Lisa Marie Presley - Michael Jackson
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Lisa Marie paid tribute to her ex-husband Michael Jackson saying, "I am so very sad and confused with every emotion possible. I am heartbroken for his children, who I know were everything to him and for his family. This is such a massive loss on so many levels, words fail me."
Lisa Marie married singer Michael Jackson on May 26, 1994 in the Dominican Republic.
She was a major support to him while he went through the public accusations of child molestation.
At the time Lisa Marie said, "I believed he didn't do anything wrong, and that he was wrongly accused and, yes, I started falling for him. I wanted to save him. I felt that I could do it." |
Lisa Marie posted this message on June 26th.
He Knew.
Years ago Michael and I were having a deep conversation about life in general.
I can't recall the exact subject matter but he may have been questioning me about the circumstances of my Fathers Death.
At some point he paused, he stared at me very intensely and he stated with an almost calm certainty, "I am afraid that I am going to end up like him, the way he did."
I promptly tried to deter him from the idea, at which point he just shrugged his shoulders and nodded almost matter of fact as if to let me know, he knew what he knew and that was kind of that.
4 years later I am sitting here watching on the news an ambulance leaves the driveway of his home, the big gates, the crowds outside the gates, the coverage, the crowds outside the hospital, the Cause of death and what may have led up to it and the memory of this conversation hit me, as did the unstoppable tears. |
A predicted ending by him, by loved ones and by me, but what I didn't predict was how much it was going to hurt when it finally happened.
The person I failed to help is being transferred right now to the LA County Coroners office for his Autopsy.
All of my indifference and detachment that I worked so hard to achieve over the years has just gone into the bowels of hell and right now I am gutted.
I am going to say now what I have never said before because I want the truth out there for once.
Our relationship was not "a sham" as is being reported in the press. It was an unusual relationship yes, where two unusual people who did not live or know a "Normal life" found a connection, perhaps with some suspect timing on his part. Nonetheless, I do believe he loved me as much as he could love anyone and I loved him very much.
I wanted to "save him" I wanted to save him from the inevitable which is what has just happened.
His family and his loved ones also wanted to save him from this as well but didn't know how and this was 14 years ago. We all worried that this would be the outcome then.
At that time, In trying to save him, I almost lost myself.
He was an incredibly dynamic force and power that was not to be underestimated.
When he used it for something good, It was the best and when he used it for something bad, It was really, REALLY bad.
Mediocrity was not a concept that would even for a second enter Michael Jackson's being or actions.
I became very ill and emotionally/ spiritually exhausted in my quest to save him from certain self-destructive behavior and from the awful vampires and leeches he would always manage to magnetize around him.
I was in over my head while trying.
I had my children to care for, I had to make a decision.
The hardest decision I have ever had to make, which was to walk away and let his fate have him, even though I desperately loved him and tried to stop or reverse it somehow.
After the Divorce, I spent a few years obsessing about him and what I could have done different, in regret.
Then I spent some angry years at the whole situation.
At some point, I truly became Indifferent, until now.
As I sit here overwhelmed with sadness, reflection and confusion at what was my biggest failure to date, watching on the news almost play by play The exact Scenario I saw happen on August 16th, 1977 happening again right now with Michael (A sight I never wanted to see again) just as he predicted, I am truly, truly gutted.
Any ill experience or words I have felt towards him in the past has just died inside of me along with him.
He was an amazing person and I am lucky to have gotten as close to him as I did and to have had the many experiences and years that we had together.
I desperately hope that he can be relieved from his pain, pressure and turmoil now.
He deserves to be free from all of that and I hope he is in a better place or will be.
I also hope that anyone else who feels they have failed to help him can be set free because he hopefully finally is.
The World is in shock but somehow he knew exactly how his fate would be played out some day more than anyone else knew, and he was right.
I really needed to say this right now, thanks for listening.
~LMP |
Myrna Smith EIN Interview: Myrna Smith is one of the original Sweet Inspirations, the backing group who sang with Elvis in concert from 1969 until the very end. She has also worked with stars from Aretha Franklin to Van Morrison and has provided the world with some of the best soulful harmonies that have ever been recorded. It was actually Myrna who introduced a young Lisa Marie to her future husband Michael Jackson. In 2003 EIN's Piers Beagley interviewed Myrna Smith when she was in Australia along with the TCB Band. She talked in depth about her time with Elvis, Colonel Parker, her relationship with Lisa Marie and lots more.
Go here to this recently re-discovered interview
(Interview, Source;EIN) |
Presley Tributes for Michael Jackson: Lisa Marie paid tribute to ex-husband Michael Jackson today saying, "I am so very sad and confused with every emotion possible. I am heartbroken for his children, who I know were everything to him and for his family. This is such a massive loss on so many levels, words fail me."
Lisa Marie married singer Michael Jackson on May 26, 1994 in the Dominican Republic. She was a major support to him while he went through the public accusations of child molestation.
At the time Lisa Marie said, "I believed he didn't do anything wrong, and that he was wrongly accused and, yes, I started falling for him. I wanted to save him. I felt that I could do it."
They stayed married from 1994 until January 1996 when Lisa Marie filed for divorce but still remained friends.
In a move that may have been designed to help support Jackson's heterosexuality, Lisa Marie appeared in close to nothing in Jackson's rather bizarre music video for his 1995 song "You Are Not Alone". The song made #1 in the US charts.
Click here to see the 'You Are Not Alone' video on YouTube.
Priscilla Presley, the pop star's former mother-in-law, also expressed her sadness saying, "I'm in shock, as I know everyone must be. What a tragic loss. My heartfelt thoughts are with his family at this very difficult time."
(News, Source;EIN) |
Like Elvis, Michael Jackson was a troubled king; Michael Jackson didn't want to be just a superstar. Like the Beatles, he wanted to be the biggest, the undisputed king. He wanted to topple the reigning man with the crown, Elvis.
In the end, Jackson came to resemble Elvis in both the best and worst ways - supremely gifted and successful but also self-destructive and beset by demons. And like Elvis, he died way too young.
"It's just so weird. He even married Elvis' daughter," said author-music critic Greil Marcus, who wrote at length about Presley in his acclaimed cultural history, Mystery Train.
Elvis Presley died a over-weight middle-aged man after overdosing on prescription drugs at home in 1977 at age 42.
Michael Jackson died on Thursday at age 50 after being rushed from his Los Angeles home to UCLA Medical Centre.
Jackson was taking prescription drugs as he battled to get into shape for his gruelling concert comeback due to get underway in London next month, a lawyer for the family said on Thursday.
Jackson, like Elvis, fought long-running battles with prescription medication throughout his career, and was taking the drugs after suffering injuries during training for his comeback, lawyer and spokesman Brian Oxman said.
While endless fame seemed to inflate Elvis like helium, Jackson's fame seemed to scrub away the flesh from his bones.
Like Elvis, Jackson was once beautiful, outrageous, a revolutionary without politics, who broke down the walls between black and white. He had the hits, the style, the ego, the talent.
He was the "King of Pop," and he needed only to fill in the life: He married Elvis' daughter. He bought the rights to some of Elvis' songs.
Elvis owned Graceland, its name a symbol for a deliverance the singer prayed for until the end of his life.
Jackson had Neverland, a fantasy for a man-child for whom money provided the chance to live in a world of his own.
He did, and did not, want to be like Elvis.
In Moon Walk, a memoir published in 1988, Jackson insisted Elvis was not important to him growing up and that he was unhappy to learn a song he recorded with his brothers, Heartbreak Hotel, shared the name of Presley's first national hit.
"I swear that was a phrase that came out of my head, and I wasn't thinking of any other song when I wrote it," Michael Jackson wrote.
"The record company printed it on the cover as This Place Hotel, because of the Elvis Presley connection. As important as Elvis was to music, black as well as white, he just wasn't an influence on me. I guess he was too early for me. Maybe it was timing more than anything else.
By the time our song had come out, people thought that if I kept living in seclusion the way I was, I might die the way he did. The parallels aren't there as far as I'm concerned, and I was never much for scare tactics.
Still, the way Elvis destroyed himself interests me because I don't ever want to walk those grounds myself."
Sadly Michael Jackson like Elvis ended up walking that lonely street to his too early demise. (News, Source;SanjaM/Hillel Italie) |
Pop legend Michael Jackson dead at 50: In a strange twist Michael Jackson who would have been Elvis' son-in-law when he married Lisa Marie has died on this fateful day June 26th. (June 25th in USA). He is reported to have died of a heart attack after he was rushed to hospital in Los Angeles. He suffered a cardiac arrest earlier this afternoon and paramedics were unable to revive him. Spokespersons for Jackson could not be reached for comment but earlier, The LA Times reported paramedics went to the singer's home and found him not breathing.
In 1994, Jackson married Elvis’ only child, Lisa Marie, but the marriage ended in divorce in 1996. Jackson married Debbie Rowe the same year and had two children, before splitting in 1999. The couple never lived together.
The newspaper said paramedics performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation at the scene before taking him to the UCLA Medical Centre.
Jackson had been due to start a series of comeback concerts in London on July 13 running until March 2010. (News, Source;ABC) |
Jackson's funeral likely to be bigger than that of Elvis Presley: Late King of Pop Michael Jackson's funeral is expected to be even bigger than Elvis Presley's in 1977, when 75,000 fans lined the streets of Memphis.
If that happens, Jackson's funeral will become the biggest the entertainment world has seen.
According to reports, plans were under way on Saturday for a private service and public memorial for the music legend, whose body was moved to a private mortuary.
A source close to the Jackson family revealed that the singer's coffin was being kept under armed guard to deter ghoulish fans trying to discover its secret location.
Jackson's funeral is expected to take place on Wednesday or Thursday, believably, at the enormous Forest Lawn cemetery in Los Angeles. |
Following the funeral may be a public service, expected to claim a global audience as big as that of Princess Diana.
Hollywood legend Elizabeth Taylor, 77, who was one of Michael's closest friends, and Sir Paul McCartney, who sang with him but fell out when Jackson bought the back catalogue of Beatles' music from under his nose, are expected to be among mourners.
Mourners are also likely to include Liza Minnelli, Jackson's former wife Lisa Marie Presley and Brooke Shields, Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, and Madonna.
Jackson was raised as a Jehovah's Witness, who are forbidden from following funeral customs that are mentioned in the Bible, including rowdy wakes and alcoholic toasts.
The faith is still followed by most of his close family, apart from brother Jermaine, who became a Muslim 20 years ago.
Jackson was briefly linked to the Nation of Islam group but never fully embraced the Muslim faith.
"The Witness path is the one Michael's mother and father, Joe and Katherine, are anxious to follow for his funeral," the Daily Express quoted a family friend as saying last night.
(News, Source;SanjaM/EIN) |
Interview & Articles by Piers Beagley
-Copyright EIN, 2009
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