'Elvis 30th Anniversary Concert' - The Ultimate Review:
Review by Tony Canatta, Carolyn Mitchell, Mandy Squair & Piers Beagley
Elvis The Concert - Fed Ex Forum August 16th 2007
Update - Click here for more fabulous exclusive Concert photos from Paul Gansky
We arrived at the FedEx Forum at about 7.15pm...prepared for anything. We had had such a great trip, that nothing could dampen our spirits, but I don’t think anything prepared us for the treat we were about to experience.
Just walking into that massive stadium was electrifying…. the atmosphere was something I had never experienced, and the sense of anticipation was spine tingling. Thanks to EIN the whole group had some great seats, and a surprise was in store for us later in the evening.
There was also a lot of love between the fans on the night. The Forum was sold out to the roof, the rows of seats stretching as far as the eye could see - 17,000+ fans. |
MC Todd Morgan came out onto the huge stage and told us we had sold out the forum…. but just by looking around, we could see this for ourselves. Todd then started to mention the names of the countries that all these fans came from. Everyone from around the world was there and when their country was named the people cheered. It felt like the soccer world cup. As a strange coincidence Australia was left out until someone reminded him of our own little piece of the world…then the roar went up from the Aussies…..from every inch of the stadium.
Todd then told us that the introduction to the concert was very special indeed that they had tried to improve on the ‘entrance’ Elvis had made in 2002, and to please not use our cameras since it might spoil the illusion. The announcement revved-up the already excited crown to maximum frenzy.
Then came the unbelievable moment of video recreation. Elvis was shown being fetched from his upstairs bedroom in Graceland by Jerry Schilling and Joe Esposito, "Are you ready Elvis, it's time to go!" Elvis (played perfectly by ETA Shawn Klush) was rushed downstairs and out to a waiting helicopter on Graceland's lawn. Elvis gets a birds-eye view of Memphis as they fly to the Fed EX Forum with Elvis commenting, "Boy, that’s a big place". The tension built as Elvis enters the building rushing through the corridors and onto the stage. “Elvis” then parted the curtains and walked across the stage shaking hands with his loving audience who by now was truly ready to party!
Go here for the FedEx intro YouTube clip.
Then came the Intro and opening lines to C.C Rider as "Aloha" Elvis rocked the house. The audience exploded in delight with everyone clapping and cheering - and it stayed that way for the whole concert.
Starting with "Elvis In Concert" made me wonder how the show would manage to get back to "early Elvis" and the fifties.
However I should not have worried since the production values were the best I have witnessed, with a very clever segue from later Elvis merging back to vintage Elvis singing 'Shake Rattle & Roll' his very first TV performance.
(Right; The amazing impact of Elvis up-close) |

By now D.J. Fontana had arrived - he looked as though he was having the time of his life - with The Dempseys providing instrumental backing to 'Heartbreak Hotel' and other delights.
(Right: D.J. Fontana - Photo copyright Paul Gansky)
Go here for more of Paul Gansky's concert photos.
Again the vintage Elvis merged into the 68 come back special footage with Elvis singing 'Blue Suede Shoes' and a bit of 'All Shook Up' and, yes, the crowd were all-shook-up by this stage. By now the time was right for some movie magic which included a fabulous 'Baby, I Don’t Care', 'Jailhouse Rock', 'Rock a Hula Baby', 'Return to Sender', 'Viva Las Vegas' etc. A little shorter than the 2002 version, but still very nicely done. |
The end of the first half was completed with some 'TTWII' action which showed Elvis at his very best. He poured his heart out to 'You Lost That Loving Feeling', 'Bridge Over Trouble Water', and the tearjerker 'The Wonder Of You' just to name a few. A fabulous treat was seeing three camera angles of Elvis running at the same time, all synced and on multiple separate screens.
EPE even used timecode at the bottom of the screen as if to point out that it was "new/rare" footage. While it was material as seen on the TTWII bootleg DVDs, it was the first time I have seen it used in public. This made the impact even greater as Elvis rocked along with 'Mystery Train/Tiger Man' & ' Suspicious Minds'. |
20 minute Intermission
After a short intermission Priscilla emerged in the middle of the audience, shaking people hands and saying hello as she made her way to the stage. This was jaw-dropping, giving a lovely intimate and friendly feel to her appearance. Priscilla seemed to be the most confident I have ever seen her.
She thanked the fans for the support and made the shocking announcement that this would be the very last 'Elvis In Concert' presentation. After 10 years of successful international touring this 30th Anniversary concert was the perfect highlight on which to end.
Priscilla then introduced her whole family, who were sitting just a few rows up from our own seats…. (what a nice surprise)…. everyone from the Beaulieus to Lisa’s kids to Priscilla’s boy Navarone.
(Photo Right: EIN had prime position seats right in front of the Presley/Beaulieu families) |
Priscilla then told us how Elvis had always been concerned about the plight of the poor and that she and Lisa also has these concerns. This explained the Elvis duet with Lisa Marie of 'In the Ghetto' which highlights the fact of problems with hand-guns with young children and how more care needs to be taken. It was a powerful message which touched everyone in the room.
Of course everyone expected it to be just a video but the curtains suddenly parted to reveal Lisa on stage (photo right) to sing the finale of the song. Did anyone else notice she didn’t have any shoes on? She seemed to be very nervous…..I don’t blame her…. the crowd was huge, but she did a good job with the song.
This was another very special moment. She then thanked all of us for coming and explained the different charities that she was involved in. I hope the duet does well and ‘Presley Place’ in New Orleans gets some well-deserved funding. |
THEN…. that face on the screen asking, ‘Are you looking for Trouble?’… and It was back to the Elvis concert which from this point onwards was given a standing ovation to almost every song he sang. How can anything beat the emotion of ‘Just Pretend’ when Elvis sings it in Memphis?
Another emotional highlight was the Gospel segment featuring all of Elvis backing groups and featuring songs from ‘Peace In The Valley’, through to the marvellous surprise of ‘Oh, Happy Day’ and the poignant ‘If I Can Dream’.
(Right: Elvis and the heavenly choir, - 'If I Can Dream') |
Once again the concert cleverly segued back to Elvis in his white-jumpsuit with ‘I’ll Remember You’ before the heart-stopping finale. Everyone’s favourites were there from ‘Polk Salad Annie’ to ‘Big Hunk o’ Love’, 'My Way' to 'What Now My Love' etc.
The excitement kept on building as we headed for the true highlight of 'American Trilogy". I have never seen any performer pour his heart out to a song like Elvis. Of course the concert ended with the moving finale of 'Can't Help Falling In Love' and with everyone in a state of emotional disbelief, it was all over.
It was an amazing concert and experience which I will never ever forget. The shared emotions of this adoring, loving, crowd wrapped up in the beauty of Elvis as he sang from his heart and soul could never be repeated. There is nothing that could beat this Concert for me, hopefully the complete show will be released on DVD in the near future, so we can all experience it again.
It really was a hot August Night and for 17,000 blessed Elvis fans nothing will ever be the same again.
EIN Note: The producers of the show even used ISO camera material from Aloha that EIN has never realised had been recorded before. This was from at least two Aloha cameras, a wide-shot of the stage plus the main Elvis camera. Definitely new footage to me which must have been a post-production safety back-up recording, seeing as the show was switched "live-to-air" as a TV show would be.
Click here for more amazing photos of the concert, Elvis Week and Priscilla
CC Rider
Burning Love
You Gave Me A Mountain
Can't Stop Loving You
Johnny B Goode (all above with the TCB Band)
The Early Years - with DJ Fontana, & The Dempseys...
Shake, Rattle and Roll
Heartbreak Hotel
Hound Dog
Love Me
Don't Be Cruel
All Shook Up
Blue Suede Shoes (1968 Elvis in the black leather)
Film Years -
Baby, I Don’t Care (Jailhouse Rock)
Teddy Bear (Loving You)
Jailhouse Rock (Jailhouse Rock)
Love Me Tender (Love Me Tender)
Rock a Hula Baby (Blue Hawaii)
Bosa Nova Baby (Fun in Acapulco)
Return to Sender (Girls, Girls, Girls)
I Got a Woman (Loving You)
Viva Las Vegas (Viva Las Vegas)
Las Vegas - with the TCB Band
That's All Right
Mystery Train
You Lost That Loving Feeling
Are You Lonesome Tonight
Wonder of You
Suspicious Minds
20 minute Intermission
"In the Ghetto" - Lisa Marie's duet with Elvis
Lisa Marie talked to the audience.
Trouble - with TCB Band
Polk Salad Annie
Just Pretend
You Don't Have to Say You Love Me
Walk a Mile in My Shoes
Bridge over Troubled Waters
Peace in the Valley - with the Jordanaires
O Happy Day - with the Sweet Inspirations
He Touched Me - with The Imperials, Stamps
Sweet Sweet Spirit - with the Stamps
How Great Thou Art - Elvis with the Jordanaires, Stamps, Imperials
If I Can Dream - with everyone including Millie Kirkham and the Sweet Inspirations
I'll Remember You - TCB Band and everyone
What Now My Love
Big Hunk of Love
My Way
American Trilogy
Can't Help Falling in Love.
Elvis Midnight concert Review.
The Elvis Midnight Concert was a more intimate Vegas atmosphere. It started off with the Rocky training-music montage. It did feel like a championship boxing match and we all knew that Elvis was going to be the winner. The Sweet Inspirations opened the concert with their song 'Sweet Inspiration'. Followed by the Imperials who sang 'The Train' (nice use of the lyric 'Memphis Train') - Elvis would record this as 'My Babe'.
Then it was show time. Elvis steps on stage singing 'That’s All Right' from the TTWII followed by some rarities such as 'Sweet Caroline' and 'Make the World Go Away' which was great to see and hear. The midnight intimacy of 'Just Pretend' sounded just as good as the main concert and 'Don’t Cry Daddy' was beautifully performed.
The pace cranked up as Elvis rocked with 'Polk Salad Annie' and 'Suspicious Minds'. Once again the concert seemed to rush by as all too soon Elvis was once again finishing with 'Can't Help Falling in Love'. |
Obviously created to satisfy fans who couldn't obtain tickets for the first sell-out show, the Midnight Concert was just as good as the main concert with Elvis Rocking the House down. Long live The King.
Sweet Inspiration - with the Sweet Inspirations
This Train - with The Imperials
That's All Right - with Elvis and the TCB Band
Hound Dog
Don't Be Cruel
Mystery Train
Just Pretend
You Don't Have to Say You Love Me
Sweet Caroline
Polk Salad Annie
Heartbreak Hotel
One Night with You
Are You Lonesome Tonight?
All Shook Up
Blue Suede Shoes
Love Me Tender
Make the World Go Away
Don't Cry Daddy
In the Ghetto
Walk a Mile in My Shoes
I've Lost You
Bridge Over Troubled Water
Wonder of You
Suspicious Minds
Can't Help Falling in Love.
Review by Tony Canatta, Carolyn Mitchell, Mandy Squair & Piers Beagley.
Photos Sanja Meegin & Piers Beagley.
Update - Click here for more fabulous exclusive Concert photos from Paul Gansky
Click here for more of Sanja Meegin's amazing photos of the concert, Elvis Week and Priscilla
Photos & Review copyright EIN, August 2007-
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