Elvis Tattoos
Fans Around The Globe Inked with Elvis Tattoos
- Spotlight by Sanja Meegin
During my last few visits to Memphis for Elvis Week, I noticed a lot more "Elvis ink" being displayed on fans' arms, legs, backs and even necks!
I myself have Elvis' name tattooed on my body (as does EIN's Piers Beagley might I add!).
I had my ink done on a trip to New Orleans about 14 years ago. At the time I remember thinking to myself "I love Elvis, I've always loved Elvis and I always will" - so it seemed like the logical thing to do to have his name marked on me forever. And I have to say, there are no regrets here - I just love it.
Spotlight by Sanja Meegin |
Fans Around The Globe Inked with Elvis Tattoos
During my last few visits to Memphis for Elvis Week, I noticed a lot more "Elvis ink" being displayed on fans' arms, legs, backs and even necks! I myself have Elvis' name tattooed on my body (as does EIN's Piers Beagley might I add!). I had my ink done on a trip to New Orleans about 14 years ago. At the time I remember thinking to myself "I love Elvis, I've always loved Elvis and I always will" - so it seemed like the logical thing to do to have his name marked on me forever. And I have to say, there are no regrets here - I just love it.
It seems like these days branding Elvis' name, his likeness, "EP" or even the TCB logo is quite a trend for the hardcore fan. Not to mention the odd celebrity here and there - from Robbie Williams and Fred Durst to Pink, Ed Westwick and even Linda Thompson's son Brody Jenner - who has the TCB and lightning bolt tattooed on his wrist.
Let's face it, one has to think long and hard about a permanent tattoo and its great to see that Elvis has come up trumps with so many people. My search for Elvis tattoos saw emails arrive from around the world - from the USA to Poland to New Zealand, UK and Turkey. Elvis is being branded on bodies all around the globe, and displayed proudly as a mark of loyalty and admiration.
Check out some of these fan's awesome tattoos below.....
Trisha Shook-Rasmussen
I’m from Minneapolis, MN. I'm 29 years old and been a fan of Elvis since about the age of six. I couldn't help it, growing up with a mom who played Elvis music and movies growing up. My mom and I both got Elvis tattoos in honor of the 30th anniversary of Elvis' death. We did it as a mother /daughter bonding experience, and for our love for Elvis! It took about 14 hours to complete the whole piece. I went to a tattoo artist in St. Paul, MN hamed Brandon Heffron at Beloved Studios. People wonder why I have a big tattoo of Elvis on my back, but you can't explain to people why you love Elvis. If you do, you do, and there is no way to explain it.
Kathy Dobie
Hello my name is Kathy Dobie and I’m from Duncan British Columbia, Canada- I have been raised on Elvis Presley and been a fan before birth, my mother Barbara Dobie saw Elvis 33 times in concert and has loved Elvis since she was nine. My mother, sister and I have been to Memphis twice, first at the 30th Anniversary, next 32nd Anniversary, my mother and sister also went for the 25th. I got this tattoo in a shop on Elvis Blvd. to honor the King and my mother- without Elvis in my life, it just seems meaningless. I will always miss the KING! I will always take care of business. |
Charel Keim - Delta, British Columbia
I am from Vancouver B.C. and have always loved Elvis since I was really young. I got the Tattoo because of my love of Elvis but I started going to a ETA Festival in Pentiction and the second time I went just had the feeling I had to get one and I always will have it for life and Elvis will always be in my heart just like he will be on my arm. |
Kelly Sims
Im a 43yr old mother of one daughter. I have LOVED Elvis Presley my whole life! I was finally able to visit Graceland back in 2007 and can't wait to go back! I've never been a tattoo fan but have been craving an Elvis tattoo! Last year I was in Oldsmar, FL watching my favorite ETA Steve Roberti when there was a new tattoo parlor just opened nearby. I had been carrying around an Elvis profile pic another friend gave me that she had her tattoo made from. I said "what the heck!" I'm going to get it done! So.....i went and had my tattoo done while listening to my fave ETA Steve Roberti singing! (its located on my left leg just above my ankle).
Am on the hunt for my next Elvis tattoo!!! |
Lisa Reay - Manchester ,United Kingdom
I had an Elvis tattoo done on Beale St last year when I went to Memphis... |
Cathy Finau
New Zealand - I am the organizer of the yearly Elvis comp here in NZ "Elvis Down Under" - Love my tatts! |
Lulu Ann Baldwin-Ewans
I’m from London. I’ve had my tattoos for 4 years. Had them done in a shop in Sydenham. I’m engaged to Elvis Impersonator Joel Ewans and we have a 4 month old son Thomas-Elvis. |
Kady Visconti- Diakogeorgiou- Delaware, USA
Hi my name is Kady Diakogeorgiou and I have an Elvis tattoo!!! I got it in October 2009 at a friends tattoo party by Jesse Overton. I love it!! And I will be getting another one of Elvis too!! The next one will be an older one of him!!! Cant wait!!! |
Ellen Peat - United Kingdom
I have a tattoo of Elvis on my shoulder. I had it done about a year and a half ago. It was by a family run business and it was actually his first attempt at a portrait tattoo except for a Buddy Holly he did. I cried so much when I saw it. I was so happy I kissed him too! Ive wanted one for years. |
Jack Yates – Illinois, USA
I got my tattoo in May of 1997, to have it ready for 20th Anniversary of Elvis' death. I knew I was going to EP week, thats another reason I had it done. There were several reporters that took photos of my tattoo in Memphis on EP week. The reason I picked this ICON, I just love the design of that "Hand grabbing Bolt, and slamming down". I got that from when Elvis & Priscilla were sitting down and scribbling this design on piece of scrap paper, before they "officially made it to "TCB", in TV/Bar room in Graceland. That drawing was shown in Priscilla's "Graceland 1982" video |
Adrian Cahart
Here's my Elvis Tattoo, got this done on my upper arm, with a bit of "Dutch courage" behind me, at a Tattoo shop in Westgate Road, Newcastle |
Billie Baker
I got my Elvis tattoo from Tattoo Tech in Moraine Ohio. I love Elvis and I also love the old style microphone and I thought it would be neat to have his actual autograph too. |
Chantal Theissen
Winnipeg, Canada
This is my new Elvis tattoo. I just had it done on Sept 17th. This picture was taken right after it was finished. Its still healing!" |
My name is Cortney, I'm from Alabama, USA, and I became an Elvis fan when I was 12 years old ( I'll be 28 in January). :) Since then, he has been a constant in my life. I've become friends with so many wonderful people in the Elvis World including many of the top Elvis Tribute Artists from around the world! I've been to Elvis Week in Memphis 14 times, and it will NEVER get boring! Elvis is the one person that will NEVER let me down, so I decided my first tattoo should be something to do with him. :) I went with the TLC and Lightning Bolt with his signature under it. This is located on my right leg, above my ankle. I'm already planning my next Elvis ink! :)
Theresa Owanesjan
I’m from Poland. I’ve loved Elvis from the age of 6. I've been to Graceland several times. Elvis is my all, my kids also love it. |
I had my 2 Elvis tattoos done at www. phoenixtattoos. co.uk in Irlam, Manchester, England. I'm currently looking into having a 3rd one which if I have done will be an Elvis 70's jumpsuit/Vegas portrait. |
Camille Kocer - Instanbul Turkey
This pic was taken in August in Rome, 2 days after it was done. |
Amy Beth Parravano
I am from East Coast (Little Rhody) Got the tattoo because Elvis is very close to my 'heart' in spirit of course! |
Andrea Emiliani
Hello, I am from Cesenatico ITALY ... My tattoo is homage to the biggest passion that I have ... .. ELVIS – passed on from my father when I was 12. |
Mellanie Holloway
I live in Hove, East Sussex. In 2001 I made the decision to get a portrait of my favourite artist, Elvis Presley; not any portrait but a tattoo portrait, I took a photograph from one of my Elvis books and approached a tattooist at Angelic Hell, in Brighton.
An hour and a half later Elvis was on my arm forever, tattooed in black and grey.
I have been a fan of Elvis since I was a little girl and my mother introduced me to his music. I love the 1950's look and the cars of that era. Elvis was such a beautiful looking man, just a shame they don't come as good looking as he was anymore! |
Robin Blaha
I have wanted a tattoo of Elvis for as long as I can remember. I had it done about 5 years ago at a shop in Denver called Celebrity Tattoo and love it! |
for more Elvis tattoos Click Here to our Elvis Tattoo Album on our EIN Facebook page
Do you have an Elvis Tattoo? Click here and send us a picture and your particular story.
Spotlight by Sanja Meegin.
EIN Website content © Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
-Copyright EIN October 2010 - Do NOT copy images or text without permission.
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