Reviewed by Nigel Patterson, March 2010
.......Violate, obscene and outrageously entertaining!........
About Filthy Elvis:
Filthy Elvis was born in a phone booth, the fat bastard child of a fortune telling waitress and an alcoholic mule skinner, somewhere in Alabama.
Raised on chitlins, collard greens and greazy yardbird, he also developed a healthy appetite for The King, thanks to his mother's devoted collection of Elvis records.
Reviewing any Filthy Elvis album is always problematic.
Their “X” rated themes and language are a politically incorrect potion which will be reviled by many, while for others their heady mix of wild rock ‘n’ roll and adult humor will bring more than a smile to the face.
As we know younger fans visit EIN, I will not print the full track listing and interested readers and potential listeners can use the link below to access more scurrilous information. |
On Filthy Elvis IV the following 15 Elvis tracks get the “filthy” treatment (most ending up with different titles and markedly different lyrics to the original recordings):
- Big Hunk of Love
- Fame and Fortune
- Suspicious Minds
- Crying in the Chapel
- (Now and Then) There’s A Fool Such As I
- Bossa Nova Baby
- Surrender
- I Got Stung
- Little Sister
- Don’t
- You’re a Heartbreaker
- Wear My Ring Around Your Neck
- Trouble
- Polk Salad Annie
- I Love You Because (which brings new meaning to Do the Clam!).
This 4th instalment in the Filthy Elvis series starts with “Lordy, there’s a party in my pants” before seguing into a wild vocal with Tiny Tim overtones (not the Tiptoe Through the Tulips Tiny Tim, but the Tiny Tim whose Rock album should be mandatory listening for any serious rock aficionado). Let’s just say the lyrics are not for the faint hearted! Risque is a massive understatement!
Mid Review 'Danger! Danger! Will Robinson' Warning:
Those of strong religious persuasion, excessive youth or tender feeling are likely to be affronted by listening to Filthy Elvis IV.
While decency laws prevent me from describing most tracks in any detail, Elvis’ poignant Love Me Tender is transmorphed by Filthy Elvis into Sore and Tender while Suspicious Minds is now Suspicious Loins, with what many consider to be Elvis’ best ever single retaining its iconic melody and potent musical power but taking on a very new story meaning. You're A Heartbreaker becomes You're A Ballbreaker while Bossa Nova Baby becomes Booga Suga Baby. Amazingly, Don't and Trouble retain their original title even if the rest of their lyrics have had an hilarious but morally corrupt makeover.
As an album, Hubba Hubba Bubba!! more than satisfies one's appreciation of strong musical endeavour with a strong blend of vocal dexterity, guitar, banjo, drums and percussion, while at the same time assaulting our perceptions of how Elvis' legendary recordings should be sung!
But wait, there’s more, and things get decidedly worse when one hears what Filthy Elvis has done to the sacred lyrics of Crying in the Chapel. Sacrilege is the least of it, yet not one beat of Elvis’ 1965 #1 hit is missed! In any case the end result is the same and you can leave all your cares behind.
And if you want to know what "he's" so often up to in the bathroom, then Hubba Hubba Bubba!! is definitely the album for you. As for what has been lyrically done to the classic, toe tapping rocker, Wear My Ring Around Your Neck, fathers lock up your daughters now!!!
What can be said about Filthy Elvis is that it is a tight rock ‘n’ roll outfit with a wonderful sense of an irreverent, chauvinistic psyche. Lead singer Filthy Elvis has a great 'Elvis style' voice with a defined and very effective Tiny Tim vibrato, and the instrumentation on each track is first rate. The album pounds along with great beat, humorous but decidedly adult lyrics; and all in all (depending on your view) it is either a wonderful sense of fun or a seriously warped case of moral turpitude. It’s also fairly certain that Filthy Elvis will never play at your local parish function or Holiday Picnic Day.
Verdict: It is not possible to properly describe the musical merit of Filthy Elvis IV!! Hubba Hubba Bubba!. It is an album that needs to be heard to be experienced. With deliciously varied rock, gospel and Latino flavours the beat and lyrical delivery is wildly infectious. For those who can get past the porn film language, the ride is a unique rock journey; albeit a resonantly explosive, politically incorrect and sexually driven might say listening to this release is a devilshy, guilty pleasure.
Anyway, it’s all about the music, isn’t it? And if it is, this is a deliriously great album! But always remember: When in doubt, protect your member!
One final word of caution: If you are listening to Filthy Elvis IV and there are others in the home or office, I strongly recommend you do so wearing headphones to avoid potential divorce, immediate termination of employment or having to place children (and even wife/partner/boss/colleagues) in long term therapy!.....have I adequately warned you.........(in one monosyllable word) YES!!!!
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