by it, made him even more attractive.
EIN: How much do you think the fact that you were an identical twin had on your relationship with Elvis and his interest in you?
JB: Our “twin” connection had more to do with our relationship than I realized at the time. I think it was the most important ingredient of our relationship and that had a lot to do with what we shared and how I believe his life turned out. There’s lots more I could say but I have put a detailed explanation of this phenomenon in my eBook.
EIN: Because of your serious career with the US Armed Services Committee it was obviously difficult to find time to spend with Elvis. In fact there was a gap of several months between your first two meetings.
Being a staff member of the US Government was certainly an unusual career for one of Elvis’ girlfriends to have. How much do you think that your job fascinated him and made Elvis want to keep in touch with you?
JB: He was definitely intrigued with the military, government, law enforcement, etc. My dad was a cop, I worked on Capitol Hill and I was an identical twin… bingo!! I delve into this in my eBook. Even still it annoyed him that he could not control me and/or the government, as he controlled everything else in his life. I actually think the fact that I was not readily available intrigued him.
EIN: You were part of Elvis’ world from 1969 for around three years, which compared to his other girlfriends seems quite a long time. How much you think Elvis changed from when you first met him to the end of your relationship?
JB: Perhaps I didn’t notice the changes in the beginning. He had drastic mood swings more and more often and, of course, the pills increased as time went by.
EIN: One of your earliest visits to Las Vegas was at the time of the potential assassination attempt on Elvis. That must have been quite shocking for you. How serious you think Elvis felt about his security and strangers wanting to get to him?
JB: He was incredulous that someone actually wanted and was going to try to kill him. Mostly he seemed angry about it. This was when we had a particularly ugly argument that caused me to storm out of his Vegas suite.
Joyce Bova with her Mother at the Baltimore 1971 concert - (FYI- in the new book it is in colour!)
EIN: I think one of the one of the reasons that fans enjoy your book so much is that you terrifically capture some of the day to day stresses, tensions and excitement of living within Elvis' world. There are several times when Elvis' the mood swings change dramatically - sometimes causing you to walk out slamming the door. They can’t be too many of Elvis’ girlfriends who have done that and got away with it!
JB: I can only speak for myself. I can be feisty and probably have a bit of a temper as well. But it was a spontaneous reaction that said I wanted to be treated like a lady and with respect.
EIN: How did you personally cope with Elvis' mood swings and could you understand where he was coming from?
JB: In retrospect I don’t know how well I coped, and now I understand more. I’m older and you know what they say about 20-20 hindsight.
EIN: You also saw of the very human side of Elvis. For instance when he stopped for a general car accident and offered his help to the police. It must have been an outer world experience for a member of the general public who had just been in a major car accident to be consoled by the one and only Elvis Presley. Would did you think of it at the time?
JB: Hey, I wanted to see what was going to happen, even in the drizzle I had to go and see what was going on. I’m sure the injured lady thought she had died and gone to heaven. Great scene! Actually I would have done the same thing with anyone. But because it was Elvis Presley, it showed a different side of him that shocked me…. and endeared him to me even more. What a gracious and kind man he was.
You know that in those days limo windows weren’t tinted as they are now. People could always look in and see it was Elvis in the car. You could see strangers going, “Oh my God, there’s Elvis Presley!” And you know - he would stop, get out and shake their hands and sign stuff. He would never ever turn away a fan.
EIN: Your first visit to Graceland was when Elvis was very ill and suffering from glaucoma and having serious injections into his eyeballs.
That sounds incredibly stressful for your first visit. What on earth were you feeling?
JB: It was quite an introduction to Graceland. First I see this picture of Elvis and Priscilla hanging on the wall, then I was taught how to use an oxygen tank, then I held Elvis’s hand while a doctor stuck a needle in his eyes. I was confused and traumatized. Final thought…. he needed me and wanted me by his side. How endearing is that?!?!?
EIN: Although Elvis and Priscilla were obviously falling apart at the time the influence of Priscilla must have loomed large over your potential long-term relationship. How did you cope with that. So have you and Priscilla ever met or spoken?
JB: No, I’ve never met Priscilla. I do appreciate who she is, and I wouldn’t want to meet me if I were she. Anyway, it always bothered me that he was legally still married. I rationalized that like women have done throughout the ages. But they did separate/divorce and he did ask me to move into Graceland. So I never considered Priscilla a threat to me.
EIN: Elvis was in peak physical form for the time that you knew him, and we all know how intimate relationship became. Do you still dream of him?
JB: He certainly was at his peak physically when I was with him. It took quite a while, but I stopped dreaming about Elvis decades ago. I spent more than enough time agonizing over him when we were together. I still do enjoy reminiscing though. But I did move on with my life. I recently got married for the very first time. I tell all about how my life turned out in my eBook.
EIN: How much do you remember of being at Elvis' May 71 recording session in Studio B in Nashville? Do remember Elvis recording any specific songs?
JB: It was the “Wonderful World of Christmas” album. I remember he asked me to write down the words to one of the songs, because he couldn’t remember them. He kept asking my opinion, like I could ever be objective. Hey, I can’t even carry a tune. But he was like that….involving me so I would feel a part of things. |
EIN: Studio B is such an intimate and special studio, have you visited it recently? Does being in the studio bring back special feelings?
JB: I have not been back to the RCA studio. I didn’t realise it was still open to visit I thought it would have been altered by now - I‘d love to do that.
EIN: How much did Elvis talk with you about music? Did he sing or play piano much when he was around you?
JB: He practiced every now and then when he was working on a new song. And he liked playing the piano and fooling around with the guys. I loved it when he did this; it was fun and spontaneous and he got a kick out of it. There was one song, “All That I Am” that I liked. I relate this in my book about how he sang it to me because I asked him to when we were flying back to DC, although I had to remind him of the words.
Elvis in 1971 signing album covers for his fans outside his Hillcrest home in LA.
EIN: In your book you talk very honestly about all the prescription pills and medication that Elvis was taking and how he also wanted you to follow his lifestyle.
How much do you blame the prescription drugs for Elvis' all too early death?
JB: The drugs killed him. His poor diet helped…. and maybe a little bit of despair and disillusionment. But this is my amateur opinion.
EIN: Fans often blame his doctors for over prescribing his medication. Do you also feel some blame should lay on Elvis' doctors or is it understandable that they could not say "No" to such an overpowering icon?
JB: Someone should have been able to stand up to him, but no one was strong enough. On the other hand, if one doctor didn’t give him what he wanted, some other one would. Still not a good enough excuse.
Looking back, maybe I wasn’t hard enough. When I walked away from the relationship I sometimes wondered if there wasn’t more I could have done. In retrospect, if I had been maybe older or wiser or something at the time… I did the best I could. I wish I could have helped him more.
EIN: Knowing what an intimate relationship Elvis had with you, are you not surprised that no other Elvis children exist apart from Lisa Marie?
JB: Sorry, I really have no answer for that.
EIN: Had you not been working in such a serious career do you think you would have tried for a full-time relationship with Elvis?
JB: My career kept me grounded. I think even then, as glamorous an idea that it was, I knew that Elvis’s lifestyle was something I could not maintain on a daily basis. As much as I loved him, I needed a life too. He was all consuming.
EIN: How much was Elvis looking for love and affection and how much was he looking more for somebody who could understand him and talk with him on a more stimulating or perhaps intellectual level?
JB: Elvis main-lined adoration and affection. But physical gratification was not what satisfied him. He needed his twin more than anything else. Someone to understand, console, approve, share in his happiness and cry with him. Only his other self could do that. There’s lots to say but I explain more about this in my book.
EIN: You spent your birthday at Graceland which must have been amazing. Elvis even asked you to move in, what on earth could you have thought at that very moment?
JB: Are you kidding??!?!? Spending my birthday with Elvis at Graceland…. WOW. The best part was when he surprised me by flying to DC so we could be with me twin too. When he asked me to think about moving into his home… another WOW moment. At first I was excited and even thought/dreamed about it. As time went by I was having serious concerns about a lot of things.
EIN: How many Elvis concerts do you think you ended up seeing?
Can you remember them individually or was it a blur of excitement?
JB: I never counted how many shows of Elvis’s I saw. Lots. And everyone was electric with excitement. Except the last one in 1972 in Vegas when I was feeling sick. And in 1975 in Vegas when he was sick.
EIN: Elvis obviously talked with you about his movie career. Do you feel that he was frustrated that he never got to play more serious film roles?
Did Elvis ever talk to you about his frustration of Col Parker’s clamping down on his own artistic ambitions?
JB: Elvis was very frustrated and disgusted with the movies he was doing. He hated them. But that’s what the colonel wanted and he obeyed. I don’t know why he acquiesced to The Colonel all the time. It was like he had some kind of hold over him. I felt that Col Parker really held Elvis back and that Elvis resented him for that.
EIN: Elvis dedicated a very special song to you at one of his concerts. What is your favourite Elvis song?
Do you still listen to his music a lot and does it bring back happy or sad memories?
JB: When he dedicated a special song to me from the stage at the Baltimore (my hometown) concert, it was a heart-pounding moment for me.
I don’t have a favorite song. I love them all. I do love “What Now My Love”. It’s so powerful.,, and his version of “Unchained Melody” is fabulous... and “The Impossible Dream”, and “The Wonder Of You”... well, now you see, I love so many...
(Right:Elvis In Baltimore November 9, 1971) |
EIN: Did you read Ginger Alden’s recent book? Can you imagine how such a young girl could cope with Elvis right at the end of his life? Have you ever met her?
JB: I have not read Ginger Alden’s book nor have I ever met her. As far as her relationship with him, I can’t comment. I hope they shared something special as she was with him at the end. I shy away from reading any books about Elvis. The ones I have skimmed through are disconcerting. I learned more than I wanted or needed to know.
EIN: What were you doing when you heard that Elvis had died - and were you shocked how his life had deteriorated so quickly?
JB: I was taking the car he gave me in for service when I heard the deejay on the radio announce that he was “dead”. I had to pull over I was sobbing so hard. A close friend was with me and my sister and mother were following in another car. We were all terribly upset. I shouldn’t have been shocked by the news, I guess, but I was. I knew he was not well, but…. dying…. no way. Not Elvis!!!
EIN: Sadly way too many of the people you met on your Elvis journey, such as Lamar Fike, have passed away. Have you kept in contact with any of the Elvis connections or bumped in to them over the years?
JB: I saw some of the “Memphis Mafia” when I was on my book tour in Memphis in 1994. Joe and I were also on a talk show together that year. Since then I have emailed and spoken with Sonny West quite a few times. I’ve corresponded with Joe Esposito as well, and have seen him a few times too. But I am not in regular contact with any of them.
EIN: Did you keep going in your career with the Armed Services Committee, if so for how long?
JB: I stayed employed with the House Armed Services Committee until my retirement in 1995. I am so grateful for my career. And to think it was in such jeopardy at one time.
EIN: Will the book be coming out in paperback as well?
JB: I have just released it as an eBook, which is an extended version of my original book and looks so much better. So no plans for a paperback reprint, in fact I wasn’t so happy with the way the first book came out, the photographs were all supposed to be in color and they weren’t. I have included an additional chapter chronicling my life before and after Elvis and the impact he had on my life, my sister and me. I also wrote a postscript and a PPS. I share my intimate feelings about so many aspects of my life and Elvis’s, particularly with regard to this twin phenomenon. In retrospect after so many years, history becomes quite a bit clearer.
Janice and Joyce - the twins with Elvis.
EIN: What is Joyce Bova doing now? And how is Janice your twin sister?
JB: My twin, Janice, is an integral part of my life. We remain close and plan to remain so forever. Janice has not remarried, but has a full and active life. She works at the prestigious Washington D.C. Design Center.
I married for the first time on New Year’s Eve 2008. My husband is a godsend. He is my hero. We teach dance together and still do occasional performances, with Janice sometimes too. Mark is 33 years younger than I am but we are so much alike. I think your Elvis followers will enjoy my EBOOK. I have limited space and time here, but my new book reveals so much more about myself, my husband, my twin, my whole life, and especially Elvis and "ELVIS"!
EIN: I’d also like to ask you a few questions from our EIN Fan Club Members
The first is… What made Elvis laugh and what was some of the fun things you did with him?
We see photos of him laughing, and they make me wonder what was his sense of humour was really like.
JB: Elvis had an amazing/adorable sense of humor…. much of it self-deprecating. He was the quintessential jokester, especially with some of his Mafia around. I have too many favorite stories to pick just one.
We’d sit together and he’d love watching Sports and the News – he was very up on things. He’d love the football and he was always cutting-up during any game.
We’d also watch a lot of movies together, sometimes all through the night. He loved Paul Newman movies, like ‘Cool Hand Luke’ – and of course he loved ‘Paton’, anything military and also Gene Hackman in ‘The French Connection’.
EIN: What is your favourite memory of spending time with Elvis?
JB: Of course it was the quiet times when we were alone and we actually could have a conversation where he could feel free to express himself. That was usually late at night. But probably the most exciting moment was when he dedicated that song to me from the stage in Baltimore.
EIN: Do you by chance have a recording of the concert that night?
JB: I do but unfortunately it is a poor quality audience recording. However my husband has enhanced the audio and you can hear Elvis saying, “This is for you Joyce”. Elvis even made the band restart the song to get it perfect.

EIN: When you read other versions about Elvis going to Washington DC to meet Nixon, you aren’t mentioned. Does this not annoy you, in that you played a large part in the set-up of that crazy adventure?
JB: Yes, it makes me crazy when I’m never factored into the Nixon meeting scenario. That’s one of the reasons I wrote my book to begin with in 1994. I was sick and tired of hearing the same story over and over again with people lying about it. I wanted to scream. So I wrote a book instead. And that wasn’t the only discrepancy.
(EIN Note- Get hold of the book to understand the full truth about the 'Elvis / Nixon' meet up)
EIN: Did you ever think that deep-down that there could never really any future with Elvis anyway as he flitted from one girl to the next?
JB: I did not know about his “flitting” from one girl to the next until after we were over. If I had it would have been over sooner; at least I like to think so. And, yes, it was very upsetting. What a dummy I was though. I guess I should have known. But when you’re in love, you only see what you want to see.
EIN: What was it like having an Elvis hotline installed in your apartment - what on earth did your sister think of it?
JB: The “hotline” phone was a happy thing for me. At first my sister thought he was trying to control me too much too soon. But then she said it was “neat”. I loved it, because every time it rang my heart skipped a beat.
EIN: In 1972 could you already see the downward slope that his life was taking?
JB: I could see the downward slope before 1972. By 1972 it was scary.
EIN: Looking back at your adventures so many years ago what do your family and friends think about this most amazing time in your life and how often do you talk about it?
JB: I don’t talk about my Elvis history often. Only if someone asks. You’d be surprised how many people don’t want to hear about it. I don’t know why. Of course there are some who are very enthusiastic and ask me lots of questions. I’m just grateful for a few close friends and family who have been supportive and excited for me, especially those who experienced parts of it with me. Hearing from so many wonderful people via my recent Facebook has given me an opportunity to express my gratitude. And I’m loving their comments. I wrote my memoir to fill in the gaps of this part of Elvis’s history. I cherish my memories. I hope he approves.
EIN: I have always loved your book and I am sure Elvis approves! It is a real positive that fans can buy this updated E-book and I am glad that being part of the “Elvis World” has brought you some fun so many years after first knowing Elvis. Joyce, THANKS so much for talking with us for so long, yours is an amazing story and thanks for sharing it with us.
JB: Elvis was such an amazing, decent guy and so generous. And he was so innocent and child-like even though he thought he was in control of everyone around him. It’s been a real pleasure chatting - so how do you say goodbye in Australian, “Goodbye Mate?!”.
Interview by Piers Beagley.
-Copyright EIN August 2015 - (This interview took place August 22, 2015)
EIN Website content © Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
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With special THANKS to EIN's good friend Patrick Lacy for the contact.
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NOTE - You can also buy the new E-Book via I-tunes CLICK HERE -
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